DIN CEN ISO TS 16410-2-2012 Electronic fee collection - Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO TS 17575-3 - Part 2 Abstract test suite (ISO TS 16410-2 2012) English version .pdf

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1、Juli 2012 Normenausschuss Automobiltechnik (NAAutomobil) im DINDKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik im DIN und VDEPreisgruppe 11DIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V. Jede Art der Vervielfltigung, auch auszugsweise, nur mit Genehmigung des DIN Deutsches Institut fr

2、Normung e. V., Berlin, gestattet.ICS 03.220.20; 35.240.60Zur Erstellung einer DIN SPEC knnen verschiedene Verfahrensweisen herangezogen werden: Das vorliegende Dokument wurde nach den Verfahrensregeln einer Vornorm erstellt.!$u“1888298www.din.deDDIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2Elektronische Gebhrenerhebung Ko

3、nformittsevaluierung von Einrichtungen nach ISO/TS 17575-3 Teil 2: Abstrakte Prfreihe (ISO/TS 16410-2:2012);Englische Fassung CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012Electronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO/TS 17575-3 Part 2: Abstract test suite (ISO/TS 16410-2:2012);English version CE

4、N ISO/TS 16410-2:2012Perception du tlpage valuation de la conformit de lquipement lISO/TS 17575-3 Partie 2: Suite dessais abstraite (ISO/TS 16410-2:2012);Version anglaise CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012Alleinverkauf der Spezifikationen durch Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin www.beuth.deGesamtumfang 20 Seiten

5、DIN SPEC 70672DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07 2 Nationales Vorwort Dieses Dokument (CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012) wurde vom technischen Komitee CEN/TC 278 Straen-transport und Verkehrstelematik“ ausgearbeitet, dessen Sekretariat vom NEN (Niederlande) gehalten wird, in Zusammenarbeit mit d

6、em technischen Komitee ISO/TC 204 Intelligent transport systems“. Das zustndige deutsche Normungsgremium ist der Gemeinschaftsarbeitsausschuss NA 052-02-71 GA Straenverkehrtelematik“ des Normenausschusses Automobiltechnik. Das Prsidium des DIN hat mit seinem Beschluss 1/2004 festgelegt, dass von dem

7、 in den Regeln der europischen Normungsarbeit von CEN/CENELEC verankerten Grundsatz, wonach Europische Normen in den drei offiziellen Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch und Franzsisch verffentlicht werden, in begrndeten Ausnahmefllen abgewichen und auf die deutsche Sprachfassung verzichtet werden kann. Dies

8、er Teil der ISO/TS 16410 ist Teil einer Normenreihe, die Interoperabilitt von autonomen Systemen fr die elektronische Gebhrenerhebung (EFC) untersttzt. Diese Normenreihe umfasst ISO/TS 17575 Teile 1 bis 4, welche die EFC Inhaltsdaten, deren Gebhrenberichte und die Nutzung der Kommunikationsinfrastru

9、ktur festlegt. Innerhalb der EFC Normenfolge definiert diese Prozedur den Prozess und Prfungen zur Konformitts-evaluierung des Front Ends und Back Ends nach den Anforderungen in ISO/TS 17575-3. Diese Norm legt Anwendungsprotokoll Schnittstellen und deren Zugriff fest und wird somit von EFC Systemher

10、stellern zu Konformittsprfungen herangezogen. Eine DIN SPEC nach dem Vornorm-Verfahren ist das Ergebnis einer Normungsarbeit, das wegen bestimmter Vorbehalte zum Inhalt oder wegen des gegenber einer Norm abweichenden Aufstellungsverfahrens vom DIN noch nicht als Norm herausgegeben wird. Zur vorliege

11、nden DIN SPEC wurde kein Entwurf verffentlicht. Erfahrungen mit dieser DIN SPEC sind erbeten vorzugsweise als Datei per E-Mail an wernvda.de in Form einer Tabelle. Die Vorlage dieser Tabelle kann im Internet unter http:/www.din.de/stellungnahme abgerufen werden; oder in Papierform an den Normenaussc

12、huss Automobiltechnik, Behrenstr. 35, 10117 Berlin DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07 3 Nationaler Anhang NA(informativ) Begriffe Fr die Anwendung dieses Dokuments gelten die folgenden Begriffe und Festlegungen. 3.1 Konformittsprfung (en: conformance testing) Test in der Tiefe um festzu

