1、BRITISH STANDARDBS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009Safety of machinery Safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines Part 13: Machines for de-wiring bales and unitsICS 85.100BS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009This British Standard was published under the authority of the S
2、tandards Policy and Strategy Committee on 4 January 2006 BSI 2010 ISBN 978 0 580 62505 3National forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009. It supersedes BS EN 1034-13:2005 which is withdrawn.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical C
3、ommittee MCE/3, Safeguarding of machinery, to Subcommittee MCE/3/9, Paper and printing machines Safety.A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users a
4、re responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags. Tags indicating changes to CEN text carry the numberof the CEN amendment. For
5、 example, text altered by CEN amendment A1 is indicated by Amendments/corrigenda issued since publicationDate Comments31 July 2010 Implementation of CEN amendment A1:2009EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN 1034-13:2005+A1 December 2009 ICS 85.100 Supersedes EN 1034-13:2005English Ve
6、rsion Safety of machinery - Safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines - Part 13: Machines for de-wiring bales and units Scurit des machines - Prescriptions de scurit pour la conception et la construction de machines de fabrication et de finition du pa
7、pier - Partie 13: Machines couper les fils des balles et units Sicherheit von Maschinen - Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen an Konstruktion und Bau von Maschinen der Papierherstellung und Ausrstung - Teil 13: Maschinen zur Entdrahtung von Ballen und Units This European Standard was approved by CEN
8、 on 6 October 2005 and includes Amendment 1 approved by CEN on 17 November 2009. CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and b
9、ibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibil
10、ity of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
11、 Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMIT EUROPEN DE NORMALISATION EUROPISCHES KOMITEE FR NORMUNG Management Centre: Avenue Mar
12、nix 17, B-1000 Brussels 2009 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009: E2 Contents Page Foreword 3Introduction .41 Scope 42 Normative references 43 Terms and definitions .54 List of significant hazards 7
13、5 Safety requirements and/or measures 95.1 General 95.2 De-wiring device and loading .95.3 Wire ejection device . 105.4 Workplaces, access stairs, catwalks, passageways . 105.5 Start-up warning device . 105.6 Emergency stop device 105.7 Isolation and energy dissipation, prevention of unexpected star
14、t-up 105.8 Equipment for make-ready and maintenance 105.9 Safety measures for cleaning operations 115.10 Control systems and actuators . 115.11 Integrated lighting. 115.12 Noise 115.13 Ergonomic aspects . 115.14 Electrical equipment . 115.15 Hydraulic equipment 115.16 Pneumatic equipment 116 Verific
15、ation of safety requirements and/or measures . 117 Information for use . 12Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 98/37/EC . 13Annex ZB (informative) !Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements
16、 of EU Directive 2006/42/EC“ 14Figures Figure 1 Example of a machine for cutting bale wires 6 Figure 2 Example of a machine for unit de-wiring . 6 Figure 3 Example of a machine for de-wiring cellulose bales 7 Tables Table 1 List of significant hazards . 8 Table 2 Methods used to verify safety requir
17、ements and/or measures 12 BS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009 (E)3 Foreword This document (EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 198 “Printing and paper machinery - Safety”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN. This document shall be given the sta
18、tus of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2010, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 2010. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject
19、of patent rights. CEN and/or CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. This document includes Amendment 1, approved by CEN on 17 November 2009. This document supersedes EN 1034-13:2005. The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indi
20、cated in the text by tags !“. !This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s). For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annexes ZA and ZB, which are
21、integral parts of this document.“ According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
22、Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. BS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009 (E)4 Introduction This European Standard is a type C standard a
23、s stated in EN ISO 12100-1:2003. The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situations and events are covered are indicated in the scope of this European Standard. For machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions of this C standard, the following sti
24、pulation applies: When provisions of this type C standard are different from those which are stated in type B standards or from provisions made in !EN 1034-1:2000+A1:2010“, the provisions of this type C standard take precedence over the provisions of the other standards. 1 Scope This European Standa
25、rd applies to machines for de-wiring bales and units and shall be used together with !EN 1034-1:2000+A1:2010“. It deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and hazard events relevant to machines for de-wiring bales and units, when used as intended and under conditions reasonably fores
26、eeable by the manufacturer as incorrect application (see clause 4). This European Standard is not applicable to hand-held devices. This European Standard is not applicable to machines for de-wiring bales and units which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN. 2 Norma
27、tive references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this European Standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 294:1992, Safety of m
28、achinery Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs. EN 418:1992, Safety of machinery Emergency stop equipment Functional aspects Principles for design. EN 619:2002, Continuous conveyors and systems Safety and EMC requirements for mechanical conveying systems for packa
