EN 45510-4-1-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Section 1 Equipment for Reduction of Dust Emissions《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第1节 减.pdf

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EN 45510-4-1-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Section 1 Equipment for Reduction of Dust Emissions《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第1节 减.pdf_第1页
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EN 45510-4-1-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Section 1 Equipment for Reduction of Dust Emissions《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第1节 减.pdf_第2页
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EN 45510-4-1-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Section 1 Equipment for Reduction of Dust Emissions《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第1节 减.pdf_第3页
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EN 45510-4-1-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Section 1 Equipment for Reduction of Dust Emissions《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第1节 减.pdf_第4页
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EN 45510-4-1-1999 en Guide for Procurement of Power Station Equipment - Part 4 Boiler Auxiliaries - Section 1 Equipment for Reduction of Dust Emissions《发电站设备的采购指南 第4部分 锅炉辅助设备 第1节 减.pdf_第5页
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1、BS EN BRITISH STANDARD _lll_lll_ I I - 45510-4-1: 1999 Guide for procurement of power station equipment - Part 4: Boiler auxiliaries - Section 1: Equipment for reduction of dust emissions The European Standard EN 45510-4-1:1999 has the status of a British Standard ICs 27.060.30; 27.100 U- NO COPYING

2、 WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW National foreword been prepared under the direction of the Engineering Amd.No. Date Sector Committee, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 September 1999 O BSI 09-1999 ISBN O 580 32504 O

3、This British Standard is the English language version of EN 45510-4-1:1999. The UK participation in its preparation was entnicted to Technical Committee E/-/20, Power engineering steering committee, which has the responsibility to: Comments - aid enquirers to understand the text; - present to the re

4、sponsible European committee any enquiries on the - monitor related international and European developments and promulgate interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtajned on request to

5、its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standasds Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI

6、Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary o

7、f pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN tite page, pages 2 to 16, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed throughout this document indicates when the document was last issued. ENROPEAN mmm NORME EUROPENNT3 ENROP 23.120; 27.040: 2

8、7.100 English version Guide for procsurement of power station equipment - Part 4: Boiler amdiaries - Section 1: Equipment for reduction of dust emisions Guide pour lacquisition dquipements destins aux centrales de production dlectricit - Partie 4 Axdiaires de chaudire - Section 1: Eqwpement de rduct

9、ion des missionS Staubemissiomminderung de poussieres Leitfaden fur die BeSchatTung von Ausmen fr Kraftwerke - Eil 4 Nebenaniagen - Hauptabschnitt 1: Anlagen zur This European Standard was approved by CENKENELEC on 1 4ril1999. CENKENELEC members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regul

10、ations which stipuate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date iists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENXENELEC member. T

11、his European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENKENELEC member into its own language and notiied to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN member

12、s are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees, respectively, of AuCtria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, hce, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. CEN CEN Central

13、Secretariat rue de Stassart, 36 3-1050 Brussels CENELEC CENELEC Central Secretariat rue de Stassart, 35 B1050 Brusels O 1999 CENKENELEC AU rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members and for CENELEC Memberc. Ref. No. EN 4551041:199!9 E STDnBSI BS E

14、N 455LO-4-L-ENGL L999 E Ib24bb9 0792546 TbL H Page 2 EN 45510-4-1:1999 Foreword This European Sta.rLdard has been prepa,red by Technical Committee CEN/CLC JTFPE, cJoint Task Force Power Engineering, the Secretaria.t of which is held by BSI. This European Standard sha be given the status of a nationa

15、l standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at Uze latest by October 1999, and conflicting national standards shaU be withdrawn at the latest by October1999. Aconling to the CENKENELEC Internal Regulatians, ULe national standards organ.izcrt2ons of the folowing countrie

16、s are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republix, Denmark, Finland, Frame, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Irelund, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlunds, Norwa,y, Portugal, Sin, Sweden, Switzdand and the United Kingdom. This European Standard Ws Uze form of a recommenution and i

17、s thmefore entitled a buide. This guide for procurement is a part of a series of guides ma,ndated to cover the procurement of power station piant and equipment in crmfomnity with European Procurement firectives. The guides are: EN 45510, Guide for procurement of power station equipment Part 1: Commo

18、n Clauses; Part 2-1: Electrical equipment - Power tra,mfoms; Pa,rt 2-2: Electrical equipment - Uninterruptible Part 2-3: Electrical equipment - Stationary batteries and chargers; Part 2-4: Electrical equipment - High power static converters; Part 2-5: Electrical equipment - Motors; Part 2-6: Electri

