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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Release No. Release/Revision1993.08.02 EP00E10258823000 Released W HardtWP 3948-a Page 1 of 13 PAINT, NONMETALLIC WATERBORNE FOR ESK-M62J34-ABASECOAT/CLEARCOAT SYSTEM, BAKINGEXTERIOR TOPCOAT1. SCOPEThe mat erial defined by thi

2、s specification is a waterborne, nonmetallicbasecoat of a basecoat/clearcoat system required to provide the bestexterior quality nonmetallic finish. It consists of a physical dryingbaseco at with a thermosetting acrylic clear topcoat (e.g. SKM-32J9553-A),which are applied wet-on-wet and concurrently

3、 stoved. I t shall be suitablefor spray application.2. APPLICATIONThis spe cification was released originally for material used as thebasecoat for a wet-on-wet final colour topcoat system on automotive bodiesand other exterior parts. It s hall be satisfactory for use over specifiedprimer s, primer s

4、urfacers or over baked enamel, as in repair or tu-toningoperations.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 STATISTICAL PROCESSSupplie rs must conform to the requirements of Ford Quality SystemStand ard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as describedtherein is required for material/source approval. Appropriatestat

5、ist ical tools must be used to analyze process/product data sothat variation in the final product is continuously reduced.3.2 COMPOSITION3.2.1 Infrared Spectrophotometry and/or Thermal AnalysisFord Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infraredand/o r thermal analysis of material/parts supplied

6、to thisspeci fication. The IR spectra and thermograms establishedfor initial approval sh all constitute the reference standardand s hall be kept on file at the designated materiallaborat ory. All samples shall produce IR spectra andtherm ograms that correspond to the reference standard whentested un

7、der the same conditions.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 2 of 13 3.2.2 UV Spectroscopic AnalysisA UV spectroscopic anal ysis is to be carried out on approvedinitial samples from th e FoMoCo Quality Control or Ford TestLaboratories. The resu lts are to be retained. Results

8、 fromUV sp ectroscopic analyses carried out for control purposesmus t correspond with the values obtained from the initialsample.3.3 CONDITIONINGAll panels shall be age d for 72 h at 23 +/- 2 C or 16 h at 43+/- 2 Cbefore testing for resi stance properties unless otherwise specified.In the event of d

9、ifferences between test results, the results afterageing at room temperature shall govern.Al l tests according to this specification shall be performed in acontrolled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 - 65 % relative humidityif not otherwise specified.3.4 COMPOSITION3.4.1 ResinEssentially a synthetic

10、resin, waterborne system capable ofmeeting this specification requirements.3.4.2 PigmentationThe pigment shall have weather and light resista nt propertiesan d be balanced and blended so that the finished enamelmatch es the Master Appearance Sample (MAS) Panel inappear ance, colour and lustre, and s

11、hall give sufficientperformance to meet the requirements of this specification.3.4.3 Clear TopcoatBa secoat meeting this specification shall be totallycompatible with the For d Engineering approved clearcoat SKM-32 J9553-A or approved equivalent materials applied on it.Afte r baking to the required

12、conditions the basecoat/clearcoat system shall present an exterior topcoat finish ofthe highest quality.3.4.4 Specific CompositionWhen i t is necessary to obtain specific data regardingmaterial formulation, it is understood that the supplier willfurnish such data on request.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPEC

13、IFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 3 of 13 3.4.5 Ultraviolet Light AbsorberIn case of critical colours (e.g. red), the enamel maycont ain sufficient amounts of suitable ultraviolet lightabsorber packages. These will be selected by th e supplier toprovide long term durability.3.4.6 Special DataAll i

14、n itial and batch submissions must indicate density,non volatile content, and volume solids of the material assupplied on the sample report.3.5 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES3.5.1 Nonvolatile Residue(FLTM BI 102-01)In accordance with initial sample report +/- 1.0 %, min 23 %.3.5.2 Density(ASTM D 1475)In accord

15、ance with initial sample report +/- 0.05 g/ccm.The percentage of organic solvent content has to be quoted inthe initial sample report.3.5.3 Supply ViscosityMaterial must be supplied at spray viscosity in production.Prior to initial approv al a flow curve has to be establishedon Haake Roto-Viskosimet

16、er RV 20/M5 or equivalent underconditions as follows:25 +/- 0.3 CShear 4 minutes from 1/s to 500/sShear 2 minutes at 500/sShear 4 minutes from 500/s to 1/sThis diagram has to correspond to the reference standardestablished by Engineering Materials Laboratory.3.5.4 Shelf StabilityDuring a storage of

17、3 months at room temperature, thematerial as received shall not gel or liver upon standing andmu st be free from settling which cannot be dispersed bynormal agitation.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 4 of 13 3.5.5 Opacity of Dry Film(FLTM BI 158-01)Complete coverage of un

18、dercoat/substrate at a dry filmthickness of maximum 30 micrometres.Higher values than 30 micrometer will be accepted with red/ora nge colours, which for environmental and toxicologicalrea sons cannot be improved in hiding power, provided thatsuch colours are already identified during First SightFe a

