1、 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 6 E n g l i s h p r i c e g r o u p 7 N o p a r t o f t h i s t r a n s l a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d w i t h o u t p r i o r p e r m i s s i o n o f D I N D e u t s c h e s I n s t i t u t f r N o r m u n g e . V . , B e r l i n . B e u t h V e r l a g G m b H ,
2、 1 0 7 7 2 B e r l i n , G e r m a n y ,h a s t h e e x c l u s i v e r i g h t o f s a l e f o r G e r m a n S t a n d a r d s ( D I N - N o r m e n ) .I C S 9 1 . 0 1 0 . 2 0 ; 9 3 . 0 3 0!%sp“2568077www.din.deD I N 1 8 3 0 0G e r m a n c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t p r o c e d u r e s (
3、 V O B ) P a r t C : G e n e r a l t e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s i n c o n s t r u c t i o n c o n t r a c t s ( A T V ) Earthworks,E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n o f D I N 1 8 3 0 0 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9V O B V e r g a b e - u n d V e r t r a g s o r d n u n g f r B a u l e i s t u n
4、 g e n T e i l C : A l l g e m e i n e T e c h n i s c h e V e r t r a g s b e d i n g u n g e n f r B a u l e i s t u n g e n ( A T V ) Erdarbeiten,E n g l i s c h e b e r s e t z u n g v o n D I N 1 8 3 0 0 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9C a h i e r d e s c h a r g e s a l l e m a n d p o u r d e s t r a v a u x
5、d e b t i m e n t ( V O B ) P a r t i e C : C l a u s e s t e c h n i q u e s g n r a l e s p o u r l e x c u t i o n d e s t r a v a u x d e b t i m e n t ( A T V ) T r a v a u x d e t e r r a s s e m e n t ,T r a d u c t i o n a n g l a i s e d e D I N 1 8 3 0 0 : 2 0 1 6 - 0 9SupersedesD I N 1 8
6、3 0 0 : 2 0 1 5 - 0 8www.beuth.deD o c u m e n t c o m p r i s e s 1 6 p a g e sDT r a n s l a t i o n b y D I N - S p r a c h e n d i e n s t .I n c a s e o f d o u b t , t h e G e r m a n - l a n g u a g e o r i g i n a l s h a l l b e c o n s i d e r e d a u t h o r i t a t i v e .11.16 DIN 18300
7、:2016-09 2 A comma is used as the decimal marker. Foreword This document has been prepared by the Deutscher Vergabe- und Vertragsausschuss fr Bauleistungen (DVA) (German Committee for Construction Contract Procedures). Amendments This document differs from DIN 18300:2015-08 as follows: a) the docume
8、nt has been editorially revised; b) the references to VOB/A have been updated; c) the normative references have been updated as of 2016-04. Previous editions DIN 1957: 1932-09 DIN 1959: 1932-09, 1937-08 DIN 1962: 1925-08 DIN 18300: 1955-07, 1958-12, 1974-08, 1979-10, 1988-09, 1992-12, 1996-06, 2000-
9、12, 2002-12, 2006-10, 2010-04, 2012-09, 2015-08 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition o
10、f the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. DIN 1960, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part A: General provisions relating to the award of construction contracts DIN 1961, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part B: General conditions of contract relating to
11、the execution of construction work DIN 4020, Geotechnical investigations for civil engineering purposes Supplementary rules to DIN EN 1997-2 DIN 4094-4, Subsoil Field testing Part 4: Field vane test DIN 4123, Excavations, foundations and underpinnings in the area of existing buildings DIN 4124, Exca
12、vations and trenches Slopes, planking and strutting breadths of working spaces DIN 18122-1, Soil, investigation and testing Consistency limits Part 1: Determination of liquid limit and plastic limit DIN 18123, Soil, investigation and testing Determination of grain-size distribution DIN 18125-2, Soil
13、 investigation and testing Determination of density of soil Part 2: Field tests DIN 18300:2016-09 3 DIN 18126, Soil, investigation and testing Determination of density of non-cohesive soils for maximum and minimum compactness DIN 18128, Soil Investigation and testing Determination of ignition loss D
14、IN 18136, Soil Investigation and testing Unconfined compression test DIN 18137-2, Soil, investigation and testing Determination of shear strength Part 2: Triaxial test DIN 18141-1, Subsoil Analysis of rock samples Part 1: Determination of the unconfined compressive strength DIN 18196, Earthworks and
15、 foundations Soil classification for civil engineering purposes DIN 18299, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) General rules applying to all types of construction work DIN 18303, German construction contract procedure
16、s (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Timbering to trenchwork DIN 18306, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Underground drainage DIN 18307, German construction contract proc
