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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Release No. Release/Revision1987 01 20 CTQ1-AF536618 Release ESB-M4G264-B1985 08 07 CDPI-DR-532839 Initial Release ESB-M4G264-A ERR/LMWP 3948-a Page 1 of 8SEALER, HOT MELT - POLYPROPYLENE BASE - ESB-M4G264-APRESSURE SENSITIVES

2、EALER, HOT MELT - POLYPROPYLENE BASE - ESB-M4G264-BPRESSURE SENSITIVE - LOW TACK1. SCOPE:The material defined by this specification is a pumpable, heat activatedpolypropylene base sealer with a low application temperature, extendedopen time and excellent heat stability.2. APPLICATION:This specificat

3、ion was released originally for material used to seal doorwatershields to the painted inner door panels. The material can beapplied with manual or robotic pumping equipment. Recommendedapplication temperature 107 - 121 C.3. REQUIREMENTS:3.1 STATISTICAL PROCESSSuppliers must conform to the requiremen

4、ts of Ford Quality SystemStandard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as describedtherein is required for material/source approval. Appropriatestatistical tools must be used to analyze process/product data sothat variation in the final product is continuously reduced.3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOM

5、ETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISFord Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infrared and/orthermal analysis of material/parts supplied to this specification.The IR spectra and thermograms established for initial approvalshall constitute the reference standard and shall be kept on fileat the designate

6、d material laboratory. All samples shall produceIR spectra and thermograms that correspond to the referencestandard when tested under the same conditions.3.3 CONDITIONINGAll test values indicated herein are based on materials conditionedin a controlled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 +/- 5 % relativ

7、ehumidity for 24 h prior to testing and tested under the samecontrolled conditions.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ESB-M4G264-AESB-M4G264-BWP 3948-b Page 2 of 83.4 VISCOSITY REQUIREMENTS3.4.1 Viscosity C 121 +/- 2 C ESB-M4G264-A(Brookfield RVT Spindle 2000 - 3000 mPasNo. 4, 20 rpm)3.4.2 Viscosity

8、 C 177 +/- 2 C ESB-M4G264-B(Brookfield RVT Spindle 800 - 1200 Mpas(No. 4 - 21, 20 rpm)3.5 SOLIDS, min(ASTM D 2834, except heat 99 % 99 %for 4 h at 121 +/- 2 Cin a mechanical convectionoven)3.6 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 0.87 +/- 0.05 0.88 +/- 0.05(ASTM D 792)3.7 SOFTENING RANGE 96 - 106 C 94 - 104 CASTM E28 R

9、ing and Ball)3.8 STORAGE STABILITYIndefinite when stored between 0 and 49 C.3.9 PEEL ADHESION, N, min (ESB-M4G264-A)The minimum adhesion values shown shall be obtained by all sampleswhen the adherends indicated are applied and tested on eachsubstrate noted in para 5.5.ADHEREND MATERIALESB-M4D156-A F

10、oam Type-ESB-M1E51-A ESB-M4D157-A See Normal - 72 h at 0.88 0.88 0.8823 +/- 2 C3.9.2 14 days at 0.88 0.88 0.4471 +/- 2 C3.9.3 14 days at 0.88 0.88 0.4438 +/- 1 C and95 - 100 % R.H.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ESB-M4G264-AESB-M4G264-BWP 3948-b Page 3 of 8ESB-M4D156-A Foam Type-ESB-M1

11、E51-A ESB-M4D157-A See Thermal Cycle - 0.88 0.44(5 times). 4 h at 71 +/- 2 C. 4 h at 38 +/- 2 C and 95 - 100 % R.H. 16 h at -29 +/- 1 C. 4 h at 38 +/- 2 C and 95 - 100 % R.H. 4 h at 71 +/- 2 C. 16 h at -29 +/- 1 CSample Preparation: Reference ASTM D 1000; prepare fivesamples of each adher

12、end material noted in para 5.4 appliedto each substrate per para 5.5.Wipe substrate surface with a lint free rag. Using asuitable hot melt pump per para 5.2, apply a 4 - 5 mm widex 125 mm long sealer bead along the centerline of a 50 x150 mm substrate panel. Within 5 min place a 25 x 300 mmstrip of

13、adherend material on the bead and immediately rollonce in each direction with a 2.3 Kg roller at a rate of 50mm/s. NOTE: When testing laminated foam samples, thepolyethylene foam surface must be applied to the sealerbead. Condition 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C in a flat positionprior to beginning exposure tes

14、ts.Test Method: Subject test assemblies to environmentalexposures noted. After completing exposure, the assembliesshall be conditioned 30 min at 23 +/- 2 C and rolled againas described above.Condition rerolled samples 1 h at 23 +/- 2 C and conduct180 deg peel adhesion tests using an Instron machine

