DIN EN 10265-1996 Magnetic materials - Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic permeability German version EN 10265 1995《磁性材料 有规定机.pdf

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DIN EN 10265-1996 Magnetic materials - Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic permeability German version EN 10265 1995《磁性材料 有规定机.pdf_第1页
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DIN EN 10265-1996 Magnetic materials - Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic permeability German version EN 10265 1995《磁性材料 有规定机.pdf_第2页
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DIN EN 10265-1996 Magnetic materials - Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic permeability German version EN 10265 1995《磁性材料 有规定机.pdf_第3页
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DIN EN 10265-1996 Magnetic materials - Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic permeability German version EN 10265 1995《磁性材料 有规定机.pdf_第4页
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DIN EN 10265-1996 Magnetic materials - Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic permeability German version EN 10265 1995《磁性材料 有规定机.pdf_第5页
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1、DEUTSCHE NORM January 1996 c o m .- - L s o U a F z L p - c 3 o) o) - o c o P B - o c o Y) Y) .- .- E Q o Q al L .- 6 o 5 3 +. 3 .- u o o 3 U 2 t m n z ? U c m c Y) c r .- c m o o z o DIN Mag net ic mater als Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic p

2、ermeability Enalish version of DIN EN 10265 EN 10265 ICs 29.040.10; 77.140.50 Descriptors: Steel, sheet, magnetic materials. Magnetische Werkstoffe; Anforderungen an Blech und Band aus Stahl mit festgelegten mechanischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften European Standard EN 10265:1995 has the status o

3、f a DIN Standard. A comma is used as the decimal marker. National foreword This standard has been prepared by ECISSTTC 24. The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschu Eisen und Stahl (Steel and Iron Standards Committee). DIN IEC 50-121 is the DIN Standard correspond

4、ing to IEC Publication IEC 50 (121) referred to in clause 2 of the EN. EN comprises 17 pages. Eeuih Verlag GmbH, Berlin, has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen). 07.96 DIN EN 10265 Engl. Price group 8 Sales No. 11 O8 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPKISCHE NORM EN 102

5、65 December 1995 ICs 29.040.10; 77.140.50 Descriptors: Steel, sheet, magnetic materials. English version Magnetic materials Specification for steel sheet and strip with specified mechanical proper- ties and magnetic permeability Materiaux magnetiques; spcification des Magnetische Werkstoffe; Anforde

6、rungen tles et bandes en acier caractristiques an Blech und Band aus Stahl mit festge- mcaniques et permabilit magntique legten mechanischen und magnetischen garanties Eigenschaften This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1995-05-13. CEN members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal

7、 Regulations which stipu- late the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographicai references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Centrai Secretariat or to any CEN member.

8、 This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members ar

9、e the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN European Committee for Standardization Comit Europen de Normalisation Europisches Kom

10、itee fr Normung Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 36, B-IO50 Brussels Q 1995. All rights of reproduction and communication in any form and by any means reserved in all countries to GEN and its members. Ref. No. EN 10265:1995 E Page 2 EN 10265:1995 Contents Page 1 Scope 3 2 Normative references 3

11、3 Definitions 3 3.1 Flatness . 4 3.2 Edge camber 4 4 Classification . 4 5 Designation . 4 6 General requirements . 5 6.1 Production process . 5 6.2 Form of supply . 5 6.3 Delivery condition 5 6.4 Surface condition . 5 6.5 Suitability for cutting 6 6.6 Suitability for welding . 6 Page 7 Technical req

12、uirements 6 7.1 Mechanical properties . 6 7.2 Magnetic properties 6 7.3 Geometrical characteristics and tolerances 6 8 Inspection 11 8.1 General . 11 8.2 Selection of samples 11 8.3 Preparation of test specimens 11 8.4 Test method . 12 9 Additional tests . 13 10 Complaints . 13 11 Ordering informati

13、on 14 Foreword This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISSTTC 24 Electrical steel and strip qualities; qualities. dimensions. tolerances and specific tests the Secretariat of which is held by AFNOR . This standard conforms in substance with ICE Publication IEC 404.8.5 . Thi

14、s European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard. either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement. and conflicting national standards withdrawn. by June 1996 at the latest . In accordance with the CENLENELEC Internal Regulations. the following countries are bound to

15、implement this European Standard: Austria. Belgium. Denmark. Finland. France. Germany. Greece. Iceland. Ireland. Italy. Luxembourg. Netherlands. Norway. Portugal. Spain. Sweden. Switzerland and United Kingdom . Page 3 EN 10265:1995 1 Scope This European Standard defines the grades of steel sheet and

16、 strip with specified mechanical properties and magnetic permeability. In particular it gives the technological, mechanical and magnetic properties, the dimensional tolerances as well as the conditions of acceptance. This European Standard applies to material used for the poles and rims of rotating

