ETSI I-ETS 300 697-2-1998 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Conformance Testing for the Euro-ISDN Programming Communication Interface (PCI) Part 2 Abstract Test Suite (ATSF.pdf

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ETSI I-ETS 300 697-2-1998 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Conformance Testing for the Euro-ISDN Programming Communication Interface (PCI) Part 2 Abstract Test Suite (ATSF.pdf_第1页
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1、 Conformance testing for the Euro-ISDN Programming Communication Interface (PCI); Part 2: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) specification for the PCI User Facility (PUF) ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute ETSI Secretariat Postal address: F-O6921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - FRANCE Office addre

2、ss: 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCE Internet: secretariat 8 - http:/ - http:/ Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 O0 - Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and

3、the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. O European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1998. All rights reserved. STDmETSI I-ETS 300 697-2-ENGL 1998 3400855 0285653 189 Page 2 I-ETS 300 697-2: March 1998 Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of

4、 this document, errors in content, typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to “ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept.“ at the address shown on the title page. - STD-ETSI I-ETS 300 697-2-ENGL LW8 3400855 0285654 015 H Page 3 LETS 300 697-2:

5、March 1998 Contents Foreword . .-_ “. 7 Introduction 7 1 Scope . 9 2 Normative references 9 3 Definitions and abbreviations . 1 O 3.1 Definitions . . 10 3.2 Abbreviations _._ 10 4 General constraints for testing and applicable test methods 11 4.1 Testing model 11 4.2 Test methods for PCI message tes

6、ting . 11 4.3 Default values for directions in the Control and User Planes 13 5 ATS naming conventions and use of language conventions 14 6 Typical scenario for a Test Case 16 7 Order of parameters 16 8 Test Purpose (TP) to Test Case (TC) mapping 16 Annex A (normative): Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for

7、 ETS 300 325 PUF . 17 A.l The TTCN Graphical form (TTCN.GR) . 17 A.2 The TTCN Machine Processable form (TTCN.MP) 17 Annex B (normative): PCTR for ETS 300 325 PUF 18 B.l Identification summary 18 B.l.1 Protocol Conformance Test Report (PCTR) 18 B.1.2 IUT 18 B.1.3 Testing environment . . 19 8.1.4 Limi

8、ts and reservations . . .-.-. 19 B.1.5 Comments . ._-. 19 8.2 IUT conformance status 19 B.3 Static conformance summary 19 B.4 Dynamic conformance summary 19 8.5 Static conformance review report . 20 B.6 Test campaign report 20 B.7 Observations . 24 Annex C (normative): Partial IXIT proforma for ETC

9、300 325 PUF . 25 C.l Identification summary 25 STD.ETSI I-ETS 300 bq3-2-ENGL 1998 3400855 0285655 T51 m Page 4 i-ETS 300 697-2: March 1998 (2.2 Abstract Test Suite summary . 25 C.3 Test laboratory 25 C.4 Client 25 (2.5 SUT 26 C.6 Protocol information for ETS 300 325 PUF 26 (2.6.1 Protocol identifica

10、tion 26 C.6.2 IUT information 26 Addresses and compatible incoming parameters 26 C. Exchange Mechanism . 26 ( Control Plane 27 C. User Plane 30 C.6.2.2 Information about connection . 31 C.6.2.3 Procedural information 31 C. Exchange Mechanism . 31 C. Administratio

11、n Plane . 32 C. Control Plane 34 C. User Plane 37 C.6.2.4 Upper interface observation . . 38 C. Administration Plane . 39 C. Control Plane 40 C. User Plane 41 C.6.2.1 Annex D (informative): ETS 300 325 PUF PCI ICs proforma 43 D.l Instructions for completing the PUF

12、 PCI ICs proforma 43 D.l.l D.1.2 Purposes and structure . 43 Symbols, abbreviations and conventions 45 Standardized symbols for the status column 45 Standardized symbols for the support column 45 D.1.2.1 D.l . 2.2 Instructions for completing the PCI ICs 45 D.l . 3 D.2 Identification of the implement

