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1、FF-W-84a .pril J7 l!l67 SUPERSEDING FeG. Spec. FFW0 Rolled, Drawn, or Cold FInished 7075. QQ-B-750-Bronze, Phosphor i Bar, Plate, Rod, Sheet, Strip, Flat Wire, 81ld Structural and Special Shaped Sections. QQ-N-28G-Nickel-Copper-Alummum Alloy. Wrought (K-Monel). QQ-P-3ta71dard A 153-Zmc Coatmg (Hot D

2、Ip) on Iron and Steel Hardware (Appllc:atlon for COpies Ihould be addrtaaed to tht AmeTiean Society for Tcstlng and Materala, I!l16 Race St, PhIladelphIa, Pa 19103 ) -C.oPPCT Developmrnt ASlaww_(CDA) CDA 425 (A pplJ(:atlon for COPies .hould be .ddraaed to the Copper Development ASSocLatlon, 405 Le.x

3、mJion Ave, New York, NY., 10017 ) (Techmcal .Dclet) for techmcal assocIation Specl flc:atIons and standards are generally avaIlable for referenc:e from hbranC3 They are alao dIStributed among thnJcal groups and uSing Fedel al a!encle! ) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Material. 3.1.1 ela.ss A. Unless otherwise

4、specifIed (see 6.2), class A sprmg lockwashers madE of carbon steel shall be composItions 1060 to 1080 In conformance to the requIrements of Fed. Std No. 66 Class A washers shall be properly quenched from above the CrIti cal temperature and tempered to 8 hardness of 45 to 53 Rockwell C Dependmg upon

5、 the cross sectIon, there may be used the Rockwell C, D, or A scale, the superflclal Rockwell N scale, or the Vickers hardness tester, and the readIngs converted to Rockwell C The washers shall not have a thIckness of de carburlzed surface of more than 0 002 lOch or 1-1/2 percent of the sectional th

6、ickness. whIchever IS the greater 312 Clulls B t:nless othenlSe spe:l fled (see 6.2). class B sprmg lockwashers made of corroslOn-reslstmg steel shall be of composltlon 420 In conformance Wl.th the re qUIrements of Fed Std No 66 After coil ing, the class B washer shall be heat treat ed and quenched

7、m aIr or oil. as indicated b the proportlOns of the washer sectlon, and tempered at a temperature not to exceed OOF to 2. hardness of 43 to 53 Rockwell C 3.1.3 CU1S C Vn:ess otherWIse specifIed (see 6.2). class C sprmg lockwashers made Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permi

8、tted without license from IHS-,-,-of corro,(Jnrel!,tmg steel snail b of the 3()() rne I rr.fc:-ma“:-p ;h th, r ,1 r . -ments of Fed Std o 66 As the rC.o:u!t of cold workmg dunng fabricatIOn, the ash er shall ha a hardneo;: of 35 to 43 Rock well C The C:lSS C spring lockwashers shall haH a n:ag1(tlc

9、permc:lbl!lty of :; 0 max unum (air=l 0) for a fIeld strength of A= 200 Oersteds usmg a magnetic mdlcator per MIL-I17214 a 1 4 Class D. Unless otherwise specliled (see 6.2), class D sprmg lockwashers shall be made of 7075 alummum alloy In conforrn ance to the requIrements of QQ-A-225 9 The washers s

10、hall receive a solutIOn and pre ClpltatlOn heat treatment resulting In a hard nese;, of 75 to 97 Rockwell B, or a minImum tensIle strEngth of i7,000 PSI Tensile test specImens of keystone wire heat treated With the washers they represent, shall be furmshed hen speCifIed In the InntatlOn for bIds. 3.