19、cal equipment - Generators; Part 2-7: Electrical equipmmt - Switchgear and control gear; Part 2-8: Electrical equipment - Power ca,bies; Part 2-9: Electrical equipment - Cabling systems; Part 3-1: Boilers - Wa,ter tube boilers; Part 3-2: Boilers - SheU boilers; power supplies; Part 4-4: Boiler auxil

20、iaries - Fuel preparation equiymt; Part 4-5: Bom auxiliaries - Coal handing and bulk storage plant; Pa,rt 4-6: Boer auxiaries - Flue gas desulfurization (De-SO=J plant; Part 4- 7: Boiler auxiaries - Ash hading plant; Part 4-8: Boiler auxiliaries - Dust handling plant; Pa,rt 4-9: Boiler auxiliames -

21、Sootblouiers; Part 4-10: Boiler a, Part 5-1: Turbines - Steam turbines; Part 5-2: Turbines - Gas turbines; Pa,rt 5-3: Turbines - Wind turbines; Part 5-4: Turbines - Hydraulic turbines, stomge pumps and pump-turbines; Part 6-1: Turbine auxilianes - Demators; Part 6-2: Turbine auxiliaries - Feedwater

22、heaters; Part 6-3: Turbine auxilianes - Condenser plant; Part 6-4: Turbine auxiliaries - hmps; Pa,rl 6-5: Turbem auxiliaries - Dry cooling systems; Part 6-6: lrbine auxiliaries - Wet and weudry cooling towers; Part 6-7: Turbine auxiliaries - Moisture separator reheaters; Part 6-8: Turbine auxiliarie

23、s - Cranes; Pa,rt 6-9: Turbine auxiliaries - Cooling water systems; Part 7- 1: Pipe work and valves - High pressure pipiw systems; Part 7-2: Pipmork and Valves - Boiler and high pressure piping vcllves; Part 8-1: Control and instrumentation. EN 4551 O part 1 contains those clauses common to all the

24、a,bmle guides giwtng the provisions of a non equipment specifk nature for use in ULe pcurement of power station plant. EN 45510 is ule responsibility of JTFPE. The so c Part 4-1: Boiler auxiaries - Equipment for reduction of dust emissions; Part 4-2: Boiler auxiliaries - Gas-a.ir, steam-air and gas-

25、 gas heaters; Part 4-3: Boiler adliaries - Dmught plant; Where minor changes have been made to sentences in the “common clauses these are marked by a vertical line in the left margin as shown here. In this guide, words and specific to this guide and refer to the particdar equipment covered. not in i

26、talics are O BS1 09-1999 STD-BSI BS EN 45510-4-L-ENGL 1999 E lb24bb9 0792547 9TB E Page 3 EN 45510-4-1:1999 Contents Foreword 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 8 8.1 8.2 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 Scope Normative references Def

27、initions Organizational terms Technical terms General tem Brief overaii project description Role and organization of purchaser Site location Equipment task Equipment to be purchased Control and instsumentation Electrical supplies and other services other interfaces Project programme Equipment identi

28、fication systems Extent of supply Rrminal points Operational requirements Operating environment Manning levels Normal operation Operating hours Abnormal conditions Further operationai requirements Life expectancy Design We Components requiring periodic maintenance Performance requirements Duty Perfo

29、rmance Equipment masgins Avaiiability Levels of component redundancy Further performance requirements Design and fabrication Specific equipment features Design justification Material selection Start-up and Shutdown 10.4 Safety 10.6 Fabrication methods 11 Maintenance requirements 11.1 Planned mainten

30、ance 11.2 Personnelsafety 11.3 Requirements for access 11.4 Lifting requirements 11.5 Specialtools 11.6 W equipment 11.7 Spare parts megy 11.8 Special precautions 12 Technical documentation requirements 12.1 knder documentation 12.2 Contract documentation 13 Applicable legislation, regulations, 13.1

31、 Legislation and regulations 13.2 Standards 13.3 Furtherrequirements 14 Evaluationcriteria 14.1 General 14.2 Technicalcrikria 15 Quahtymeasures 15.1 General 15.2 Approvalsprocedure 15.3 Inspection requirements 15.4 Nonconformity 16 Site factors 16.1 Access 16.2 Facilities 16.3 Site specific requirem

32、ents 17 Verification of specified performance page 10.5 Interchangeability 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 standards and further requirements 9 lo 17.1 General lo 17.2 Workstests lo 10 commissioning lo 17.3 Test during installation and 17.4 Technical conditions for trial run 17.5 Functional and performance te