13、ation . 46 D.2.1 Date of statement 46 D.2.2 Implementation Under Test (IUT) identification 46 D.2.3 System Under Test (SUT) identification 46 D.2.5 Client 47 D.2.6 ICs contact person 47 D.2.4 Product supplier 46 D.3 PCI iCS/System Conformance Statement (SCS) . 48 D.4 Identification of the PCI . 48 D

14、.5 Global statement of conformance . 48 D.6 Static requirements . 49 D.6.1 Major capabilities . 49 D.6.1.1 D.6.1 . 2 D.6.1 . 3 D.6.1 . 4 D.6.1.5 D.6.2.1 D.6.2.2 D.6.2.3 D.6.3.1 Underlying Operating System . 49 Connection types 50 Dialling mode 50 User Plane protocols 50 Exchange Mechanism 49 D.6.2 M

15、essages 51 Administration Plane messages . 51 Control Plane messages . 52 User Plane messages 54 D.6.3 Messages parameters 55 Administration Plane messages parameters 55 D. ACreateNCOReq 55 D. ACreateNCOCnf 56 D.6.3.1 . 4 ADestroyNCOCnf 56 D. AErrorlnd . 57 D. AGetNCOlnfo

16、Req . 57 D. ASecurityReq . 57 AManufacturerReq 58 D. AManufacturerl nd 58 D. CAlertReq 58 D. CConnect Req 59 D. CConnect Ind 60 D. CConnect Rsp 60 D. CConnectCnf . 60 D. CDisconnect Req 61 D. CDisconnect Rsp 62 D. CDisconnectCnf

17、 . 62 D. 1 CProgresslnd . 62 D. CSt at us I nd 62 D. CSetupAcklnd 63 D. CConnectlnfoReq D .6.3.2. 15 CP roceedi ng I nd . D. CUserlnformationReq 64 D. CUserlnformationlnd . 64 D. CCongestionControlReq 64 D. CCongestionControIInd . 65 D.6

18、.3.2.20 CSuspendReq . 65 D. CSuspendCnf . 65 D. CResumeReq 65 D. CResumeCnf 66 D. CNotifyl nd . 66 D. CFacilityReq 66 D. CFacilitylnd 66 D. CExtEquipAvailibilitylnd . 67 CExtEquipBlockDiallinglnd 67 D. ADestroy NCOReq . 56 D.6

19、.3.1.7 AGetNCOlnfoCnf . . 57 D. ASecurityCnf . . 58 D.6.3.1 . 10 Control Plane messages parameters 58 D. CAlertlnd 59 D.6.3.2 . D. CDiscon nect I nd 61 D. CExtEquipKeyPressedlnd . 67 D. CExtEquipOffHooklnd . 67 D. CExtEquipOnHooklnd . 68 User Plane messag

20、es parameters 68 D. U3ConnectReq 68 D. U3Connect Ind 69 D. USConnectRsp 70 D. U3ConnectCnf . 71 D. U3DisconnectReq 72 D. U3Disconnectlnd . 72 D. U3 Data Req 73 D. U3Datalnd 73 D. U3Expedited DataReq 73 D. U3ExpeditedDatalnd 74 D.

21、 U3ResetReq 74 U3ResetInd 74 D. U3ResetRsp 75 U3ResetCnf . 75 D. U3DataAcknowledgeReq . 75 D. U3DataAcknowledgelnd 75 D. USReadyToReceiveReq 76 D. U3ReadyToReceivelnd 76 D. U3Errorlnd . 76 D. UlDataReq 76 S

22、TDmETSI I-ETS 300 697-2-ENGL 1998 3400855 0285b57 824 Page 6 I-ETC 300 697-2: March 1998 D. U1 Datalnd . 77 U1 Errorlnd . 77 D. D.6.4 Miscellaneous features and supplementary services 77 History 78 STD.ETSI I-ETS 300 b77-2-ENGL Lqq8 3400855 0285658 760 Page 7 LETS 300 697-2: March 19