11、1.5 Class E. Unless otherwise speclfied (see 6.2). class E sprmg lockwashers shull be made of phosphor bronze In conformance to the requIrements of QQ-B-750, composl bon A, or tm brass, CDA alloy No 425 As the result of cold workmg durmg fabrIcatIon, class E washers shall have a mlnImUm hard ness of

12、 90 Rockwell B 3.1.6 Class G Unless otherwlse specifIed (see 62), class G sprmg lockwashers shall be made of nlckel-copper-alumInum alloy In conformance to the requirements of QQ-N-286, class A The washer shall be fabricated from cold-worked matenal and subsequently age hardened to a hardness of 33

13、to 40 Rock well C or a mmimum tensile strength of 155,000 PSI 3.1 7 Brasll-bron:ze washers. Brassbronze I.ashers hall bi: dyed a deep yellow In ac cordanc With Fer Std No 595, color No. 23538 3.2 Design. 3.2 1 Ha.c:h(r sectt011. The fInished washer cross SECtlon shall be sitghtl) trapez.oidai IP ,r.

14、,! , It! h, lrtfr1 mean thickness of the trapezoid In the formula, the increase m thickness from the outer perIphery to m ner pellphery shall be from 0.032 W (mml mum) to 0064 W (maXlmum) 3.2.2 nlmenStOrts When the dimensions are not otherWise !;pecifleo. styles 1, 2. 3 and 4 sprm lockasher shall co

15、nform to those shown In USA BZi 1 When speCifIed (see 6.2). the dlmenSlons shall conform to the a.p pllcable dash number of MS 35338 and MS 35340 3.2.3 Tolerartres, Unless otherwise SpeCI fied (Clet 6 2), the tolerances on all dlmen IOlll:! :.haii be as shown In USA .M27.1, or applicable MS standard

16、e;, 324 Free hCl.Qht. The washers shan be coiled so that the free heIght IS approximate ly twIce and not less than 1-2/3 tllnes the mean thlckness of the washer section The severed ends shaH not overlap or be poSl tioned so that the washers will interlink wh!n tested as specifled in 4 5.3 3.8 Protec

17、tive ftrushes. Unless otheTWlse specifled (see 6.2), spring lockwashers shall be furnished uncoated When cadmium, zinc, phosphate, tmned, anodic, or passivatIon films are specified, they shall conform to the following paragraphs (see 6.2) 3.3.1 Cadmium platinQ When specifIed (see 62). cadmIum platmg

18、 shall be- m a( cordance with QQ-P-416, type II, class 3 3.3.2 Z,:nc coatt1tg (electrodepoBited) Vrnen specified (see 6.2). ZInC coatlng by eJeetrodeposltmg process shall be In accord ance v.-ith QQ-Z-325. type II. class 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

19、license from IHS-,-,-3.3.3 Ztnc coattng (hot-dlPped). When specIfied (see 6.2), ZInC coating by hot-dip PIng process shall be In accordanct: y. I th ASTM A 153. 3.3.4 Phosphate coattng When specIfied (see 6.2), phosphate coating shall be in ac cordance With MlL-P-16232, type z. 3.35 Anodtc coahng. W

20、hen specified (see 6.2), anodiC coatmg shall be m accordance nth M!L-A8625 3.3.6 Ttn coattng When speCified (see 6.2) I tm coat 109 shall be In accordance With MIL-T-I072i 3.3 7 PasstVatton Passivation treatments shall tOnform to the requirements of QQ-p. 35 3.4 Hydrogen embrittlement. Unless other

21、wise speCified, electroplated ashers shall be baked for 4 hours at 400 (1 F Immediately after platmg. 3.5 Cleaners. The cleaners used shall not etch the matenal and allow subsequent crackmg ot the washers. ACid cleaners shall not be used Scale shall be removed by me chamcal methods 3.6 Workmanship.

