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1、879 Federal Communications Commission 18.107 17.56 Maintenance of lighting equip-ment. (a) Replacing or repairing of lights, automatic indicators or automatic con-trol or alarm systems shall be accom-plished as soon as practicable. (b) The flash tubes in a high inten-sity obstruction lighting system

2、 shall be replaced whenever the peak effec-tive daytime intensity falls below 200,000 candelas. 40 FR 30267, July 18, 1975 17.57 Report of radio transmitting antenna construction, alteration, and/or removal. The owner of an antenna structure for which an Antenna Structure Reg-istration Number has be

3、en obtained must notify the Commission within 24 hours of completion of construction (FCC Form 854R) and/or dismantle-ment (FCC Form 854). The owner must also immediately notify the Commis-sion using FCC Form 854 upon any change in structure height or change in ownership information. 61 FR 4364, Feb

4、. 6, 1996 17.58 Facilities to be located on land under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management. Any application proposing new or modified transmitting facilities to be located on land under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Forest Service or the Bu-reau of Land Manage

5、ment shall include a statement that the facilities will be so located, and the applicant shall comply with the requirements of 1.70 of this chapter. 32 FR 11274, Aug. 3, 1967 PART 18INDUSTRIAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Subpart AGeneral Information Sec. 18.101 Basis and purpose. 18.107 Defin

6、itions. 18.109 General technical requirements. 18.111 General operating conditions. 18.113 Inspection by Commission represent-atives. 18.115 Elimination and investigation of harmful interference. 18.117 Report of interference investigation. 18.121 Exemptions. 18.123 Transition provisions for complia

7、nce with the rules. Subpart BApplications and Authorizations 18.201 Scope. 18.203 Equipment authorization. 18.207 Technical report. 18.209 Identification of authorized equip-ment. 18.211 Multiple listing of equipment. 18.212 Compliance information. 18.213 Information to the user. Subpart CTechnical

8、Standards 18.301 Operating frequencies. 18.303 Prohibited frequency bands. 18.305 Field strength limits. 18.307 Conduction limits. 18.309 Frequency range of measurements. 18.311 Methods of measurements. AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 4, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307. SOURCE: 50 FR 36067, Sept. 5, 1985, unless other

9、wise noted. Subpart AGeneral Information 18.101 Basis and purpose. The rules in this part, in accordance with the applicable treaties and agree-ments to which the United States is a party, are promulgated pursuant to section 302 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, vesting the Fed-eral Com

10、munications Commission with authority to regulate industrial, sci-entific, and medical equipment (ISM) that emits electromagnetic energy on frequencies within the radio frequency spectrum in order to prevent harmful interference to authorized radio com-munication services. This part sets forth the c

11、onditions under which the equipment in question may be oper-ated. 18.107 Definitions. (a) Radio frequency (RF) energy. Elec-tromagnetic energy at any frequency in the radio spectrum from 9 kHz to 3 THz (3,000 GHz). (b) Harmful interference. Interference which endangers the functioning of a radionavi

12、gation service or of other safety services or seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radiocommunication service operating in accordance with this chapter. VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00889 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B

13、1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-880 47 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) 18.109 (c) Industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment. Equipment or appli-ances designed to generate and use lo-cally RF energy for industrial, sc

14、i-entific, medical, domestic or similar purposes, excluding applications in the field of telecommunication. Typical ISM applications are the production of physical, biological, or chemical effects such as heating, ionization of gases, mechanical vibrations, hair removal and acceleration of charged p

15、articles. (d) Industrial heating equipment. A category of ISM equipment used for or in connection with industrial heating operations utilized in a manufacturing or production process. (e) Medical diathermy equipment. A category of ISM equipment used for therapeutic purposes, not including surgical d

16、iathermy apparatus designed for intermittent operation with low power. (f) Ultrasonic equipment. A category of ISM equipment in which the RF energy is used to excite or drive an electromechanical transducer for the production of sonic or ultrasonic me-chanical energy for industrial, sci-entific, med

17、ical or other noncommu-nication purposes. (g) Consumer ISM equipment. A cat-egory of ISM equipment used or in-tended to be used by the general public in a residential environment, notwith-standing use in other areas. Examples are domestic microwave ovens, jewelry cleaners for home use, ultrasonic hu

