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1、U.S. Departmentof TransportationFederal AviationAdministrationAdvisoryCircular . -Subject: AIRCRAFT RESCUE AND FIREFIGHTINGCOtiMUNICATIONSDate: July 1, 1999 AC No: 150/52 IO-7CInitiated-by: AAS- Change:1. PURPOSE. This advisory circular (AC)Provides guidance for planning and implementing theairport

2、Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF)Communications systems.2. GENERAL. The prompt and efficient responseof a modem ARFF service depends on the reliabilityof its communication and alarm systems.3. CANCELLATION. Advisory Circular150/5210-7B, AircraP Fire and RescueCommunications, dated April 30, 19

3、84, is cancelled.4. PRINCIPAL CHANGES.a. Discrete Emergencv Freauency. Newprovision is established to allow for direct FlightCrew/ARFF Incident Commander/Airport TrafficControl Tower (ATCT) communications on anaeronautical radio frequency (Discrete EmergencyFrequency), designated by Air Traffic Co s

4、pecifically, applicable subparagraphs of$139.3 19.DAVID L. BENNETTDirector of Airport Safety and StandardsProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AC 150/5210-7C6. OVERVIEW OF AIRPORT EMERGENCYCOMMUNICATIONS. The objective of the airportemerge

5、ncy communications system should be toprovide an effective primary and, where necessary,an alternate means for direct communicationsbetween the following:a. The alerting authority FAA Airport TrafficControl Tower (ATCT), Flight Service Station (FSS),airport manager, fwed-base operator, or airlineoff

6、ke and the airport rescue and fire fighting service(ARFF).b. The ATCT or FSS and the ARFF respondersenroute to an aircraft emergency or at the accident orincident site.c. The dispatcher and ARFF vehicles at theaccident/incident site.d. The ARFF IC and appropriate local andmutual aid organizations lo

7、cated on or off the airport,_ including an alert procedure for all auxiliarypersonnel expected to participate.e. The ARFF IC and the Emergency Aircraft.(1) The Discrete Emergency Freauency(DEF) establishes a direct link between theEmergency Aircraft and the ARFF IC that willprovide critical informat

8、ion regarding the EmergencyAircraft status, if not previously provided by ATC(fuel on board, souls on board, hazmat or dangerousgoods on board and location in aircraft, pilotintentions, etc.) to the ARFF IC. The ARFF IC willrelay information to the Pilot of the EmergencyAircraft about the external s

9、ituation of the aircraft,whether or not evacuation is recommended, and otherhazards that may not be readily apparent to the pilot.Air Traffic Control (ATC) will instruct theEmergency Aircraft and the ARFF IC to switch to thefrequency as specified in the ARFF Communications- Operating Procedures Lett

10、er of Agreement (LOA)for the Discrete Emergency Frequency between theAirport Operator and Air Traffic Control - (SampleLOA at Appendix 6), and in accordance with section9.b. (l)(b) of this AC.(2) Use of the DEF: Because of the criticaland timely nature of the information transmitted onthis frequency

11、, transmissions should be limited toATC, the Pilot of the Emergency Aircraft, and theARFF IC.2(3) Emergency Hand Signals are describedin this AC (Appendix 1), allowing communicationof evacuation recommendations from the ARFF IC tothe Pilot and/or Cabin Crew in the -event of radio-communications disr

12、uption or failure on the DiscreetEmergency Frequency.f. Each ARFF vehicle(s) - to include a linkbetween fuefighters in the same ARFF vehicle whereoperationally necessary.7. AIRCRAFT RESCUE and FIREFIGHTINGCOMMUNICATION SYSTEM. The guidance inthis AC is recommended for the establishment ofARFF commun

13、ications systems at airports.a. The ARFF communication system should beconsistent with the airports operational needs andconsist of:(1) The initial notification method -(alarm, dedicated telephone line (crash phone), two-way non-ATC radio, pager, dispatch service, etc.).(2) Direct and timely communi

14、cation ofthe applicable information to the primary responders.(3) Communication between primaryresponders and:(a) Airport controlling agencies - ATC(Tower, Ground Control, Approach/DepartureControl, FSS) - Airport Operations.(b) Emergency aircraft. (DiscreteEmergency Frequency). Emergency aircraft -

15、 atairports without an ATCT, or when ATCT is closed.(CTAF or Guard frequencies).(c) ARFF responding unit(s) internalcommand and control (each ARFF vehicle).(d) Individual ARFF personnel whereoperationally required.(e) Supporting units (local jurisdictionand mutual aid organizations).(f) Airport Oper