23、98 Foreword The second part of this Interim European Telecommunication Standard (I-ETS) has been produced by the Terminal Equipment (TE) Technical Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETS i). An ETSI standard may be given LETS status either because it is regarded as a pr

24、ovisional solution ahead of a more advanced standard, or because it is immature and requires a “trial period“. The life of an LETS is limited to three years after which it can be converted into an ETS, have its life extended for a further two years, be replaced by a new version, or be withdrawn. Thi

25、s is the second part of a LETS which comprises four Parts: “Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Conformance testing for the Euro-ISDN Programming Com mu nication Interface (PCI); Part 1: “Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS Part 3: “Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS Part 4:

26、 “Abstract Test Suite (ATS) for the Network Access Facility (NAF)“. Annexes A, B and C to this pari of the LETS are normative whereas annex D is informative. Announcement date Date of adoption of this I-ETS: Date of latest announcement of this I-ETC (doa): 6 March 1998 30 June 1998 Introduction LETS

27、 300 697, Parts 1 to 4 comprises the Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS - part 2 contains the ATS for the PUF; - part 3 contains the TSS - part 4 contains the ATS for the NAF. STD-ETSI I-ETS 300 b77-2-ENGL 1798 W 3400855 0285657 hT7 = Page 8 I-ETS 300 697-2: March 1998 Part 1 (TSS Programmi

28、ng Communication Interface (PCI) for Euro-ISDN“. ISO/IEC 9646-1 (1 991): “Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General concepts“. ISOIEC 9646-2 (1 991): “Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance tes

29、ting methodology and framework - Part 2: Abstract Test Suite specification“. ISOIEC 9646-3 (1992): “Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 3: The Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN)“. ISO/IEC 9646-5 (1994): “Information Tech

30、nology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 5: Requirements on test laboratories and clients for the conformance assessment process“. ISOIEC DIS 9646-7 (1991): “Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology an

31、d framework - Part 7: I m pl e me n t a t ion Conformance Stat e ment I. ETS 300 697-1 : “Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Conformance testing for the Euro-ISDN Programming Communication Interface (PCI); Part 1: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS Protocol and profile conformance

32、testing specifications; Standardization Methodology“. ETS 300 080: “Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); ISDN lower layer protocols for telematic terminals“. ISOIEC 8208 (1 990): “Information technology; Data communications - X.25 Packet Layer Protocol for Data Terminal Equipment“. CCITT Reco

33、mmendation T.70 (1 998): “Network-independent basic transport service for the telematic services“. Page 10 I-ETS 300 697-2: March 1998 3 Definitions and abbreviations 3.1 Defl n It ons For the purposes of part 2 of this I-ETS, the terms defined in ETS 300 325 l, ISO/IEC 9646, Parts 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7

34、(2 to SI) and its amendments and draft amendments apply. 3.2 Abbrevlatlons For the purposes of this I-ETS, the following abbreviations apply: AOC-E API ASP ATM ATS CLI R DDI Ex1 D HDLC I cs ISDN I UT IXIT LT MTS NAF NCO NCOI D NMA os I PCI PCO PCTR PDU PUF SCS SUT TC TCV TMA TP TSC TSO TSS TSS EXAMP

35、LE 2: Ensure that the IUT in order to initiate an outgoing call sends a CConnectReq. - one for which the point of observation is located at the upper interface of the Implementation Under Test (IUT) (the verdict shall be assigned by the test operator who observes the behaviour of the IUT at the uppe

36、r interface). What is to be observed at this interface is not defined in ETC 300 325 l and may vary greatly from IUT to IUT, therefore, the required observations are described as upper interface observation items in the IXIT. The point of control is located in the LT. These TPs are the “OP“ (optiona

37、l) TPs and may be de-selected as a group by answering “NO“ to an IXIT item. For more details, see ETS 300 697-1 7. EXAMPLE 3: Ensure that the IUT, on receiving a CAlertlnd message, reacts as stated in the IXIT. There are two different ATMs to deal with these two kinds of TPs: - a remote test method

