ECA 197-A-1973 Power Filter Inductors for Electronic Equipment《电子设备的功率过滤器感应器》.pdf

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1、EIA 177-A 73 m 3234600 0028782 9 m .o- z-i- ANSI C83.92-1973 Approved April 9, 1973 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE ElA STANDARD Power Filter Inductors for Electronic Equipment RS=l97=A (Revision of RS-197) Engineering Department ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION EIA 197-A 73 m 3234600 0028783

2、 O m NOTICE EIA engineering standards are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating mis- understandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improve- ment of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the p

3、roper product for his particular need. Existence of such standards shall not in any respect pre- clude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such standards. Recommended standards are adopted by EIA without regard to whether or not their adoption may

4、 involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the recommended standards. Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Eye Stree

5、t, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20006 Electronic Industries Association 1973 All rights reserved Price $2.60 Printed in U.S.A. EIA 197-A 73 m 3234600 0028784 2 m RS-I 97-14 Page 1 POWER FILTER INDUCTORS FOR ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (From RS-19 7 and Standards Proposal No. 1062, formulated under the cognizanc

6、e of the P-3 Committee on Inductive Components.) 1. SCOPE This Standard covers iron-core. power filter inductors for use in electronic equipment where long life, reliability and continuity of operation are essential. 2. DEFINITIONS Definitions of electrical terms used in this Standard shall be in ac

7、cordance with those given in “IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms”, IEEE Std. 100-1972 except as otherwise noted, The “working voltage” between winding and ground shall be defined as the sum of the maxi- mum d-c voltage and the peak a-c voltage which may appear between windi

8、ng and ground under nor- mal conditions outlined in Explanatory Notes 2.3 and 2.4 on Page 4. 3. PURCHASE SPECIFICATIONS The purchaser will specify: 3.1 Inductance and rated direct current. 3.1.1 The full-load direct current supplied through the inductor. NOTE: Standard values of current are decimal

9、multiples of 1.0, 1.6, 2.5,4.0 and 6.3 amperes. 3.1.2 The minimum inductance in henrys required under conditions specified in 3.1.1. Whenever possible, the values of inductance shall be decimal multiples of the following 1.0, 1.6, 2.5, 4.0 and 6.3 henrys. 3.1.3 If a swinging inductor is requited, sp

10、ecify: (a) The value of the reduced direct current supplied through the inductor. (b) The minimum inductance required under condition specified in 3.1.3(a). 3.1.4 The maximum inductance in henrys, only if significant in the circuit. 3.2 D-c resistance at 25”C, if significant in the circuit. (See Exp

11、lanatory Note 1 on Page 4,) EIA 197-A 73 3234600 0028785 4 c RS-197-A Page 2 a 3.3 Power frequency, ripple frequency, “working voltage” and rms value of ripple voltage across the inductor. Alternatively, the circuit diagram of the rectifier and filter and character of the load may be given, complete

12、 with component values. 3.4 Di: voltage at the filter output under full load. 3.5 Peak surge voltage across the inductor. (See Explanatory Note 2 on Page 6.) 3.6 Unusual requirements or operating conditions. 3.7 Construction features. 3.7.1 General assembly. (For example: exposed core and coils, end

13、-bell, sheet-metal-enclosed or hermetically sealed, dry- or liquid-filled). NOTE: In specifying construction, cognizance should be taken of requirements imposed by 3,8.4, 4.3 and 4.4. 3.7.2 Terminals. (For example: leads, screw studs or soldering lugs.) 3.7.3 Mounting. (For example: terminal end or

14、opposite end.) 3.7.4 Limiting dimensions and weight. 3.8 Conditions of operation. 3.8.1 Maximum ambient temperature for continuous operation. (a) Unless otherwise specified, the ambient temperature shall be assumed to be 50C. 3.8.2 Maximum altitude if more than 5000 feet (1.52 km) above sea level. 3

15、.8.3 Duty cycle if not continuous. (Time on and ratio of time on to time off.) 3.8.4 Special conditions, such as ability to withstand vibration. 3.9 Other specifications with which the inductor must comply (Army, Navy, etc.) 4. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 4.1 When tested under standard conditions as descr

16、ibed in 5.1, the maximum temperature rise of the inductor winding shall not exceed the limit for the class of insulation used, as defined by the latest issue of IEEE Standard No. 1. Unless other classes are specifically agreed upon between purchaser and manufacturer, Class A insulation shall be used

17、. 0 EIA 177-A 73 323YbOO 002878b b RS-191-A Page 3 0 4.2 Winding voltage. The winding shall be insulated so as to withstand the voltages of 3.3 applied con- tinuously at either end, and repeated application of the surge voltage of 3.5. 4.3 Unless otherwise specified, inductors shall be so constructe

18、d as to pass successfully the Moisture Resistance Tests of Section 8. NOTE: Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the standard ripple voltage used in the inductance test shall be 1 O volts, 60 hertz. 4.4 Unless otherwise specified, Magnitude of Corona shall be within the limits tabulated in S

