ECA 260-1962 Tape-Wound Toroidal Cores《磁带环绕环形磁芯》.pdf

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1、- r . EIA 260 62 323LibOO O063636 2 W O ro N YI 4 Ly 8 STANDARD Tapewound Toroidal Cores (Reaffirmed March 1970) April 1962 Engineering Department ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION v- EIA 2b0 b2 3234b00 00b3bL7 4 = NOTICE EIA engineering standards are designed to serve the public interest through el

2、iminating misun- derstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improve- ment of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for its particular need. Existence of such standards shall not in any respec

3、t preclude any member or non-member of EIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such standards. Recommended standards adopted by EIA are without any regard to whether or not their adoption may in any way involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. By such action, EIA do

4、es not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the recommended standards. * Published by ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION Engineering Department 2001 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 I CoDyrinht 1968 by Electxonic Industries b

5、ocktion All rights raeerve Price: $2.20. Muted lu U.S.A. EIA 260 62 Q 3234600 0063638 b W RS-260 Page 1 TAPEWOUND TOROIDAL CORES (From Standards Proposal No. 680 formulated under the cognzance of EIA Working Group P-3-22 on Wound Toroidal Cores, and Committee P-3 on Inductive Components) O 1. MATERI

6、AL 1.1 Thickness Nominal thicknesses to be 1, 2, 4, 6, and 14 mils foralloys other than silicon iron. For silicon iron alloys, nominal thicknesses to be 1, 2, 4, and 12 mils in accordance with EIA Standard RS-2174 (Wound Cut Cores). 2. STANDARD CORE SIZES 2.1 The standard sizes for toroidal tape-wou

7、nd cores were selected in accordance with AIEE Pub- lication Number 430 (April 1958) .1 This standard lists 11 low-gain core sizes and 10 high-gain core sizes, along with 9 other sizes. Table I lists these sizes. 3. STANDARD CASE SIZES 3.1 Table I lists the minimum I.D., maximum O.D., and maximum he

8、ight for a complete core enclosed in an aluminum case for the standard sizes. These dimensions do not include coatings applied to the case for insulation. 3.2 If it becomes necessary to design new aluminum cases, the recommended formulae presented in Table II shall be used. These formulae are applic

9、able only when the core dimensions are within the following : 0.6 All tests shall be made at a temperature of 26C 4.2 The constant-current-flux-reset-method as proposed in the above shall be the recommended pre- ferred test method. 4.3 A match for a specified set of cores is defined as the ratio in

10、percent of the difference between the largest and the smallest value in the set. (-6C + 10OC). x 100 L-s Percent Match = - S 1 Available from the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 346 East 47th Street, New York, New York. EIA 260 62 W 3234600 0063bL I! = RS-260 Page 2 where : L = largest v

11、alue of the test point in the set, and S = smallest value of the test point in the set A set of cores shall be considered matched if they fulfill the following three conditions when tested in accordance with the constant-current-flux-reset-method : a. Hi matched within 6 percent. b. AH matched withi

12、n 10 percent. c. B, matched within 6 percent. NOTE: If the sine-current-excitation test method is used, a set of cores shall be considered matched if they fulfill the following three conditions. a. Ap, matched within 6 percent. b. H, matched within 6 percent. c. B, matched within 6 percent. 5. PEIRF

13、ORMANCE STANDARDS 5.1 The standard performance specification for tape-wound cores of 60 percent oriented nickel iron and 79 percent nickel iron (square loop) tested by the constant-flux-reset-method is presented in Table III. 5.2 The standard performance specification for tape-wound cores of 60 perc

14、ent oriented nickel iron and 79 percent nickel iron (square loop) tested by the sine-current-excitation-method is presented in Table IV. 6. HERMETIC SEAL OF ENCASED CORES 6.1 The test for hermetic seal of encased cores is limited to cores with a high temperature rating of 100C maximum. 6.2 An entias

15、ed core is defined ax3 Class Al (liquid filled) if the viscosity of the damping material at 90C is equal to or less than 100,000 centistokes. The test for hermetic seal is made by placing the core, seal down, on a piece of Kraft or brown manila paper in an oven maintained at 90C. Cores with an OB of

16、 2 inches or less shall be kept in the oven for 30 minutes. Cores with an OD greater than 2 inches shall be kept in the oven for one hour. At the conclusion of this test, there shall be no trace of damping material on the paper. 6.3 An encased core is defined as Class A2 (dry filled) if the viscosit

17、y of the damping material at 90C is greater than 100,000 centistokes. The test for hermetic seal is made by placing the core in hot water maintained at 90C. One percent aerosol solution may be added to break surface tension. The core shall be kept in the bath for 16 minutes. The seal is judged satis

18、factory if no flow of air bubbles is observed. -. .- - EIA 260 62 R 3234600 0063620 4 = RS-260 Page 3 TABILE I Standard Case Sima and Aiuminum Ca- before Application of Finish Core Size Case Size Minimum Maximum Maximum I.D. O.D. Height 0.412 0.637 0.662 0.912 1.146 1.382 1.866 1.866 2.308 3.067 3.8

19、09 0.432 0.662 0.662 0.922 1.146 1.867 2.307 2.307 3.067 3.810 0.537 0.912 0.912 0.912 0.912 1.146 1.520 2.336 2.308 0.838 1.088 1.218 1.688 2.113 2.618 3.145 3.166 3.943 6.193 6.265 0.693 0.988 1.088 1.468 1.865 2.666 3.693 3.693 4.698 6.667 1.088 1.343 1.343 1.688 1.688 1.856 2.113 3.166 3.943 0.2

20、37 0.300 0.300 0.367 0.492 0.646 0.645 1.180 1.711 1.738 2.292 0.237 0.237 0.362 0.367 0.642 0.646 0.680 1.211 1.738 2.297 0.362 0.237 0.362 0.492 0.626 0.392 0.367 0.660 1.466 Minimum Radius 0.016 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.025 0.026 0.026 0.030 0.036 0.040 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.020 0.020 0.026 0.030

21、0.030 0.036 0.040 0.016 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.026 0.030 EIA 2b0 62 3234bQJ 00b3b2l.1 b ._ RS-260 Page 4 TABLE II Recommended Dee Formulae for Aiuminum Cas- before Application of Flnish Core I.D. 1.00 1.01-2.00 2.01-3.00 3.01-4.00 4.01-6.00 Core O.D. 1.00 1.01-2.00 2.01-3.00 3.01-4.00

22、 4.01-6.00 5.01-6.00 Core Strip Width 0.376 0.376-0.750 0.751-1.60 1.601-2.00 Subtract to Determine Minimum Case I.D. 0.086 0.115 0.130 0.170 0.190 Add to Determine Maximum Case O.D. 0.086 0.116 0.130 0.170 8.190 0,200 Add to Determine Maximum Case Height 0.120 0.140 0.180 0.220 Core O.D. Minimum Co

23、rner Radii 1.00 0.016 l.01-2.00 0.020 2.01-3.00 . 0.025 3.01-4.00 0.030 4.01-6.00 0.036 5.01-6.00 0.040 NOTE: All dimensions are in inches. EIA 260 62 3234600 0063622 13 RS-260 Page 5 n ? fl n ? fl n ? E! n ? E! a a O O e3 O 16 9 ? LIJ c1 8 16 b 2 O a n ? w m r( 9 s x 8 2 n ? El 9 .- II o M 9 2 2 Y 9 2 c .” EIA 260 b2 = 3234b00 0063b23 T m RS-260 Page 6 s I *moo ZSb$ moo 223 n

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