EN 2591-1992 en Aerospace Series - Elements of Electrical and Optical Connection - Test Methods - General《航空航天系列 电连接和光学连接部件 试验方法 综述》.pdf

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EN 2591-1992 en Aerospace Series - Elements of Electrical and Optical Connection - Test Methods - General《航空航天系列 电连接和光学连接部件 试验方法 综述》.pdf_第1页
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EN 2591-1992 en Aerospace Series - Elements of Electrical and Optical Connection - Test Methods - General《航空航天系列 电连接和光学连接部件 试验方法 综述》.pdf_第2页
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EN 2591-1992 en Aerospace Series - Elements of Electrical and Optical Connection - Test Methods - General《航空航天系列 电连接和光学连接部件 试验方法 综述》.pdf_第3页
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EN 2591-1992 en Aerospace Series - Elements of Electrical and Optical Connection - Test Methods - General《航空航天系列 电连接和光学连接部件 试验方法 综述》.pdf_第4页
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EN 2591-1992 en Aerospace Series - Elements of Electrical and Optical Connection - Test Methods - General《航空航天系列 电连接和光学连接部件 试验方法 综述》.pdf_第5页
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1、CEN ENr259L 72 = 3404587 0037839 326 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPENNE EUROPISCHE NORM EN 2591:1992 October 1992 UK 621.316.5: 620.1 : 629.7 Descriptors: Aerospace industry, aircraft equipment, elements of electricd and optical connection, test English version . Aerospace series - Elements of electr

2、ical and optical connection - Test methods - General %rie arospatiale - Organe de connexion lectrique et optique - Mthodes dessais - Genral ites Luft- und Raumfahrt - Elektrische und optische Verbindungselemente - Prfverfahren - Al 1 gemeines This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1992-10-19.

3、 CEN members are bound to ccmply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards my be obtained on a

4、pplication to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN menber. The European Standards exist in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translatioci under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat h

5、as the same status as the official.versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands. Noway, Portugal, Spain, Sueden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. European Committee for Standard

6、ization Comit Europen de Normalisation Europisches Komitee fr Normung O 1992 Copyright reserved to CEN members Ref. No. EN 2591 : 1992 E CEN EN*259L 92 3404589 0037840 048 = Page 2 EN 2591 : 1992 Foreword This European Standard has been prepared by the European Association of Aerospace Manufacturers

7、 (AECMA). After inquiries and votes carried out in accordance with the rules of this Association, this Standard has successively received the approval of the National Associations and the Official Services of the member countries of AECMA, prior to its presentation to CEN. According to the Common CE

8、NKENELEC Rules, the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United I Kingdom. This European Standard shall be giv

9、en the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 1993, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by April 1993. CEN EN*259L 92 = 3404589 0037843 T84 Page 3 , Ek 3591 1 1992 1 Scope This standard speci

10、fies the general requirements for the test methods of elements of electrical, optical and data transmission system connections used in aerospace applications. 2 References This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. Ttiese normative referenc

11、es are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendmentsto or revisions ofany of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the lates

12、t edition of the publication referred to applies. IEC 50(581) International electrotechnical vocabulary - Chapter 581 : Electromechanical components for electronic equipment IEC 51 2- 1 Electromechanical components for electronic equipment ; basic testing procedures and measuring methods - Part 1 :

13、General. EN 2083, Copper and copper alloy conductors for electrical cables - Aerospace series 1) EN 2084, Electric cables for general purpose with conductors in copper or copper altoy - Technical specification - Aerospace series 1) EN 2234, Aerospace series - Fire resistant electrical cables - Techn

14、ical specification 2) EN 2346, Aerospace series - Fire resistant electrical cables - Dimensions, conductor resistance and mass 3). 3 Definitions The general terms used are those specified in IEC 50(581) and IEC 51 2-1 to which shall be added : 3.1 Component such as connector, module, etc. the purpos

15、e of which is to ensure the connection of circuits. Element of electrical or optical connection 4) 3.2 Accessory designed to ensure, in filght. mechanical protection and sealing of front face of a non coupled connector. Flight cover (or protective cover) 3.3 Connector with characteristics such inat

16、the male or female contacts, mounted in a plug or receptacle, cannot be touched by the front of the connector to which it is coupled (scoop-proof and in which, in the event of accidental coupling of two parts of connector equipped with male contacts, no electrical contact can take place. Connector w

17、ith built-in protection of contacts 3.4 Initial measurement Examination or measurement of characteristics carried out to determine the magnitude of the variations produced by the stress or stresses applied. This examination or measurement is carried out at the end of the pre-conditioning and under n

18、ormal atmospheric conditions of measurement. 1) 2) 3) 4) Published as AECMA Standard at the date of publication of the present standard In preparation at the date of publication of the present standard. Published as AECMA pre-standard at the date of publication of the present standard. In the test s

19、tandards the term element of connection shall be used. . CEN EN*259L 92 W 3404589 0037842 910 W Page 4 EN 2591 1992 3.5 Final measurement Examination or measurement of characteristics carried out at the end of the recovery to assess the condition of the specimen after the test and to determine the m

20、agnitude of the variations in characteristics in relation to the values recorded during the initial measurement. 3.6 Flammability A product is considered to be a non-flammable w when the combustion due to exposure of a given duration to a standard external flame remains localized and stops spontaneo

21、usly after withdrawal of the flame. 3.7 Fire resistance A product is considered to be C fire-resistant U when, being subjected to a standard flame : . - it retains its electrical role for six minutes - the flame does not propagate from the other side of the support before the twentieth minute. 3.8 U

