1、STD.ETS1 TR 101 023-1-ENGL 1997 3400855 OL95L22 T4T TR 101 023-1 1.1.1 (1997-04) Technical Repon Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS); Portability of SDL specifications COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling Services2 TR 101 023-1 VI .1.1 (1
2、997-04) Reference DTWMTS-00037-1 (9hOSOiCS.PDF) Kev words SDL, portability, methodology ETSi Secretariat Postal address F-O6921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Office address 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis Valbonne - FRANCE Siret No 348 623 562 00017 - NAF 742 C Association but non lucrat
3、if enregistre la Sous-Prfecture de Grasse (06) No 7803/88 Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 O0 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 X.400 c= fr; a=atlas; p=etsi; ssecretariat Internet secretariata et.si.fr http:/www.etsi.fr Copyrght Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyrig
4、ht and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. O European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1997. Ali rights reserved. COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling Services3 TR 101 023-1 V1.l.l (1997-04) Contents Intellectual P
5、roperty Rights 5 Foreword 5 Introduction 5 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 9 Scope 6 References 6 Abbreviations . 6 Content of study . 7 Selected tools . 7 Selected SDL concepts 7 Selected MSC concepts . 8 ASN.l 9 Common Interchange Format (CIF) . 9 Method . 9 SDL
6、 9 MSC . 9 Common Interchange Format (Cri;) . 9 The experiments . 10 Identified problems 10 Portability between ObjectGEODE and SDT 10 SICAT tool 12 Results 12 SDL 12 MSC . 13 Common Interchange Format (CIF) . 13 Conclusions 13 Annex A: Experiment 1 . 14 A.l Description . 14 A.2 Steps performed . 14
7、 A.3 Observations . 14 A.4 Conclusions 21 Appendix A.1 21 Appendix A.11. 22 Appendix A.111 23 Appendix A.IV . 23 Appendix A.V 24 COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling Services4 TR 101 023-1 V1.l.l (1997-04) Annex B: Experiment 2 25 B . 1 Descriptio
8、n . 25 B . 2 Steps performed . 25 B.3 Observations . 26 B.4 Conclusions 27 Appendix B.1 28 Appendix B . II . 29 Appendix B.111 35 Appendix B.IV . 37 Appendix B . V. 39 Appendix B.VI . 50 Annex C: Experiment3 . 56 C.l Description . 56 C.2 Steps performed . 56 (2.3 Observations . 56 C.4 Conclusions 57
9、 Appendix C.1 57 Annex D: Experiment 4 63 D . 1 Description . 63 D.2 Steps performed . 63 D.3 Observations . 63 D.4 Conclusions 63 Appendix D.1 63 Experiment 5 . 64 Annex E: E.l Description . 64 E.2 Steps performed . 64 E.3 Observations . 64 E.4 Conclusions 64 History 65 COPYRIGHT European Telecommu
10、nications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSTD-ETSI TR 101 023-1-ENGL 1997 m 3400855 019512b b95 m 5 TR 1 O1 023-1 V1.l.l (1 997-04) Intellectual Property Rights ETSI has not been informed of the existence of any Intellectual Property Right (IPR) which could be, or could b
11、ecome essential to the present document. However, pursuant to the ETSI interim IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out. No guarantee can be given as to the existence of any IPRs which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. Foreword This T
12、echnical Report (TR) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Methods for Testing and Specification (MTS). The present document is part 2 of a multi-part Technical Report describing how SDL can be formally used by technical bodies, as identified below: Part 1: Part 2: “Portability of SDL specif
13、ications“; “Application of object-oriented SDL features in B-ISBD specifications“. Introduction In its effort to further improve technical quality of standards ETSI is increasing the use of formal languages in the standards development process. The ETSI Interim Technical Working procedure states: “E
14、TSI Standards shall, where applicable, use standardized languages and notations (such as Specification and Description Language (SDL) in ITU-T Recommendation Z. 100 2, Message Sequence Chart (MSC) in lTU-T Recommendation 2.120 4, Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1) in ITU-T Recommendation Z.105 3
15、and Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN). Non- standard languages and notations may be used only when no applicable language or notation exists“. The use of the above mentioned languages is practically impossible without dedicated tools. Such tools are in use within ETSI itself, in other standa
16、rdization bodies such as ITU-T, and in ETSI member organizations. Currently ETSI standards are distributed as hard copy documents, but the trend is towards electronic distribution. The inclusion of SDL models in standards raises certain issues in this context. The intention is that it should in prin