17、electrical IllaChineS. These materials correspond to clause D2 of IEC 404-1. 2 Normative references his European Standard incorporates by dated or undatet references provisions hm other pubiications. These nonnative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are

18、listed hereafter. For dated references subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. EC 50 (121) IEC 50 (221)

19、 IEC 304-1 IEC 404-2 EC 4044 EN 10002-1 EN 10021 EN 10027-2 IS0 2566-1 3 Definitions International Electrotechcal Vocabulary (IEV), Chapter 12 1 ; Electromagnetism International Electrotechcal Vocabulary (IEV). Chapter 22 I: Magnetism Magnetic materials - Part I : Classification Magnetic materials -

20、 Part 2: Methods of measurement of magnetic, electrical and physical properties of mapetic sheet and stnp Magnetic materials - Part 4: iMethods of measurement of the d.c. masnetic properties of solid steels Metallic materials - Tensile testins - Part 1: Method of test (at ambient temperature) Genera

21、l technid delivery conditions for iron and steel products Designation system for steels - Part 2: Numerical system Steel - Conversion of elongation values - Part 1: Carbon and low alloy steels The definition of the principal terms relative to magnetic characteristics employed in this standard are gi

22、ven in IEC 50 (121) and IEC 50 (221). In addition, for the purpose of this European Standard. the following dehtions apply Page 4 EN 10265:1995 3.1 flatness 3.1.1 flatness of a sheet: The maximum height of any point of the sheet above a flat horizontal surface, the sheet resting freely on this surfa

23、ce. 3.1.2 flatness of a strip: The property of a length of strip which is characterized by the wave factor, .e., by the relation of the height of the wave to its length. 3.2 edge camber: The greatest distaace between one iongitudinai edge of a length of strip and the line joining the two ends of the

24、 measured section corresponding to this edge. 4 Classification The grades covered by this standard are classified according to the minimum value of the 0.2 % proof stress in newtons per square millimetere” and according to the minimum value of the magnetic flux density for a magnetic field strength

25、of 15 Wm. The grades are classified in hvo groups according to their manufactuM process: hot-roiled materials and cold-rolled matenals. 5 Designation 5.1 order given: The conventional desipation” of the different grades comprises the following in the 1) the specified minimum value of the 0,2 % proof

26、 stress of the material, in newtons per square millimetre; 2) one hundred times the nod thickness of the product, in millimetres; 3) one hundred times the specified minimum value of the magnetic flux density in teslas for a magetic field strength of 15 Wm. EXAMPLE: 350-100 - TF 18 1 for a cold-roile

27、d material with a minimum magnetic flux density of 1,81 T for a magnetic field strength of I5 Wm, a specified minimum 0,2 % proof stress of 350 N/mm, and a nominal thickness of 1,0 mm. 5.2 The numerical designation is in accordance with EN 10027-2. ” I N/mm= I MPa The designation of steel products s

28、pecified in this standard is not included in EN 10027-1. therefore. the designations used are those in iEC 404-8-5 Page 5 EN 10265:1995 6 General requirements 6.1 Production process The production process of the steel and its chemical composition are lefi to the discretion of the manufacturer. 6.2 F

29、orm of supply The material is supplied in bundles in the case of sheets and in coils in the case of strip. The sheets which make up each bundle shall be stacked so that their edges are superimposed in a regular manner. The strip shall be of constant width, and wound in such a way that the edges are

30、superimposed in a regular manner and the end fces of the coil are substantially flat. The coils shall be sufficiently tightly wound that they do not coiiapse under their own weight. The strips may occasionally exhibit welds or interleaves resulting from the junmon made after removal of the defective

31、 zones or from the joinins of several lengths to obtain the sizes of the coils required by the user. in the absence of prior agreement, the form of repair is left to the discretion of the manufacturer. The welds or interleaves shall be marked. For coils contaming repair welds or interleaves. each pa

32、rt of the strip shall be of the same qualin. The edges of the parts welded together shall not be so much out of alignment that their ability to be worked is affected. Material supplied in sheets shall not contain any welds. The mass of bundles of sheet or coils shall be agreed at the time of ordehg

33、6.3 Delivery condition The matenals are normally supplied without an insulating coating. By agreement, the materials can be supplied with an insulating coating on one or both sides. in this case, the nature of the insulating coating, its properties and their verincation shall be subject to special a

34、greement when ordering. Materiais produced by hot-rolling are normally supplied with an oxide scale coating unless they have been ordered pickled. By agreement, the products can.be supplied lightly coated xith oil. Coils supplied with tnmmed edges and sheets shall not contain bum or cutting distorti

35、ons which are prejudicial to the method of workmg of the material. 6.4 Surface condition Unless indicated othenvise. the surfaces shall be smooth and clean, free from grease and rust as iveIl s ail other defects such as scratches. blisters. cracks etc. (see clause IO). However, Page 6 EN 10265:1995

