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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Release No. Release/Revision1993 07 01 NB00E10293471003 Released D.DiGregorio E.RezendesWP 3948-a Page 1 of 11 SEALER, INJECTION MOLDED OR EXTRUDED ESB-M4G300-CPOLYOLEFIN, HEAT EXPANDING, FAST CURE1. SCOPEThe mate rial defined

2、 by this specification is an injection molded orextruded uncured ethylene vinyl acetate base sealer which exhibits rapidexpansion upon exposure to heat. It can be used only in plants withelectrocoat paint systems.2. APPLICATIONThis s pecification was originally released for material used to seal fue

3、lfiller housings to body side panels and wheelhouse to outer panels. Themateri al is normally stapled, heat staked, or snapped in position, and isused on oily galvanized and CRLC steel surfaces. Recomme nded cure schedulesare 1 0 minutes at 171 C metal temperature minimum, and 30 minutes at 205C met

4、al temperature maximum.Compliance with this material specification does not guarantee theexpandab le sealer will function for all potential applications on avehicle. The specific design condition should be evaluat ed by a plant trialor laboratory simulation prior to release of the material.3. REQUIR

5、EMENTS3.1 STATISTICAL PROCESSSupplie rs must conform to the requirements of Ford Quality systemStand ard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as describedtherein is required for material/source approval. Appropriatestatist ical tools must be used to analyze process/product data sothat variation

6、 in the final product is continuously reduced.3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISAll samples shall produce IR spectra and thermogram that correspondto the reference standard when tested under the same conditions. The infrared spectra or thermograms established for initial approval

7、shall constitute the re ference standard and shall be kept on file atthe designated material laboratory.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 2 of 11 3.3 CONDITIONING AND TEST CONDITIONSAll Test values indicated herein are based on materials conditionedin a co ntrolled atmosph

8、ere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 +/- 5 % relativehumidity for 24 h prior to testing and tested under the sameconditions unless otherwise specified.3.4 DIMENSIONS As specified on engineeringdrawing and/or in trim use 1.0 - 1.1 mmCRLC steel-oiled. Cure three samples at 143 C and 205 C. Allow samples to cool t

9、o 23 +/- 2 C for 1 h minimum. Calcula te the percent expansion as the relationship between themaxim um expanded thickness of the cured material (dimension“X“-Fig. 1) and the uncured thickness of the original sample (“T“).Percent Expansion = X - T x 100-T. Using a hot knife, disassemble test samples

10、by cutting the curedsealer along the s urface of panel “A“ - Fig. 1. The cured sealershall be resilient to the touch and exhibit a uniform cellstructure.3.8 WATER ABSORPTION, max 5 %(FLTM BV 117-01 Method “A“, 8 h soaktime,material cure schedules per para 5.3)3.9 SHEAR ADHESION STRENGTH, kPa, minThe

11、 minimum adhesion values indicated shall be obtained by allcoupons in each exposure group when subjected to the followingenvironments:ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 3 of 11 3.9.1 Normal - 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C 7003.9.2 14 d at 83 +/- 2 C 7503.9.3 14 d at 38 +/- 1 C and 98

12、+/- 2 % R.H. 6003.9.4 Salt Spray, 240 h 200(ASTM B 117)3.9.5 Thermal Cycle (5 times) 750. 4 h at 82 +/- 2 C. 4 h at 38 +/- and 98 +/- 2 % R.H. 16 h at - 30 +/- 1 C. 4 h at 38 +/- 1 C and 98 +/- 2 % R.H. 4 h at 82 +/- 2 C. 16 h at - 30 +/- 1 CSa mple Preparation: Reference FLTM BV 1-6; uncured materi

13、althickness per para 5.5, bondline thickness after cure 1.8 - 3.3mm, substrates per para 6.2, material cure temperature per para5.3.Prepa re five samples per exposure per bake schedule. Aftercuring, condition coupons for 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C. Prior tobeginning exposure tests.Test Method: Subject test

14、assemblies to exposures noted. Aftercompleting exposur e, the test specimens shall be conditioned at a23 +/- 2 C fo r a minimum of 2 h and a maximum of 3 h prior totesting on a tensile machine at a jaw separation rate of 25mm/minute.3.10 CORROSION RESISTANCE, min 500 h(ASTM B 117)3.10.1 CRCL Steel -

