1、MS3144C AMENDMENT 1 17 March 2000 MI LITARY SPEC I F KATION SH E ET CONNECTOR, RECEPTACLE, ELECTRIC, CRIMP TYPE, JAM NUT MOUNTING, PUSH-PULL, COUPLING, SERIES 2 (CLASS E AND J) This amendment forms a part of MS3144C, dated 23 October 1991, and is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of t
2、he Department of Defense. PAGE 2 Add the following entry: “The activity responsible for qualification of these connectors is the Defense Supply Center Columbus, Attn: DSCC-VQ, 3990 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43213-1 199.” CONCLUDING MATERIAL Custodians: Army - CR Navy - AS Air Force - 11 DLA - CC Preparing activity DLA - CC (Project 5935-4282-05) AMSC N/A 1 of 1 FSC 5935 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services