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1、国际货物销售合同运输条款练习试卷 1 及答案与解析一、单项选择题每题 1 分。以下备选答案中只有一项最符合题目要求,不选、错选均不得分。1 If the L/C simply stipulates an expiry date without a shipment date,it means that( ) (A)two dates are not the same(B) two dates are the same(C) shipment date is earlier than expiry date.(D) expiry date is earlier than shipment dat

2、e.2 The terms “middle” of a month in the letter of credit shall be construed as( ) (A)the 1st to the 10th(B) the 11th to the 20th(C) the 5th to the 15th(D) the 21st to the 30th3 Shipment on Jan.20” is a(n)way of stipulating the date of shipment.(A)adaptable(B) inadaptable(C) flexible(D)inflexible4 I

3、f the latest date of shipment is March 30, 2008, the goods should be shipped( ) (A)before March 30(B) between March 15 to March 30(C) on March 30(D) on or before March 305 In order to prevent the( ) from opening the L/C late, the exporter should stipulate at the same time “The relevant L/C must reac

4、h the( ) not later than January 31, 2008.”(A)sellerbuyer(B) sellerexporter(C) buyerimporter(D) buyerseller6 If the shipment date is “first half of December” in the credit, then the goods must be shipped ( )(A)before December 15th(B) After December 15th(C) December 1st to the 15th, all dates inclusiv

5、e.(D)December 1st to the 15th, excluding December 1st.7 Which of the following words applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shipment will be understood to exclude the date mentioned? ( ).(A)to(B) till(C) after(D) from二、判断题每题 1 分。正确的用 A 表示,错误的用 B 表示。不选、错选均不得分。8 Time of Shipment ref

6、ers to the time limit for loading the goods at the port of shipment.( )(A)正确(B)错误9 If the shipment date is “second half of May” in the credit, then the goods must be shipped before May 20.( )(A)正确(B)错误10 When traders set the time for shipment in a contract, the exporter should consider whether he ca

7、n get the goods ready before the shipment date and whether the ship is available if the goods are ready. ( ) (A)正确(B)错误11 If the L/C stipulates that the expiry date is July 31st without a shipment date, then the latest shipment date is construed as July 21st. ( ) (A)正确(B)错误12 Methods of transport is

8、 one of the terms of shipment. ( )(A)正确(B)错误13 The term“first half”of a month refers to 1st to 16th.( )(A)正确(B)错误14 Sometimes, the L/C only stipulates an expiry date without shipment date, which means these two dates are the same. ( )(A)正确(B)错误三、多项选择题每题 2 分。以下备选项中有两项或两项以上符合题目要求,多选、少选、错选均不得分。15 The L

9、/C stipulates that shipment date( ) on or about May 20, 2003, itmeans that the goods can be shipped on board the vessel between.(A)May 15 to May 25(B) May 20 to May 25(C) May 20 to May 30(D) May 10 to May 2016 Which of the following words applying to any date or period in the credit referring to shi

10、pment will be understood to include the datementioned. ( ) (A)until(B) from(C) after(D) to17 Terms of shipment include ( )(A)shipping documents(B) port or place of loading and unloading(C) partial shipment and transshipment(D) time for shipment18 In the following expressions, ( )are not the proper w

11、ays of stipulating time of shipment?(A)Shipment on or about June 20, 2008(B) Shipment not later than July 31st, 2008(C) Shipment on June 20, 2008(D)Shipment to be made immediately.19 Which of following expression of shipment date is clear andflexible?( )(A)Shipment on or about July 2(B) Shipment on

12、June.20(C) Shipment as soon as possible.(D)Shipment to be made during the middle of September, 2003.20 1)UCP500 2) liner freight tariff 3) expiry date 4) ports of call 5) partial shipments 6) liner transport 7) sailing schedule 8) shipping space 9) dispatch money 10) bunker surcharge21 1)租船运输 2) 交单

13、3)违约 4) 转船附加费 5) 装运港 6)装运有效期 7) 合同条款 8) 最迟装运期 9) 装运条款 10)信用证国际货物销售合同运输条款练习试卷 1 答案与解析一、单项选择题每题 1 分。以下备选答案中只有一项最符合题目要求,不选、错选均不得分。1 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款2 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款3 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款4 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款5 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款6 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条

14、款7 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款二、判断题每题 1 分。正确的用 A 表示,错误的用 B 表示。不选、错选均不得分。8 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款9 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款10 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款11 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款12 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款13 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款14 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款三、多项选择题每题 2 分。以下备选项中

15、有两项或两项以上符合题目要求,多选、少选、错选均不得分。15 【正确答案】 A,B【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款16 【正确答案】 A,B,D【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款17 【正确答案】 A,B,C,D【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款18 【正确答案】 C,D【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款19 【正确答案】 A,D【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款20 【正确答案】 1)跟单信用证统一惯例国际商会第 500 号出版物 2)班轮运价表 3) 有效期 4) 挂靠港 5)分批装运 6) 班轮运输 7)船期表 8)舱位 9) 速遣费 10) 燃油附加费【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款21 【正确答案】 1) shipping by chartering 2) presentation of documents3) break contract 4) transshipment additional 5) port of loading 6) shipment date 7) terms of contract 8) the latest date for shipment 9) terms of shipment 10) letter of credit【知识模块】 国际货物销售合同运输条款


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