15、 OiledSurface rust within 7.0 mm of the perimeter of the cured sealer ispermissible after disassembly of test assemblies.Test Method:. Prepare four test assemblies as shown in Fig. 2A. Cure two samples at each of the bake s chedules indicated in para5.3. Condition samples 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C.ENGINEER

16、ING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 4 of 11 . Remove clamps and subject the four cured assemblies to 500 hsalt spray per ASTM B 117. After exposure, disassemble panels and examine metal surfacesunder sealer for evidence of corrosion . Surface corrosion shallnot extend more than 7.0

17、mm inside of sealer perimeter.3.10.2 CRCL Steel ElectrocoatedThere shall b e no evidence of corrosion under the sealer on eitherpanel surface.Test Method:. Prepare four test assemblies as shown in Fig. 2B. Electr ocoat four assemblies in a production paint system orequi valent laboratory batch tank.

18、 Electrocoating to beconducted with the assistance of quali fied Ford paint personnel.Note: When e lectrocoating in a production facility, oiled CRLCsteel test as semblies are to be processed through the phosphatesystem. If s amples are electrocated in a batch tank, Parker 40panels should be used to

19、 construct the test assemblies. Cure two samples at each of the bake s chedules indicated in para5.3. El ectrocoated assemblies to be cured in a verticalposition with the 150 mm long side parallel to bottom of oven. After curing, remove clamps and condition 24 h at 23 +/- 2 C.Subject cured assemblie

20、s to 500 h salt spray per ASTM B 117. After exposure, disassemble panels and examine metal surfacesunder sealer for corrosion. There shall be no evidence ofcorrosion beneath the sealer on either steel panel.3.11 LOW TEMPERATURE RESISTANCEThere shall be no evidence of adhesive or cohesive failure aft

21、er thetest assemblies have accumulated 100 cold slams at - 30 +/- 1 C.Test Method:. Prepare two test samples as shown in Fig. 3. Cure on sample at each of the bake sch edules indicated in para 5.3.Cure samples in a horizontal position.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 5 of

22、 11 . Condition samples at 23 +/- 2 C for a minimum of 24 h. Place two test assemblies and cold sla m apparatus described in FLTMBV 101-02 in a cold box and condition at - 30 +/- 1 C for a minimumof 4 h. Individually mount panels on the cold slam apparatus with bonded100 x 300 mm panel at bottom sid

23、e facing away from fixture. Slam10 times per FLTM BV 101-02 at - 30 +/- 1 C. Remove two test panels from cold box and condition at 23 +/- 2 ha minimu m of 1 h. Return two panels to cold box and condition 4h minimum at - 30 +/- 1 C and slam 10 times. Repeat this sequenceuntil 100 cold slams have accu

24、mulated. Condition at 23 +/- 2 C for 1 h minimum and disassemble samples.Examina tion of samples shall indicate no adhesive or cohesivefailure of the sealer.3.12 SAG RESISTANCE, max 3.0 mmTest Method:. Provide a 12.7 mm diameter hole in the center of four oily CRLCsteel panels with nominal dimension

25、 of 100 x 150 x 0.8 - 0.9 mm. Place a 50 x 50 x 2.3 - 2.8 mm piece of uncured sealer material oneach panel with sealer centered over hole. Support the panels on opposite sides and bake in a horizontalposition. Cure two samples at each of the bake schedules indicatedin para 5.3. Remove from oven and

26、condition 1 h min imum at 23 +/- 2 C. From theunder surface of the panel measure the distance the material hassagged through the hole.3.13 FUEL RESISTANCEAf ter a controlled immersion in ASTM #F146 fuel or diesel fuel andrecovery at 23 +/- 2 C, the minimum adhesion value for overlap shearsample s sh

27、all be 475 kPa for diesel fuel and 300 kPa for ASTM #F146fuel.Test Method:. Prepare overl ap shear test samples as described in 3.7. Test fivesamples from each cure schedule in ASTM #F146 fuel, and five fromeach schedule in diesel fuel. Immerse total bonded area of all samples in each type of fuel.N

28、ote: Becaus e of precise time constraints for immersion, recoveryand tensile testing, it is recommended each fuel type be testedseparately.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 6 of 11 Vessels containing fuel should be maintained at 23 +/- 2 C. Allfuel work sho uld be conducte

29、d in a laboratory hood. Samples to beimmersed for 2 h +5/-0 minutes. Remove samples from fuel immersion and condition 4 h at 23 +/- 2C. During conditioning period, store samples in a panel rack in aclosed area to minimize evaporative action. Afte r conditioning period, test samples immediately on a