17、ciple be possible to, using adequate tool support, execute/simulate the components of a standard that are defined in SDL. The distribution of such executable SDL models have a clear value for the standard users. Possible use is for example for educational purposes, basis for design, analysis etc. Fo
18、r this approach to be a success, tool independent and freely interchangeable SDL models are a necessity. This TR is the result of a study performed by the ETSI Technical Committee MTS with the aim of investigating the possibilities for electronic exchange of SDL specifications between SDL tools. Thi
19、s TR is not a tool comparison, and the results are not intended for such purposes. COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling Services6 TR 101 023-1 V1.l.l (1997-04) 1 Scope The present document establishes the degree of portability of SDL, MSCs and ASN
20、. 1 descriptions between a number of selected SDL tools. This TR is applicable to ETSI deliverables containing SDL, MSCs and ASN. 1 descriptions. 2 Ref e rences References may be made to: a) specific versions of publications (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.),
21、in which case, subsequent revisions to the referenced document do not apply; or b) ai versions up to and including the identified version (identified by “up to and including“ before the version identity); or c) ali versions subsequent to and including the identified version (identified by “onwards“
22、following the version identity); or d) publications without mention of a specific version, in which case the latest version applies. A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same number. 111 ETS 300 414 (1995): “Methods for Testing
23、 and Specification (MTS); Use of SDL in European Telecommunications Standards (Rules for testability and facilitating validation)“. ITU-T Recommendation Z. 100 2 (1994): “CCITT Specification and Description Language (SDL)“. ITU-T Recommendation Z.105 (1994): “SDL combined with ASN. 1“. ITU-T Recomme
24、ndation Z. 120 (1993): “Message Sequence Chart (MSC)“. ITU-T Recommendation Z. 106 5 (1996): “Common Interchange Format (CE)“. 21 I31 141 i51 3 Abbreviations For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: ASN. 1 Abstract Syntax Notation One B-ISDN Broadband Integrated S
25、ervices Digital Network CIF Common Interchange Format cs2 Intelligent Networks Capability Set 2 INAP Intelligent Network Application Protocol MSC Message Sequence Chart SDL Specification and Description Language COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handlin
26、g Services STD-ETSI TR 101 023-1-ENGL 1997 m 3400855 0195128 468 m System or block diagrams Process or Procedure diagram Data type diagram 7 TR 101 023-1 V1.l.l (1997-04) Unrestricted use allowed Restricted use allowed Not allowed block, channel, comment, block substructure, data channel partitionin
27、g, package, process, type definition, macro signal refinement process create line, select, signal list, signal route, text, text extension comment, input, join, continuous signal, enabling condition, impor1 label, optional transition, decision, macro call, and export, internal input priority input,
28、process output, task, timer and output, service, view creation, process start, and reveal process stop, procedure call, procedure return, procedure reference, procedure start, save, state, synonym, text, text extension, variable, predefined data call, signal declaration abstract data, ASN.l type nam
29、e class literal definition 4 Content of study 4.1 Selected tools The tools selected for the study are ObjectGEODE (Venlog, France, version l.O), SDT (Telelogic, Sweden, version 3.0.2)and SICAT(Siemens, Germany, version 13). The selected tools represent the majority of ETSI members choice of SDL tool
30、s. NOTE: Some of the problems identified in this report, may have been solved in later versions of the tools. 4.2 Selected SDL concepts The investigation of interchange capabilities covers the SDL concepts that are considered as necessary in standardization work. The use of different SDL-88 construc
31、ts in ETSI standards is regulated by ETS 300 414 i, which classifies the SDL-88 concepts into three different classes as shown in table 1. The concepts that are not allowed in ETSs are not included in the analysis of interchange possibilities. Object oriented extensions in SDL-92 were not considered
32、 in ETS 300 414 i. In order to reflect the current usage of SDL in ETSI, it is necessary to include SDL-92 extensions in the portability study. An analysis of how SDL-92 is currently being used in ETSI resulted in that the following SDL-92 was included in the study: COPYRIGHT European Telecommunicat
33、ions Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling Services8 TR 101 023-1 V1.l.l (1997-04) Process or Procedure diagram: spontaneous transition, non deterministic decision (any), remote procedures, any value expression (in assignment statements). Structural typing concepts: Specialization: sys