22、The flat faces of wash ers and the inner and outer perIpheries shall be smooth and free from knurhng, ser rations, die marks, deep scratches, etc., al though shght feed roll marks are permis sible. The washers shall have rounded edges and be free from burrs, rust, pit marks, and other defects whIch

23、may affect theIr ap pearance or servIceabilIty The ends of the gaps shall not present cutting edges at the contact surfaces The workmanship shall be in accordance with hIgh-grade commercial practice covering this class of work. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unles

24、s otherwIse specifIed in the contract or pur chase order, the suppher is responsible for the perfonnance of all inspection require ments as specified herein Except as other-4 Wlse specifIed, the suppher may utlhze hIS ovm faCilitIes or any commercIal laboratory acceptable to the Government The Gover

25、n ment reserves the right to perform any In spectlOns set forth In the speclflcatlOn where such inspectIOns are deemed necessary to assure that supphes and services conform to prescribed requIrements. 4.2 Lot. For the purpose of sampling, a lot shall consIst of not more than 100,000 wasners In Sizes

26、 up to 718 lOch and not more than 20,000 washers lD sizes above 7/8 mch manufactured of the same material, type, and size produced under essenhally the same conditIons and presented at anyone tIme for mspectlon m connectlon wlth the same contract or order 4.3 Sampling. 4.3 1 Sampltl1g for cXamtnatlO

27、n. For pur poses of exammatlon, as specified In 44.1, samples shall lie selected from each lot In accordance WIth InspectlOn level II of MIl.,. STDI05 and acceptable quahty level (AQL) of 4.0. 4.8.2 Sa.mpling for a.cceptance tests. For purposes of testIng, as specifIed In 44 1, samples shall be sele

28、cted from each lot In accordance With mspection level 8-1 of MIL-STD-I05 and of AQL 2.5 4.3.3 Sampling fOT test of protectwe ftn ish Samphng for test of protective finish shall be as specliled lD the applIcable speci fIcatIon 01 3.3 43.4 Sampltng for t1l.8Pection of packaging and packtng. SamplIng f

29、or examinatlon of sectlon 5 reqUIrements shaH be as specified In MIL-H-3982. 4.4 inspection. 4.4.1 Visual and dimmsumal e%amina.hon Each sample shall be vJsually and dimen sionally examined for conformance v,lth 3.2 If the number of relected samples exceeds the acceptable number, the lot represented

30、 by the sample shall be reJected Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- .4.2 Aectj)tanee testmg. Any sample that fail! to conform to the acceptance hmlts of 4.3.1 shall be cause for reJectIOn of the lot represented 4.5 Tests. 4.5.1 Interltn

31、hng. The samples shall be subdivided mto groups of two each. An attempt shall be made with each group to mampulate them so that Interlocking or m terhnkmg occurs. The washers shall not be bent nor deformed in performIng this test. Any interlinking or interlocking of these washers shall be consldered

32、 a defect. .( 5.2 Free height test The free height of the washer shall be measured to the nearest 0001 mch (see 3.2.4). The washer shall be subjected to a compression, twice pressed flat, released, and the free height agaIn measured. The free height after the second compreSSlOn shall be at least two

33、 thIrds of the orlgmal free heIght (or five sixths) when so speclfJed in the inVItation for bid. 4.5.3 TWtSt test. The twIst test shall be conducted in accordance with USA B27.1. 4.5.4 Pressure test. The washers shall be clamped between hardened flat steel plates. They shall be held flat for one mmu

34、te and then released and mspected The free heIght of each washer shall be at least two-thlrds (or fIve-Sixths, if so specifled m the invita tIon for bids) of the orIgmal free heIght and shall be unimpaired for the lot to be accept ed. If all are unImpaired, they shall agam be damped flat. held for 1

35、6 hours (or long er). and then released and mspected for the third tIme Failure of any sample wash er to withstand any of these tests shall be cause for reJection of the lot whIch it rep resents. .4 5 5 Hardness test. AIl sample washers shall be tested for hardness in accordance WIth the requIrement

36、s of 3.1 Before mak mg the hardness test on class A washers, both surfaces shall be ground parallel and decarburlzatlon shall be removed. 4.56 DeearburuatlO1I. of CUts8 A wa.sherl!. The affected depth of decarburu.auon of carbon steel washers, as specifIed lD 3.1, shall be deteml1ned by mlcroscoplC

37、examI natIon at 100 magmflcatlOns. 4.5.7 Chemica.l analYSl$. Samples selected in accordance WIth 4.3 shall be analyzed to determine compliance with 3.1.1 through 3.1.6, inclUSIve, as apphcable Failure of any sample to conform to the reqUlrement.! of this specification shall be cause for re)ec tion o

