ETSI ETS 300 573-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2) Physical Layer on the Radio Path General Description (GSM 05 01 Fourth Edition)《数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 无线电波传播路径上的_1.pdf

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ETSI ETS 300 573-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2) Physical Layer on the Radio Path General Description (GSM 05 01 Fourth Edition)《数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 无线电波传播路径上的_1.pdf_第1页
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ETSI ETS 300 573-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2) Physical Layer on the Radio Path General Description (GSM 05 01 Fourth Edition)《数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 无线电波传播路径上的_1.pdf_第2页
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ETSI ETS 300 573-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2) Physical Layer on the Radio Path General Description (GSM 05 01 Fourth Edition)《数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 无线电波传播路径上的_1.pdf_第3页
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ETSI ETS 300 573-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2) Physical Layer on the Radio Path General Description (GSM 05 01 Fourth Edition)《数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 无线电波传播路径上的_1.pdf_第4页
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ETSI ETS 300 573-1996 Digital Cellular Telecommunications System (Phase 2) Physical Layer on the Radio Path General Description (GSM 05 01 Fourth Edition)《数字蜂窝通信系统(第2阶段) 无线电波传播路径上的_1.pdf_第5页
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1、* ETSI ETS*300*573 96 3400855 0304570 235 = ETSI EUROPEAN T I ELECOMMUNICATION STANDARD ETS 300 573 May 1996 Fourth Edition Source: ETSI TC-SMG Reference: RE/SMG-020501 PR3 ICs: 33.060.50 Key words: Digital cellular telecommunications system, Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) GLOBAL SYST

2、EM FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Physical layer on the radio path General description (GSM 05.01) ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI Secretariat Postal address: F-06921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - FRANCE Office address: 650 Route

3、des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCE X.400: efr, a=atlac, p=etsi, s=secretariat - Internet: secretariat Tel.: +33 92 94 42 O0 - Fax: +33 93 65 47 16 Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing re

4、striction extend to reproduction in all media. Q European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1996. All rights resewed. ETSI ETS*300*573 96 m 3i.100855 0304573 371 9 Page 2 ETS 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this

5、document, errors in content, typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to “ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept.“ at the address shown on the title page. ETSI ETS*300*573 96 m 3400855 0304572 O08 Page 3 ETC 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 versi

6、on 4.6.0) Contents Foreword . 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Scope 7 1.1 Normative references 7 1.2 Abbreviations . 8 Set of channels 8 Reference configuration 9 The block structures 10 Multiple access and timeslot structure 11 5.1 Hyperframes. superframes and multiframes . 11 5.2 Time slots and bursts .

7、 11 5.3 Channel organization . 13 Frequency hopping capability 13 Coding and interleaving . 15 Modulation . 15 Transmission and reception 16 Other layer 1 functions 17 Perfomiance 17 Annex A (informative): Reference configuration . 18 Annex B (informative): Relations between specification . 19 Histo

8、ry 20 ETSI ETS*300*573 96 3400855 0304573 T44 Page 4 ETS 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) Blank page ETSI ETS*300*573 96 m 3400855 0104574 980 Page 5 ETS 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) Transposition dates , Date of adoption of this ETS: Date of latest announcement of this ETS

9、 (doa): 30 April 1996 20 August 1996 Foreword This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by the Special Mobile Group (SMG) Technical Committee (TC) of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). This ETS describes, in general terms, the physical layer on the rad

10、io path of GSM and DCS 1800 within the European digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2). This fourth edition of ETS 300 573 has been introduced as a result of further work carried out by TC-SMG. This ETS corresponds to GSM technical specification, GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0. The specificat

11、ion from which this ETS has been derived was originally based on CEPT documentation, hence the presentation of this ETS may not be entirely in accordance with the ETSIPNE rules. Reference is made within this ETS to GSM Technical Specifications (GSM-TSs) (note). Date of latest publication of new Nati

12、onal Standard I or endorsement of this ETS (dop/e): 18 February 1997 I 18 February 1997 I I Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dow): ETSI ETS*300*573 b m 3400855 0104575 617 = Page 6 ETS 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) Blank page ETSI ETS*300*573 96 m 31-100855 RI10

13、4576 753 Page 7 ETS 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) 1 Scope This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) is an introduction to the 05 series of the GSM technical specifications for GSM and DCS 1800. It is not of a mandatoty nature, but consists of a general description of the organizat

14、ion of the physical layer with reference to the technical specifications where each part is specified in detail. It introduces furthermore, the reference configuration that will be used throughout this series of technical specifications. 1 .i Normative references This ETS incorporates by dated and u

15、ndated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this ETS only when incorporate

16、d in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. PI PI 141 i91 11 21 11 41 GSM O1 .O4 (ETR 100): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Abbreviations and acronyms“. GSM 03.03 (ETS 300 523): “European digital

