EN 111000-1991 en Generic Specification Cathode Ray Tubes《通用规范 阴极射线管》.pdf

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1、= 3404583 0086904 i108 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN Ill O00 NORME EUROPENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM Decem ber 1991 Descriptors: Quality, electronic components, tubes English version Generic Specification: Cathode ray tubes Spcification Gnrique: Tubes rayons cathodiques Fachgrundspezifikation: Kathodenstrahirhren T

2、his European Standard was approved by CENELEC Electronic Components Committee (CECC) on 20 November 1991. The text of this standard consists of the text of CECC 11 O00 Issue 1 1980 (with Al and addendum) of the corresponding CECC Specification. CENELEC members are bound to comply with CENKENELEC Int

3、ernal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any a Iterat ion. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the General Secretariat of the CECC or t

4、o any CENELEC member. This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation Under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CECC General Secretariat has the same status as the off

5、icial versions. CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Noway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. The membership of the CECC is identical, with

6、 the exception of the national electrotechnical committees of Greece, Iceland and Luxembourg. CECC CENELEC Electronic Components Committee Comit des Composants Electroniques du CENELEC CENELEC Komittee fr Bauelemente der Electronik Central Secretariat: Gartenstr. 179, D- 6000 Frankfurt/Main 70 O 199

7、1 Copyright resewed to CENELEC members Ref. No. EN 11 1 O00 : 1991 E = 3404583 008b05 044 CECC 11000 European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) Cenelec Electronic Components Committee C E C C English version Harmonized System of Quality Assessment for Electronic Components GEN

8、 ER I C SPECIFICATION: CATHODE RAY TUBES Systme Harmonis dAssurance de la Qualit des Composants Electroniques S P E C I FI CAT I O N G EN ER I Q U E: TUBES A RAYONS CAT H O D I Q U E S - - - Issue Edition Ausgabe 1 CECC 11000 1980 I CONTE NTS . FOREWORD PREFACE Clause 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

9、 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.1 1 3.1 2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 SECTION 1 - SCOPE SECTION2 - GENERAL Order of precedence Related documents Units, symbols and terminology Marking SECTION 3 - QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Primary stage of manufacture Structural I y simi lar components Qu a I

10、 i fica t i on a p prova I proced ures Supplementary procedure for qualification approval Quality conformance inspection Sampling requirements for small lots or for expensive devices Resubmission of rejected lots Certified test records Delayed delivery Unchecked para meters Periodic Inspection Relea

11、se for delivery before the completion of Group B tests SECTION 4 - TEST AND MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES Alternative test methods Standard conditions for testing Visual inspection Di mensions Raster scan requirements Electrical test and measurement procedures Mechanical test and measurement procedures Env

12、ironmental test and measurement procedures Endurance test and measurement procedures -1- PAGE 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 a 9 9 9 10 10 10 53 54 55 3404583 008b07 917 FOREWORD The CENELEC Electronic Components Committe (CECC) is composed of those member counmes of the European Committee for Elec

13、trotechnicd Standardization (CENELEC) who wish to take part in a harmonized System for electronic components of assessed quality. The object of the System is to facilitate international trade by the harmonization of the specifications and quality assessment procedures for electronic components, and

14、by the grant of an internationally recognized Mark, or Certificate, of Conformity. The components produced under the System are thereby accepted by ail member counmes without further testing. This specification has been formally approved by the CECC, and has been prepared for those counmes taking pa

15、rt in the System who wish to issue national hannonized sDecifications for CATHODE RAY TUBES. t should be Rad in conjunction with the curreit regulations for the CECC System. At the date of printing of this specification, the member countries of the CECC are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France

16、, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. PREFACE This specification was prepared by CECC WG 1 1 : “ELECTRO-OPTICAL DEVICES“. It is based, wherever possible, on the Publications of the International Electrotechnicai Commission an

17、d in particular on IEC 15 1 - 14 “Methcxis of measurement of radar and osciUoscope cathcde ray tubes I. The text of this Specification was circulated to the CECC for voting in the document(s) indicated belou and was ratified by the President of the CECC for printing as a CECC Specification. Docu men

18、t ate o f Voting Report on the Votirlg CECC(S ecretariat) 303 November 1975 CECC( Secretariat)459 This specification wiii be supplemented by blank detail specifications applicable to each subfamily of cathode ray tubes. The CECC Management Committee at its meeting in Copenhagen March 1979 decided th