38、f the entire lot represented. 4.5.8 Examtnattons and test 0/ Prepara tWl1 for deltVtry. The preservation, pack aging, packing, and marking for miiltan procurement. shall be examined or tested in accordance With MIL-H-3982. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preservation, packaging. and packin The washe

39、rs shall be preserved and pack aged level A or C and packed level A, B, or C of MIL-H-3982. The level of protection shall be as specified irl the eontrc.t ur Of der (see 6.2). 5.2 Marking. 5.2.1 GtVil agen.cie8. In addItion to mark Ings reqUIred by the contract or order, the mterior packages and shi

40、pping eontainer!l shall be marked in accordance with FEd Rtd No. 123. 5.2.2 Milt.ta.ry agenCte!. In addltlon to markings reqUired by the contrad or order, the intenor packages and shippmg contam ers shall be marked in accordance with MIL STD-129 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use. The spring lockwashen; cove

41、red by this specifIcation are intended for autornothe and general bolt. nut, and screw applications They have the dual func tlOn of (1) spring take-up deVIces to com pensate for developed looseness and the 1051 of tension between component parts of an 88sembly, and (2) hardened thrust benrInJrCl Pro

42、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FF-S4a to facIlitate assembl) and disassembly of fac:.tenmrs by decreasmg the frlctlOna re Sls:ajC tJe eEr. the bolted s:.:rfac ad the bearmg face of the bolt or screw head or nut 6.2 Ordering data. Purcha

43、sers should se lect the preferred optIOns pernutteJ herem and Include the following infonnation In pro curement docurnents: (a) TItle number and date of thIS specI ficatIOn (b) Class, style of washer required (see 1.2) (c) T)“Pe of protectIve coatJTI, if reqUlred (see 3.3.1 through 337) (d) Military

44、 standard part number, If applIcable (see 3.2.2) (e) Tolerances (see 3.23). (f) DImenSIOns (see 3.2.2) (g) MatenaJ (see 3.1.1 through 316). (h) SelectlOn of applIcable levels of pad.-agmg and packmg reqUlred (see 5.1) 6.2.1 “,f:10T Ctv:.! agency p;oeUC1l . c;iits Vlhei.t level B packagmg IS reqUIred

45、 for cIvil agen cy procurements, the level A reqUlrements In 5 1 shall apply 6.:i For military procurements. Styles 1 and 3 are not recommended for new desIgn, smce they will not be avallable after a trans Ition period (see MS 16214, MS 35337, and MS 35339) For new procurernents see MS 35338 and 115

46、 35340 i 4 Sursts.slOn data Clas A style 5 and cla.ss B style 5, v. asher and machme screw assemulles have been ddeled from thiS doc umen!, and WIll be covered by FF-S-001321 for Sere“, Assembled Washer Until thIS document IS prmted, It IS suggested that USA B18.13 for Screw and Washer Assem blies-S

47、ems be used for procurement CPSTODIANS Arm)-WC Navy-WP An Force-69 Revtew acttvtttes Arm)-WC GL Navy-WP sa SA Air Force-69 85 PTepartng acttvtty. Air Force-69 U seT actunttes. Arm)-MO ReVIew I user mformation IS current as of the date of thiS document For future co ordmatlOn of changes to thIS docum

48、ent, draft circulatIon should be based on the informa tIOn In the current Federal Supply Classifica tion Llstlllg of DOD StaodardlZAtion Docu ments. Order! for thIS publication aTe to be placed th General Servll:es Admnu.tratlOTl, actIng IU an ant fOT the SuperIntendent of Documents See eecbon 2 of thIS specifleC,S I i:Tnc;e B - 3bh15 NO OST-GE NECESS-Y IF MAII.EO IN THE UNITEO STATES Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ST NOAROlZA TtON DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT PROPOSl (Sn ilUtrIUl1OIU -R.) 31& E OF SU . ITTINO OllGANIZATION !I


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