DIN ISO 13357-1-2009 Petroleum products - Determination of the filterability of lubricating oils - Part 1 Procedure for oils in the presence of water (ISO 13357-1 2002) English ver.pdf

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1、April 2009DEUTSCHE NORM English price group 9No part of this standard may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut fr Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).ICS 75.100; 75.120!$Vo“151762

2、5www.din.deDDIN ISO 13357-1Determination of the filterability of lubricating oils English version of DIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04Minerallerzeugnisse Bestimmung der Filtrierbarkeit von Schmierlen Teil 1: Verfahren fr le in Gegenwart von Wasser (ISO 13357-1:2002)Englische Fassung DIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04Sup

3、ersedesDIN ISO 13357-1:2008-09www.beuth.deDocument comprises 14 pagesPetroleum products Part 1: Procedure for oils in the presence of water (ISO 13357-1:2002)DIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 Contents 2Page National foreword 3 National Annex NA (informative) Bibliography 4 Introduction 5 1 Scope 6 2 Normative

4、 references .6 3 Terms and definitions .7 4 Principle .7 5 Reagents and materials 7 6 Apparatus .8 7 Samples and sampling .9 8 Preparation of apparatus 9 9 Procedure .10 10 Calculation 12 11 Expression of results 13 12 Precision 13 13 Test report 13 Annex A (informative) Suitable procedure for the a

5、ddition of graduations to a measuring cylinder .14 DIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 National foreword This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 28 “Petroleum products and lubricants”. The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschuss Materialprfung (Materials

6、 Testing Standards Committee), Technical Committee NA 062-06-70 AA, the mirror committee of ISO/TC 28 “Petroleum products and lubricants” of the Fachausschuss Minerall- und Brennstoffnormung. The DIN Standards corresponding to the International Standards referred to in this document are as follows:

7、ISO 1219-1 DIN ISO 1219-1 ISO 3170 DIN EN ISO 3170 ISO 3696 DIN ISO 3696 ISO 4788 DIN EN ISO 4788 ISO 6614 DIN ISO 6614 ISO 13357-2 DIN ISO 13357-2 Amendments Compared with DIN ISO 13357-1:2008-09, the following correction has been made to the German version only and therefore does not affect the En

8、glish text: a) Equation (2) in subclause 10.2 “Stage II filterability” has been corrected. Previous editions DIN EN ISO 13357-1: 2008-09 3DIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 National Annex NA (informative) Bibliography DIN EN ISO 3170, Petroleum liquids Manual sampling DIN EN ISO 4788, Laboratory glassware Grad

9、uated measuring cylinders DIN ISO 1219-1, Fluid power systems and components Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams Part 1: Graphic symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications DIN ISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use Specification and test methods DIN ISO 6614, Petroleum pro

10、ducts Determination of water separability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids DIN ISO 13357-2, Petroleum products Determination of the filterability of lubricating oils Part 2: Procedure for dry oils 4IntroductionAs the fluid in a hydraulic system acts as a lubricant to minimize wear of the compo

11、nents, it is important to reduce theconcentrations of circulating hard contaminant particles. This is particularly necessary when the performance of thesystem depends on the maintenance of small clearances and orifices. Removal of these contaminants is effected bythe use of filters. The ability of a

12、 hydraulic fluid to pass through fine filters, without plugging them, is called itsfilterability. This part of ISO 13357 describes a laboratory test procedure for assessing the filterability of mineral oilswhich have been heat-soaked in the presence of water. Filterability so determined is not a phy

13、sical characteristic ofthe oil, but represents an estimation of its behaviour in service.This part of ISO 13357 describes two measurements, referred to as “stages”. The Stage I determination is based ona comparison of the mean flow rate of a fluid through a test membrane with its initial flow rate.

14、Oils having goodStage I filterability, but only a poor Stage II performance (see below), would be unlikely to give performance problemsin use, unless extremely fine system filters are utilized.The Stage II determination is based on the ratio between the initial flow rate of fluid through the test me

15、mbrane andthe rate at the end of the test. It is considered that this part of the procedure is a more severe test, and is moresensitive to the presence of gels and fine silts in the oil. Silts and gels may be present in an oil when it is produced,or could be formed as an oil ages, especially when ho

16、t. An oil with good Stage II filterability would be unlikely to givefiltration problems even in the most extreme conditions or with fine (less than ) filtration present. It would thus besuitable for use in more critical hydraulic and lubrication systems.The procedure has been evaluated with mineral