19、at as the German National Authorized institution would not be implementing the requirements of this CECC generic specification, the text should be published in the English and French versions only. - - - -2- CECC 11 O00 Issue 1 Amendment 1 AMO 60041 m 3404583 0086908 853 m SECTION 1 - SCOPE ?!,is iJ

20、cument applies to cathode ray tubes of assessed quality. SXCTION 2 - GE= 2.7 Crocr or“ crecedence Where any discrepancies occur for any reason, documents shall rank in the foilowing order of prece2e;ice: (i) the detail specification (3) the generic specification (.) docunent CECC O0 100 or any other

21、 international (eg IEC) documents to which refereme is made. The sane order of precedence shall apply to equivalent national documents. 2.2 Reiatea documents ISC 1coo IEC 117 IEC 134 IEC 159 IEC 157 IZC 151-1 IEC 151-2 IZC 151-8 I5C 151-15 IIC 1C1-14 IYC 151-15 ILC 151-16 IS,: 2x6 1973 - 1171 - 1966

22、 - 1962 - 1961 1962 - 1963 1963 1966 1966 1975 1967 1968 1974 1973 SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units. Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology. Fart 1 General. International Electrotechnical Vocabulary. Dimensions of electronic tubes and

23、 valves. Basic environmental testing procedures (see CECC O0 006). Methods for the measurement of indirect interelectrode capacitances of electronic tubes and valveo. Recommended graphical symbols. Rating systems for electronic tubes and valves and analogous semiconductor devices. Preparation of out

24、line drawings of oscilloscope and picture tubes. Measurements of the electrical properties of electronic tubes. Measurement of electrode current. Measurement of heater or filament current. Measurement of cathode heating time and heater warm-up time. Methods of measurement of emission current from ho

25、t cathodes for high vacuum electronic tubes and valves. Methods of measurement of radar and oscilloscope cathode ray tubes. Methods of measurement of spurious and unwanted electrode prents. Methods of measurement for television pic ture tubes. Methods for the designation of electrostatic deflecting

26、electrodes of cathode ray tubes. Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes (see CECC O0 007) Basic Rules. Sasic specification: Environmental test procedures. Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes. - -3- CECC 11 300 Issue 1 m 340Ll583 0086909 79T m e- - 2.3 Untts

27、, symbols and terminology Units, grapr-iicai syinbols, letter symbols and terminology shall, wherever possible, be taken from the foilowiiig documents: is0 1 O00 1973 SI xnits ar,d recommendations for the use of tkek !cuitlples and oi cenain. other units. IEC 27 - Letter symbols to be used in electr

28、ical technology. iEC 50 - I nrernational Zlectrotechn cal kcabu lary. IEC 117 - Recommended graphical symbols. Any other units, symbols, and terminology peculiar to one of the components covered by this generic specification, shall be taken from other relevant IEC or IS0 documents (to be listed unde

29、r “ Related documents”). 2.3.1 Terminology The following clauses contain additional terminology applicable to cathode ray tubes, and shall be included in each national harmonized specification system: (1) Colour The colour of the display shall be defined in accordance with the Kelly chart shown in F

30、ig 1: (2) Persistence of display: Time to decay to 10% of initial peak value Less thaii 1 ps 1NS to lops 10AS to 1ooops 1 ms to 100 ms 100 ms to 1 s More than 1 s (31 Average peak line luminance: Description Very short Short Medium short Medium Long Very long The time-averaged luminance measured at

31、the position of maximum luminous intensity of the line. -4- CECC 11 O00 Issue 1 0.900 o 800 0 700 0.600 ., 0.500 v lan Iiaviiig a larger sample with acceptance number of 1 for the specified AQL. 3.6.3 if tliis leads to a plan with an acceptance number of i. The plan indicated for the given lot size

32、and inspection level but the next higher AQL 3.6.4 one of the toiiowing procedures shall be applied: The plan with acceptance number of O. However, if a single defective is obtained, -7- CECC 11 9CC 1- ue m 3qOq583 0086933 330 m (1) second samples to that given by 3.6.2 above (e the sample for a pla

33、n to accept on 1 for the same AQL). The lot is acceptable if no further defectives are obtained in the second sample. A second sample shall be inspected, of such a size as to bring the combined first and (2) lot shall be held until the next lot has been inspected. If the sample from this next lot is

