1、UDC 621.882.082.6 : 625.2 DEUTSCHE NORMEN May 191 Round Screw Thread with Clearance and Steep Flank with Pitch 7 mm Limiting Dimensions of Screw Threads and Allowances - Permissible Deviations and Permissible Wear of Screw Thread Gauges - DIN 262 Pari 2 Rundgewinde mit Spiel und steiler Flanke mit S
2、teigung 7 mm; Gewindegrenzmae und Abmae - Zulssige Abwei. chungen und zulssige Abnutzungen der Gewindelehren Dimensions in mm Allowances and tolerances in Fm Limiting dimensions of screw threads and allowances Gauges can ominal Outside Minor Pitch Outside Minor Pitch he used for ameter diameter I di
3、ameter I diameter diameter 1 diameter I diameter 2) engagement Bolt Nut The maximum bolt diameters and the minimum nut diameters correspond to the theoretical values. 1) The maximum outside diameter D of the nut is not laid down numerically. 2) The allowances and limiting dimensions laid down for th
4、e pitch diameters of the nut are only intended as a guide for the execution of the gauges and tools, and not for lhe testing of the workpieces. Continued on page 2 Sole sale rights of German Standards (DIN-Normen) are with Beuth Verlag GrnbH, Berlin 3Oand Kln 1 DIN 262 Teil 2 engl. Preisgr. 4 09.80
5、Vertr.-Nr. O1 04 Page 2 DIN 262 Part 2 Permissible deviations and permissible wear of the screw thread gauges Thread ,GO“ ring gauge Thread ,GO“ plug gauge I Theoretical profile of nut Theoretical profile of bolt 3) The permisible deviations for the pitch apply to a measurement over an arbitrary iength within the engagement length of the screw (gauge length). Testing according to DIN 5606 Part 2