29、ged goods. EN 953:1997, Safety of machinery Guards General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards. EN 954-1:1996, Safety of machinery Safety related parts of control systems Part 1: General principles for design. EN 982:1996, Safety of machinery Safety requirements
30、for fluid power systems and their components Hydraulics. EN 983:1996, Safety of machinery Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components Pneumatics. BS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009 (E)5 !EN 1034-1:2000+A1:2010“, Safety of machinery Safety requirements for the desi
31、gn and construction of paper making and finishing machines Part 1: Common requirements. EN 1088:1995, Safety of machinery Interlocking devices associated with guards Principles for design and selection. EN 1837:1999, Safety of machinery Integral lighting of machines. EN 13023:2003, Noise measurement
32、 methods for printing, paper converting, paper making machines and auxiliary equipment Accuracy categories 2 and 3. EN 60204-1:1997, Safety of machinery Electrical equipment Part 1: General requirements (IEC 60204-1:1997). EN 61000-6-2:2001, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 6-2: Generic stan
33、dard Immunity Part 2: Industrial environment (IEC 61000-6-2:1999, modified). EN 61496-1:2004, Safety of machinery Electro-sensitive protective equipment Part 1: General requirements and tests (IEC 61496-1:2004, modified). prEN 61496-2:1997, Safety of machinery Electro-sensitive protective equipment
34、Part 2: Particular requirements for equipment using active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs) (IEC 61496-2:1997, modified). EN ISO12100-1:2003, Safety of machinery Basic concepts General principles for design Part 1: Basic terminology, methodology (ISO 12100-1:2003). EN ISO 12100-2:2003, Saf
35、ety of machinery Basic concepts General principles for design - Part 2: Technical principles and specifications (ISO 12100-2:2003). 3 Terms and definitions For the purpose of this European Standard, the definitions given in !EN 1034-1:2000+A1:2010“, EN ISO 12100-1:2003 and the following apply: 3.1 m
36、achine for de-wiring bales and units machinery used for cutting and or opening and removing wires used for binding together bales made of cellulose or paper and units formed of cellulose bales. This machinery includes the de-wiring device, integrated continuous conveyor for moving the bales and unit
37、s, the loading conveyor, the positioning device and the wire ejection device, including the drive and control systems. Examples of machine types are illustrated in Figures 1, 2 and 3. BS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009 (E)6 NOTE Safety devices are not shown Key 1 Loading conveyor 2 Mo
38、vable blade 3 Control cabinet Figure 1 Example of a machine for cutting bale wires NOTE Safety devices are not shown Key 1 Wire ejection 2 Feed direction 3 Cutting tool Figure 2 Example of a machine for unit de-wiring 123BS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009 (E)7 NOTE Safety devices are
39、not shown Key 1 Feed direction 2 Movable cutting tool 3 Loading conveyor 4 Positioning device 5 Continuous conveyor Figure 3 Example of a machine for de-wiring cellulose bales 3.2 de-wiring device device with tools for cutting/opening, gripping and removing the wires, including drive 3.3 loading con
40、veyor continuous conveyor for transporting bales or units to the feeding point of the de-wiring device 3.4 positioning device system with sliders that push the bales or units into the position required on the convenyer for de-wiring 3.5 wire ejection device device used for removing the wire from the
41、 machine 3.6 unit combination of several bales made of cellulose held together by wires 4 List of significant hazards This clause contains all the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, as far as they are dealt with in this standard, which are identified by risk assessment as signific
42、ant for this type of machinery and which require action to eliminate or reduce the risk. BS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009 (E)8 Table 1 List of significant hazards Significant hazards EN 1034-13:2005 !EN 1034-1:2000+A1:2010“Mechanical hazards Crushing hazard 5.2.1; 5.2.2; 5.2.5 5.1 S
43、hearing hazard 5.2.1; 5.2.2; 5.2.5 5.1; 5.11; 5.12 Cutting or severing hazard 5.2.1 5.2 Entanglement hazard 5.2.1 5.1; 5.4Drawing-in or trapping hazard 5.2.3; 5.2.4 5.1 Stabbing or puncture hazard 5.2.1; 5.3 5.1 High-pressure fluid ejection hazard 5.15; 5.16 5.24 Ejection of parts 5.3 5.2Slip, trip
44、and fall hazards in relationship with machines 5.3 5.5 Electrical hazards, for example Electrical contact (direct or indirect) 5.14 5.23 External influences on electrical equipment 5.14 5.23Hazards generated by noise, resulting in: Hearing loss and other physiological disorders 5.12 5.15 Interferenc
45、es with speech communication, acoustic signals etc. 5.12 5.15Hazards generated by neglecting ergonomic principles: Unhealthy postures or excessive efforts 5.13 5.22 Inadequate consideration of human anatomy 5.13 5.22Inadequate area lighting 5.11 5.18 Hazards caused by failure of energy supply, break
46、ing down of machine parts and other functional disorders: Failure of energy supply 5.7 5.8 Failure, malfunction of control system 5.2.1; 5.2.2; 5.2.4; 5.5.2; 5.6.2; 5.10; 5.14; 5.15; 5.16 5.14 Errors of fitting 5.2.4; 5.5; 5.6; 5.7 5.6; 5.8 Feeding/removal of workpieces 5.2.3; 5.3 5.10 Equipment req
47、uired for safe cleaning, adjustment and/or maintenance 5.8; 5.9 5.5; 5.9 Emergency measures 5.6 5.7; 5.18; 5.19BS EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009EN 1034-13:2005+A1:2009 (E)9 5 Safety requirements and/or measures 5.1 General Machinery shall comply with the safety requirements and/or measures of this clause.
48、In addition, the machines shall be designed according to the principles of EN 12100-1:2003 for hazards relevant but not significant, which are not dealt with by this document. 5.2 De-wiring device and loading 5.2.1 In order to prevent access to the de-wiring device danger zone, guards shall be provi
49、ded, e.g. fencing in accordance with 3.10 of EN 1034:2000 and the safety distances in accordance with Table 2 of EN 294:1992 shall be complied with. Where access to the danger zone is required, e.g. for make-ready, clearing jams or cleaning, the fencing shall be designed as an interlocking guard. The interlocks shall meet the requirements of EN 1088:1995 and their control systems sh