1、This is an advance copy of the dated document. The final document after review by Defense Automated Printing Service may be slightly different in format. Actual technical content will be the same. NOTICE OF INACTIVATION I FOR NEW DESIGN I INCH-POUND I MIL-C-55243 NOTICE 2 - SUPERSEDING NOTICE 1 2 Au
2、gust 1991 MILITARY SPEC I FI CATI ON CONNECTORS, PLUGS AND RECEPTACLES, ELECTRICAL, QUICK CONNECT AND DISCONNECT, 12 CONTACTS, MEDIUM POWER This notice should be filed in front of MIL-C-55243(EL), dated 25 October 1963. MIL-C-55243 is inactive for new design and is no longer used, except for replacement purposes. CONCLUDING MATERIAL Custod ians : Army - CR DLA - CC Preparing activity: DLA - CC (Project 5935-A593) Review activity: Army - MI AMSUNA FSC 5935 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services