17、cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Numbering, addressing and identification“. GSM 03.20 (ETS 300 534): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Security related network functions“. GSM 03.22 (ETS 300 535): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2);

18、 Functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode“. GSM 04.03 (ETC 300 552): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Mobile Station - Base Station System (MS - BSS) interface Channel structures and access capabilities“. GSM 04.08 (ETS 300 557): “European digital cellular

19、telecommunication system (Phase 2); Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification“. GSM 04.21 (ETC 300 562): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Rate adaption on the Mobile Station - Base Station System (MS - BSS) interface “. GSM 05.02 (ETS 300 574): “European digital cell

20、ular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Multiplexing andmultiple access on the radio path“. GSM 05.03 (ETC 300 575): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Channel coding“. GSM 05.04 (ETS 300 576): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Modulation“. G

21、SM 05.05 (ETS 300 577): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Radio transmission and reception“. GSM 05.08 (ETS 300 578): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Radio subsystem link control“. GSM 05.10 (ETS 300 579): “European digital cellular telecom

22、munication system (Phase 2); Radio subsystem synchronisation“. GSM 03.30 (ETR 103): “European digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2); Radio network planning aspects“. ETSI ETS*300*573 b = 3400855 0304577 bT H Page 8 ETS 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) 1.2 Abbreviations Abbre

23、viations used in this ETS are listed in GSM O1 .O4 l. 2 Set of channels The radio subsystem provides a certain number of logical channels that can be separated into two categories according to GSM 04.03 5: 1) the traffic channels (TCH): they are intended to carry two types of user information stream

24、s: encoded speech and data. Two types of traffic channels are defined: Bm or full-rate (TCHF) and Lm or half-rate (TCWH) traffic channels. For the purpose of this series of technical specifications, the following traffic channels are distinguished: - - - - - - - - cell broadcast channel (CBCH) full

25、rate speech TCH (TCHIFS) half rate speech TCH (TCWHS) 9,6 kbis full rate data TCH (TCwF9,S) 4,8 kbis full rate data TCH (TCwF4,8) 4.8 kbis half rate data TCH (TCH/H4,8) s 2,4 kbit/s full rate data TCH (TCH/F2,4) s2,4 kbit/s half rate data TCH (TCH/H2,4) 2) the signaling channels: these can be subdiv

26、ided into BCCH (broadcast control channel), CCCH (common control channel), SDCCH (stand-alone dedicated control channel) and ACCH (associated control channel). An associated control channel is always allocated in conjunction with, either a TCH, or a SDCCH. Two types of ACCH are defined: continuous s

27、tream (slow ACCH) and burst stealing mode (fast ACCH). For the purpose of this series of technical specifications, the following signalling channels are distinguished: - stand-alone dedicated control channel, four of them mapped on the same basic physical channel as the CCCH (SDCCHM) - stand-alone d

28、edicated control channel, eight of them mapped on a separate basic physical channel (SDCCH/8) - full rate fast associated control channel (FACCHF) - half rate fast associated control channel (FACCHR1) - slow, TCWF associated, control channel (SACCWTF) - slow, TCWH associated, control channel (SACCWH

29、) - slow, SDCCH/4 associated, control channel (SACCH/C4) - slow, SDCCH18 associated, control channel (SACCHK8) - broadcast control channel (BCCH) - random access channel (e uplink CCCH) (RACH) - paging channel (part of downlink CCCH) (PCH) - access grant channel (part of downlink CCCH) (AGCH) When t

30、here is no need to distinguish between different sub-categories of the same logical channel, only the generic name will be used, meaning also all the sub-categories (SACCH will mean all categories of SACCHs, SACCHTT will mean both the slow, TCH associated, control channels,). The logical channels me

31、ntioned above are mapped on physical channels that are described in this set of technical specifications. The different physical channels provide for the transmission of information pertaining to higher layers according to a block structure. ETSI ETS*300*573 96 = 3400855 OLOY578 526 D Page 9 ETS 300

32、 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) 3 Reference configuration For the purpose of elaborating the physical layer specification, a reference configuration of the transmission chain is used as shown in annex A. This reference configuration also indicates which parts are dealt with in details in wh

33、ich technical specification. It shall be noted that only the transmission part is specified, the receiver being specified only via the overall performance requirements. With reference to this configuration, the technical specifications in the 05 series address the following functional units: - - - -

34、 GSM 05.02: burst building, and burst multiplexing; GSM 05.03: coding, reordering and partitioning, and interleaving; GSM 05.04: differential encoding, and modulation; GSM 05.05: transmitter, antenna, and receiver (overall performance). This reference configuration defines also a number of points of

35、 vocabulary in relation to the name of bits at different levels in the configuration. It must be outlined, in the case of the encrypted bits, that they are named only with respect to their position after the encryption unit, and not to the fact that they pertain to a flow of information that is actu