13、stellen, ob die zu testende Implementierung eine konforme Implementierung ist ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994, Definition 3.3.23 3.2 Zu testende Implementierung (en: implementation under test) IUT Implementierung einer oder mehrerer Kommunikationsprotokoll Schichten hin zur nchst hheren Nutzer/ Anbieter Beziehu

14、ngsebene, die Teil des zu untersuchenden Echtzeit Systems whrend der Tests ist ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1994, Definition 3.3.43 3.3 Zu testendes System (en: system under test) SUT Echtzeit System, das die zu testende Implementierung beinhaltet ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1994, Definition 3.3.103 3.4 Testfall (en: test c

15、ase) ein abstrakter oder durchfhrbarer Testfall ISO/IEC 9646-1: 1994, Definition 3.3.107 DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07 4 Leerseite TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION SPCIFICATION TECHNIQUE TECHNISCHE SPEZIFIKATION March 2012 ICS 35.240.60; 03.220.20 English Version Electronic fee collection -

16、 Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO/TS 17575-3 - Part 2: Abstract test suite (ISO/TS 16410-2:2012) Perception du tlpage - valuation de la conformit de lquipement lISO/TS 17575-3 - Partie 2: Suite dessais abstraite (ISO/TS 16410-2:2012) Elektronische Gebhrenerhebung - Konformittsevaluierun

17、g von Einrichtungen nach ISO/TS 17575-3 - Teil 2: Abstrakte Prfreihe (ISO/TS 16410-2:2012) This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 30 January 2012 for provisional application. The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members

18、of CEN will be requested to submit their comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard. CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS available promptly at national level in

19、an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the CEN/TS) until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,

20、 Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom. Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17,

21、 B-1000 Brussels 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012: E EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 Contents Page For

22、eword . 3 Introduction . 4 1 Scope . 5 2 Normative references 5 3 Terms and definitions 5 4 Abbreviations 6 5 Abstract Test Method (ATM) . 6 5.1 Implementations Under Tests 6 5.1.1 Front-End (FE) 6 5.1.2 Back-End (BE) . 6 5.2 Test architecture 6 5.3 Protocol Implementation Extra Information for Test

23、ing (PIXIT) . 7 6 Untestable Test Purposes (TP) . 7 7 ATS data structures . 7 7.1 ASN.1 description . 7 8 External functions 8 8.1 Functions for communications . 8 9 Message filtering . 8 10 ATS naming conventions 8 10.1 Definition naming conventions . 9 10.2 Test Case identifier . 10 10.3 TTCN-3 mo

24、dules identifier . 10 Annex A (normative) TTCN-3 Library modules for FE and BE 12 Annex B (informative) PIXIT proforma for FE and BE 13 Bibliography 16 DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012 (E) 2 ISO/TS 16410 consists of the following parts, under the general title E

25、lectronic fee collection Evaluation of equipment for conformity to ISO/TS 17575-3: Part 1: Test suite structure and test purposes Part 2: Abstract test suite Foreword This document (CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 278 “Road transport and traffic telematics ,

26、the secretariat of which is held by NEN, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 204 Intelligent transport systems . Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN and/or CENELEC shall not be held responsible for ide

27、ntifying any or all such patent rights. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to announce this Technical Specification: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Franc

28、e, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. ”“ ”DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07 CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012 (E) 3

29、 Introduction This part of ISO/TS 16410 is part of a set of standards that supports interoperability of autonomous EFC-systems, which includes ISO/TS 17575 parts 1 to 4 that define the EFC context data, their charge reports and their use of communication infrastructure. Within the suite of EFC stand

30、ards this conformance evaluation procedure defines the process and tests for conformity evaluation of Front End and Back End that comply with the requirements in ISO/TS 17575-3. This part of ISO/TS 16410 is intended to assess Front End and Back End capabilities, assess Front End and Back End behavio

31、ur, serve as a guide for Front End and Back E nd conformance evaluation and type approval, achieve comparability between the results of the corresponding tests applied in different places at different times, and facilitate communicati ons between parties. This part of ISO/TS 16410 is based on ISO/TS