36、dispersed defects can be tolerated if they are withui the tolerance limits for thickness and if they are not detrimental to the correct use of the finished product. 6.5 Suitability for cutting The material shall be capable of being cut or punched without causing premaure wear of tools; it shall be a

37、ble to be cut at any point and in the usual shapes thus ensuring precise working with appropriate tools in gd condition. If there are special requirements for an acceptance test for punching or shearing, these shall be established between the supplier and the purchaser. 6.6 Suitability for weldmg Th

38、e suitability for welding of the material can be the subject of agreement when ordering. 7 Technical requirements 7.1 Mechanical properties The minimum specified values of the 0,2 % proof stress (Rp,2), of the tensile strength (R,) and of the percentage elongation after fiachire (Ash) are given in T

39、ables 1 and 2. 7.3 Magnetic properties The minimum specified values for the magetic flux densip for magnetic field strengths of 5000 and 15 O00 Nrn are given m Tables 1 and 2. 7.3 Geometrical characteristics and tolerances 7.3.1 Thickness The recommended no4 thicknesses are the followkg: - hot-roile

40、d materials: 1,6 mm, 1.8 mm, 2.0 mm, 2,j mm, 3.0 nun, 3,2 mm and 4,j mm; - cold-rolled materials: 0,5 mm, 1,O mm. 1,6 mm, 1,8 mm, and 2,O mm. For thickness tolerance. a distinction is made behveen: - the variation in nod thickness wivithui the same unit of acceptance; - the variation in thickness of

41、 a sheet or in a ien of strip in a direction pdel to the direction of roiling; - the variation in thickness of a sheet or in a length of strip in a direction perpendicular to the direction of roiling. This tolerance applies only to material with a width greater than 15Omm. acceptance is depe

42、ndent on the type of roiling and on the grade of the material: The ailowable tolerance on the nominal thickness the same Unit of a) Hot-roiled materials: i) grades Nith a proof stress equal to or less than 200 Nmm; Page 7 EN 10265:1995 The following table gives the permitted tolerances as a fanction

43、 of the nominal width of the matenal : Nominal width 1 mo1200 Permitted tolerances for nominal thickness e (m) es 1.5 1.5 1200 Permitted tolerances for nominai thickness e (=) es 1.5 l,j IJCci: 2CeS-S UdCil is 600 k0.04 t0.05 *0,05 i 0.07 it 0.07 t 0.08 t0.08 ? 0,lO 600 1200 c 0.09 IO.10 tO.ll *o13

44、f 0.15 +0.17 tO.20 ? 0.23 b) Cold-roiled materials. The following table gives the pemtted tolerances for all grades: 5 II parallel to the direction of roiiing shall not exceed: nie variation in thickness within a sheet or a length of coil of 2 rn in a direction 8 YO of the nominal value for

45、the thtchesses e I 1,s nun; 5 % of the nominai alue for the thichesses e 1,5 mm. shaii not exceed the values in the tables below: The variation in thickness in a direction perpendicular to the direction of rolling a) Hot-rolled material Nominal thickness Permitted difference for wdth i b) Co

46、id-roiied material: Proof suess Nomimi thickness Permitted difference for width I 4.2 e (m) (N/mm) (m) 150 5 i S 600 600 1200 5 350 e .5 0.7 0,03 0.04 0.05 e 0,7 0.04 0.05 OW 400 e s 0,7 0.04 0.05 0,06 e 0.7 0.06 0.07 0.08 7.3.2 Width The commonly available nominal widths are less than 1 250 mm Page

47、 9 EN 10265:1995 Length L (mm) L 51000 L 1 O00 The following tolerances shall apply to the width of matenal delivered with trimmed edges: Permitted tolerances (-1 + 10 O + I%ofL O 1 width I Permitted tolerances (-1 I Hot-rolled I Cold-roiled products for thickness e 4 50 1.200 + 8,O + 7,O + 7,O + 7,

48、O O O O O NOTE: Bv aereement when orderine. the tolerances on the width can aU be minus In the case of material supplied with mill nin rough edges, the tolerances on widths shall be the subject of agreement when ordering. 7.3.3 Length The following tolerances shall apply to the length of the sheets

49、cut from coils: Page 10 EN 10265:1995 Grade 250 300 3 50 JO0 7.3.4 Flatness Maximum distance for nominai thickness e (ml e s 0.7” e 1,23) 0,010 x L 0,009 x L 0,008 x L 0,010 x L 0,009 x L 0.008 x L 0.015 xL 0,012 x L 0,010 x L 0.015 x L 0,012 x L 0.010 x L 0.7 Y U u Li o U (D L 6 I U .- .- U Y Y o C M .- U E“ 3 t (c - z Q u .- E c L Y = .- E Page 16 EN 10265:1995 u m z Page 17 EN 10265:1995 Figure 1: Wave factor in the case of a length of strip Figure 2: Flatness in the case of a sheet I Figure 3: Verification of the edge camber t

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