DIN 8607-1976 Machine Tools Lathes of Normal Accuracy Swing above 800 up to 1600 mm Acceptance Conditions《机床 旋转直径800 至1600mm标准精度车床 验收条件》.pdf

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DIN 8607-1976 Machine Tools Lathes of Normal Accuracy Swing above 800 up to 1600 mm Acceptance Conditions《机床 旋转直径800 至1600mm标准精度车床 验收条件》.pdf_第1页
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DIN 8607-1976 Machine Tools Lathes of Normal Accuracy Swing above 800 up to 1600 mm Acceptance Conditions《机床 旋转直径800 至1600mm标准精度车床 验收条件》.pdf_第2页
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DIN 8607-1976 Machine Tools Lathes of Normal Accuracy Swing above 800 up to 1600 mm Acceptance Conditions《机床 旋转直径800 至1600mm标准精度车床 验收条件》.pdf_第3页
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DIN 8607-1976 Machine Tools Lathes of Normal Accuracy Swing above 800 up to 1600 mm Acceptance Conditions《机床 旋转直径800 至1600mm标准精度车床 验收条件》.pdf_第4页
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DIN 8607-1976 Machine Tools Lathes of Normal Accuracy Swing above 800 up to 1600 mm Acceptance Conditions《机床 旋转直径800 至1600mm标准精度车床 验收条件》.pdf_第5页
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1、Machine Tools Lathes of Normal Accuracy Swing above 800 up to 1600 mm Acceptance Conditions DIN I 8607 Werkzeugmaschinen; Drehmaschinen mit normaler Genauigkeit; Umiaufdurchmesser ber 800 bis 1600 mm; Abna hmebedingungen For connection with the International Standard IS0 1708-1 975 published by the

2、International Organization for Standardization (ISO), see Explanations. Dimensions in mm Type: Machine number: Recipient: Order num ber: Customer: Date: 1 Purpose and application This Standard defines technical acceptance conditions for lathes with normal accuracy, swing above 800 up to 1600 mm. The

3、y comprise preparatory measures, geometrical testings on the machine (manufacturing accuracy) and practical testings on workpieces (working accuracy). The test conditions conform to DIN 8601 (successor issue at present circulating as draft), see Explanations. If some of the testings are not to be ca

4、rried out or if additional testings are necessary, this is to be separately agreed between manufacturer and customer. The relevant German specifications are to be observed for testing the safety of the machine. The test procedures only state the test principle and the recommended test apparatus usua

5、lly to be found in the majority of firms. Other test procedures corresponding to DIN 8601 (successor issue at present circulating as draft) and of equivalent accuracy are permissible. In the column headed “Test instructions“ the section number from DIN 8601 (successor issue at present circulating as

6、 draft) is shown at the end in cases where the testing concerned corresponds to the stipulations contained therein. 2 Preparatory measures Object of testing Verifi- cation of level ling a in longi- tudinal direction Diagram a Test apparatus Precision level Optical or other methods Acces- sories (par

7、allels, measuring bridge etc.) suited to the type of slide- way Test instructions Carriage at middle of bed. Make the measure- ments at a number of positions equally spaced along the entire length of the bed. a Place the level on the front and rear slideways. Variations permissible a 0.015mrn L 1) u

8、p to 500mrn (convex) 0.03 mm L over 500 up to 1000mm (convex) 3) Local tolerance 2): 0.01 rnm over 250 mm. If the turning length exceeds loo0 mrn, the permissible variation is to be increased by 0.02 mm for each additional fomm (convex) 3, Local tolerance: 0.02 mm over 500 mm a ,I 1) L =Turning leng

9、th 2) Permissible variation which is referred to a specified length and can be measured at any point. L 3) At the two ends the local tolerance can be twice as large over the length- 4 Continued on pages 2 to 8 Explanations on page 8 Alleinverkauf der Normen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH. Berlin 30 und Kln

10、 1 03.78 Vertr.- Nr. 0106 DIN 8607 engl. Preisgr. Page 2 DIN 8607 Object of test i ng b in transverse direction 3 Geometrical testings Straightness of carriage movement in the horizontal plane or in the plane defined by the axis of the centres and the tool point Parallelism of carriage movement and

11、tailstock guides a in the horizon ta I plane b inthe vertica I plane Diagram a A A 4, s J,=L constant b Test apparatus See01 a a Lupto 1500 mm Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Test mandrel or straight- edge 300 up to 500 mm long b forany turning length Test wire and micro- scope or optical method

12、s Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Test instructions b Place level on measuring bridge (straightedge). For both measurements the level may also be placed on the transverse slide or carriage. 3.1 .I a Mount test mandrel between centres. Dial indicator on carriage. Stylus be

13、aring in the hori- zontal plane against the test mandrel. Traverse carriage along the test mandrel. b Attach test wire at headstock, pass it over a pulley at the end of the bed and tension with a weight. Microscope on carriage. Line up the test wire at c and d by means of the cross wires of the micr

