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1、*6l,.LRSRSSNJPERSEDINGlaL Fd 8P-. T-R-s (-J-”hrcb I-X -Fed. SWC. T-R=OaAlrr 81, lMSFEDERAL SPECIPNXITONROPE, MANILA AND SISAL?ti 8p#eiwimw CWITWdby th CmwIi#imw, Fedcd SUPPIV S-k, Gen-cd Sen.ic.a Adminutrotitm, 1- h U* of F w-.1. SCOPE A.ND CLASSIFICATION1.1 Scope. This specification covers therequi

2、rements of manila nnd sisal rmpe forgeneral pue use.l,2 Cle.w+fiealion.1.2.1 Tupes and classes. Rope coveredby this specification shall be of the follow.ing types and classes as specified (see6.3) :Type M-hfanila (Muss textilis).class l”Becker” value rope.Class Z-Non-Becker” value rope.TYFWS-Sisal (

3、Aga,e aiaalana).2. APPLICABLE SPECIF1CATIONSAND STAKDARDS2.1 The following specifications endsfmds, of the issues in effect on dateof invitation for bidr, form s part of thisspecification ta the extmrt spcifid herein:Federal spen.cMI14-313-Cordage; Preparation ForDelivecy of.Military standard :MIIAT

4、D-10plir,? Procedures;Iatk for hapedion by Ati.MIL.BTD-128-Marking for Shipmentand StoPsc 40201- . . . . . . . - . -.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-T-R-605bI3. FfE,N:itlEhlESTS3.I The requirement-$ specified in 3.9 and3.10 aprdy only

5、 to rope purchased directlyby tire Govemrnent. All other requirementsapply tO rope purchased as a component foran end item by a contractor and mPepurchased dircc!ly b! ihe Go.emment.3.2 Material3.2.1 Tupe M (Manik ). TYpe M rope shallbe fabricated from Muss textilis fiber. Chss 1. TSW M, clas

6、s 1 rope sbalhave a “Becker” value of not less than 43for rope 5/8 to 2 inches in circumferenceand not 1?99than 40 for rope 2-1/4 inches in.,circumference arm mrxer =!wn *ted Umecified in C.!aw Z. “Becker” vahJe roquirments do not apply to t!?w M. class z mrpc:all other requirement for

7、 CVPQh! roPe allapply. e3.2.2 TVPe S (Sa) bPe S rope nhallbe fabricated from Agave sisalana fiber.S.3 Strand. Unless othetise s.fied, therope sbdl be three-slmnd (see 6.3). Three.strand rope shall be standard or hard-lay.as .qreo+fied (see 6.3).3.3.1 Four-stmti rope. %en specified(see 6.3), four+tra

8、nd IUW shl be fur.rrished. Four-strand, medium-laid rope shallbe not over 7 percent heavier than three-etrand rope of the same size. and shallhave at least 95 percent of the rttrentrth re-quired for three-strsnd rope of the samesize. Other requirements shall be as sper-ified for the three-strand rop

9、e.S.4 Turn. Turn h defined as the distsnwparallel to the axis of the rope in which astrand makee one rnplete spiral. llre max-imum length of one turn of three-9 trandrooe $hsll not exceed the maximum turn.-.eshown n tablm I a71nd u IOr iii= e.izesjxdiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or n

10、etworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-oTABLEIPhalrequircmtmbforLItandardrope,three.atmnd2!1s0(dmndertnm)Ndnd huh,6/!4 814 1 1-118 1.114 1.102 1-814 1 2-1/4 %11$!2.3/4 s 8-114 8-Ifz842/4 4 d.lft c 6-1?! e 7 8 0 10 11 la Ulnlmum IW6.s V1112 6/8 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-318 1-618 1.18/16 ?.-1/16 2-6116

11、 2.9116 2+2t4 8 6-114 2-112 a-l1/184W18 4-11/18 6.118 6-618 6-9/10 1.112 8-7/16 9-MI 10.1/4 11-114flazlmnm r*che9-11!8 7/6 1-118 1.114 1#8 1-618 1.718 24116 2-7118 2-11118 3.16/16 760 2,650 3.450 4,400 6.4oO 6,606 7.100 9,000 10.600 12,060 13,600 16,0W 18.600 22.600 26,500 81,000 41.000 62.000 64.00

