DLA MS18150 REV K VALID NOTICE 1-2011 Switch Toggle 2 Circuit Sealed Toggle.pdf

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DLA MS18150 REV K VALID NOTICE 1-2011 Switch Toggle 2 Circuit Sealed Toggle.pdf_第1页
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1、MS DRAWINGSwitch, Toggle, 2 Circuit, Sealed ToggleMS18150K, dated 17 October 2005, has been reviewed anddetermined to be valid for use in acquisition.Reviewer Activities: Army - AVNavy - ASAir Force - 99NOTICE OFVALIDATIONMS18150KNOTICE 102 August 2011NOTE: The activities above were interested in th

2、is document asof the date of this document. Since organizations andresponsibilities can change, you should verify the currency ofthe information above using the ASSIST Online database athttps:/assist.daps.dla.mil.AMSC N/A FSC 5930Custodians:Army - CRNavy - ECAir Force - 85DLA - CCPreparing Activity:DLA - CCProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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