14、oscope. Traverse car r age along the test wire. a or 5.2 -3.2 .I b Dial indicator on carriage; stylus in contact with tailstock sleeve. The tailstock sleeve must be run out to a sufficient distance and locked as under normal working conditions. Traverse carriage and tai

15、lstock jointly over the full length of the bed. Variations permissible b 0.04mm/m change in inclination a and b 0.02 mm L up to 500 mm 0.025 mm L over 500 up to 1000 mm If the turning length exceeds 1000 mm, the permissible variation is to be increased by 0.005 mm for each add itiona I 100

16、0 mm, but without exceeding a maximum per missi ble variation of 0.05 mm. measured a 0.04 mm a . b 0.04 mm b . Loca I tolerance: over 500 mm L up to 1500 mm 0.02 mm 0.03 mm over 500 mm L above 1500 mm D IN 8607 Page 3 No G3 testing a Period- ical axial slip of spindle b Cammins of shoulder Run-out o

17、f spindle nose centring taper . G5 Ispindie a at the spindle nose b ata distance equa I to half the maximum turning diameter, subject to a maximum of 500 rnm Diagram -F I a b Test apparatus Dial indicator according to DIN 879 (Auxiliary measure- ment aid) - Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Dial i

18、ndicator accord i ng to DIN 879 Test mandrel with mounting taper Test instructions Dial i ndicqtor a on spindle axis b on spindie shoulder Slowly rotate spindle. In the event of play in the thrust bearings, apply constant force F. The value of F is to be specified by the manufacturer. 5.6.2 5.6.3 Ap

19、ply the dial ndicator at right ingles to the circum- erence of the taper. Slowly rotate spindle. In the event of play n the thrust bearings, ipply constant force t; The value of F is to le specified by the nan ufacturer. 5.6.1 -2.2 Test mandrel in internal taper. Apply dial indicator to circumferenc

20、e of test mandrel. Rotate spindle. Measure at a, then at b. Variations permissible a 0.015 mm b 0.02 mm (including periodical axial slip) 0.015 mm a 0.015 mm b 0.05 mrn for a measuring length of 500 mrn measured a b a b Page 4 DI N 8607 Object of testing Paral lei ism if spindle axis with

21、xrriage novement )ver a lengtl ?qual to hal. :he maxi- num turnin! j ia meter, iubject to a naximum f 500 rnm I inthe iorizontal )lane I in the rertical I la ne Parallelism of tailstock sleeve axis withcarriagc movement a in the horizontal plane b inthe vertical plane Parallelism of receiving taper

22、in ta Istock with carriage move ment a in the horizontal plane b in the vertical plane Diagram d .c h Test apparatus Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Test mandrel with mounting taper Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Test mandrel with mounting taper Test inst

23、ructions Test mandrel in inter- nal taper. Bring to midway position of runout. Bring stylus into contact with circum- ference of test man- drel. Traverse carriage through the test distance; sequence of measurements as for G5. Bring dial indicator into contact with retracted and l

24、ocked tailstock sleeve at c. Advance sleeve through 100 mm and re-lock. Traverse carriage to d. Measure at position c, then at d. Test mandrel in retracted and locked tailstock sleeve. Bring dial indicator into contact at c and traverse carriage along test mandrel. Variatic permi

25、ssible a 0.03mm over 500 mm directed towards tool point b 0.04 mm over 500 mm directed upwards a 0.02 mm over 100 mm directed towards tool point b 0.03 mm over 100 mm directed upwards a 0.05 rnm over 500 mrn directed towards tool point b 0.05 mm over 500 mrn directed upwards DIN 8607 Page 5 Object o

26、f testing ieadstock ind tail- ;tack :entres for ;ame height ibove refer- mce plane ara I lelism f spindle ixis with ongitudinal novement f upper ;lide Squareness of spindle axis to movement of cross- slide Periodical axial slip of leadscrew Diagram Test apparatus Dial indicator according to DIN 879

27、Test mandrel for mo un t i ng between centres Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Test ma nd re1 with mounting taper Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Test plate or straight- edge Dial indicator according to DIN 879 Steel ball according to DIN 5401 Test instructions Tailnock and tail- stock sleeve

28、 locked. Bring dial indicator into contact with top generatrix of the test mandrel. Measure at both ends of the mandrel. 3.2.2 5.4.2 -2 -3 Align upper slide guides parallel with spindle axis in the hor izo nta I plane. Lock carriage. Mount test mandrel in internai taper and bring to midway position

29、of runaut. Traverse upper slide, with dial indicator attached thereto, along the test mandre according to the travel provided. 5.4.2 2-3 Dial indicator mountec on crossslide. Test plate or straight- edge fixed to spindle. Traverse crosssiide through 300 mm. 3.2.2 Bring dial indicator into