12、0 77;000.n691,066.2s0105.OOO1;400I2.120 2.780 3,62o 4320 twoo 6.160 7,200 8,400 9,600 10J3OO It,wo 14,600 18,000 21200 24.600 az,ew 41,Ow61260 01,(!J2072.4W3 n4,wo1 12.0 19.F 2s.2 36.2 60 u 1s.1 112.2! 1s2 178 2W 226 263 812 842! 460 628 612 8001,01s I?no 1,6W 2,120 2.040 22noa71“.,“urnX10(m*rl- mum

13、) -mix 7.318 6.3116 11.S116 12-6/8 13.13/16 16-118 1A418 20.1/222.1S/16 24-71U 27 2!)-6116 31.1/2 ns.llln .!5-13/18 M 42-6/16 46.5/6 61 56316 64 72.13/10 111.112 60.1/4 99-114 107-1/6mProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-T-R-605b : I-.!.1I

14、- III3.5 Physial requirements. The finishedrope hall confOm to the requimmensfid in tabl= I and II for circumfer-ence, lenm.h per und. A br=king strerteh for the respective type d sizeewhen tasted u npecffied tn 4.2.S.X6 Mildew resistant treatment. Manilaand sisal mpe rering mildew raistanttreatment

15、 shall be treated tn hccardancewith T-T-616.3.7 tlwdage oil. The cordage cd shall be ofsuitable cordage quality and the pwcent ex-tractable matter, besed on the dry weightof the finished rvpe, Bhall be not less than10 nor more than 16 Wrcent when testeds spwified in 4.2.6.S.S Markem. Rope of nizea l

16、arger than1-1/2 inihe8 nominal circumference shall beprovided with a lmaft paper twine or water-c=!e: .+an y ker inperted vrjth.in one-strand and completely enveloped bythe covering yarns of tie Shnd. The tvand ctass designation of the rope, s=+r ofmanufacture, and menu fncturers nameshall be printe

17、d on the marker in Lwld. eas-ily read type, which nhall remain legible upon exposure to water or mineral oil. Italicor script type print aball not be used.fL9 Puhp. Ural* Otherwcr this examination shall be one coil. Tenpercent Of the Ierrsth contained on e.ochsarrple unit, but not less than 100 feet

18、 shallbe subjectd to the visual examination. The10: size for this examination shall be ex-pressed in uniki of coik each. The accepLable quality level shall be 1.5 major defectsand 4.o tofal defects (major and minorcombined) per 100 unit-% The inspection lev-el shall be level 1.z,; :c?.inr-tion /or l

19、ength and m“nding.The ssmplc unit for this examination shallbe one coil. The inspection level shsll be!e-el ,6 and the acceptable quality levelslmll be 4.o perwnt defective. For IOU can-aisting c 500 or fewer units, the aamplcsize shall b 10 and the acceptance num-ber 1. The lot size shall be the nu

20、mber ofunits in the inspection lot. Def- shall heS19Iisfid in 42.3.1 and 4.2.3.! Defect-s with regard to length shallbe considered to eyist if any of the follow-ing are determined during inspection:(a). Length of coil lea-s than specifiedor exceeding the allowable plus tolerancespecified in

21、 3.9.(b). Length of coil 1- than markedon ticket. Deferti with regard to windirmshall be considered to exist if arty of thefallowing are determined during inspection:(a), Improperly or not firmly woundresulting in kinks, knots, entangling or Blip.page during unwinding, or othertise free.unham

22、pered unwinding of rope.(b). Knot, splice or otherwise joininsof ends to make a continuous length.(c). Rope not in n continuous length.4.2.4 Emrrrixofion of prcparotio), for dc.liwrv reguimmcnts, An examination shallbe rnsde w determine thot P(ckating,packing rmd m=king requ iremen.ti ci sec-tion 5

23、of this specification are compliedwith. The sample unit shell be one shipping_ .DckctClssoification Easminc .- f”9p-ranm and wOrk- Cut a71ny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .msnshipIChafed or dmahaed, a71ffecting asr+ccsblllfr . . . . . . XKinks, broken or lom