22、nless otherwise indicated, alternating voltage and current are indicated in root mean square values. Values of alternating voltage and current 3.9 Line data bus Pair of twisted wires, shielded, having a specified impedance, a matched impedance at its two ends and used for data transport. 3.1 O Branc

23、h line Section of twisted wires, shielded, with a specified impedance, which connects equipment to a bus line. 3.1 1 Line coupler Element of electrical or optical connection the purpose of which is to shunt the transmission signalsfrom a bus line to equipment. 3.1 2 Line coupler, single Coupler cons

24、isting of one line and one branch. 3.1 3 Line coupler, double Coupler consisting of one line and two branches. 3.1 4 In-line splice Permanent element of electrical connection for two-wire cables. 3.1 5 Line termination End line component the purpose of which is to match the bus line to its character

25、istic impedance. 3.1 6 Branch termination End branch termination the purpose of which is to possibly substitute equipment. 3.1 7 Recovery Treatment of a specimen, after conditioning, in order that the properties of the specimen may be stabilized before measurements. . .- CEN EN*2591 92 3404589 00378

26、43 857 = Page 5 EN 2591 . 1992 4 Test conditions 4.1 The test methods are drafted so that the test may be carried out either individually or included into a test file. This is why a If applicable 8 has been added to the titles Initial measurements 8 and Final measurements When the test is carried ou

27、t individually, the measurements are applicable so that the effect of the test on the performances of the specimen can be evaluated. When the test is included into a test file, the initial and final states of the specimen shall be checked at the beginning and the end of the test file. The initiai an

28、d finalmeasurements indicated in each test method are thus not applicable to each test. 4.2 conditions shall be as follows : Unless otherwise indicated in the test method, technical specification or product standard, the test - temperature : (232 5)OC; - atmospheric pressure : 86 kPa to 106 kPa (860

29、 mbar to 1060 mbar); - relative humidity : 45%to75K. The temperature and humidity shall remain constant throughout a series of measurements. Unless otherwise indicated in the technical specification, the cables used for the tests shall be in accordance with EN 2083 and EN 2084 or EN 2234 and EN 2346

30、. 5 List of test methods See table 1. Table 1 EN 2591 Pan Al A2 B1 . B2 83 84 85 B6 B7 B8 B9 Designation of the test Visual examination Examination of dimensions and mass Contact resistance - Low level Contact resistance at rated current Electrical continuity at microvolt level Discontinuity of cont

31、acts in the microsecond range Housing (shell) electrical continuity Measurement of insulation resistance Voltage proof test Temperature rise due to rated current Current temperature derating continued CEN EN*K259L 92 M 3404589 00378L1l1 793 W Page 6 EN 2591 : 1992 Table 1 (continued) EN 2591 part 61

32、 o B11 61 2 61 3 814 B15 B16 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 C6 c7 C8 c9 c1 o c11 c12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 c19 c20 c2 1 c22 C23 C24 Designation of the test Electrical overload Capacitance measurement Surface transfer impedance Shielding effectiveness from 100 MHt to 1 GHt Lightning proofness Impedance measurement

33、 in open circuit Engagement of contacts Endurance at temperature Climatic sequence ColdAow pressure and damp heat Damp heat steady state Rapid change of temperature Mould growth Salt mist Sand and dust Dry heat Cold Low air pressure Air leakage Driving rain (artificial) Immersion at low air pressure

34、 Fluid resistance Ozone resistance Flammability Fire-resistance Gas-tightness of solderless wrapped connections Simulated solar radiation at ground level Damp heat, cyclic test Hermeticity Thermal shock Interfacial sealing continued . EN 2591 part CEIJ EN*259L 92 W 3404589 0037845 b2T D1 D2 03 04 D5

35、 D6 D7 08 D9 Dl O D11 D12 D13 D14 O1 5 Dl 6 D17 D18 D19 D 20 D21 D22 023 D 24 D25 D26. D 27 Table 1 (continued) Designation of the test Acceleration, steady state Shock Sinusoidal and random vibrations Transverse load (external bending moment) Axial load Mechanical endurance Durability of contact re

36、tention system and seals (Maintenance ageing) Mating and unmating forces Contact. retention in insert Insert retention in housing (axial) Insert retention in housing (torsional) Contact insertion and extraction forces Holding force of grounding spring system Unmating of lanyard release connectors Te

37、st probe damage (female contact) Contact bending strength Tensile strength (crimped connection) Gauge insertion and extraction forces in and out of a female contact Stability of male contacts in insert Mechanical strength of rear accessories Free fall Locking wire hole strength Ava i la ble Strippin

38、g force, solderless wrapped connections Unwrapping, solderless wrapped connections Contact retention system effectiveness (removable contact walkout) Robustness of protective cover attachment continued - - CEN EN*2591 92 = 3404589 0037846 566 Page 8 EN 2591 : 1992 Table 1 (concluded) EN 2591 Part El

39、 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 ?0 E9 El 2 Designation of the test Soft soldering Restricted entry Contact deformation after crimping Residual magnetism Contact protection effectiveness (scoop-proof) Use of tools Contact coating porosity Measurement of thickness. of coating. on contacts. Adhesion of coating on contacts Recommandation to check effectiveness of non removable fixing of hermetically sealed connector shell 6 Test report A test report shall be prepared for each test specifying : - number of the test method standard ; - conditions under which it has been carried out ; - results.

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