17、oils up to ISO viscosity grade 100. There would appear to be noreason why it should not be used with oils of higher viscosity grade (ISO viscosity grade 220 is a practical maximum),but the data could not be claimed to be completely in accordance with this method. Similarly, it should be possible toe

18、xtend the test procedure to fluids other than mineral oils. However, some fluids, e.g. fire-resistant fluids, will not becompatible with the specified test membranes, and the test could only be used for comparison purposes even whensuitable membranes, with similar pore size/pore density characterist

19、ics to those specified in this procedure, havebeen identified.5 mDIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 5Determination of the filterability of lubricating oils Petroleum products Part 1: Procedure for oils in the presence of water WARNING The use of this part of ISO 13357 may involve hazardous materials, operation

20、s and equipment.This part of ISO 13357 does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this part of ISO 13357 to establish appropriate safety and health practices anddetermine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to

21、use.1 ScopeThis part of ISO 13357 specifies a procedure for the evaluation of the filterability of lubricating oils, particularly thosedesigned for hydraulic applications, in the presence of water. The procedure only applies to mineral-based oils, sincefluids manufactured from other materials (e.g.

22、fire-resistant fluids) may not be compatible with the specified testmembranes. The range of application has been evaluated with oils of viscosity up to ISO viscosity grade (VG) 100,as defined in ISO 3448. Within the range described, the filterability as defined is not dependent on the viscosity of t

23、heoil. The procedure is not suitable for some hydraulic oils on which specific properties have been conferred by the useof insoluble/partially soluble additives, or by particularly large molecular species.NOTE Filterability is a prime requirement for lubricating oils used in hydraulic systems becaus

24、e of the fine filters used in thisapplication.This part of ISO 13357 defines a method for assessing the filterability of oils in the presence of contaminating water.It should be noted that some oils will exhibit poorer filterability characteristics in these conditions. ISO 13357-2should be used to i

25、nvestigate the filterability of an oil which is to be used in applications where the presence of waterin the oil is unlikely. An oil which has good filterability in the presence of contaminating water will not necessarily haveequally good filterability in dry conditions. An oil having good filterabi

26、lity only when wet is unlikely to be generallyacceptable.2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions ofthis part of ISO 13357. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these pub

27、licationsdo not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 13357 are encouraged to investigate thepossibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references,the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.

28、 Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers ofcurrently valid International Standards.ISO 1219-1:1991, Fluid power systems and components Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams Part 1: GraphicsymbolsISO 3170:1988, Petroleum liquids Manual samplingISO 3448:1992, Industrial liquid lubricants ISO viscosit

29、y classificationISO 3696:1987, Water for analytical laboratory use Specification and test methodsISO 4788:1980, Laboratory glassware Graduated measuring cylindersISO 6614:1994, Petroleum products Determination of water separability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluidsISO 13357-2:1998, Petroleum pr

30、oducts Determination of the filterability of lubricating oils Part 2: Procedure fordry oilsDIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 63 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this part of ISO 13357, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1 filterabilitydimensionless number which is the ratio, expressed as a pe

31、rcentage, between volumes (Stage I) or flow rates(Stage II) at specified intervals in the test procedure3.2 Stage I filterabilityratio, expressed as a percentage, between and the volume of oil actually filtered in the time that wouldhave theoretically taken, assuming no plugging of the membrane3.3 S

32、tage II filterabilityratio, expressed as a percentage, between the flow rate near the start of the filtration, and the flow rate betweenand of filtered volume4PrincipleThe test fluid is treated with water at an elevated temperature, filtered under specified conditions through amembrane of mean pore

33、diameter, and the times for the specified filtrate volumes are recorded. Filterabilitiesare calculated from ratios of the filtration rate near the start of filtration to the filtration rate at specified higher filteredvolumes. The result of the test is the average of three determined values.Ideally,

34、 the filtration rate should remain constant.5 Reagents and materials5.1 Water, conforming to grade 3 of ISO 3696.5.2 Propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol), filtered through a compatible membrane filter.NOTE A solvent-filtering dispenser, as shown in Figure 1, is a means of dispensing this solvent, and the

35、 wash solvent (5.3).5.3 Wash solvent, of light aliphatic hydrocarbon, filtered through a compatible membrane filter (see thenote to 5.2). Heptane or 2,2,4-trimethylpentane is suitable.5.4 Compressed gas, complete with regulator system capable of supplying gas at nominated pressures ofbetween and . T