17、edures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Laying of pressure pipework outside buildings DIN 18308, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Land drainage and infiltration managem
18、ent works DIN 18311, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Dredging work DIN 18312, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Underground cons
19、truction work DIN 18320, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Landscape work DIN 18322, German construction contract procedures (VOB) Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) Underground
20、 cable laying work DIN 18915, Landscaping Soil preparation DIN EN 1610, Construction and testing of drains and sewers DIN EN 1997-2, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design Part 2: Ground investigation and testing DIN EN 1997-2/NA, National Annex Nationally determined parameters Eurocode 7: Geotechnical des
21、ign Part 2: Ground investigation and testing DIN EN ISO 14688-1, Geotechnical investigation and testing Identification and classification of soil Part 1: Identification and description DIN EN ISO 14688-2, Geotechnical investigation and testing Identification and classification of soil Part 2: Princi
22、ples for a classification DIN EN ISO 14689-1, Geotechnical investigation and testing Identification and classification of rock Part 1: Identification and description DIN 18300:2016-09 4 DIN EN ISO 17892-1, Geotechnical investigation and testing Laboratory testing of soil Part 1: Determination of wat
23、er content DIN EN ISO 17892-2, Geotechnical investigation and testing Laboratory testing of soil Part 2: Determination of bulk density DIN EN ISO 22475-1, Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Part 1: Technical principles for execution DIN 18300:2016-09
24、 5 Contents Page 0 Details required for drafting the specification of works . 5 1 Scope 8 2 Materials and components . 9 3 Execution of work 11 4 Associated tasks and special tasks 13 5 Settlement of accounts 15 0 Details required for drafting the specification of works The following information sup
25、plements the general information specified in DIN 18299, clause 0. Without this information, a specification of works as required in 7 ff., 7 EU ff. or 7 VS ff. of VOB/A (DIN 1960) cannot be properly drawn up. This information does not form part of the contract. The specification of works shall, in
26、particular, include the following information as and when applicable. 0.1 Site information 0.1.1 Type and condition of areas to work on. 0.1.2 Types and depths of foundations of, and constructional details of, and loads from, neighbouring structures and the extent to which these are at risk. 0.1.3 T
27、ype and condition of any existing supports or enclosure of the site. 0.1.4 Type, location, dimensions and owner of natural and man-made cavities and obstructions, e.g. anchors, sections of stabilized ground, impervious elements, grout, geosynthetics, vibrated concrete columns, joint sealants, sleeve
28、 pipes, borehole fills. 0.1.5 Geotechnical category according to DIN 4020. DIN 18300:2016-09 6 0.2 Details of execution of work 0.2.1 Number, type, location, dimensions and constructional details of earthworks. 0.2.2 Type, location, constructional details, number, dimensions and intended use of exca
29、vations (pits and trenches) - including the minimum dimensions of working spaces - and their depths, stated separately if need be, and also the level of the bottom. 0.2.3 Angle of slopes and constructional details of berms. 0.2.4 Any permissible deviations from the specified thickness or cross secti
30、ons of soil to be excavated or placed, in particular as regards the formation and strata. 0.2.5 Any work to be done for supporting or reveting excavations, trenches, slopes and embankments. 0.2.6 Work to install or remove any supports for excavations, trenches, slopes and embankments. 0.2.7 Any prot
31、ective layer of soil to be left at the bottom of the excavation, its thickness and time for its removal. 0.2.8 Description and classification of soil, rock and other materials in accordance with clause 2. 0.2.9 Results of probes to determine density/compactness. 0.2.10 Noticeable changes in properti
32、es and condition of soil, rock and other materials after excavation. 0.2.11 Restrictions regarding the use of materials, particularly recycled materials. 0.2.12 Any decontamination, treatment and use of soil, rock and other materials and method of placing or other uses, taking into account environme
33、ntally relevant substances. 0.2.13 Identifcation of substances that are of potential environmental relevance where these impact on the disposal of excavated soil and rock by the contractor. 0.2.14 Type, location, length and condition of hauling routes, and any restrictions on their use. Hauling rout