38、for the first case, called the PCIMsgRemote ATM (see figure 1); - a distributed test method for the second one, called the PCIMsgDistributed ATM (see figure 2). Key: ASP Exch mech ASPc IUT LT NAF emul. Operating system PCI Msg PDUs PCO-L SUT TEST SYSTEM (NAF) PCO-L Exch. mech Exchange mechanism laye

39、r SUT PCI mcg “PDUc“ PCI messages layer Exchange mec han ism layer O pera ting system Abstract Service Primitive Exchange Mechanism ASPc Implementation Under test Lower Tester NAF emulator Operating system used by the Exchange Mechanism PCI message PDUs Point of Control and Obseivation (Lower) Syste

40、m Under Test Figure 1: PCIMsgRemote ATM STDmETSI I-ETS 300 b97-2-ENGL 1998 3400855 0285664 Tb4 Page 13 I-ETC 300 697-2: March 1998 TEST SYSTEM (NAFI layer PCO-L I Exch. mech ASPS 4 Exchange mechanism PCI msg “PDUs“ +-i Operating system I PCO u PCI messages layer Exchange mechanism layer est o perato

41、r 3 bservation Key: ASP Exch mech ASPs I UT LT NAF emul. Operating system PCI Msg PDUs PCO-L PCO-u SUT UT Abstract Service Primitive Exchange Mechanism ASPs Implementation Under Test Lower Tester NAF emulator Operating system used by the Exchange Mechanism PCI message PDUs Point of Control and Obser

42、vation (Lower) Point of Control and Observation (Upper) System Under Test Upper Tester Figure 2: PCIMsgDistributed ATM 4.3 Default values for directions in the Control and User Planes There are very few mandatory features in a PUF, including the direction of calls on the Control and User planes. Whe

43、n directions are not specified in a TP, the default direction is incoming for both planes. However, this can only be if the IUT has claimed to support the incoming direction in answer to an Implementation Conformance Statement (ICs) question. An outgoing user connection can only be supported on an o

44、utgoing call in the Control Plane. In this instance, for TCs about outgoing connection establishment on the User Plane, (the direction of the Control Plane is not specified in such TPs), the direction for the Control Plane shall be outgoing. IXIT items indicate the CDirection/UDirection combinations

45、 supported by the IUT, and allow the tester to select the direction of the Control Plane. The same problem can arise for the direction of data transfer and the direction of a user connection. It is also dealt with by IXIT items used to indicate the UDirection/data transfer direction combinations. Pa

46、ge 14 LETS 300 697-2: March 1998 5 ATS naming conventions and use of language conventions The naming conventions described here have been chosen to ensure easy understanding of the ATS. As far as possible, the names reflect their role in the ATS. When a name is used to represent an item from the ETS

47、, then the name shall be taken directly from the ETS and prefixed with the correct prefix. Where an identifier is made up of one or more words, the words shall each start with a capital letter. - - - - EXAMPLE 1 : The term IUT refers to the PUF under test. The term tester refers to the NAF emulator

48、which performs the testing on the IUT. The test suite comprises one test component called the Lower Tester (LT). There are two Points of Control and Observation (PCO) used. A PCO is prefixed by PCO- PCO-L PCO in the LT. - Selection expresslons start with SE-. EXAMPLE 2: SE-NCOTypeC. - Test suite ope

49、rations start with TSO-. EXAMPLE 3: TSO-CalculNCOType. - Test suite constants start with TSC-. EXAMPLE 4: TSC-CalledDTEAddress. - When a TSC is used for to fill a field of a structured type, the name shall be generated as follow: EXAMPLE 5: TSC-protocoi 1 OCTETSTRINGI 1 031 of 255 1 rType Cal I edSub Ad-l ndicat OCTETST RING 1 (0!1) or CalledSubAd-Numbe IA5Stringl-20 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table C.6: Parameters in CConnectlnd message to get an CDisconnectReq with “incompatible destination“ from the I UT LLC-L2opt ional OCTETSTRI NGl 01271

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