EN 107-1980 en Methods of Testing Windows Mechanical Tests《窗户的试验方法 机械试验》.pdf

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EN 107-1980 en Methods of Testing Windows Mechanical Tests《窗户的试验方法 机械试验》.pdf_第1页
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EN 107-1980 en Methods of Testing Windows Mechanical Tests《窗户的试验方法 机械试验》.pdf_第5页
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1、-. 9 . . .- . -. . Essais mcaniQues . . , . I I z;. -. I i-. “ ! * - : . . _. . _. . - I. I -i 2. This European Standard was accepted by CEN on 1980-10-22 . The CEN- :be.rs are .bound to adhere to the .CEN Interp.al Regulations which specify ucder which condifions this .Europ , i any CEX.Members. Th

2、is .European S tkdarri7i es tabl5shed. by CEN in three off icil versions :(English, French,. Gesan) f A-translation made by another Member u.nder its ownrecpon=sibilifp, in its own:language, . and notified to CEN, has the same . . 9.r:. :. c., - - -_ .- . . . . .- . * ., * a 1 . i *“,sta,ts. - .: t

3、“.? ;* : b : .*e ;44 . 2- # f .-. . -*. * , 6. “CEN Belgium, * 1- . Denmark, :.Finland, France, Germany: Greece , “Ireland,. .Italy,. ,Netherlands * ._ , Norway, . .;-Tor.tug.; Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. and r. Un;i.ted .C. Kingdom. . 8.- .; , -. .:; , , . .,*; .,. , . . . .) ._ . *-. . . . . q., -

4、. : .s- _. a.-.- l .I . .-fe* a . *.v,;. . . . .-hi. “2. . .It . . e , . . . .- _ .* Central Se3retarlak.: rue Brder:de 2: f -lOO. Bruxelles . : ,_ . i .- -._ ,r - *. . -! 0 Cbpyright rcservkd to all CEN blemberc CEN EN*L07 80 W 3i.104587 00003LO 8 . , . .-. -* ,. , *- . . . . I . - . . -4 ., * . .

5、. . - - - . , . . . . . - ,. . - . . - h. . . - . I . . -. ,-* _.%.,. .,.: , _ .i- .-_ - _. _ . I . -. -* _. - . : A- . - . . , _. 1 . - . -. .-. . - . . . ? BRIEF -HI-STOBY . .,. ., . _. . - -.;- .C-“. . ;- -. . , -. + ._. . . -. . ,I . . . .- - , _. . . - . . - o.,:. :. : . . , -. The Secretariat

6、of which ia held byA33OR. .,: -. a . - . .- s. ., .I. - . This European Standard was adopted by CEX on the-stringtfi of . , . _. . .I ., its acceptace by the following Menber countries .- . . : .11. , I . *- I. *. . r ,# . . a e. *. ,- *. , c .,.u . i. . CEN ENxL07 80 3Ll04C89 00003LL T BEST COPY AV

7、AILABLE . . prEli iC7 -* Fege 3 Windows, a,art ?ron the chaacteristics they have when close3, undergo vaz-ious “stresses“ while being opened and closed or cleazed. Mech. - - . . . _-._- . -. -. * .- +. . . . . . -.I - *-*.-.-. -_)_I ._._ - -. _L. ,_ 5.1 -. . . . .- displace tize wicdow, leaf (clause

8、 8.1 ) . -. -.,.- Tests varying according to the iay.in which the window opens :.;:-: :y : . . -. _. -.e.*“ 5-2 - nisuse (clausa8.2) - tests of located opening devies of windows in!inUo.;:s tkst open in more thu one way. _ TESTS TO BE CJ-XUED OUT FOR T3 PRINCIPAL TYPES OF ?I:NDoWS . - :. u. (The num

9、bers given in the table correspond to the diagrams given on pages 9 to 19) . .: . _. .-. . t. . . , ,. . _._ .I -. . . ._ . , . _ .- - . . . . -. . a. Fest of restrictc 2nd locz- ked ope?: . Tests simulating ml 9 suce (clzuse 8;2) , Bending md . his tin( Torsion Diagona: de I o rm- tion 1 Type. of w

10、indow . 5 . _. . 2 . 3 :. 4 a. . I - . . .!. _ “_._ . - . . open Verticil *I . in 1 -2* -. 1-1 . - open. . .,-kan a force is eoplied at the end of theoperating device which tencis to create a torsion of the section where the evice is fitted. c See diagrans 5-3 and 6-5. ._.-. -. - - . -. - d . . .- D

11、iegoml - defornakion test C . This test determines the ehmlour of slidiog windows in the case of zcci- dental obstruction during opeeng or closing See diagras 5-4 A, 54 B, 6-4. -. . -. i. “ . . .,# : . .i._ . - , .,. . - . ._ i a , . .,. * I *. ,. . ,- . . .- I . , I- . . : . r; Lt .- . - Y .- . . 4