34、tem type, block type, process type, system definition based on system type, block definition based on block type, process definition based on process type, gate. adding properties (normal inherit and redefinition), virtual type, virtual start transition, virtual transition, virtual save, virtual pri
35、ority input, virtual spontaneous transition, virtual continuous transition, virtual remote procedure input transition, virtual remote procedure save. 4.3 Selected MSC concepts ETS 300 414 i also regulates the use of MSC concepts. The MSC concepts that can be used in ETSI are shown in table 2. Table
36、2: Allowed symbols in MSCs Instance symbol -I: Text extension symbol Timer symbol Action symbol line symbol - PROCESS IT 1 Comment symbol / Network addlog i NO-Analysis Messdg not short - 5.6.2 NO-Analysis (SrtupArg !CR /= o 4293 1Net adding: gate UniNetGate adding out with (MessagesToUserAdded); in
37、 with (MessagesToNetAdded); signairoute NU2 from env via UniNetGate to Network-inst via UniGate with (MessagesToNetAdded); from Network-inst via UniGate to env via UniNetGate with (MessagesToUserAdded); /*#DASHED PROCESS Network-inst*/ Figure 8 COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards Institu
38、teLicensed by Information Handling Services STDOETSI TR 101 023-1-ENGL 1997 = 3400855 OL95140 T65 19 TR 101 023-1 Vl.l.1 (1997-04) BLOCK TYPE Q2931Net inherits package 4293 lpaDefs Q2931Net adding; GATE UniNetGate ADDING IN WITH (MessagesToNetAdded); OUT WITH (MessagesToUserAdded); SIGNALROUTE NU2 F
39、ROM ENV VIA UniNetGate TO Network-inst WITH (MessagesToNetAdded); I FROM Network-inst TO ENV VIA UniNetGate WITH (MessagesToUserAdded); Figure 9 8. Error report resulting from original file analysis indicates that gate redefinitions are not dealt with properly, i.e. signals added to the redefined ga
40、tes are not recognized. If VIA gatename is omitted from channel or signairoute definitions such problems are not reported. 9. When step 4 has been performed (manual rearrangement of description in PR), hierarchy was better represented as shown in figure 10. What is still missing are existing (dashed
41、) block and process typebased definitions. They are not represented neither in hierarchy diagrams nor in appropriate system and block type diagrams. Ivini$mrl Figure 10 10. Redefined block types can be seen in the editor, but cannot be printed. Some redefined process types are also visible but canno
42、t be printed. 11. The same problems with existing (dashed) block and process typebased definitions as described before persisted. 12. Changed diagrams are shown in figure 11, 12 and 13. Added are existing (dashed) typebased block and process definitions. Geodedit does not allow the user to create a
43、gate symbol on existing (dashed) block and process typebased definitions. COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling Services20 TR 101 023-1 V1.1.1 (1997-04) yStem type Q2931-UK-chiinAddrd-R inherik Q2931-W-chanAdded adding -ml =.i).-i . 3 Figure 11 Fig
44、ure 12 COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling Services STD-ETSI TR LO3 023-3-ENGL 3997 W 3400855 0395342 838 21 TR 101 023-1 V1.l.l (1997-04) block type Q2931-UsrZ inherits Q2931-Usr adding Figure 13 Errors reported indicate that existing (dashed) t
45、ypebased block and process definitions are not handled properly. It appears that both Geodecheck and Geodedit have problems with these constructs. It was found out that Geodedit saves existing (dashed) block and process typebased definitions in .pr as referenced block or process definitions (for exa
46、mple BLOCK block-name REFERENCED;), which is not in accordance with ITU-T Recommendation 2.10 2. This may be the reason why conversion from .pr does not work correctly. A.4 Conclusions 1. There are some serious problems in achieving practical portability of SDL documents: support for existing (dashe
47、d) block and process typebased definitions; support for gates at such existing (dashed) block and process typebased definitions; correct PR representation of existing (dashed) block and process typebased definitions; the need to manually rearrange .pr files due to lack of support for referencing mec
48、hanism of SDLPR. 2. Graphical untidiness which was demonstrated in some cases is considered to be of lesser importance which will be resolved by use of CE. Appendix A.1 Error report for simple SDL description exported from SDT and imported into Geode without any changes Report is sorted so that erro
49、rs are shown first. (16 information) 14 warnings 8 errors error 12.221 line 727: Signal setup-acknowledge no referenced in gate unigate signalist COPYRIGHT European Telecommunications Standards InstituteLicensed by Information Handling Services22 TR 101 023-1 V1.l.l (1997-04) error 12.221 line 727: Signal setup-acknowledge no referenced in gate unigate signalist error 12.22 line 779: Signal setup-acknowledge no referenced in gate unigate signalist error 12.22 line 779: Signal setup-acknowledge no referenced in gate unigate signalist