33、sts Annex A (informative) Bibliography 11 11 12 12 page 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 O BSI 00-1999 STD-BSI BS EN 455LO-4-L-ENGL 1999 lb24bb9 0792548 834 Page 4 EN - electrostatic precipitators. - bag filters; The pe

34、rformance of dust collecting equipment depends on the physical and chemical properties of the flue gas and the particles in the flue gas. The choice of equipment is therefore dependent on these properties and the pollution reguiations to be met. Wet removal systems are not normally used to extract t

35、he large quantities of dust in electricim generating stations because of difficulties in the dtsposal of the sludge, treatment of the waste water and lowering of the flue gas discharge temperature. If they are offered, the extent of supply should normally include waste water tmtrnent plant and propo

36、sals for reheating the flue gas. The equipment cowed by this guide .is defined by its function rather Ulan design type. Therefore, the gu - ancilla;ry equipment is properly size4 - reliability, availability and safety requirements are achieved; - proper consideration W given to the evaluation proces

37、s and the quaJity measures to be applied. This guide does not determine the type of specification (e.g. detailed, pq$omnce, functional) OT the extent of supply for any ven contract which is normally decided on the basis of the purchaser5 pmject strategy. It does not cow: - any commercull, contmctual

38、 or legal issues which are nomy in sepamte parts of an enquiru; - any allocation of responsibilities which are determimd by the contract. correctly with other hmts of the systems; This guide does not prescribe the arrangement of the documents in the enquiry. NOTE As a comprehensive European environm

39、ental policy is stiU under prepamtion, this guide does not address th,e environmental implications of the equipment. 2 Normative references This guide for procurement incorporates by dated or unduted reference, provisions .from other publications. These nomtive references are cited in the appropriat

40、e pimas in the text and the publications a,re listed heream. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of a,ny of these publications apply to this guide only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, Uze latest edition of the publication referred to

41、applies. EN IS0 9001, Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in design, devebpwnt, production, installation and semking. EN IS0 9002, Quality systems - Model.for quality assurance in productwn, installation and sewicing. (IS0 9002: 1994) IEC 60050 (1 91), Internata electrotechnical vocary. (I

42、S0 9001 : 1994) 3 Definitions For the purposes of this guide, the follou,irq definitions apply. 3.1 Organizational terms 3.1.1 purchaser recipient of a product ador a senrice provided by a supplier 3.1.2 supplier person or organization Ulat provides a product and/or a senuice to the purchaser 3.1.3

43、specification document stating tmhnical requirements of the purchaser. It may form pari of an enquiry issued by a purchaser 3.1.4 enquiry invitation to tender issued by a purchaser. It wiu normally include a specification together with the necassary contractual and commercial conditions 3.1.5 tender

44、 offer made by a tenderer in resme to an enquiry 3.1.6 tenderer person or organization submitting a tender .for the equipment in response to the enquiru O BSI 09-1999 STD=BSI BS EN 45510-4-1-ENGL 1999 M 1b24bb9 0792549 770 M Page 5 EN 45510-4-1:1999 where 9 Am m, 3.1.7 site place to which the equipm

45、ent .is to be delivered or where work ZS to be done by the supplier, together with so much of the area sumundiw as the supplier may, with th consent of the purchaser, use for the purposes of ULe contmt NOTE Further definitions of useful organizational tm may be found in EN IS0 8402 (see Annex A). 3.

46、2 Technical terms 3.2.1 General dust ail type of solid particles potentially emitted from the power station efficiency of dust removal Am U=- m, is the efficiency of dust removal expressed as a percentage; is the mass of dust removed (during a period of time); is the mass of dust whi

47、ch enters the equipment (during the same period of time). If dust concentrations are to be used inska of mass, the gas state is to be defined if it changes between inlet and outlet of the collector (i.e. gas temperature, pressure, wetness and reference oxygen conditions). continuous maximum

48、operating condition maximum condition at which the plant may be operated for a period not exceeding the specified design life. This is the opehg condition under which the performance tests are usually conducted dust hopper dust collecting chamber from which the dust can be discharged under g

49、ravity int the conveying syctem flue gas mixhire of gases resulting from the combustion process and other gases entering the induced draught system (ie. air ingress or crowleakage) interlock system of locks which ensures that operations associated with personnel safety are carried out in a defined sequence 3.2.2 Bagfilter cloth textile or wire fabric - woven, knitted or felted cloth ratio equivalent to the face velocity obtained by dividing the actual gas volume flow by the area of cloth active in cleaning of gas


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