18、-midifiers. (h) ISM frequency. A frequency as-signed by this part for the use of ISM equipment. A specified tolerance is as-sociated with each ISM frequency. See 18.301. (i) Marketing. As used in this part, marketing shall include sale or lease, offer for sale or lease, advertising for sale or lease

19、, the import or shipment or other distribution for the purpose of sale or lease or offer for sale or lease. See subpart I of part 2 of this chapter. (j) Magnetic resonance equipment. A category of ISM equipment in which RF energy is used to create images and data representing spatially resolved dens

20、ity of transient atomic resources within an object. NOTE: In the foregoing, sale (or lease) shall mean sale (or lease) to the user or a vendor who in turn sells (or leases) to the user. Sale shall not be construed to apply to devices sold to a second party for manufacture or fabrication into a devic

21、e which is subse-quently sold (or leased) to the user. 50 FR 36067, Sept. 5, 1985, as amended at 59 FR 39472, Aug. 3, 1994 18.109 General technical require-ments. ISM equipment shall be designed and constructed in accordance with good engineering practice with sufficient shielding and filtering to p

22、rovide ade-quate suppression of emissions on fre-quencies outside the frequency bands specified in 18.301. 18.111 General operating conditions. (a) Persons operating ISM equipment shall not be deemed to have any vested or recognizable right to the continued use of any given frequency, by virtue of a

23、ny prior equipment authorization and/ or compliance with the applicable rules. (b) Subject to the exceptions in para-graphs (c) and (d) of this section and ir-respective of whether the equipment otherwise complies with the rules in this part, the operator of ISM equip-ment that causes harmful interf

24、erence to any authorized radio service shall promptly take whatever steps may be necessary to eliminate the inter-ference. (c) The provisions of paragraph (b) of this section shall not apply in the case of interference to an authorized radio station or a radiocommunication de-vice operating in an IS

25、M frequency band. (d) The provisions of paragraph (b) of this section shall not apply in the case of interference to a receiver arising from direct intermediate frequency pickup by the receiver of the funda-mental frequency emissions of ISM equipment operating in an ISM fre-quency band and otherwise

26、 complying with the requirements of this part. 18.113 Inspection by Commission representatives. Upon request by a representative of the Commission the manufacturer, VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00890 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD wi

27、th CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-881 Federal Communications Commission 18.203 owner, or operator of any ISM equip-ment shall make the equipment avail-able for inspection and promptly fur-nish the Commission with such infor-mation

28、 as may be required to indicate that the equipment complies with this part. 18.115 Elimination and investigation of harmful interference. (a) The operator of ISM equipment that causes harmful interference to radio services shall promptly take ap-propriate measures to correct the prob-lem. (b) If the

29、 operator of ISM equipment is notified by the Commissions Engi-neer in Charge (EIC) that operation of such equipment is endangering the functioning of a radionavigation or safety service, the operator shall im-mediately cease operating the equip-ment. Operation may be resumed on a temporary basis on

30、ly for the purpose of eliminating the harmful interference. Operation may be resumed on a regular basis only after the harmful inter-ference has been eliminated and ap-proval from the EIC obtained. (c) When notified by the EIC that a particular installation is causing harmful interference, the opera

31、tor or manufacturer shall arrange for an engi-neer skilled in techniques of inter-ference measurement and control to make an investigation to ensure that the harmful interference has been eliminated. The EIC may require the engineer making the investigation to furnish proof of his or her qualifica-t

32、ions. 18.117 Report of interference inves-tigation. (a) An interim report on investiga-tions and corrective measures taken pursuant to 18.115 of this part shall be filed with the EIC of the local FCC of-fice within 30 days of notification of harmful interference. The final report shall be filed with

33、 the EIC within 60 days of notification. (b) The date for filing the final report may be extended by the Engineer in Charge when additional time is re-quired to put into effect the corrective measures or to complete the investiga-tion. The request for extension of time shall be accompanied by a prog

34、ress re-port showing what has been accom-plished to date. 18.121 Exemptions. Non-consumer ultrasonic equipment, and non-consumer magnetic resonance equipment, that is used for medical di-agnostic and monitoring applications is subject only to the provisions of 18.105, 18.109 through 18.119, 18.301 a

