DOD MIL-A-89400-1995 U S AIR TARGET CHART - SERIES 200 (ATC-200)《U S AIR TAR美国空中目标图200系列》.pdf

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DOD MIL-A-89400-1995 U S AIR TARGET CHART - SERIES 200 (ATC-200)《U S AIR TAR美国空中目标图200系列》.pdf_第1页
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1、MIL-A-89400( DMA) - Superseding PSl4AAl380 January 1981 MILITARY SPECIFICATION U. S. AIR TARGET CHART - SERIES 200 (ATC-200) Thls specification is approved for use by the Defense Mapping Agency, and is available for use by ali Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scooe

2、. This general specification defines requirements for the Defense Mapping Agencys (DMA) U. S. Air Target Chart - Series 200 (ATC-200) which supports the radar/intelligence requirements of tactical and strategic air forces. 1.2 -. The purpose of this specification is to assure uniformity of treatment

3、 among mapping and charting elements, primarily DMA and its contractors, engaged in a coordinated production and maintenance program for this product. Feature requirements are stated in terms of DMAs Feature/Attribute Coding Standard (FACS), to maintain consistency between various DMA production met

4、hods. The use of FACS in this specification is not intended to imply any external digital data coding standard. FACS is the internal coding standard used by DMAs Digital Production System (DPS), which is the primary intended, but not exclusive, method for production of this product at this time. The

5、 Digital Geographic Information Exchange Standard (DIGEST) Feature Attribute Coding Catalog (FACC), not FACS, is the approved coding standard for the exchange of digital geographic data, as well as the standard for DMAs Vector Product Format (VPF) product line. FACC may be included in, or replace FA

6、CS in a future edition of this specification. 1.3 -. . This specification is 1.3.1 an .I s. UNCLAS S IF IED . . The security classification 1.3.2 Security classification of oroduct of the products generated by the use of these specifications will be the lowest category practicable. When it is necess

7、ary to assign a security classification to the product, it shall be in accordance with established national security procedures. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving thls document should be addressed to: Director, Defense

8、 Mapping Agency, ATTN: PR, ST A-13, 8613 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 -21 37 by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposai (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. AMSC: NIA AREA: MCGT PISTRIBUTION STATF MENT 9. Approved for public release: Distribution unlim

9、ited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-89400 m 9999906 2030430 5T3 m MIL-A-89400 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government. . The following 2.1.1 SDeclfications. standards.00- specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of

10、this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those listed in the current Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and the supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation. (See 6.2) e. MILITARY STANDARDS: MIL-STD

11、-129 MIL-STD-2402 (DMA) MIL-STD-2403 (DMA) MIL-STD-2408 (DMA) MIL-STD-2409 MIL-STD-2410 (DMA) MIL-S TD-2 4 14 (DMA) - Marking for Shipment and Storage - MC Each 20,000 meter or yard grid line shall be shown across the face of the chart. (2) Additional ticks; Each 10,000 meter or yard unit shall be t

12、icked on the 20,000 meter or yard grid lines. The 10,000 meter or yard tick shall be centered on the 20,000 meter or yard grid. In addition, a 10,000 meter or yard cross tick shall be centered within each 20,000 meter or yard grid square. The lineweight of the cross tick shall be the same as other t

13、icks and the length (overall length) of each two ticks shall be 7.6 mm (0.3 inch). c. Ellipsoid, major grid and grid zone junctions shall be shown by a solid line extending from calibrated ruler type scale to bleeding edge across chart face. The identifying names of the ellipsoids or grids shall be

14、shown on each side of, and parallel with, the respective junction line. Example : NOTE: Exception is required when a junction line is coincident with a geographic limits of the chart. For those locations neither the junction line or the identifying names are to be shown. Respective data line(s) and

15、only label(s) which are pertinent to geographic interior of chart shall be shown in the grid reference box diagram. (See BESSEL ELLIPSOID INTERNATIONAL ELLIPSOID UTM GRID ZONE DESIGNATION 37R MALAY GRID d. The grid square identification (100,000 unit squares) shall be shown at each 100,0

16、00 unit grid line intersection. When the system is a British Grid that identifies larger grid squares or areas e.g., 500,000 unit squares, in addition to then 100,000 unit squares, then the extra identification shall be shown in smaller letters (or letters and figures) immediately preceding the 100,

