DIN 53483-1-1969 Testing of Insulating Materials Determination of Dielectric Properties Definitions General Information《绝缘材料的检验 介电性能的测定 定义、一般信息》.pdf

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DIN 53483-1-1969 Testing of Insulating Materials Determination of Dielectric Properties Definitions General Information《绝缘材料的检验 介电性能的测定 定义、一般信息》.pdf_第1页
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DIN 53483-1-1969 Testing of Insulating Materials Determination of Dielectric Properties Definitions General Information《绝缘材料的检验 介电性能的测定 定义、一般信息》.pdf_第2页
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DIN 53483-1-1969 Testing of Insulating Materials Determination of Dielectric Properties Definitions General Information《绝缘材料的检验 介电性能的测定 定义、一般信息》.pdf_第3页
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DIN 53483-1-1969 Testing of Insulating Materials Determination of Dielectric Properties Definitions General Information《绝缘材料的检验 介电性能的测定 定义、一般信息》.pdf_第4页
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1、DEUTSCHE NORMEN July 15 UDC 621.315.61 : 620.1 : 621.317.335.3 : 621.317.374 I OIN ,inverkauf der Normbliter dureh Beuth-Vertrieb GmbH, Berlin 30 und Kln Dm 53483 B1.1 engl. Preisgr Bestimmung der dielektrischen Eigenschaften; Begriffe, Allgemeine Angaben For connection with IEC Publication 250-1968

2、, see Explanations. This Standard hae been com iled as a result of co-operation between the German Standards Association (DNA) and the society of German Electrical.Engineers (VDE) represented on the joint DNA/VDE Committee “Dielectric Neasurements“ and it agrees in subject matter wlth DE Specificati

3、on VDE 0303 Part 4, jointly with DIN 53483 Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. The following also belong to this Standard: DIN 5p83 Sheet 2 DIN 53483 Sheet 3 Testing of insulating materials, determination of dielectric properties; testing at standard frequencies 50 He, I IrHz, I MBz -; measuring cells for liquids

4、for frequencies up to 100 me Purther sheets are in course of preparation. Contents Page 1. Scope . 1 2. Definitions . 2 3. Sampling . 3 4. Treatment of specimens 3 5. Test procedure 3 6. Evaluation 3 7. Test report 3 1. ScoDe miis Standard covers the determination of relative permittivity (DZ) Er di

5、electric loss factor tan 6 ana loss index (DV) &; of insulating materials to which sinusoidal a.c. voltages are applied. N o t e : physical factors such as frequency, electric field strength, temperature, moisture, mechanical stre68, ionizing radiation, homogeneity and isotropy. With inhomogeneous a

6、nd anisotropic materials in particular, a discrepancy between the preferred orientation in relation to the direction of the electric test field strength Bay lead to difference6 in the results. For these reasons, testing of the dielectric properties of insulating materiale should agree with the condi

7、tions in actual service. In addition, recording of the frequency or temperature dependence of the relative permittivity and of the dielectric loss factor or loss index in particular can provide information concerning the chemical and physical structure of the insulating material. Measurement6 at spe

8、cified frequencies and subject to agreed treatment of the Specimens can be undertaken for checking compliance with given dielectric profierties (e.g. type ratings). The preferred frequencies are 50 ifs, 1 kHz and 1 NEZ. The dielectric properties of insulating materials depend on a variety of externa

9、l and internal Continued on pagee 2 and 3 Explanations on page 4 Page 2 DIN 53483 Sheet I 2. Definitions The English translations of the denominatione are not part of the content of this Standard. 2.1. The ratio of the capacitance uhere c Le the velocity of light and f is the frequency), and in whic

10、h the space between the electrodes is entirely and exclusively filled with the insulating material in question, to the capacitance CO of the empty electrode configuration in vacuum: r e 1 a t i v e p e r m i t t i v i t y Er of an insulating material is the N o t e permittivity the velocity 5 propag

