ETSI ETR 293-1-1997 Radio Equipment and Systems (RES) Trans-European Trunked Radio (TETRA) Air Interface (AI) Layer 2 and 3 Protocol Validation Part 1 Validation of SDL Models for .pdf

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3、il custsvci hs . com United Kingdom Technical Indexes Ltd Tel: (01344) 404409, Customer Support Fax: (01344) 404421, Customer Support In fomzation Handling Services and Technical Indexes - Committed to Service Excellence STD*ETSI ETR 273-1-ENGL 1777 9 3400855 OLb8778 218 9 ETR 293-1 February 1997 So

4、urce: ETSI TC-RES Reference: DTWRES-06012-1 ICs: 33.020 Key words: Layer 2, layer 3, protocol, radio, SDL, TETRA, validation Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Trans-European Trunked Radio (TETRA); Air Interface (AI) layer 2 and 3 protocol validation; Part 1: Validation of SDL models for Voice plus

5、Data (V+D) ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI Secretariat Postal address: F-O6921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - FRANCE Off ice address: 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCE X.400: c=fr, a=atlas, p=etsi, s=secretariat - Internet: Tel.: +3

6、3 4 92 94 42 O0 - Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. 6 European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1997. All rights reserved. Page 2

7、ETR 293-1 : February 1997 Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content, typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to “ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept.“ at the address shown on t

8、he title page. Page 3 ETR 293-1 : February 1997 Contents Foreword . 5 1 Scope 7 2 References 7 3 Definitions and abbreviations 7 3.2 Abbreviations . 9 3.1 Definitions 7 4 Introduction 10 5 General 10 5.1 5.3 The validation principles 10 5.2 Validation architecture . 11 The validation process . 12 5.

9、3.1 Protocol validation process . 12 5.3.2 Protocol stack validation process 13 5.3.3 Validation result analysis . 13 5.3.4 Tool support 13 5.4 Documentation of the validation process . 14 5.5 Validated protocols 15 6.4 6.5 6.6 6 Protocol validation . 15 Circuit Mode Control Entity (CMCE) 16 6.1.1 V

10、alidation purposes . 16 Individual call . 16 Group call 17 Short data services 17 Options, constants and parameters 17 6.1.3 Validation results . 17 Mobility Management (MM) entity 20 6.2.1 Validation purposes . 20 Registration 20 6.1 6.1.2 6.2 Group attachmen

11、t - detachment 20 6.2.2 Options, constants and parameters 21 6.2.3 Validation results . 21 6.3 CONP entity . 22 6.3.1 Validation purposes . 22 Data transfer 22 6.3.2 Options, constants and parameters 22 6.3.3 Validation results . 22 SCLNP entity 23 6.4.1 Validation piirposes . 23 MLE entity

12、. 30 6.5.1 Validation purposes . 30 6.4.2 Options, constants and parameters 24 6.4.3 Validation results . 24 6.5.1 . 1 6.5.1 -2 Attachment management procedures . 30 Data transfer 31 Network broadcast procedures 31 Management entity procedures . 31 6.5.2 Options, constants and parame

13、ters . 31 6.5.3 Validation results . 31 LLC entity 36 6.6.1 Validation purposes 36 Basic link 36 STD-ETSI ETR 273-L-ENGL 1997 M 3q00855 OLbfl9flL 802 Page 4 ETR 293-1 : February 1997 Advanced link 37 6.6i1.3 6.6.2 Options. constants and parameters 39 MAC entity . . 46 6.7.1 Validatio

14、n purposes 46 Common procedures to the LLC . 38 6.6.3 Validation results 40 Synchronization . 46 Data transfer . 46 6.7 6.7.2 Options, constants and parameters 47 6.7.3 Validation results 47 7 Protocol stack validation . 47 7.1 7.2 Options, constants and parameters . 49 7.4 Validatio

15、n result summary . 49 Validation purposes . 47 7.3 Validation results . 49 Annex A: Annex B: Annex C: History . 54 Validation cases for protocol entity validation 50 Validation traces for protocol stack validation . 51 Validation model 53 Page 5 ETR 293-1 : February 1997 Foreword This ETSI Technical

16、 Report (ETR) has been produced by the Radio Equipment and Systems (RES) Technical Committee of the European Telecornmunications Standards Institute (ETSI). ETRs are informative documents resulting from ETSI studies which are not appropriate for European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) or Interim E

