1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Release No. Released1994 02 21 NEO1E10127076117 Revised 3.1 & updated E. Duda1978 07 14 CE3HRD782440E Metricated, Renumbered & Retyped1968 08 02 E7-2746 ReleasedWP 3948-a Page 1 of 2 GASKET, CELLULOSE FIBER/NEOPRENE ESE-M8G93-
2、A1. SCOPEThe ma terial defined by this specification is a cellulose fiber, neoprenerubber impregnated, gasket material.2. APPLICATIONThis spe cification was released originally for material used as a gasketto att ach parts to the cylinder block such as front cover, water pump androad draft tube.3. R
3、EQUIREMENTSAll tests shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM F 104, unlessotherwise specified.3.1 COMPRESSIBILITY 15 - 30 %(ASTM F 36, 6.9 MPa load)Recovery, min 55 %(ASTM F 36, 138 kPa)3.2 TENSILE STRENGTH, min 17.2 MPa(ASTM F 152)3.3 IMMERSION IN LIQUIDS(ASTM F 146, 22 h at 23 +/- 2 C)Immersion
4、 Fluid Weight Change, max Thickness Change, maxASTM Oil No. 3 55 % 15 %ASTM Fuel “B“ 55 % 20 %Distilled Water 65 % 45 %3.4 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISFord Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infrared and/ortherma l analysis of material/parts supplied to this specificatio
5、n.The IR spectra and thermograms established for i nitial approval shallconst itute the reference standard and shall be kept on file at thedesignated material laboratory. All samples sha ll produce IR spectraand thermograms that correspond to the reference standard when testedunder the same conditio
6、ns.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESE-M8G93-AWP 3948-b Page 2 of 2 3.5 CONDITIONING AND TEST CONDITIONSAll test values indicated herein are based on ma terial conditioned ina control led atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 +/- 5 % relativehumidity for not less than 24 h prior to testing and tested un
7、der thesame conditions unless otherwise specified.3.6 STATISTICAL PROCESSSupplie rs must conform to the requirements of Ford Quality SystemStand ard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as describedtherein is required for material/source approval. Appropriatestatist ical tools must be used to a
8、nalyze process/product data sothat variation in the final product is continuously reduced.3.7 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYAll materials supplied to this specification must be equivalent inal l characteristics to the material upon which approval wasoriginally granted.Pri or to making any change in the pr
9、operties, composition,constr uction, color, processing or labeling of the materialorig inally approved under this specification, whether or not suchchange s affect the materials ability to meet the specificationrequir ements, the Supplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology andthe affected Materials
10、 Engineering activity of the proposed changesand obtain the written approval of the Materials Engineeringactivity. Test data, t est samples and a new code identification areto be submitted with the request.Substance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford, apply tothe materials addressed by
11、 this document. The restrictions aredefined in Engineering Materials Specification WSS-M99P9999-A1.4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALSMat erials defined by this specification must have prior approval by theresp onsible Materials Engineering activity. Suppliers desiring approvalof thei r materials shall first o
12、btain an expression of interest from theaffec ted Purchasing, Design and Materials Engineering activity. Uponrequest, the Supplier shall submit to the affected Materials Engineeringactivity a completed copy of their laboratory test reports, signed by aqualified and authorized representative of the t
13、est faci lity, demonstratingful l compliance with all the requirements of this specification (testresults, not nominal values), the material designation a nd code number, andtes t specimens for Ford evaluation. Fords engineering approval of amateri al will be based on its performance to this specification and on anassessment of suitability for intended processes and/or applications. Uponapprov al, the material will be added to the Engineering Material ApprovedSource List.