11、ation of a plane electro-magnetic wave of the same frequency in vacuum to that in the insulating material in question: 1: In the microwave region, the above definition can be replaced by the following: The relative of an (infinitely-extending, loss-free) insulating material is the square of the rati

12、o of Where: co c N 0 t e ambient air is 1.00058, so that the capacitance Co of the electrode configuration in air can be used to determine the relative permittivity of insulating materials with sufficient accuracy. The relative permittivity thus shows, with an adequate degree of accuracy, by how muc

13、h the capacitance C, of a capacitor with a dielectric exceeds the capacitance CO of the same capacitor with air. 2.2. The p e r m i t t i v i t y (see DIN 1357: which gives 8.854 19 IO-* l?/3. N o t e : permittivity of empty space Lo: 2.3. The d i e 1 e c t r i c 1 o s s f a c t o r the tangent of t

14、he lose angle 5 by which the phase difference between current and voltage in the capacitor variates from 5 when the dielectric of the capacitor consists exclusively of the insulating material. li o t e 1 : For measurement of the dielectric losa factor, the current and voltage are assumed to be sinus

15、oidal. Their harmonic content must not exceed 1 56. No t e difference between current and voltage presents difficulty. In such cases the above definition of the dielectric loss factor tan 6 can generally be replaced by the following: the dielectric loss factor of a volume (e.g. OP the insulating mat

16、erial) is 2Ttimes the ratio of the average electrical energy converted into heat in this volume in one-half-cycle to the average electrical energy stored reversibly therein. The reciprocal of the dielectric loss factor tan6is designated as the “Quality“ or “Q“. is the velocity of propagation of the

17、plane electro-magnetic wave in vacuum (wavelength 8,) is the velocity of propagation of the plane electro-magnetic wave in the insulating material (wavelength Ac). 2: At room temperature and under normal atmospheric pressure, the relative permittivity of the of emp space Co (electric constant) is O.

18、O8854pF/cm The permittivity of an insulating material is the product of relative permittivity 6, and the E = Er * 6, (3) tan 6 of an insulating material ia 2 : Very often, and particularly at relatively high frequencies, the measurement of the phase (4) 1 tan6 =Q No t e 3 : Any capacitor with losses

19、 can be represented by a loss-free capacitance and a resistance which can be regarded as being either in parallel or in series. These two cases give rise to different values of capacitance and resistance (5) 1 c =c P I + tan26 . I + tan26 R P tan26 Where : C and R are quantities in the parallel equi

20、valent circuit, Cs and Rs are quantities in the series equivalent circuit, also u = 2 %f and f is the frequency in Hz. The dielectric loss factor is the same for each of the two equivalent circuits: P P tanbzz - =ucs R wcP *P (6) (7) The parallel equivalent circuit should be taken as the basis for c

21、alculating the relative permittivlty. If a measuring circuit yields the results in terms of a series configuration, and if tan2 is too large to be ignored in equation (5). then the capacitance should be converted to the parallel configuration before the permittivity is calculated. The capacitance va

22、lues C and Cs differ from each other: P by less than 1 % when tan6 C 0.10 and by lesa than 0.1 % when tan6 4 0.03. 2.4. The 1 o s s i n d e x E“ of an insulatin material is the product of the relative permittivity t, an8 the dielectricrloss factor tan 55: E; = r tan6 (8) DIN 53483 Sheet 1 Page 3 2.5

23、. The relative complex permittivity gislinkedwiththe relative permittivity and the loss index as follows: 3I:oceurefor sampling and preparing the specimens is covered in the relevant standards and ME specifications for the insulating material concerned. 5e methods used shall not modify the condition

24、 and composition of the insulating material, nor shall the specimen removed experience any damage in this way. If the surface of the specimen undergoes any mechanical treatment at the points contacted by the electrodes, the nature of such treatment shall be indicated in the test report. 3.2. !be f o