30、contact with steel ball in centre hole in leadscrew. Using leadscrew, traverse carriage in both directions. This measurement can be dispensed with if the practical testing P3 (working accuracy) is carried out. . Variations permissible 0.06 mm (Tai Istock centre higher) 0.04 mm over

31、 300 mm 0.02 mm over 300 mm Error direction a8900 0.02 mm in each direction measured . Page 6 DIN 8607 Object of testing Measure- ment of pitch . accuracy 3 generated by lead- :crew 3 measured 3n lead- screw Diagram 300 mai. M1 M2 Test apparatus a Dial indicator according to DIN 879 and master leads

32、crew b Precision measuring i nstr ment to. choice (but use nut 3r nut segment) Test instructions 3 Mount master leadscrew between :entres and apply Jial indicator to flank J As an alternative to measurement a, 3 test diagram traced ,y the leadscrew Nhen not installed cai )e presented. Variations per

33、missible a and b: over 300 mm L up to 2000 mm measured at any point 0.04 mm If the turning length exceeds 2000 mm, the permissible variation is to be increased by 0.005 mm for each additional 1000 mm, but wit ho ut exceeding a maximum per missi ble variation of 0.05 mm over 300 mm Local tolerance: 0

34、.015 mm over 60 mm measured at any point mea! a . . . b ._. . . .I. . . DIN 8607 Page 7 4 Practical testinns Object of testing Working accuracy on longi- tudinal turning a Round- ness b Cylin- dricity Work i ng accuracy on facing - Diagram 20 20 1 =0.5 da da maximum turning diamet d L 0.5 da da I, =

35、 - 8 Machining conditions In the absence of any special agreements the manu- facturer wi I I specify: Form of tools used, material for the test workpieces (cast iron or steel) also feed rate, depth of cut, cutting speed etc. The work- piece is to be mounted overhung in a suitable chuck and Finish- t

36、urned in a single setting. The work- piece is to be mounted in a suitable chuck. It is to have two or three ann u lar surfaces (one of these being in the middle) which are to be faced in a single pass. Test apparatus Precision measuring instrument or external micrometei with dial indicator according

37、 to DIN 879 Straight- edge (of suitable length for the diam- eter of the test work- piece) and Slip gauge i Slip gauges 1 Variations rest instructions a Two-point measurement. The largest diameter difference determined is the amount of the variation b Thediffer- ence in the two diameters turned is t

38、he amount of the variation. 3.1 3.2.2 4.1 4.2 Place straight- edge on the faced surface of the test workpiece, either direct or on two slip gauges of the same thickness Determine distance be- tween straight- edge and test workpiece by introducing slip gauges over the whole diameter. 3.1 3.2.2 b 0.04

39、 rnm I = 300 mm 1.025 mm I = 300 mm The surface s a I lowed :oncave mly. measured a . b 1 . - d . Page 8 DIN 8607 Theworkpiece is to be -300 P- mounted Precision measuring instrumen 3 - Diagram between centres and finish-cut in a single set- ting. The thread may II The screwcutting accuracy is deter

40、mined by the geometrical testing GI 3. The practical testing P3 is therefore carried out only when specially agreed. start at any point on the leadscrew. Test instructions The test instruction can be specified according to the type of precision measuring instrument used by the manufacturer. 3.1,3.2.

41、2 4.1,4.2.2 6.1, 6.2 Variations permissible 0.04 mm over 300mm L up to 2000 mm If the turning length exceeds 2000 mm, the permis- sible variation is to be in- creased by 0.005 mm for each additional 1 O00 mm, but without exceeding a maximum per missi b le variation of 0.05 mm over 300mm. Loca I tole

42、rance: 0.01 5 mm over 60mm measured at any point. measured . Explanations This Standard relates mainly to the incorporation of the Standard IS0 1708-1975, issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). E: Test conditions for general purpose parallel lathes - F: Conditions dessai

43、 des tours paralleles dusage The IS0 Standard distinguishes 3 types of lathe for which the following standards DI N 8605 - Lathes of high accuracy; swing up to 500 mm; turning length up to 1500 mm; acceptance conditions. DIN 8606 - Lathes of normal accuracy; swing up to 800 mm; acceptance conditions

44、. DIN 8607 - Lathes of normal accuracy; swing above 800 up to 1600 mm; acceptance conditions have been issued. Testing of the accuracy general - Contrle de la precision Compared with the September 1941 issue of DIN 8607, the testings have been supplemented as follows: G IO: Parallelism of spindle ax

45、is with longitudinal movement of upper slide and G 1 1 : Squareness of spindle axis to movement of cross-slide. The following practical testings have been added: Testing P 1: Cylindricity and Testing P 3: Accuracy of pitch on screwcutting. The test methods in the Standard correspond with IS0 Recommendation ISO/R 230 E: Machine Tool Test Code F: Code dEssais des Machines-Outils on the basis of which DIN 8601 “Acceptance conditions for machine tools for the machining of metals; general rules“ (successor issue at present circulating as draft) has been prepared.

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