1、MS53338 REV B NOTICE L E 99999L2 0093308 BLT m NOTICE OF INACTIVATION FOR NEW DESIGN 6 1 INCH-POUND I MS51318B NOTICE 1 11 June 1999 MILITARY STWDARD HEADLIGHT, BLACKOUT, 24 VOLT (,WATERJ?ROOF) This notice should be filed in f-ont of MS5 13 18B, dated 9 October 1987. MS5 13 18B is inactive for new d
2、esign and is no longer used, except for replacement purposes. When acquisition of the product is no longer required, the specification will be canceled. custodians: Air Force - 99 Army - AT Preparing activity: DLA - GS (Project 6220-1 134) Reviewer: Army - CR4 AMSC NIA FSC 6220 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling Services