19、sibility evaluation and ok line trial results have beenproduced under usual process conditions.3.5.6 pH-ValueThe pH value must be determined by the supplier and must bequoted on Initial Sample Report.3.6 PREPARATION OF TEST PANELS(FLTM BI 103-02, Method B,b)3.6.1 SubstrateFord Engineering Approved S

20、tandard Steel Test Panels coatedwith Ford Engineering approved zinc phosphate an d prepared inacc ordance with Ford Manufacturing Standard UMA 18004/UMA18005 or equivalent.3.6.2 Cathodic ElectrocoatFord Engineering approved current production materials.Apply the above primer to a minimum dry film th

21、ickness of 23micro metre and bake as defined in relevant materialspecification.3.6.3 Primer SurfacerFord Engineering approved current production material.Apply the above primer to a minimum dry film thickness of 30- 35 m icrometre, and bake as defined in relevant materialspecification.Do not sand th

22、e primer surface.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 5 of 13 3.6.4 BasecoatAppl y basecoat under test (reduced to spray viscosity assp ecified by vendor) to a dry film thickness of 15 - 30micrometre.Note:Application conditions for nonmetallic basecoat ESK-M62J34-A.Ambient te

23、mperature 22 +/- 3 CRelative humidity 60 +/- 5 %3.6.5 Acrylic ClearcoatApply approved clearcoa t against specification SKM-32J9553-A(reduced to spray visco sity as specified by vendor) to a dryfilm thickness of 35 - 45 micrometre.Minimum total dry film thickness 50 micrometre3.6.6 Two-pack Clearcoat

24、(SKM-1J9554-A plus SKM-99J9608-A)As specified by supplier.3.6.7 Flash-off ConditionsBet ween application of nonmetallic basecoat and theappro priate clearcoat: As specified by supplier, however,preferably 7 minutes at 80 C metal temperature.3.6.8 Baking CyclesBasecoat and clearcoat baked simultaneou

25、sly. Standard Bake Bake 10 minutes at 130 C metaltemperature.The following stoving conditions are required forthe following tests:3.7.1 Colour3.7.2.1 Gloss3.7.2.2 Heat Resistance3.8.4 Hardness3.9 Resistance properties includingAdhesionPolishability3.11.1 Colour uniformity on repairpaintingENG

26、INEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 6 of 13 RebakeStandard bake then bake 10 minutes at 150 C metaltemperature, for the following tests:3.7.1 Colour3.7.2.2 Heat Resistance3.11.3.1 Ad hesion to intermediate coats 2pack Repair painting (low bake)Note: Prior to expos ure,

27、the long term weatheringpanels are treated over 1/3 of their surface withcut ting paste Glasurit SL62-0101 or equivalentmaterial. This is distributed 10 times in alen gthwise direction under medium pressure usingcotton wadding. The test panels are finally wipedusing a clean cloth.3.6.9 In-Plant Repa

28、ir3.6.9.1 Catalyzed Clearcoat(SKM-32J9553-A plus SM-99J9565-B (para 3.11)Bake 10 minutes at 100 C metal temperature. Two-pack Clearcoat(SKM-1J9554-A plus SKM-99J9608-A (para 3.11)Bake 10 minutes at 100 C metal temperature.3.7 APPEARANCE3.7.1 Colour(FLTM BI 109-01)Colour of clearcoat film shal

29、l remain water white after allbaking cycles described in para 3.6.8.Col our of basecoat and clearcoat shall match the relevantapproved Master Appearance Sample (MAS) Panel.3.7.2 Gloss, minimum(FLTM BI 110-01, 20 deg glossmeter) Standard Bake, min 85 % Rebake GlossA decrease of not more

30、 than 4 units gloss ispermitted when panel is rebaked per para MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 7 of 13 3.7.3 LevellingThe surface of the material under test shall be equal to orbe tter than current approved production material forsmoothness when applied and baked

31、 under identica l conditions.3.7.4 HoldoutThere shall be no evidence of dulling or change of imageclarity when enamel colour coat is applied over sanded andunsanded primer surfacer, and no difference in gloss of thecolour coat between san ded and unsanded primer. There shallbe no prominence of sand

32、scratches. Tests shall be made atboth maximum and minimum bake cycles.A decrease in gloss of maximum 4 units is permitted when thepaint film is stoved ad ditionally according to para FILM PROPERTIES3.8.1 General AppearanceThe enamel shall bake o ut to a presentable, serviceable filmshowi

33、ng no craters, pinholes or abnormal roughne ss. It shallnot show excessive mottling in the basecoat. It shall havea re asonable tolerance for ordinary cleaning and showexcellent polishing cha racteristics when wheel polished withwide range of various compounds and cleaners.3.8.2 Wet-on-Wet Compatibi

34、lityThe m aterial must be compatible for wet-on-wet applicationwith current production primer surfacer and clearcoat.3.8.3 Film Thickness(FLTM BI 117-01)Basecoat Plus Clearcoat, min 50 micrometreCo ating must be sufficient to meet all performancerequirements of this specification.3.8.4 Final Hardnes