15、orequivalent with a jaw separation rate of 300 mm/min.3.10 PEEL ADHESION, N, min (ESB-M4G264-B)The minimum adhesion values shown shall be obtained by all sampleswhen the adherends indicated are applied and tested on eachsubstrate noted in para 5.5.ADHEREND MATERIALESB-M4D156-A Foam Type-ESB-M1E51-A

16、ESB-M4D157-A See Normal - 72 h at 2.0 0.88 2.023 +/- 2 C3.10.2 14 days at 2.0 0.88 2.071 +/- 2 CENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ESB-M4G264-AESB-M4G264-BWP 3948-b Page 4 of 8ESB-M4D156-A Foam TypeESB-M1E51-A ESB-M4D157-A SEE 14 days at 2.0 0.88 2.038 +/- 1 C and95 - 100 % R

17、.H.3.10.4 Thermal Cycle - 0.88 0.44(5 times). 4 h at 71 +/- 2 C. 4 h at 38 +/- 2 C and 95 - 100 % R.H. 16 h at -29 +/- 1 C. 4 h at 38 +/- 2 C and 95 - 100 % R.H. 4 h at 71 +/- 2 C. 16 h at -29 +/- 1 CSample Preparation: Reference ASTM D 1000; prepare fivesamples of each adherend material noted in pa

18、ra 5.4 appliedto each substrate per para 5.5.Wipe substrate surface with a lint free rag. Using asuitable hot melt pump per para 5.2, apply three (3) 2 - 3mm x 250 mm long sealer beads on a 100 x 300 mm substratepanel. Within 5 minutes, but no sooner than 1 minute,place a 25 mm x 300 mm strip of adh

19、erend material on thebead and immediately roll once in each direction with a 1Kg roller at a rate of 50 mm/sec. NOTE : When testinglaminated foam samples, the polyethylene foam surface mustbe applied to the sealer bead. Condition 24 h at 23 +/- 2C in a flat position prior to beginning exposure tests

20、.Test Method: Subject test assemblies to environmentalexposures noted. After completing exposure, the assembliesshall be then conditioned 30 minutes at 23 +/- 2 C.Condition samples 1 h at 23 +/- 2 C and conduct 180 degpeel adhesion tests using an Instron machine or equivalentwith a jaw separation ra

21、te of 300 mm/min.3.11 SAG RESISTANCE, max 1.5 mmTest Method: Apply a bead of material to a 100 x 150 mm panel ofeach substrate indicated in para 5.5 using application procedureper para 3.9.4 or 3.10.4. Condition 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C in a flatposition. Scribe each panel to establish the initial locatio

22、n ofthe material.3.11.1 ESB-M4G264-A MaterialHang samples vertically in a mechanical convection ovenmaintained at 121 +/- 2 C with the 125 mm long bead ofmaterial parallel to the oven floor. Expose samples for 72h. After completing exposure, condition samples 1 h at 23+/- 2 C in a flat position. Det

23、ermine sag by measuring thedistance the bead has moved below the scribe marks.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ESB-M4G264-AESB-M4G264-BWP 3948-b Page 5 of 83.11.2 ESB-M4G264-B MaterialHang samples vertically in a mechanical convection ovenmaintained at 93 +/- 2 C with the 125 mm long bead ofmateri

24、al parallel to the oven floor. Expose samples for 72h. After completing exposure condition samples 1 h at 23+/- 2 C in a flat position. Determine sag by measuring thedistance the bead has moved below the scribed marks.3.12 COLD FLEXIBILITYThe material shall show no evidence of cracking or delaminati

25、ngfrom the test substrate.Test Method: Apply a bead of material per para 3.9.4 or 3.10.4 toa 100 x 150 x 0.05 - 0.10 mm sheet of aluminum foil. Condition 24h at -29 +/- 1 C. While the sample and cold flex test fixture arein the cold box, bend the sample 180 deg around a 51 mm diametermandrel conditi

26、oned with the test sample. 180 deg bending of theflat aluminum sheet with material bead applied should require 4 - 6s.3.13 OPEN ASSEMBLY TIME 0.44 NPeel Adhesion, min (after 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C)Open assembly time is the interval between initial hot meltapplication to the substrate and the assembly of

27、 the adherencematerial.Test Method: Use only ESB-M4D156-A or M4D157-A polyethylene filmas the adherend material applied to substrates noted in para 5.5.Prepare five test samples per para 3.9.4 or 3.10.4 except the 25 x300 mm polyethylene adherend is not applied to the sealer beaduntil 72 h after app

28、lication of the hot melt sealer to thesubstrate panel. During 72 h open time period, samples should bemaintained in a flat position at 23 +/- 2 C with the sealer bedprotected from any contamination which might adversely affectadhesion.After applying and rolling the 25 x 300 mm polyethylene strip,con

29、dition samples 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C. Conduct 180 deg peeladhesion tests using an Instron machine or equivalent with a jawseparation rate of 300 mm/min.3.14 REMOVAL OF ADHEREND MATERIALS FROM HOT MELT SEALERRemoval of adherend from the hot melt sealer bead shall cause notearing, delamination or distort