34、 acceptable, both lots shall be accepted. If the sample from this lot is not acceptable, both Iuts shall be rejected. If the preceding four consecutive lots were acceptable under original inspection. such a - accepting on zero defects) before a clear run of four lots has been accepted, then this lot

35、 shall be rejected immediately (without holding for the next lot). If both lots are accepted under (2) and in a subsequent lot a single defective occurs (when EXAMPLE: The system in 3.6.4 is best illustrated by an example: A batch of four hundred devices is to be sample tested at AQL = 1.0% and insp

36、ection level S4. Looking at the sampling chart, the 281 to 500 column is used for a batch of 400. S4 and the batch of 400 gives a sample size of 13. This sample of 13 and an AQL of 1% indicate an accept- ance criterion of no failures, ali 400 are acceptable. If one device fails, the AQL = 1,0 column

37、 is read down to the figure 1 below the arrow. The sample size for one failure is 50. Therefore, an additional (50-1 3) = 37 devices are tested. If there are no further failures, all 400 are accepted. In spite of the first failure, only 50 devices have been tested from a batch of 4GO. 3.7 Resubmissi

38、on of reiected lots Where a sample fails to meet the requirements of a periodic test, action shall be taken in accord- arice with $ 11 of CECC O0 107. 3.8 Certified test records Where certified test records are prescribed in the relevant detail specification and are requested by a purchaser, the fol

39、lowing information shall be given as a minimum: - inspection, without reference to the parameter with which rejection was made Attributes information (ie goho go) for tests in the subgroups covered by periodic - Variables information - - in CECC O0 109. - Otherwise the contents of the certified test

40、 record shall comply with the requirements given 4 3.9 Delaved deliverv Cathode ray tubes which have been held by the manufacturer for a period exceeding twelve months following acceptance inspection, shall be re-submitted to the Group A tests, or to other tests as prescribed in the detail specifica

41、tion. -8- CECC 11 000 Isue 3404583 008693 057 = 3.1 O Unchecked Darameters Satisfactory performance under operating conditions which are not prescribed in a detail specification cannot be assured and shall not be the subject of inspection. Where a requirement exists for operation under such conditio

42、ns, a separate detail specifi- cation shall be prepared. The additional test rnethod(s) used shall be fully described, and appropriate limits, AQLs and inspection levels specified. 3.1 1 Periodic insoection Where a sample fails to meet the requirements of a periodic test, action shall be taken in ac

43、cord- ancewith $ 15 of CECC O0 107. 3.12 Release for delivery before the completion of Group B tests. When the conditions of CECC O0 007 for reduced inspection have been satisfied for all Group B tests, the manufacturer is permitted to release components before completion of such tests on subsequent

44、 lots. SECTION 4 - TEST AND MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES This section contains the test methods which shall be included in each harmonized national specifications system. Not all the tests are applicable to all detail specifications. Natioiidl harmonized specification systems shall quote which of the test

45、s are applicable to a particular cathode ray tube. Additional test methods included in harmonized national specifications shall be clearly indicated as non-harmonized. 4.1 Alternative test methods The test and measurement methods given in this generic specification are not necessarily the only metho

46、ds which can be used. However, the manufacturer shall satisfy the ONS that any alternative methods which he may use will give results equivalent to those obtained by the methods specified. Alternative methods shall not be used where prescribed methods are specifically designated as reference methods

47、. 4.2 Standard conditions for testing (ZC 68-1 ) Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be carried out under standard atmospheric conditions for testing as specified in iEC 68-1. The stages of each test shall be carried out in the order given. 4.3 Visual inspection The tube shall be inspected u

48、nder normal factory lighting conditions without special visual aids. Subjects for inspection include: - General appearance and workmanship - Loose particles -1- m 3404583 008b915 T93 = Visual Inspection (cont) Quality of faceplate Freedom from cracks in envelope Alignment of base and envelope Straig

49、htness of pins Location, correctness and clarity of marking. Dimensions (I EC 67) The detail specification shall include a dimensioned outline drawing. Bases shall be in accord- ance with I EC 67, wherever practical. 4.5 Raster scan requirements - - Field repetition frequency - Number of lines per field and whether interlaced or non-interlaced Horizontal and vertical dimensions of the display Linearity of scan if applicable - - Flyback time if applicable - Flyback suppression if applicable. 4.6 Electrical test and measurement procedures Where the detail specification

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