35、s3.8.4.1 Penetration, Full System(Age 72 h at 23 +/- 2 C)Tukon, min 7.5 KHN(FLTM BI 112-02)ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 8 of 13 3.8.5 PolishingTh e enamel surface shall be capable of being sanded andpolished, or polished only. No noticeable chang e in gloss orapp eara

36、nce, except for a minimum of polishing lines shallresul t. Deep polishing lines or swirl marks are notacceptable.Ha rdness and polishing characteristics shall be such thatairborne dirt dried in the film and dry spray areas or othersurface defects can be removed by sanding and polishing.Af ter sandin

37、g with 1000 grit paper lubricated with mineralspirit a nd then wheel polished with a medium grit compoundthere shall be no noticeable change in appearanc e between thepolished and unpolished area.3.9 RESISTANCE PROPERTIES3.9.1 Paint Adhesion(FLTM BI 106-01, Methods A & B)Method A No chippingMethod B

38、 Grade 0No chippingThere shall be no flaking of clearcoat from the basecoat.3.9.2 Water Resistance 240 h(FLTM BI 104-01)No blistering, softenin g, dulling, colour change and/or lossof adhesion.Adhesion shall be tested according to para 3.9.1 Method B.3.9.3 Water and Soap Spot Resistance(FLTM BI 113-

39、01) Water Spotting, Nonemax discolouration3.9.3.2 Soap Spotting, Nonemax discolouration3.9.4 Acid Spot Resistance, Nonemax discolouration(FLTM BI 113-02)ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 9 of 13 3.9.5 Xylene Wipe ResistanceNo dulling, softening o r other undesirable

40、 effects after theena mel, which has been aged 72 h, is rubbed 10 times in acircular motion with a wad of cheesecloth wetted with Xyleneand allowed a 30 minute recovery period.3.9.6 Stone Chip Resistance(FLTM BI 157-04) Rating 3 maximum3.9.7 Chip Resistance(FLTM BI 107-1) Rating 03.9.8 Cold Check Re

41、sistance, 10 cycles No cracking(FLTM BI 107-02) or dulling3.10 WEATHERING3.10.1 Florida exposure, 12 months Rating 4(FLTM BI 160-01)5 deg south, direct weathering inland.Prior to examination the exposed samples must be cleaned withapproved soap solution.Aft er exposure in accordance with para 3.10.1

42、 and 3.10.2,washed but unpolished exposure samples shall show a minimumdegree of dulling, change of colour and distinct ness of imagewith both standard and catalyzed repair paint when comparedto an unexposed retained master.Both original and repair shall alter in colour, tone andgloss t o the same d

43、egree in the same direction. Only thesl ightest colour change is permitted. These samples shallshow no colour change, or iridescence in excess of specifiedAATCC rating (AATCC Grey Scale for Evaluating Change inColour, 10 step).ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 10 of 13 3.1

44、0.2 Gloss After Exposure, min 70 units(FLTM BI 110-01) (20 deg glossmeter)The film shall be free from dirt and mildew. Un soiled panelsshall be preferred to those soiled by exposure.No chalking is permitted.The panels shall be completely free from evidence ofcracking, checking, rusting, blistering,

45、and peeling.One sma ll area of the exposed panel shall be slightlypolished with a current polish followed by a 24 h waterimmers ion test of the complete panel according to FLTM BI104-01 . The panel is then again compared to the unexposedpanel. Only a slight colour change is permitted on thepolished

46、as well as on the unpolished area of the panel.3.10.3 After Weathering Adhesion(FLTM BI 106-01, Method B)No loss of adhesion of clearcoat or total paint systempermitted.3.10.4 After Weathering Water ResistanceAf ter Florida exposure and/or accelerated weathering, testspecimens shall be test ed accor

47、ding to FLTM BI 104-01 for 24hours. Adhesion shall be tested according to para New Vendors and Resin FormulationsSu bmissions of the above shall require weather resistanceover an extended period up to 5 years. Prior use withoutProduct Engineering approval is not permitted.Sufficient pa

48、nels shall be initially sent to Flo rida to allowinterim evaluation afte r each 12 months during this exposureperiod.Lon g term Florida exposure panels prior to exposure shallhave 1/3 of the surface polished with a surface grindingcompound. Using cotton wool the surface shall be rubbed 10times under

49、 medium pres sure in a straight longitudinal line.Wipe excess compound away using clean towel.Grinding compound as recommended by Materials Engineering.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESK-M62J34-AWP 3948-b Page 11 of 13 3.10.6 ReflectanceMeasure and record reflectance of Florida test panels as agraph prior to and afte r each year of exposure up to 5 yearsusing spectrophotometer or other suitable equipment.Recommended equipment i s Zeiss Spectrophotometer Type DMR 21with reflectance attachment.3.10.7 Weather Exposure Control PanelsFor all exterior weather exposure tests to

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