30、tensilete st machine at a jaw separation rate of 25 mm/minute. The 10samp les should be tested within 15 minutes of completingconditioning.3.14 WASH RESISTANCE No wash off(FLTM BV 16-1, Method “A“,1.5 mm material thickness)3.15 ELECTROCOAT COMPATIBILITY Shall not contaminate electrocoat(FLTM BV 119-

31、01) primer bath or cause electrocoatfilm irregularitiesUse cu rrent production paints as identified by Body MaterialsEngineering office.3.16 FOGGING(FLTM BO 116-03)Fog Number 60 Formation of exces sive amounts of clear film or droplets is cause forrejection.3.17 STORAGE STABILITYThe material shall b

32、e stored at temperature s below 41 C, away from allsources of heat. Heat greatly accelerates aging. Under theseco nditions, the minimum shelf life of the material shall be sixmonths. When this material is stored at temperatures below 23 C, itshall be conditioned at room temperature prior to applicat

33、ion.3.18 FUNCTIONAL APPROVALMaterials being evaluated for initial approval to this specificationsh all be subjected to a production trial. Functional trial resultsshould b e available to Design and Materials Engineering prior tomaterial approval and release.3.19 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTSSpecific requi

34、reme nts for material and or manufactured parts shall bespecified on the e ngineering drawing, engineering parts specificationand/or performance specifications. All critical areas with respect tothese properties shall be designated on the engineering drawing.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G

35、300-CWP 3948-b Page 7 of 11 3.20 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYAll materials supplied to this specificatio n must be equivalent in allcharacteristics to the material upon which approval was originallygranted.Prior to making any changes in the properties, composition,construction, color, processing or labe

36、ling of the material originallyapproved under thi s specification, whether or not such changes affectthe materials ability to meet the specification requirements, theSupplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology and the affectedMaterials Engineer ing activity of the proposed changes and obtain thewri

37、tt en approval of the Materials Engineering activity. Test data,test sampl es and a new code identification are to be submitted withthe request.Subst ance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford apply tothe ma terials addressed by this document. The restrictions aredefined in Engineering Ma

38、terial specification WSS-M99P9999-A1.4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALSMat erials defined by this specification must have prior approval by ther esponsible Materials Engineering activity. Suppliers desiring approval ofthe ir materials shall first obtain an expression of interest from theaff ected Purchasing,

39、Design and Materials Engineering activity. Uponreq uest, the Supplier shall submit to the affected Materials Engineeringactivit y a completed copy of their laboratory test reports, signed by aqualified and authorized r epresentative of the test facility, demonstratingfull c ompliance with all the re

40、quirements of this specification (testresults, not nominal value s), the material designation and code number, andtes t specimens for Ford evaluation. Fords engineering approval of amaterial wi ll be based on its performance to this specification and on ana ssessment of suitability for intended proc

41、esses and/or applications. Uponapp roval, the material will be added to the Engineering Material ApprovedSource List.5. GENERAL INFORMATIONTh e material data included herein is for information only and is not arequirement for the specification.5.1 MECHANICAL CONVECTION OVENThe mechanical oven(s) use

42、d to cure the material shall be capable ofob taining 204 C metal temperature on body steel (0.89 mm thickness)within 8-10 minutes.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 8 of 11 5.2 SUBSTRATES5.2.1 CRLC steel meeting WSB-M1A250B1: Nominal 0.81 mmthickness, surface precoated with

43、 0.13 mm wet filmof st amping lubricant as specified by theresponsible Materials Engineering Activity.5.2.2 Galvanized steel meeting WSB-M1A250-C3, 60G60G-EL:Nominal 0.81 mm thickness, surface precoated with a0.013 mm wet film of stamping lubricant a s specifiedby the responsible Materials Engineeri

44、ng Activity.5.3 MATERIAL BAKE SCHEDULES5.3.1 Minimum: 170 C for 10 minutes metal temperature(20 minutes oven time, min)5.3.2 Maximum: 205 C for 30 minutes metal temperature(40 minutes oven time, min)5.4 WEIGHT PER VOLUME 1.17 kg/L(ASTM D 816)5.5 TEST MATERIAL THICKNESSSample material submitted for evaluation to the specification shall be2.3 - 2.8 mm.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 9 of 11 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 10 of 11 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESB-M4G300-CWP 3948-b Page 11 of 11


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