17、000 unit grid square identification. See APPENDIX B - ATC Style Sheet, for type size, style and position. e. Grid Labeling of each 100,000 and 10,000 unit tick shall be identified by a value placed opposite the tick. The value may, however, be moved slightly in order to avoid overprinting other info

18、rmation. When the chart includes more than one major grid ellipsoid or zone, then full grid tick values shall be shown at the first 100,000 or 10,000 unit grid tick in each direction from each corner of chart. (i) A grid zone junction may fall so near the edge of a chart that a 100,000 or 10,000 uni

19、t tick for one of the grid zones does not appear on the chart. In this case, the full value shall be shown for the 1,000 unit 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-89400 999990b 2030438 894 W MIL-A-89400 tick nearest the edge of the

20、 chart. In addition, full grid tick values shall be shown as specified in paragraph above. (2) When the chart includes only one major grid and the sequence of grid tick values is uniform, then a full grid tick value shall be placed on the first 100,000 or 10,000 unit grid tick in each direction from

21、 the Southwest corner only. (3) Full grid tick values shall include the abbreviated designation of the measuring unit “mug for meters (or tryds“) for yards on some British grids) and the abbreviated geographic designation of the tick, “N“ for Northings and “E“ for Eastings. . (4) Intermediate Tick V

22、alues shall show only the principal digits and digits preceding principal digits. A combination of two type sizes shall be used to show tick values, 6 pt. and 10 pt. Swiss 742. Exception shall be when three major grids appear on a graphic. When this condition occurs, 6 pt. and 10 pt. Swiss 742 light

23、 condensed type shall be used for grid tick values on one of the two grids which are more alike from the standpoint of similarity of values or declination of the grid ticks. (5) When additional labeling is required, the principal figure (one digit) for each 20,000 meter or yard grid value shall be p

24、ositioned to the north of the 10,000 meter or yard easting ticks and the northing values positioned to the east of the 10,000 meter or yard northing ticks. The grid lines shall be broken and the figures centered on the axis of the line. (6) See APPENDIX B - ATC Style Sheet for type style, size and p

25、osition. f. A grid reference box shall be shown for each grid system portrayed. In the case of BGRS, a grid reference box shall be shown for each unit of measure portrayed (meters/yards), and for each system of grid square identification portrayed. Each grid reference box shall include a step-by- st

26、ep guide to determining the grid reference position of a point located within that chart. See APPENDIX B - ATC Style Sheet for grid reference box design, type requirements and position. NOTE: Ellipsoid, major grid and grid zone junction lines pertinent to chart area including those lines coincident

27、with charts geographic limits shall be shown and labeled in the grid reference box. (See g. The following are types of grid identification notes: (i) A note or notes identifying the grid or grids shall be tailored to and portrayed on each chart. Examples as follows: EWE NUMBERED TICKS IN



30、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-89400 9999906 2030439 720 MIL-A-69400 (3) When grid lines are portrayed across the face of the chart, the grid identification note shall be revised. The word “TICKS“ shall be replaced by the word “LINES“. Exam

31、ple as follows: BLUE NUMBERED LINES INDICATE ME. Grid reference box . See APPENDIX B - ATC Style Sheet for type style, size and placement. 3.10.2 World Geo-e Svstem (CEOREF) . GEOREF shall not be shown. 3.10.3 mld Area Grid 0 . This system divides 1857 world wide chart areas (WACS) into 25

32、equivalent parts and further subdivides each of the 25 parts into 16 equivalent parts. The initial 25 part division is the standard ATC-200 chart indexing system and the subsequent 16 part subdivision termed WAG cell equates to the standard Series 50 chart indexing system within the ATC-200. a. The

33、sheet pattern of the World Area Grid (WAG) shall be indicated by black ticks around the geographic limit of the chart. b. The following note shall be shown below the index to ATC-200 charts in the chart margin (See Sheer panem d World Area Gr# (WAG) is Indicated heavy ticks around edge o

34、f SemOL. 3.10.4 Conversion note. Where European Ellipsoid Datum is the preferred datum for operational large scale mapping and a WGS Ellipsoid grid is depicted, a conversion note is required to permit conversion from the WGS Ellipsoid to International Ellipsoid. See APPENDIX B - ATC Style Sheet The