19、ection 9. 5. PERFORMANCE TESTS 5.1. Inductance Test. Inductance shall be measured in a suitable circuit with direct current, ripple volt- age and frequency applied across the winding as specified in Section 3. If desired, a higher or lower frequency, with voltage increased or decreased proportionate

20、ly, may be used. 5.2 Load Test. With voltage and current applied as in 5.1 , the inductor shall be capable of meeting the requirements of 4.1 , with test conditions as described in Section 7. S.3 Dielectric Strength Test. The inductor, at room temperature, shall withstand without breakdown the appli

21、cation of alternating voltage of essentially sinusoidal wave shape and at a frequency of 60 hertz as follows: 5.3.1 A test potential of 1.4 x the “working voltage” plus 1 O00 rms volts shall be applied be- tween the winding and the core or case, with the terminals short-circuited together. NOTE: Sin

22、ce the application of test potentials may impair the insulation, any dielectric test shall, if repeated, be made at not more than 90 percent of the specified test potential. Standard dielectric test voltages for inductors are as follows: Inductor Max. Peak Working Voltage 420 1.,060 2,100 3,750 6,35

23、0 8,200 10,600 RmS Test Voltage 1,600 2,500 4,000 6,300 10,000 12,500 16,000 NOTE: For rectifier filter inductors subject to surges described in the Explanatory Note on Page 5, multiply the d-c voltage by 2.5 to obtain the maximum peak working voltage in this table. - - 3 -_ - - , =-=- - EIA 197-A 7

24、3 = 3234b00 0028787 8 m L r RS-197-A Page 4 5.3.2 The test potential shall be increased gradually, e.g., at a rate of approximately 2 kV. per a second, from zero to the specified value, maintained at the specified value for a period of one minute, and decreased gradually to zero. 5.4 Induced Voltage

25、 Test. The inductor shall withstand, without breakdown, the application of test potentials as follows: 5.4.1 An essentially sinusoidal test potential shall be applied to the winding with all taps open- circuited. 5.4.2 The test frequency shail be at least twice the ripple frequency specified in 3.3.

26、 5.4.3 The test potential shall be of such magnitude that the voltage applied to the winding will be twice the ripple voltage specified in 3.3, or an mis voltage equal to the d-c voltage of 3.4, which- ever is greater. 5.4.4 The test potential shail be increased gradually from zero to the specified

27、value, maintained at the specified value for a total of 7200 alternations (but not less than 10 seconds), and decreased gradually to zero. The lowest-potential terminal of the winding shall be grounded during this test. 5.5 Surge-voltage Test. Where the surge voltage specified in 3.5 exceeds the dc

28、voltage, the inductor shall be subjected to an impulse test as agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 6. MARKING Recommended markings are (each inductor shall be marked with at least 6.1 and 6.2): 6.1 Manufacturers name or identification. 6.2 Manufacturers number. 6.3 Inductance, 6.4 Rat

29、ed direct current. 6.5 D-c working voltage. 6.6 D-c resistance at 25C. 1 EIA 197-A 73 m 3234600 0028788 T m RS-1974 Page 5 7. TEST METHODS 7,l Recommended test methods are: 7.1.1 The indiictor under test shall be mounted so as to be protected against drafts and shall not be subject to radiation from

30、 warmer objects. 7.1.2 The thermometer for measuring the ambient temperature shall be protected against trivial temperature changes by means of an oil bath or other suitable thermal delay device. The load tests may be performed at room temperature. 7.1.3 The thermoneter for measuring the temperature

31、 of the core or case shall be secured in contact with the core or case by means of glaziers putty or other suitable material. 7.1.4 If the winding is tapped, the full winding and applied voltage shall be used for the load test. 7.1.5 The frequency for the load test shall be the lowest ripple frequen

32、cy at which the inductor is rated forh continuous operation, unless voltage is increased or decreased as in 5.1. 7.1 .G The load test shall continue until the temperature of the inductor core or case shows constancy for three successive readings at intervals of at least 30 minutes. 7.1.7 The tempera

33、ture of the winding (for copper) shall be computed by the resistance method using the following formula (IEEE Rule 13-207): e R r T= -(234.5 +t) -234.5 t = reference temperature in OC of winding. T = temperature in “C of winding to be calculated. r = resistance in ohms at reference temperature t. R

34、= observed resistance in ohms at temperature T. In applying this method, the resistance (r) at reference temperature (t) shall be measured after conditioning or (b) Shall, where (a) is impracticable, be induced in the winding while the core is grounded. 9.1.4 The magnitude of the corona level across

35、 insulation under test shall be less than the follow- ing limiting values: Working Voltage (Kilovolts) Up to 8.6 8.61 to 15 Corona Level Picocoulombs 1 O0 250 For a FREE and complete listing of all EIA and JEDEC Standards and Engineering Publications write: r EIA Engineering Department Standards Orders 2001 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 9. EIA 197-A 73 m 3234600 0028792 1 m -li RELATED EIA STANDARDS In addition to this Standard, the following EIA Recommended Standards on Inductors are available: RS-175 Audio Inductors $2.00 RS-18 1 Iron Core Charging Inductors $2.20 O O O

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