36、ally encrypted. ETSI ETS*300*573 96 3400855 OLOY57q 4b2 Page 10 ETS 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) 4 The block structures The different block structures are described in more detail in GSM 05.03 (Channel coding). A summarised description appears in table 1, in terms of net bit rate, len

37、gth and recurrence of blocks. net bit rate (kbitis) 13,O 5,6 12,o 6,O 3,6 912 4,6 598/765 (= 0,782) 11 51300 (= 0,383) 299/765 (= 0,391) 598/765 (= 0,782) n59W65 (= 0,782) r*26/765 (= 0,034) 598/765 (= 0,782) p*598/765 (= 0,782) Table 1: Channel block structures block length (bits) 182 + 78 95+ 17 6

38、0 60 36 184 184 1 84 168 + 16 168 + 16 184 184 184 8 184 Type of channel full rate speech TCHI half rate speech TCH2 data TCH (9,6 kbit/) data TCH (4,8 kbiff) data TCH (G54 kbit/) full rate FACCH (FACCHF) half rate FACCH (FACCHRI) SDCCH SACCH (with TCH)4 SACCH (with SDCCH)4 BCCH AGCH5 PCH5 RACH5 CBC

39、H block recurrence ms) 20 20 5 10 10 20 40 3060/13 (235) 480 6120/13 (= 471) 3060/13 (= 235) 3060/13 (= 235) 3060/13 (= 235) 3060/13 (= 235) 3060/13 (= 235) NOTE 1: For full rate speech, the block is divided into iwo classes according to the importance of the bits (182 bits for class 1 and 78 bits f

40、or class li). For half rate speech, the block is divided into two classes according to the importance of the bits (95 bits for class I and 17 bits for class Il). For data services, the net bit rate is the adaptation rate as defined in GSM 04.21. On SACCH, 16 bits are reserved for control information

41、 on layer 1 , and 168 bits are used for higher layers. CCCH channels are common to all users of a cell; the total number of blocks (n, p, r) pei recurrence period is adjustable on a cell by cell basis and depends upon the parameters (BS-CC-CHANS, BS-BCCH-SDCCHCOMB and BS-AG-BLKS-RES) broadcast on th

42、e BCCH and specified in GSM 05.02 and GSM 04.08. NOTE 2: NOTE 3: NOTE 4: NOTE 5: ETSI ETS*300*573 96 3400855 0304580 184 Page 11 ETS 300 573: May 1996 (GSM 05.01 version 4.6.0) 5 Multiple access and timeslot structure The access scheme is Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) with eight basic physica

43、l channels per carrier. The carrier separation is 200 kHz. A physical channel is therefore defined as a sequence of TDMA frames, a time slot number (modulo 8) and a frequency hopping sequence. The basic radio resource is a time slot lasting = 576.9s (15/26 ms) and transmitting information at a modul

44、ation rate of = 270,833 kbits (1625/6 kbits). This means that the time slot duration, including guard time, is 156,25 bit durations. We shall describe successively the time frame structures, the time slot structures and the channel organization. The appropriate specifications will be found in GSM 05

45、.02 (multiplexing and multiple access). 5.1 Hyperframes, superframes and multiframes A diagrammatic representation of all the time frame structures is in figure 1. The longest recurrent time period of the structure is called hyperframe and has a duration of 3h 28mn 53s 760ms (or 12533,76 s). The TDM

46、A frames are numbered modulo this hyperframe (TDMA frame number, or FN, from O to 2715647). This long period is needed to support cryptographic mechanisms defined in GSM 03.20. One hyperframe is subdivided in 2048 superframes which have a duration of 6,12 seconds. The superframe is the least common

47、multiple of the time frame structures. The superframe is itself subdivided in multiframes; two types of multiframes exist in the system: - - a 26-frame multiframe (51 per superframe) with a duration of 120 ms, comprising 26 TDMA frames. This multiframe is used to carry TCH (and SACCHTT) and FACCH. a

48、 51-frame multiframe (26 per superframe) with a duration of -235,4 ms (3060/13 ms), comprising 51 TDMA frames. This multiframe is used to carry BCCH, CCCH (AGCH, PCH and RACH) and SDCCH (and SACCH/C). A TDMA frame, comprising eight time slots has a duration of = 4,62 (60/13) ms. 5.2 Time slots and b

49、ursts The time slot is a time interval of = 576,9 ps (15/26 ms), that is 156,25 bit durations, and its physical content is called a burst. Four different types of bursts exist in the system. A diagram of these bursts appears in figure 1. - normal burst (NB): this burst is used to carry information on traffic and control channels, except for RACH. It contains 116 encrypted bits and includes a guard time of 8,25 bit durations (= 30,46 ps). frequency correction burst (FB): this burst is used for frequency synchronization of the mobile. It is equivalent to an unmodulate

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