12、 a 1 3904589 0000317 0 U . . prEX i07 - Paga 9 BEST COPY AVAILABLE . I 843 Restricted of l.oczte2 03. - 6:; C. I- . . This teat deteroinec the .behaviour of restricted or located opening devices for windows .in the cas,e .of a ,sudden load (for exaqle a gust, of win or a -. . . . ,- blow) -1 The tes

13、ts re illuCtrated in the diagrws on pages 9 to 19 which show the test procedure according to the tyoe of window. To test the located oFeaing devices, the leaf is secured in Lts stable open. position by neans of the fitted device. The force is aglied psrgendEe%m . to the plane of the leaf in the midd

14、le of the side furthest from the rotati11 axis. -_ -. t i .* O O .The con6itiolis of application of the force are the same as those Ln . 20e2, 1 t .;Test for restricted . See diagram 2-5 A. . . 8.3.2 L. c%aUa e I .I - . .*- - . - _- . . - .-. Test for loceted openhg devices : .- .- - -,- , Seediagra

15、ms 1-5, 2-5 B, 3-5, 4-5, 6-5- -;,- .-._. .- - . .i- -f . . . RECORDTNG OF RESULTS , - 90 -. . For each test, note $he . ._. results.as indicated in clause 8-. Note also all indidents that occ50 _. . _-._. . - -. . -. . - .I - i :. I :. . . , . ._ . -. . I. i. “ i i .- . *i , . .r. .u“- ):i CEN EN*10

16、? 80 W 3404589 O000319 4 O Poge 91 NFASURE irair . prE3 io7 - BEST COPY AVAILABLE NO3.1 B Vertically pivoted. - - -.- - .- - . a. N03J A Vertically pivoted 50m . I -I I F Q,. o . e_- .- .- .I r i -. - 51; I 60 “ - a2 . ,-_ V - a! - . f A / . .- jtt I+ a _. 1 . -. b , . s. -. CEN EN*l107 BO W 3404589

17、 0000320 O pr% 107 - Page 12 BEST COPY AVAILABLE :.= - N04,1 B Horizontdly pivoted . - I NO 4e1b A Zorizontally pivoted - . . . . . - ._ . t I . - - . _I.C ._ . ._ a . - a. = ;!m. . ; . . 2 - : _o;- . .-. .- - ,. - . 1. ,.*. . a= mm . .-. . . # .- I. 1 I. 3. 3404589 0000323 b orEN 107 - Page :5 BEST

18、 COPY AVAILABLE _ ._ . , _. , .= -. .“ . . 4. . No 3,2 cd = 90.0 50 Vertically pivoted 3. .- . .-Lii- : -. 2.:a! . I -: a1 o -7. - , . _ -al - . 1 -* , a j , .- ,- #* - as-a = m,- *s. . -al . I . . . - .m . 0- 2 -4: o ,- ., 4- , . . a.“ . . CEN ENULOI 80 = 3qOq589 0000325 T i c BEST COPY AVAILABLE p

19、rEH 107 - Fnge 17 *. _- 6 . - ._ . . *L .- . - . 1. NO!L4 A Horizont ally sliding . NO5.4 B Horizontally slid5ng . . . I .- I I. . z i . NO604 .* Vertically ciiring L. I = dl - di, Value before tes = d, - dt2 Value afier test - _- .- . -. . . -. c - .- ! .- I .- . al . .- . .- -. a -a .- m. * , 2. o

20、 -. CEN EN*L07 88 I 3404589 000032b I m prEN 107 - Paga 18 BEST COPY AVAILABLE i , . , Side hung . I , . . I. i. .- -;- . -. . e. r;. a . . . a *. .I J vc L CEN EN*it07 80 Wl 3qOLl583 0000327 3 BEST - COPY AVAILABLE przx io7 - page 19 . . *. . _. . , .-. Length of wire rope2distance from the opeaed

21、window to the floorl passing through the guiding pulley. Fix a mass M at the center of the top horizontal element of the , winm. The mecs. is hage by a hire rope attache to the fixing point of the window. The length of the wire rope is such .tht mzss rests bzrely on the floor when the window is open

22、ed (1). Place a 20 mm plate t the place where the mass will hit the floor,. znd close the window (2), $he opening of the 15nciow is accelerated by the mass M which will touch the plate before the window reaches fts blocking position(3). - .- The“opeliing *aii is measured before and ater the tests. The nuzber .- . . . il - 7 CENEN*L07 80 WM 3404589 0000328 5 BEST COPY AVAILABLE ,. .1. . , . prSl( 107 - .Page, 20 +“


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