17、uropean Telecommunication Standard (LETS) status. An ETR may be used to publish material which is either of an informative nature, relating to the use or the application of ETSs or I-ETSs, or which is immature and not yet suitable for formal adoption as an ETS or an LETS. This ETR consists of 3 part

18、s as follows: Pari 1: “Validation of SDL models for Voice plus Data“; Part 2: “Validation of SDL models for Packet Data Optimized (PDO)“, (DTRTTETRA-04012-2); Part 3: “Validation of SDL models for Security functions“, (DTFUTETRA-06012-3); Page 6 ETR 293-1 : February 1997 Blank page Page 7 ETR 293-1

19、: February 1997 1 Scope This ETSI Technical Report (ETR) defines the methods, procedures, and validation purposes used for the formal validation of the Specification and Description Language (SDL) model of Trans-European Trunked Radio (TETRA), Voice plus Data (V+D), Air Interface (AI) and documents

20、the results of the validation. The validation of the TETRA SDL specifications covers the TETRA AI, layer 2 and 3 protocols for V+D. 2 References For the purposes of this ETR, the following references apply: 31 ETS 300 392-1 : “Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Trans-European Trunked Radio (TETRA);

21、Voice plus Data (ViD); Part 1: General network design“. ETS 300 392-2: “Radio Equipment and Systems (RES); Trans-European Trunked Radio (TETRA); Voice plus Data (V+D); Part 2: Air Interface (Al)“. ITU-T Recommendation Z.l O0 (1 993): “Specification and description language (SDL)“. 41 ITU-T Recommend

22、ation Z.120 (1 993): “Message sequence charts“. 151 180.8348: “Information processing systems - Data communications - Network service definition“. 161 180.8878: “Use of X.25 to provide the OS1 connection mode network service“. 71 150.8648: “Information processing systems - Internal Organisation of t

23、he network layer“. 3 Definitions and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions For the purposes of this ETR, the following definitions apply: acknowledged data transfer: A service provided by the layer below which gives an acknowledgement back over the air interface from the lower layer peer entity. This servic

24、e is used by the layer 3 entities to get a secure transmission including re-transmissions. Advanced Link An Advanced Link (AL) is a bi-directional connection between one Mobile Station (MS) and a Base Station (BS) with provision of acknowledged and unacknowledged services including windowing, segmen

25、tation, extended error protection and choice among several throughputs. The data transfer via the advanced link requires a Set-up phase. announced cell re-selection: Cell re-so!ection where MS Mobile Link Entity (MLE) informs the Switching and Management Infrastructure (SwMI) both in the serving cel

26、l and in the new cell that cell change is performed. There can be three types of announced cell re-selection: - type 1: the MS-MLE knows the new cell and the traffic channel allocations on the cell before deciding to leave its serving cell; - type 2: the MS-MLE knows the new cell before changing to

27、it, but does not know the channel allocation on the new cell in advance; - type 3: the MS-MLE need not to know the new cell.before changing to it. The serving cell is only informed by the MS-MLE that it wants to change cell. TETRA V+D may support all three types of announced cell re-selection. Page

28、8 ETR 293-1 : February 1997 Basic Link A Basic Link (BL) bi-directional connectionless path between one or several MSs and a BS, with a provision of both unacknowledged and acknowledged services on a single message basis. cell re-selection: The act of changing the serving cell from an old cell to a

29、new cell. The cell re-selection is performed by procedures located in MLE and in the Medium Access Control (MAC). When the re-selection is made and possible registration is performed, the MS is said to be attached to the cell. current serving BS: The BS on one of whose channels the MS is currently o

30、perating. direct Set-up signalling: A signalling procedure where immediate communication can take place between the calling and the called users without the alerting process and without an explicit response from the called user that he has answered. executable validation model: Executable version of

31、 the validation model that can be used in the actual validation session for simulation and trace generation. initial cell selection: The act of choosing a first serving cell to register in. The initial cell selection is performed by procedures located in MLE and in the MAC. When the cell selection i

32、s made and possible registration is performed, the MS is said to be attached to the cell. migration: The act of changing to a new Location Area (LA) in a network (either with different Mobile Network Code (MNC) and/or Mobile Country Code (MCC) where the user does not have Individual TETRA Subscriber

33、 Identity (ITSI) for that network. monitoring: The acts of measuring the power of neighbour cells and calculate the path loss parameter C2 based upon information on neighbour cells broadcasted by the serving cell. onloff hook signalling: A signailing procedure that includes an alerting process to th