16、ations, Maintenanceand Security.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-b. ARFF communication system shouldinclude:(1) ARFF vehicles:(a) Any vehicle that may be employedas the ARFF IC vehicle should have a hard-wired andpermanently installed

17、selectable frequencytransmitter and receiver (transceiver), not to excludehard-wired, permanently installed bases forremovable hand-held units. These transceiver unitsshould be capable of operating on any 25-KHzchannel in the 118.0-136.975 MHz frequency band.(b) All other ARFF vehicles should havea

18、transceiver capable of communicating on Tower,Ground, and/or Unicorn frequencies, hard-wired andpermanently installed (not to exclude hard-wired,permanently installed bases for removable hand-heldunits).(c) All transmitters should be capable of-transmitting 5 nautical miles (9.26 km). All radiosand

19、transmitters should be licensed and operated inaccordance with Federal CommunicationCommission regulations (47CFR Part 87, subparts Dand L. apply).(d) Individual hand-held transceiverswith Fire emergency and Airport Operationsfrequencies, if required (m addition to fuced radios invehicles).(2) Dedic

20、ated telephone lines or cellularphones/personal paging devices.(3) Wide-area audible alarm located instrategic places.(4) Understanding and compliance withuniversal light gun signals. See Appendix 2.(5) Emergency hand signals. SeeAppendix 1.8. INITIAL NOTIFICATION (ALARWSYSTEM - ALERTING AUTHORITYCO

21、MMUNICATION OF ALARM TO PRIMARYRESPONDERS:AC 150/5210-7Ca. Alert Enhancement. The ARFF stationdispatch room at airports with an ATCT should belinked by non-ATC two-way radio and direct-linetelephone to the ATCT, the FSS, or other ATC point. -(1) The emergency direct-line telephoneshould not pass thr

22、ough any intermediate automatedswitchboard or operator that could subject the alertcalls to delays.(2) The tone of the emergency telephonebell (or buzzer) should be distinctly different from allother communications signaling devices withinhearing of personnel in the dispatch room, on theapparatus fl

23、oor or in living quarters, as applicable.(3) Protection against delays due totelephone bell-buzzer failure should be provided byuse of redundant warning lights activated by thesame input signal as the telephone ringer. The lightsshould be strategically located throughout thedispatch room, the appara

24、tus floor and living space,as dictated by the fire house design and the normalactivities of the ARFF personnel.(4) The ARPF station alarm bells should belinked to the telephone ringer so that a call on theemergency telephone circuit simultaneously activatesthe audible alarm throughout the firehouse.

25、(5) The alarm circuitry may activate anautomatic door-opening device for the vehicle doorsin the fire station upon sounding the alarm. Someconditions (climatic, security requirements, or airportnoise levels) may make thii technique impractical.(6) At airports not equipped with ground-to-air radio or

26、 a formal fire service dispatch room,alann activation stations should be provided nearhangars, shops, fueling stations, and aircraft parkingareas where vision of the operational runway isunobstructed, i.e., where service and maintenancepersonnel normally work, thereby allowing them toquickly activat

27、e an alarm upon seeing a need in theoperational area for ARFF service.(7) Passenger loading bridges or areasshould be equipped with a method of rapidly alertingthe emergency response system in the event of anemergency. (e.g. direct access via telephone or alarmsystem).3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleN

28、o reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AC 150/5210-7C,-b. AirDorts with an operating AirportTraffic Control Tower. ATCT provides initialalarm to the ARFF department via one or more of thefollowing methods:(1) Crash Phone - A dedicatedtelephone line between the ATCT and A

29、RFF Station.(2) Alarm - Siren or other audibledevice loud enough to be heard distinctly over typicalairport noise levels, that is audible in all areas whereARFF responders spend duty time.(3) Emergency Dispatch Center - acentral dispatching point that receives notice of anaircraft emergency, and ale

30、rts and dispatches ARFFresponders.(4) Cellular Telephone/Paging Devicenotification.C. Airports without an AirDort Traffic-Control Tower, (or at times when ATCT is closed),should establish a system for notification of ARFFresponders (and other emergency responders, ifapplicable) through FSS, enroute

31、ATC facilities, aircarrier operations departments, public 911 calls,airport operations, and other possible avenues ofemergency notification that assures:(1) There is an alternate alerting meanswith knowledgeable personnel available to operate it.Appropriate communications and alarm controldevices mu

32、st be available at the secondary alertingauthoritys operating location, and they should beoperational during all times that the primary alertingauthority is not available.(2) No excessive delay in sendingmessages.(3) The length and content of messagesare appropriate and complete.(4) Information is n