36、he gas (air or nitrogen) shall be dry and filtered.240 ml 240 ml200 ml 300 ml0,8 m0,45 m0,45 m50 kPa 200 kPaDIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 76ApparatusA schematic of the assembled apparatus, with graphic symbols in accordance with ISO 1219-1, is shown in Figure 2.6.1 Filtration apparatus, constructed of sta

37、inless steel, consisting of a lidded funnel of at least capacity,and a funnel base with filter support, such that a membrane filter (6.2) can be clamped between the sealing surfacesof the funnel and the base by means of a metal clamp or other suitable gas-tight closure. The apparatus shall begrounde

38、d (earthed), and suitable electrical bonding of the parts shall be provided. The effective filtration area shall be.6.2 Membrane filters, of mixed cellulose esters, diameter and mean pore size .NOTE Membranes of an equivalent specification to Millipore filter membranes, catalogue number AAWP 047 IF,

39、 have beenfound satisfactory.Key1 Reagent-resistant plastic tubing2 Inert support screen3 Membrane filter, 4 Reagent-resistant plastic tubing5 Solvent-filtering dispenserFigure 1 Solvent-filtering dispenser0,45 m350 ml1 130 mm2 60 mm247 mm 0,8 mDIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 86.3 Measuring cylinders, one o

40、f borosilicate glass, of capacity, conforming to the requirements ofISO 4788 (see A.1.1). This cylinder shall be permanently marked with further graduation marks at and .Annex A describes a procedure for adding these graduations. A second cylinder, capable of measuring, is also required for sample t

41、ransfer.NOTE The measuring cylinder has a total capacity in excess of , allowing the extra graduations to be added. Theuse of a larger measuring cylinder for the filtration process would not give adequate precision for the test.6.4 Pressure gauge, dial or digital type, capable of reading the require

42、d delivery pressures (see 9.12) .6.5 Forceps, spade-ended.6.6 Timing device, electronic or mechanical, capable of reading to the nearest , and fitted with a dual-stopfacility.6.7 Oven, controlled at .6.8 Petri dishes, loosely covered.6.9 Bottles, of laboratory type with screw caps. The exact shape o

43、f the bottle is unimportant, and conical flasks may be used. However, the neck should be fairly narrow, but shall be wide enough to accept the stirrer(6.10). It is essential that the base of the bottle be fairly flat.6.10 Motor and stirrer, conforming to the requirements of ISO 6614:1994, subclause

44、 Pipettes6.11.1 Pasteur or dropping pipettes.6.11.2 graduated pipettes.7 Samples and sampling7.1 Unless otherwise specified, samples shall be taken by the procedure specified in ISO 3170.7.2 Shake the laboratory sample thoroughly by hand, and allow it to stand for at a temperature of to. The

45、 laboratory temperature should not vary by more than for the duration of the test.NOTE The optimum ambient laboratory temperature for precision is .8 Preparation of apparatus8.1 Rinse the apparatus with wash solvent (5.3) to remove traces of oil from previous tests.8.2 Soak in laboratory detergent s

46、olution overnight, or scrub thoroughly with hot laboratory detergent solution.8.3 Rinse with hot tap water, followed by cold tap water.8.4 Rinse with water (5.1).8.5 Rinse with propan-2-ol (5.2).8.6 Rinse with wash solvent (5.3) and allow to dry.250 ml10 ml 300 ml330 ml 5ml250 ml 300 ml5kPa0,2 s70C

47、2C500 ml 500 ml1ml24 h 15C25C 2C22CDIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 99 Procedure9.1 A diagram of a typical determination is shown in Figure 3.9.2 Carry out the test in triplicate.9.3 Mix the laboratory sample by inverting the sample container sharply 30 times in . Each inversionshould be completed by a disti

48、nct snap.Key1 Source of compressed air or nitrogen2 Pressure regulator3 Pressure gauge4 Ball valve5 Pressure vessel with membrane support6 Measuring cylinderFigure 2 Outline of assembled filtration apparatus60 s 10 sDIN ISO 13357-1:2009-04 109.4 Measure of sample by means of the measuring cylinder (

49、6.3), and transfer to a bottle (6.9).9.5 Using a graduated pipette (6.11.2), add of water (5.1).NOTE A suitable syringe or micropipettor can be used to add the water, provided it has sufficient accuracy.9.6 Stand the bottle, with the cap slightly loosened to avoid a build-up of pressure, in the oven (6.7) for .9.7 Remove the bottle from the oven and stir the contents using the stirrer (6.10) for . The stirrer paddleshall be maintained above the bottom of the bottle. Check immediately after starting the stirrer that th

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