34、e called user. The calling user waits for an explicit response from the called user that he has answered before the call can be Set-up. protocol event: An indivisible and fundamental unit of protocol functionality; e.g. a reception of a Service Primitive (SP) or a transmission of a Protocol Data Uni

35、t (PDU); a set of which is the basis for constructing validation cases. roaming: The act of changing Location Area within a network of same MNC/MCC, and for which the user has a valid registration (ITSI). scanning: The acts of measuring the power of neighbour cells and calculate the path loss parame

36、ter Ci based upon the information on the neighbour cells broadcast by the neighbour cells themselves. SDU number: A number on the Logical Link Control (LLC) to keep TL-SDUs in order. segment: A LLC segment is the advanced link unit of transmission and re-transmission. A segment is the numbered piece

37、 of a TL-SDU fitting into one MAC layer PDU (MAC block). A segment is a synonym to a PDU. serving cell: The cell that is currently providing services to the MS. surveillance: The process of monitoring the quality of the radio link to the serving cell. subscriber class: A subscriber class has no othe

38、r defined usage than offering a population subdivision. The operator defines the values and meaning of each class. TETRA Subscriber Identity (TSI): A global TETRA network address that is to identify an individual or a group subscriber within the domain of all TETRA networks. A valid TSI refers to a

39、TSI that lhas been allocated by the network where it is being used. See ETS 300 392-1 l for definition. unacknowledged data transfer: A service that does not give any acknowledgement back to the service user. Page 9 ETR 293-,1: February 1997 unannounced cell re-selection: Cell re-selection where the

40、 MS-MLE does not inforin the serving cell that it intends to change to a new cell. Only the new cell is informed about the MS-MLE. undeclared cell re-selection: Cell re-selection where the MS-MLE does not inform the serving cell nor the new cell that cell change is performed. validation case: A set

41、of validation events designed to achieve a particular validation purpose. validation model: A model for the protocol specified with a formal description technique, in this case, SDL. validation purpose: A single requirement of a protocol in the scope of validation. validation script: A validation ca

42、se or a subset of it presented in a manner, that can be used to activate and trace the protocol transitions in execution of the validation model. 3.2 Abbreviations For the purposes of this ETR, the following abbreviations apply: Al AL BL BS cc CMCE CONP ETR FCS GTSI ITS1 LA LLC LLME MAC MCC MLE MM M

43、NC MNI MS MSC PDU QoS RES SCLNP SAP SDL SDS SDU SP SSI SwMI TDMA TE I TETRA TL-SDU TLA-SAP TLB-SAP TLC-SAP TM-SDU TSI V+D Air Interface Advanced Link sub-entity within LLC Basic Link sub-entity within LLC Base Station Call Control sub-entity within CMCE Circuit Mode Control Entity Connection Oriente

44、d Network Protocol ETSI Technical Report Frame Check Sequence Group TETRA Subscriber Identity Individual TETRA Subscriber Identity Location Area Logical Link Control Lower Layer Management Entity Medium Access Control Mobile Country Code Mobile Link Entity Mobility Management Mobile Network Code Mob

45、ile Network Identity Mobile Station Message Sequence Chart Protocol Data Unit Quality of Service Radio Equipment and Systems Specific Connectionless Network Protocol Service Access Point Specification and Description Language Short Data Services sub-entity within CMCE Service Data Unit Service Primi

46、tive Short Subscriber Identity Switching and Management Infrastructure Time Division Multiple Access TETRA Equipment Identity Trans European Trunked RAdio SDU from the LLC service user, .e. MLE A layer 2 Service Access Point A layer 2 Service Access Point A layer 2 Service Access Point SDU from the

47、layer above MAC, .e. LLC TETRA Subscriber Identity Voice plus Data STD-ETSI ETR 273-1-ENGL 1977 3400655 OLb8987 220 Validation cases (MSCs) Page 10 ETR 293-1 : February 1997 4 Validation model (SW 4 Introduction This ETR documents the validation of the TETRA protocols for V+D AI (see ETS 300 392-2 2

48、). The purpose of the validation is to check that the required service and protocol functionality is supported by the specified protocols on the MS side of the Air Interface (Al). The validation of the protocols has been performed using the latest specification methodologies, techniques and tools av

49、ailable. A comprehensive validation model has been specified using SDL, covering the mandatory protocol functionality, and also a significant number of the optional features specified in the V+D. Code generation was used to create an executable validation model from the SDL specification. The executable validation model was then used for simulation against the selected set of protocol requirements. The simulation was performed using advanced simulation techniques, including Message Sequence Chart (MSC) trace generation. During the specification an

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