34、es over 50 m, grouped separately, if need be, according to length or the plan according to which the soil is to be placed. 0.2.15 Facilities for, and types of, soil stockpiling, particularly in excavation work. 0.2.16 Any use of soil or rock for landscaping according to DIN 18915. 0.2.17 Type and sc
35、ope of any required certificates of suitability or quality for materials to be delivered by the client. 0.2.18 Any requirements relating to compaction, and any proof to be provided. DIN 18300:2016-09 7 0.2.19 Requirements resulting from expert opinion, particularly from geotechnical records in accor
36、dance with DIN 4020, DIN EN 1997-2 and DIN EN 1997-2/NA or in respect of hydrogeology, with details of the extent to which these requirements are to be taken into consideration in doing the work. 0.2.20 Requirements resulting from water authority permissions. 0.2.21 Any necessary precautions against
37、 the ingress of groundwater, spring, seepage, perched or surface water from adjacent areas. 0.2.22 Design of connections to/junctions with other structures. 0.2.23 Any use of geosynthetics. 0.2.24 Type, location, number, sizes and mass of fitments (such as staff gauges, manhole sections, pipes). 0.2
38、.25 Restrictions arising from geotechnical analyses. 0.2.26 Removing any soil from exposed components. 0.2.27 Protective and supporting measures for endangered structures. 0.3 Details not included in the specifications of this standard 0.3.1 If specifications are to be made that are not included in
39、the specifications of this standard, they shall be described separately and clearly in the specification of works. 0.3.2 Such specifications may be of particular relevance in: subclause 3.1.1, if the technique to be used, the scheduling of the work, hauling routes or the type and deployment of equip
40、ment are to be specified by a person other than the contractor, subclause 3.1.7, if other deviations of surfaces from the specified level are to apply. 0.4 Details of associated tasks and special tasks No details are required supplementary to those given in DIN 18299, subclause 0.4. 0.5 Accounting o
41、f works In the specification of works, accounting of works, to be done separately according to type of work, material, homogeneous zones and dimensions, shall be based on the following units: removal, loading, haulage and placing of material and fill: by volume (m3), area (m2) or mass (t), accounted
42、 for separately according to length of hauling route where this exceeds 50 m, beaching, pitching, riprap, rockfill, soil, etc.: by volume (m3), area (m2) or mass (t), compaction: by volume (m3) or area (m2), placing of material to the specified level, slope and flatness, and restoring these: by area
43、 (m2), DIN 18300:2016-09 8 making cable jointing pits, pulling pits, launch pits, retrieval pits, or trial pits: by volume (m3) or number, removal, loading and hauling of remains of structures, large boulders and the like: by volume (m3), number or mass (t), cleaning of surfaces: by area (m2). 1 Sco
44、pe 1.1 This standard deals with earthwork such as the breaking, loading, removal, placing and compaction of soil, rock and other materials. It also covers earthwork carried out in conjunction with timbering to trenchwork (see DIN 18303), underground drainage (see DIN 18306), the laying of pressure p
45、ipework outside buildings (see DIN 18307), land drainage and infiltration management works (see DIN 18308), underground cable laying work (see DIN 18322). 1.2 This standard does not cover topsoil and uprooting work, or the protection of trees, plants and vegetation (see DIN 18320), removal of soil b
46、etween the front and back of lagging elements when timbering to trenchwork (see DIN 18303), work to place fill around the pipes (see DIN 18306, DIN 18307 and DIN 18322), earthwork in conjunction with dredging work (see DIN 18311), earthwork in conjunction with underground construction work (see DIN
47、18312). 1.3 DIN 18299, clauses 1 to 5 shall also apply. In cases where the specifications of DIN 18299 contradict the present standard, DIN 18300 shall take precedence. DIN 18300:2016-09 9 2 Materials and components The specifications of DIN 18299, clause 2 shall be supplemented as follows: 2.1 Gene
48、ral 2.1.1 Soil, rock and other materials are not normally to be supplied by the contractor. 2.1.2 Where the contractor is to supply soil, rock and other materials, supply is to include on-site unloading and stockpiling. 2.1.3 Pipes within the meaning of DIN 18300 are drainage pipes, land drains, subsoil drains and pipework, cables, conduits and the associated ducts. 2.2 Description of soil and rock The following standards are applicable to the investigation, identification and description of soil and rock: DIN 4020 DIN 4094