24、e tndAcceptanm rmrabcr RejecSion DO. f=r”Kunkr ofIfor a71ub sast d km chmsc-Ir! lot Umplm chmcterbtic *riotic_ _. . . 16andundcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 016 1040 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i: o41 to 110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25、. . . . . . . . . o i:”111 b SOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0I1.?01 54 boo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a I601 a71nd over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1 2 .Cbsmtteristichcerhl,MmkifnMOnBacker doe (ma LCsm91 C911J)

26、Btrandfilmhmb pmpoand .T.aLs VI I1-Te#t methosb,spa. SW82.1rid22.S8;.L1u%43.s-TutXcekd1240 snd 12S4$810VIVXI-.1U.62m de-r. x Earduample unit ccpclrtad u:1 Pu or fti4 ATa. mf44cbcr. tQ.murot .wbolon=-br.1 PuI or faLl1 %orfaLls Aw. of2&tar. tmmustlpucmtd,pruid *-TProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod

27、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I ,T-R-4Q5bTABLSVIII-Tut metho l! I (wntd.)Ch.r.ctmktic I S9CC.Ref.,_ Brenking #trenh: Ropunder S-inch cirruM-fmwueBap+ Slmb cimmfOr-ume a71nd overCircmnfcmnaExtrhle muUer( nt )Identlfiationmarker :MataritlFmtntu w oil8.58.6I8.7Tcct 3ertbd_

28、 , ? tpk unit_ 41OV r41WL2.6d4.2-6.4iI 8.8IC.nnmerekl88r1Ruehmportad u:LVC.et 8 deter. wneuut 1 preml ofcpccifid r=e.jr-Mcar.ivc. of 8 deter. tnmmcst 1 pcmnt ofspuif iad require-mmLkvr. of 8 dctir. *ncsmt 1/16 Inchkrg. of Z detar. wMAcut 0.1 perantmtpective oim. TcIrn. The ails ohall be place

29、dwith the core vertical in such a way thatthe rope will uncoil down from the outside!snd the bands then removed. T%e oukr endshrill then be grasped firmly and carriedaround the coil until a length of more than10 feel has been unwound. Thi9 length shallbe laid straight on the floor and the endrelmwd.

30、 Sarting not less than 10 feet fromthe end, the knh of 10 complete spiralsof one strand shall be mcammed. The turnis one tenth of this measurement, but forconvenimme 10 times the turn is given intables 1 and Il.4.2S.2 Lmgth per pound. The specimenshall be subjected to a load, T, In potmdd,equal te 2

31、NI times the square of the nominaldiameter of the rope in inchee, (P-2001Y).(See tables I a71nd 11). While the specimenis under thin load the length epecified intable IX shall he marked off, and Uriclength cut out of the specimen. This Ienfishall be weighed and the length per pound,using the length

32、measurement determindunder load, shall be ulculebtd.6and watrr I e.8 I C7mlnmcld ( 1I Test to detenni.a eamplknce with w.ccificstio. reqnlremen Includlne enati .mtdt under prevnillng stmosphrric renditions except in =ttkment Of dpa, in w e Mbshill tw msde upon mtritl which h-s ruched ewilibrium undt

33、r nd =ditiOm U dcfin ncCC.T-191.z Method 4106 th.li tc fotlowed rscept chct UIOImd “P droll h a71D w=lfi in mbl : a71nd 11 fOr eTABLE IXLength rqmired for length Pefpy a,pem”mecu. .Cirewnfercnea Ltngtb(Inchw) (minimum )_ - -Btlmr S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 to 6, incluaim . . . . . . .Over

34、 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1: . Cireumfercmc. Circumference shallbe measured with the specimen under theload “P” (see . A fir hall passed snugly around the rope and cutwhere it overlspn. This methti of mewurement shall be repeated at l-t threatimen in different poe.itione not

35、 leas thantwo turns of tbe rope a- The cwemgeof theec lengths shall be regarded as therircumferenw of the rope. Ezt*ble matter. A sample ofthe repe weighiarr approximatiy 5 grshall be placed in s tared weighing bottleand dried ta coneUnt weight at 102 to 110C. After the bone dry weight hae &e

36、n detamnined, the aimerr ehafl be tmnefermfto a aoxhlet axtractlon a71pparati for a710!Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I.minimum of 20 actiona using reagentgrmde petroleum a71ther (boiling point range30” to 6SQC.) aa the advent. The p