32、 17575-3, and the ISO/IEC 9646 family of standards on conformance test methodology. DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012 (E) 4 1 Scope This part of ISO/TS 16410 specifies the Abstract Test Suite (ATS) to evaluate the conformity of Front End and Back End to ISO/TS 17

33、575-3. The objective of this part of ISO/TS 16410 is to provide a basis for conformance tests for the Front End and the Back End in Electronic Fee Collection to enable interoperability between different equipment supplied by different manufacturers. The present abstract test suite is directly derive

34、d from ISO/TS 17575-1. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO

35、/TS 17575-1:2010, Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for autonomous systems Part 1: Charging ISO/TS 17575-2, Electronic fee collection Application interface definition for autonomous systems Part 2: Communication and connections to the lower layers ISO/TS 17575-3, Electronic

36、fee collection Application interface definition for autonomous systems Part 3: Context data 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 conformance testing testing the extent to which an IUT is a conforming implementation ISO/IEC 9646-1:19

37、94, definition 3.3.23 3.2 implementation under test an implementation of one or more OS1 protocols in an adjacent user/provider relationship, being that part of a real open system which is to be studied by testing ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994, definition 3.3.43 DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07

38、 CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012 (E) 5 3.3 system under test the real open system in which the IUT resides ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994, definition 3.3.103 3.4 test case an abstract or executable test case ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994, definition 3.3.107 4 Abbreviations For the purposes of this document, the following abbrev

39、iations apply, unless otherwise specified. BE Back End DUT Device Under Test EUT Equipment Under Test FE Front End IUT Implementation Under Test PIXIT Protocol Implementation Extra Information for Testing SCS Semiconductor Characterization System SUT System Under Test TC Test Case 5 Abstract Test Me

40、thod (ATM) This clause describes the ATM used to test the layers at the FE side and at the BE side. 5.1 Implementations Under Tests 5.1.1 Front-End (FE) The part(s) of the toll system where usage data for an individual user are collected, processed and delivered to the Back End. The Front End compri

41、ses the on-board equipment and optionally a proxy. 5.1.2 Back-End (BE) Generic name for the computing and communication facilities of the Service Provider and/or the Toll Charger (see ISO/TS 17575-3). 5.2 Test architecture The implementation under test is either the FE or the BE. The System under te

42、st comprises also the communication sub-layer, which is necessary to perform the IUT tests. DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012 (E) 6 The tester executes the TTCN-3 test cases of the present Test Specification, running on an emulated communication sub-layer. The fi

43、gure below describes the test architecture. 5.3 Protocol Implementation Extra Information for Testing (PIXIT) The supplier of the Front End and Back End, respectively, is responsible for providing a Protocol Implementation Extra Information for Testing (PIXIT). The supplier of the Front End and the

44、Back End shall complete a PIXIT; see Annex B for a proforma. Communication Sub-layerTTCN-3Test executionTESTER SYSTEM UNDER TESTIUTTS 17575-3(FE or BE)eaPort pcoFigure 1 Test system architecture 6 Untestable Test Purposes (TP) This clause gives a list of TPs which are not implemented in the Abstract

45、 Test Suite due to the chosen Abstract Test Method or other restrictions. Table 1 Untestable TPs Test purpose Reason (empty) (empty) NOTE Currently no untestable TPs have been identified. 7 ATS data structures 7.1 ASN.1 description The ATS is based on the following ASN.1 description: ContextDataModu

46、le: it provides the ASN.1 description for ContextData support, including ISO/TS17575-3 ADU descriptions, ChargingModule: it provides the ASN.1 description for charging support, including ChargeReport and ChargeReportResponse, DIN CEN ISO/TS 16410-2 (DIN SPEC 70672):2012-07 CEN ISO/TS 16410-2:2012 (E

47、) 7 EfcModule: : it provides the ASN.1 descrip tion for dedicated short-range communication, CccModule: : it provides the ASN.1 description for Radio Communication between Road-side Equipment and Onboard Equipment, DSRCModule: it provides the ASN.1 descript ion for dedicated short-range communication, AVIAEINumberingAndDataStructures: it provides the ASN.1 description for Automatic vehicle and equipment identification. 8 External functions All external functions are part of the common TTCN-3 source code. 8.1 Functions for communications The two following e

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