1、 MIL-T-4678bB NOTICE L 9999906 2082263 597 NOTICE OF INACTIVATION FOR NEW DESIGN MIL-T-46786B NOTICE 1 22 January 1999 MILITARY SPECIFICATION SHEET TANKS, FUEL, ENGINE: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR This notice should be filed in front of MIL-T-46786B, dated 26 October 1990. MIL-T-46786B is inactive for
2、new design and is no longer used, except for replacement purposes. Custodians: Army -AT Navy - YD2 Preparing activity: DLA - CC (Project No. 2910-0241) Review activity: Navy - MC AMSC NIA FSC 2910 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services