37、etmIaum ether shall then be evaporated fromtie extract in the Ured fJaak at a tarn-perature of 059 plus or minus 5“C. taconsbmt weight, cmled in a d=iccator tadweighed. J%is is the weight of the eabuLable matter. The Percentage of extracbblematter present is calculated by usc of &efollowing fomnula:

38、Pcrcmt calrmtmblt matter _Weih axtblo mctra?W.ight of dry specimenx wTwo sperimens shall be tested from eachsample unit and the averaxe of the resultiobtained shall be reparted to the nearest0.1 percent.5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY(For vil agency procurement, the defi-nitions and applications of the

39、levels ofpackaging and packing shall k in acmrd-ance with Fed. Std. ho. 102.)5.1 Packaging. Packaging shall be level Aor C, as specified (see 6.3).5.1.1 Levek A and C. The rope, putiup anspecified, shall be packaged in accordancewith the applicable requirements of MILC-3131.52 Packing. Packing shall

40、 Lw level A. B.or C, m apecificd (we 6.3).s.2.1 Lmcl.r A, B, or C. The rope shall bepacked n accordance with the a71pplicablerequirement Off?dILC-3131.5s JHarklrtg.6.3.1 CfLil aueneie8. h addition to a71yspecial markirrm required by the contractor order, interior cmrinara and shlpphtgcontainers shal

41、l be marked in accordancew“th Fed. Std. No. 133.5,3.2 Mditarv auew”e8. In a71ddition ta UIYspecie. markings required by the eontrmctT-R-605bor order, Interior rontainere a71nd nhippingcontainer ehall be marked in mcmrdancewith M2LsTD-lN,6. N-6.1 2nternatima2 tntereat. Provisiana cdthis specification

42、 ue the subject of inf.er-nationaJ atandardizatian a71greement mcited in ABCXRMYMD-93. When a71mend-ment, revisian, or euwllation of this a-tfimtion is prapoced, the departmental cua-tcdianc will inform their respective Depart.mental Standardization Offices so that appropriate actian may be taken re

43、spectingthe international agreement concerned,62 Department of defmae procurernmts.As a result of Interdepartmental Stsrrdardi.ration, the Department of Defense, whenprauring type M rope, will utilize t &f,class 2 Xon-Becker vahe rope ordy.6.3 Ordering data. Purchasers should ex-ercise any dealred o

44、ptirns offered hereinand prtxwement daumerrt should spxifythe following:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Title, number, and date of this vi.fiution.&p% clam, and aire required (MC1.2 and pplicable table).Whether ntandard or hard-lay mWis required (aae 3.2).When 4-strand mpe is requird (we3.3.1) .Whether rrdldew.maist

45、ant tmmt8 MQUild (SM 3.6).(f) J*ngth of coil to be furnished, f oth-er than specified (ace 39).(8) selection of applicable Ievela of pack-a71ging a71nd puking (ace 5.1 a71nd52) .(h) That purchaer will aaept at origi-nal walght any onit which baabeen shortened or cut for M pm.POaea, if In compliance

46、with thisapec!ficatton.sProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-T-R+lSb6.4 Tmmsportation d=mrlptlon. lhe bans-porfation description aaa minimum weighbftuplimble to this wxnmcdity aIW:Rail:Rope, not otherwise indexed by name.Carload minimum we

47、ight 30,W0pounds.Motor :Rope, not otherwise indexed.Truckload minimum weight 30,000pounds, subject to Rule 115, Na.tional Motor Freight Classification.Notict When Government drawings. -pecifica.ticm, or other data a71re nsed for a71ny pa- otherthan in c=mnection with a71 definitely relsted Cov.MILIT

48、ARY INTERESI?3:Artny-MONavy-ShAtr Force-MOACvpia .f tbil Symr.muk may b ymrchA for 10mob A10IProvided by IHS Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-iIIIIIIII1IIIII_=ANDARDIZATIDN WCmENT IWROVEMENT PRL(Su Iumwmu - w WIoOcwNT m-m a.n-l TITLENAm OF a71wulrrlwo WAmlzallm & 7vPf O* OnGAnluTlON (M -1 (rJ Ul”Do” In m“OREU(JDNL CIO. S=. m? C*Jo MAW WACTWCRD U?$a”,bde,: ,a71SODLEM AJtEMia a71.-a u.- d W“m. w:b. nancr.mw”m w-ding:


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