33、ot degraded byinterference. (Electronic/objects/etc).(5) Appropriate means are used totransmit emergency messages and activate alarmcontrol mechanisms.d. Off-AirDort Fire Department. ARFF isrequired on the airport during air carrier operations atcertificated airports. At non-certificated airports,wh

34、en an off-airport fire department - furnishes the -rescue and fire fighting equipment and personnel,and the alerting/dispatch for airport emergencies ishandled by an emergency direct-line telephonebetween the airport alerting authority and the off-airport fire department, the off-airport fire statio

35、nalarm(s) should sound upon activation of the directemergency line.e. Multifunction Notification.The notificationof all units required to respond to an emergency at alarge airport can be expedited by the use of a“conference” circuit. Such an arrangement allowssimultaneous notification. This “confere

36、nce” circuitshould, as appropriate, include:(1) ARFF service, (should receivealarm first, and respond while remainder of list isbeing notified).(2) ATCT, FSS, or other control point.(3) Airport police/security.(4) Airport management, (operationsand maintenance).(5) Military units (joint-use airports

37、).(6) Other authorities on or off theairport as required by the Airport Emergency Plan(AEP).f. Notification of Firefighters.(1) Firehouses in which personnel arenormally present for duty but may be preoccupiedwith “housekeeping” or training duties should beequipped with a public address (PA) system.

38、 This isparticularly important in firehouses where thedispatcher room, training room, and living quartersare physically separated from the apparatus floor. APA system can significantly enhance response timeand firefighter effectiveness by providing vital detailsof the emergency to the firefighters d

39、uring turnout,e.g., location of accident or incident site, type ofaircraft, number of persons involved, aircraft fuelload, preferred vehicle routing, etc.4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-station and one or more substations, anintercon

40、nected PA system may be necessary.g. Notification of Dual Function Personnel.At airports employing dual function personnel orauxiliary firefighters, an audible alarm should beinstalled in all areas where auxiliary firefightingpersonnel are employed, to notify them of anemergency recall for ARFF duti

41、es. This alarm shouldhave a distinctly different sound and it should be loudenough to be clearly heard above the normal noiselevel.h. Notification of Mutual Aid Units. Areliable voice communications capability should beavailable between the ARFF service and any off-airport organizations expected to

42、participate in theairport-community mutual aid plan. If there is morethan one mutual aid responder, the multifunctionnotification (paragraph 8e, this AC) should beutilized.i. Diiuatch Room Effectiveness. The ARFF service dispatch room should be designedand operated in such a manner that an aircrafts

43、request for assistance can be received, evaluated, andacted upon with a minimum of activity orconsultation.(1) All personnel assigned to dispatchroom duties require training in communicationequipment operations, proper communicationprocedures, and local emergency PIanimplementation procedures.(2) To

44、 assure that the communicationsystem is operational under a variety of airportemergency conditions, communications equipmentshould be functionally tested daily, and provisionsshould be made for an emergency standby powersource.9. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ARFFPRIMARY RESPONDERS AND:.a. AirDort Traffic C

45、ontrol Tower. Afterinitial information is received regarding theemergency via the alarm system, the ARFFresponders will receive clearance onto the airportmovement area to the emergency location over theATCT published ground control and/or towerfrequencies. Alternate procedures should be specifiedAC

46、150/5210-7Cin the ARFF Communications - OperatingProcedures Letter of Agreement (LOA) for theDiscrete Emergency Frequency between the AirportOperator and Air Traffic Control. (Sample LOA at -Appendix 6).b. Emereencv Aircraft:(1) Emergency Aircraft Flight Crews.ATC will issue a discrete emergency fre

47、quency toboth the Emergency Aircraft and the ARFF IC in theevent of a reported or observed in-flight or groundemergency. The ARFF IC should delaytransmissions to the Emergency Aircraft crew untilcleared by Air Trafftc Control, unless the nature ofthe transmission is critical to emergency operation.(

48、a) The discrete emergency frequency(DEF) allows the ARFF IC and the EmergencyAircraft flight crew to communicate with each otherdirectly, allowing the ARFF IC to issue criticalinformation concerning the exact nature of, andhazards associated with, an emergency in progressalong with recommendations f

49、or action. The discreteemergency frequency will be selected by Air TrafficControl (ATC) from the operational frequenciesavailable assigned to that ATC facility and ATC willnotify the Emergency Aircraft and the ARFF IC inaccordance with the LOA. (Appendix 6).(b) The following elements should beincluded in the transmission from ATC directing theEmergency Aircraft to the discrete emergencyfrequency (DEF):9 The frequency.9 A statement that ARFF will be onthe frequency with transmit and receive canabilitv.*

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