35、nd 18.303 of this part. 59 FR 39472, Aug. 3, 1994; 60 FR 47302, Sept. 12, 1995 18.123 Transition provisions for com-pliance with the rules. Consumer ISM devices, induction cooking ranges and ultrasonic equip-ment that are authorized under the certification, verification or declara-tion of conformity

36、 procedures on or after July 12, 2004 shall comply with the conducted limits specified in 18.307. All such devices that are manu-factured or imported on or after July 11, 2005 shall comply with the con-ducted limits specified in 18.307. Equipment authorized, imported or manufactured prior to these d

37、ates shall comply with the conducted limits spec-ified in 18.307 or with the conducted limits that were in effect immediately prior to September 9, 2002. 67 FR 45671, July 10, 2002 Subpart BApplications and Authorizations 18.201 Scope. This subpart contains the procedures and requirements for author

38、ization to market or operate ISM equipment under this part. 18.203 Equipment authorization. (a) Consumer ISM equipment, unless otherwise specified, must be authorized under either the Declaration of Con-formity or certification procedure prior to use or marketing. An applica-tion for certification s

39、hall be filed with the Commission on an FCC Form 731, pursuant to the relevant sections in part 2, subpart J of this chapter and shall also be accompanied by: (1) A description of measurement fa-cilities pursuant to 2.948, or reference VerDate Mar2010 09:35 Dec 08, 2010 Jkt 220200 PO 00000 Frm 00891

40、 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:SGML220200.XXX 220200wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFRProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-882 47 CFR Ch. I (10110 Edition) 18.207 to such information already on file with the Commission. (2) A technical report pursu

41、ant to 18.207 and 18.311. (b) Consumer ultrasonic equipment generating less than 500 watts and op-erating below 90 kHz, and non-con-sumer ISM equipment shall be subject to verification, in accordance with the relevant sections of part 2, subpart J of this chapter. (c) Grants of equipment authoriza-t

42、ion issued, as well as on-site certifi-cations performed, before March 1, 1986, remain in effect and no further action is required. 50 FR 36067, Sept. 5, 1985, as amended at 63 FR 36603 July 7, 1998 18.207 Technical report. When required by the Commission a technical report shall include at least th

43、e following information: (a) A description of the measurement facilities in accordance with 2.948. If such a description is already on file with the Commission, it may be in-cluded by reference. (b) A copy of the installation and op-erating instructions furnished to the user. A draft copy of such in

44、structions may be submitted with the application, provided a copy of the actual document to be furnished to the user is submitted as soon as it is available, but no later than 60 days after the grant of the ap-plication. (c) The full name and mailing address of the manufacturer of the device and/ or

45、 applicant filing for the equipment authorization. (d) The FCC Identifier, trade name(s), and/or model number(s) under which the equipment is or will be marketed. (e) A statement of the rated tech-nical parameters that includes: (1) A block and schematic diagram of the circuitry. (2) Nominal operati

46、ng frequency. (3) Maximum RF energy generated. (4) Electrical power requirements of equipment. (5) Any other pertinent operating characteristics. (f) A report of measurements, includ-ing a list of the measuring equipment used, and a statement of the date when the measuring equipment was last cali-br

47、ated and when the measurements were made. The frequency range that was investigated in obtaining the re-port of measurements shall be indi-cated. See also 18.309 and 18.311. 50 FR 36067, Sept. 5, 1985, as amended at 63 FR 36603, July 7, 1998 18.209 Identification of authorized equipment. (a) Each de

48、vice for which a grant of equipment authorization is issued under this part shall be identified pur-suant to the applicable provisions of subpart J of part 2 of this chapter. Changes in the identification of au-thorized equipment may be made pur-suant to 2.933 of part 2 of this chapter. FCC Identifi

49、ers as described in 2.925 and 2.926 of this chapter shall not be used on equipment subject to verification or Declaration of Con-formity. (b) Devices authorized under the Dec-laration of Conformity procedure shall be labelled with the logo shown below. The label shall not be a stick-on, paper label. It shall be permanently affixed to the product and shall be readily visi-ble to the purchaser at the time of pur-chase,


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