35、note shall be positioned with the MGRS notes (See and shall read: MID CONVERSIONFROM WGS ELLIPSOID TO INTERNATWAL ELLIPSOID IS M. LATINDEAND M. LONGITUDE * INSERT APPROPRIATE FIGURE 3.11 Mugin data . See APPENDIX B - ATC Style Sheet for graphic illustration of the design, composition and

36、location of all margin data. a. Legends, notes and diagrams that require tailoring are indicated on the style sheet by a (12% black screen) gray tint overprint and accompanying number marking the respective paragraph in the product specification to be followed for guidance. Other notes shall be adde

37、d as necessary for each individual chart. b. All margin data contained on the chart shall be positioned within the trim limits. c. The left margin space will vary in width depending upon the longitude limits of the chart area (See 3.7.1). d. All ATC-200 margin notes and diagrams shown in this specif

38、ication are portrayed in a convenient format. The correct fonts(type, size and style), colors, justification, dimensions and placement for all margin notes and diagrams are specified in APPENDIX B/C - ATC Style Sheets. 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

39、icense from IHS-,-,- MIL-A-89400 9999906 2030440 442 MIL-A-89400 I. 3.11.1 2 . See the section indicated with-in parentheses a. b. C. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 1. m. n. for information concerning a specific topic. Bar Scale ( Boundary Disclaimer Note ( Caution Note (VO) (3.12.1.

40、c) Classification Authority/Declassification Marking ( DMA Seal ( Elevations Note ( .e) Publishers Note ( Radar Significance Analysis Code Legend (RSAC) ( Radar Significant Power Line Code Legend (RSPL) ( Release Contract Note ( Ser

41、ies Title/Number( Users Note ( Vertical Datum Note (3.11.3. li) WNINTEL Caveat ( 1W . A 100- lu B loo . c ce wvsis Code leap-. The following RSAC legend shall be portrayed above the RSPL legend in the lower left margin. RADAR SIGNIFICANCE ANALYSIS CODE LEGEND a

42、ht -.- WSignlEantPorirer unes (RSPL) - - - -(AA)- Medium - - - - - - - - - WSbnHEantP- Lines (RSPL) Mutpie - - weak - - - - - - - - viuagm -_-_ o -(2)- (BC)- Bridm - - - - - - - - - - - n Buydings _ Y fb 3.12 Wture. See category 1 (Culture) code features in TABLE I of this specification for individu

43、al feature requirements. 3.12.1 Vertical Obswion WO). a. All cultural features extending 46m (150 feet) or more above the terrain upon which they rest shall be classified as Vertical Obstructions“. b. Exceptions to the above criteria occurs for VOS located within a Homogeneous Radar Significant Area

44、 (HRSA) . In these cases the HRSA plus the area within a 0.5 nautical mile limit line around the HRSA shall be divided into four quadrants and only the highest obstruction within each quadrant shall be shown. The four quadrants shall be formed by defining the center (by areas) of the HRSA and projec

45、ting a meridian through that point from limit line to limit line. A second line, perpendicular to the first, shall be passed through the center point from limit line to limit line. c. The following note enclosed in a box shall be portrayed in the lower center margin above the bar scale: CAUTION Vert

46、ical Obstructions including Power Transmission Lines have been extracted from the most reliable source available; however, there k no assuram that ail are shown,or that their bcations or heights are exact. 3.13 HvdroaraDhv. See category 2 (Hydrography) code features in TABLE I of this specification

47、for individual feature requirements. 3.14 psoaraDhy/Phvsior . See category 3 (Hypsography) and category 4 (Physiography) code features in TABLE I of this specification for individual feature requirements. 3.14.1 Indexcontour. Feature shall be shown at specified intervals indicating a multiple of the

48、 contour interval portrayed on a graphic. Due to variances of contour interval, the following table shall be followed for determining and standardizing the index contour portrayal. BASIC INTERVAL INDEX INTERVAL INDEX CONTOUR 50 85 4th O, 200, 400, etc. 4th O, 330, 660, etc. 21 Provided by IHSNot for

49、 ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-100 165 200 250 330 400 500 660 1000 MIL-A-89400 5th 4th 5th 4th 5th 5th 4th 5th 5th o, 500, looo, O, 660, 1315, o, lOOO, 2000, o, 10001 2000f O, 1645, 3285, 0,2000, 4000, 0,2000 I 4000 0,3285, 6565, 0,5000, lOOOO, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. NOTE; Index contours determined from metric sources will not have uniform foot differe

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