30、ion of the adherend.3.14.1 ESB-M4G264-A MaterialTest Method: Prepare samples per para 3.9.4, except applya 5 - 6 mm wide x 125 mm long material bead. Conditionsamples 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C and conduct 90 deg peel adhesiontest using an Instron machine or equivalent with a jawseparation rate of 50 cm/min

31、.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ESB-M4G264-AESB-M4G264-BWP 3948-b Page 6 of 8Inspect each adherend sample after 90 deg peel test. Anyevidence of tearing, delamination or distortion of theadherend material shall constitute a failure.3.14.2 ESB-M4G264-B MaterialTest Method: Prepare samples per par

32、a 3.10.4, except applya 2 - 3 mm wide x 125 mm long material bead. Conditionsamples 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C and conduct 90 deg peel adhesiontest using an Instron machine or equivalent with a jawseparation rate of 50 cm/min.Inspect each adherend sample after 90 deg peel test. Anyevidence of tearing, delam

33、ination or distortion of theadherend material shall constitute a failure.3.15 FUNCTIONAL APPROVALMaterials being evaluated for initial approval to thisspecification shall be subjected to a functional trial at therepresentative production facility. The material used for thetrial must be manufactured

34、using production equipment andprocessing methods. Functional trial results should be availableto Design and Materials Engineering prior to approval and release.3.16 ODORShall be free from objectionable or irritating odors, both “asreceived“ and at application temperature.3.17 HEAT RESISTANCEDuring i

35、nstallation, the hot melt sealer shall withstand asimulated paint repair bake (30 min at 120 +/- 2 C) withoutevidence of dripping, running or loss of adhesion.3.18 FOGGING 60 min(FLTM BO 116-3)Visual examination of the exposed glass plate shall not show thepresence of discrete droplets or the coales

36、cence of droplets into auniform film.3.19 QUALITYShall be a smooth homogeneous mixture free from foreign materialsand properties detrimental to normal production operations.3.20 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYAll materials supplied to this specification must be equivalent inall characteristics to the mater

37、ial upon which approval wasoriginally granted.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ESB-M4G264-AESB-M4G264-BWP 3948-b Page 7 of 8Prior to making any change in the properties, composition,construction, color, processing or labeling of the materialoriginally approved under this specification, whether or

38、not suchchanges affect the materials ability to meet the specificationrequirements, the Supplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology andthe affected Materials Engineering activity of the proposed changesand obtain the written approval of the Materials Engineeringactivity. Test data, test samples and

39、 a new code identificationare to be submitted with the request.Substance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford, applyto the materials addressed by this document. The restrictions aredefined in Engineering Material Specification WSS-M99P9999-A1,unless a different suffix (e.g., A2 or A3) is

40、 specified on theengineering document for the application.4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALS:Materials defined by this specification must have prior approval by theresponsible Materials Engineering activity. Suppliers desiring approvalof their materials shall first obtain an expression of interest from theaff

41、ected Purchasing, Design and Materials Engineering activity. Uponrequest, the Supplier shall submit to the affected Materials Engineeringactivity its own laboratory report to the specification (test results,not nominal values), the material designation and code number, and testspecimens for Ford eva

42、luation. Upon approval, the material will be addedto the Engineering Material Approved Source List.5. GENERAL INFORMATION:The material data included herein is for information only and is not arequirement for the supplier.5.1 MATERIAL BACKGROUNDThe material was developed as an alternate to ESB-M4G73-

43、A apumpable, nondrying, solvent release type sealer that has causedcleanup problems during installation and removal of the doorwatershield. The hot melt sealer retains its tack for an extendedperiod, and its low cohesive strength permits removal andreapplication of the watershield without affecting

44、sealingcapability or damaging the shield.5.2 APPLICATION TEMPERATURE 107 - 121 C5.3 DEGRADATION TEMPERATURE 149 C5.4 ADHERENDS ( Watershield Materials)5.4.1 ESB-M1E51-A Paper,Kraft-PolyethyleneCoated on one side5.4.2 ESB-M4D156-A Polyethylene, Sheet-BlackESB-M4D157-A Polyethylene, Sheet-ClearENGINEE

45、RING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION ESB-M4G264-AESB-M4G264-BWP 3948-b Page 8 of 85.4.3 ESB-M99G137-A Watershield, Polyethylene FoamComposite Foam ESB-M99G137-A Polyethylene FoamLaminated to ESB-M2D304-APolyurethane Foam.5.5 SUBSTRATES5.5.1 CRLC steel meeting ESB-M1A250-A: Nominal 0.81 mmthickness. Substrate phosphated and electrocoat primedmeeting ESB-M2P4-A performance requirements. Use currentproduction paints as identified by the Body and ChassisProduct Engineering Office.

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