25、 r m of s p e c i m e n is governed by the relevant standards covering the measuring method to be uaed, and by the electrode configuration. When teste are being made over a wide frequency range it may be necessary to prepare different forms of specimen. 3.3. The n u m b e r of specimens required is

26、governed by the relevant standards and VDE specifications for the insulating material concerned. If there are no relevant standards, at least 3 specimens shall be tested for each of the prescribed treatments specified and for each form of specimen so that an average value can be formed from the resu

27、lts (see Section 7). 4. Treatment of specimens !be treatment of specimens is governed by the relevant standards and ME specifications for the insulating material concerned, or according to agreements to be reached, or according to the envisaged application of the insulating material. The testing can

28、 be carried out as follows: 4.1. Without pretreatment of the specimens, subject to the temperature and relative humidity in the teat room being stated. N o t e : In this case the results obtained will depend on the fortuitous, undefined condition of the specimen. 4.2. After pretreatment of the speci

29、mens to impart a definite condition and hence to obtain results which are comparable for the insulating material concerned. 4.3. After treatment of the specimens in order to determine, in a comparable manner, how the results are affected by different factors which are important in the application of

30、 the insulating material, such as the effect of mechanical stressing and the action of heat, moisture, chemicals (see DIN 50010, DIN 50013, DIN 50015 and DIN 50016) and high-energy radiation (see DIN 53750, e.$. still circulating as draft). 4.4. The duration of the treatment shall be selected from t

31、he following Scale: 2 hours 4 hours 16 hours 1 day 2 days 4 days1 7 days 1 and whole-number multiples of 7 days. 5. Test Dmcedure 5.1. The specimens are treated according to Section 4. 5.2. The testing ia carried out according to the relevant standards for the measuring method concerned. 6. Evaluati

32、on 6.1. Evaluation of the results is carried out according to the relevant standards for the measufing method concerned, subject to compliance with Section 2 of this Standard. 7. Test report The test report shall refer to this Standard and quote the following particulars: we, designation and form of

33、 the insulating material concerned Preparation, form, dimensions and data of preparation of the specimens Type and duration of treatment carried out on the specimens Electrode configuration, where appropriate type of adherent electrode Measuring e uipment N o t e : d ta on the kind of mechanical tre

34、atment carried out on the specimens at the points contacted by the efectrodeo. &sentia1 for this purpose are particulars of the electrode dimensions and, where applicable, Test climate Applied voltage Applied frequency Relative permittivity &, Mean value Dielectric loss factor Mean value Date of tes

35、t. ) In special cases, other durations of treatment may also be chosen, e.8. 10 days. tan 6 or losa index Er Page 4 DIN 53483 Sheet I Explanations In order to keep abreast of developments in test methods and international standardization, the content of what was previously DIA 53483, October 1955xis

36、sue and DIN 53483 Supplementary Sheet 2. October 1955 issue has now been split up into DIN 53483 Sheet 1 to Sheet 3. The issue of further standards in place of DI13 53483 Supplementary Sheet 1, October 1955xissue is envisaged. This Stnndard agrees in content with Sections 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8 of the IEC

37、 Publication 250-1968 “Recommended methods for the determination of permittivity and dielectric dissipation factor of electrical insulating materials at power, audio and radio frequencies including metre Furthermore, the content of the standard has been so formulated that it can also be applied at f

38、requencies above 300 MHz (wavelengths 1 m). R!Gec4_io!?-Z:2: In contrast with DIN 1357, the electric constant is used in units of pF/cm, since this is a more convenient size for the kind of measurements made in practice. Re Section 2.3. For the designation of the dielectric loss factor the symbol ta

39、n 6 (as a function of the angle 6 ) has been deliberately retained instead of the more general d (see DIN 1304 and VDE 0560 Part 1) since the measure- ment concerned assumes harmonic-free current and voltage. - Re-Secton2:z: Further information on using the test equipment can be obtained from the operating instructions supplied by the equipment manufacturers. 2, IEC: International Electrotecnical Commission

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