1、 FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BQ 104-07 Date Action Revisions 2000 11 10 Revised Editorial no technical change A. Cockman 1991 08 22 Printed copies are uncontrolled Page 1 of 4 Copyright 2000, Ford Global Technologies, Inc. ENVIRONMENTAL TEST CYCLES Application This method is used to determine the re
2、sistance of automotive components, interior and exterior, to environmental cycling. Apparatus Required for Method 1 Mechanical Convection Oven Capable of maintaining temperatu res of 80 +/ - 2 C; 90 +/ - 2 C; 122 +/ - 2 C; and 140 +/ - 2 C. Cold Box Capable of maintaining temperatures of - 38 +/ - 2
3、 C; and - 40 +/ - 2 C. Humidity Cabinet Capable of maintaining temperatures of 38 +/ - 2 C, and 95 to 98 % R.H. CASS Cabinet Refer to FLTM BQ 105 - 01. Apparatus Required for Method 2 Environmental Test Cabinet Microprocessor - controlled, capable of maintaining the following conditions: temperature
4、 of 80 +/ - 2 C and 90 +/ - 2 C; low temperature of - 30 +/ - 2 C and - 40 +/ - 2 C; 95 to 98 % R.H at 38 +/ - 2 C. Conditioning and Test Conditions All test values indicated herein are based on material conditioned in a controlled atmosphere of 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % relative humidity for not
5、less than 24 h prior to testing and tested und er the same conditions unless otherwise specified. Procedure for Method 1 - Manual Method Procedure 1 1. Subject a complete part or section of a part mounted either in car position or unmounted, as defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Specifi
6、 cation, to three cycles to the following program: 3 h at 80 +/ - 2 C 1 h at 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % R.H. 3 h at - 40 +/ - 2 C 1 h at 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % R.H. 16 h at 38 +/ - 2 C, and 95 to 98 % R.H. FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BQ 104-07 Page 2 of 4 Copyright 2000, Ford Global Technologi
7、es, Inc. 2. After the part/specimen has cooled to room temperature, examine as defined in the applicable Engineering Material Specification. Procedure 2 Follow the steps in Procedure 1 except that the oven temperature shall be 90 +/ - 2 C. Procedure 3 Follow the steps in Procedure 1 except that the
8、oven temp erature shall be 90 +/ - 2 C, and the cold box temperature shall be - 30 +/ - 2 C. Procedure 4 Follow the steps in Procedure 1 except that the cold box temperature shall be - 30 +/ - 2 C. Procedure 5 Follow the steps in Procedure 1 except that the parts/sp ecimen shall be subjected to four
9、 subsequent cycles in the following sequence: 16 h at 38 +/ - 2 C, and 95 to 98 % R.H. 4 h at - 40 +/ - 2 C 4 h at 90 +/ - 2 C Procedure 6 Follow the steps in Procedure 5 except that the cold box temperature shall be minus 30 +/ - 2 C, and the oven temperature shall be 80 +/ - 2 C. Procedure 7 1. Su
10、bject a complete part or section of a part mounted either in car position or unmounted, as defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Specification, to three cycles to the following program: 2 h at 80 +/ - 2 C 1 h at 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % R.H. 2 h at - 35 +/ - 2 C 1 h at 23 +/ - 2 C and 5
11、0 +/ - 5 % R.H. 16 h CASS test per FLTM BQ 105 - 01 2. After the part/specimen has cooled to room temperature, examine as defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Specification. Procedure 8 Follow the steps of Procedure 7 except follow the prescribed three cycles with an additional 48 h conti
12、nuous CASS test. FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BQ 104-07 Page 3 of 4 Copyright 2000, Ford Global Technologies, Inc. Procedure 9 1. Subject a complete part or section of a part mounted eithe r in car position or unmounted, as defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Specification, to three cycle
13、s to the following program: 0.5 h at 125 +/ - 2 C 2 h at 80 +/ - 2 C 1 h at 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % R.H. 2 h at - 35 +/ - 2 C 16 h CASS test per FLTM BQ 105 - 01 2. After the part/specimen has cooled to room temperature, examine as defined in the applicable Engineering Material Specification. Pr
14、ocedure for Method 2 - Controlled Universal Equipment Procedure 10 1. Subject a complete part or sec tion of a part mounted either in car position or unmounted, as defined in the applicable Engineering Material Specification, to three cycles to the following program: 3 h at 80 +/ - 2 C 2 h period of
15、 uniform cool - down to - 40 +/ - 2 C 3 h at - 40 +/ - 2 C 1 h uniform heat - up and humidification to 38 +/ - 2 C, and 95 to 98 % R.H. 14 h at 38 +/ - 2 C, and 95 to 98 % R.H. 1 h uniform heating and drying period to 80 +/ - 2 C 2. After the part/specimen has cooled to room temperature, examine as
16、defined in the ap plicable Engineering Materials Specification. Procedure 11 Follow the steps of Procedure 10 except that the oven temperature shall be 90 +/ - 2 C. Procedure 12 Follow the steps of Procedure 10 except that the oven and cold box temperatures shall be 90 +/ - 2 C and - 30 +/ - 2 C res
17、pectively. Procedure 13 Follow the steps of Procedure 10 except that - 30 +/ - 2 C cold temperature is required. Procedure for Headliners Procedure 14 1. Subject a complete part mounted in car position in a car or buck to the following: 6 h at 85 +/ - 2 C and 90 +/ - 5 % R.H. 6 h at - 35 +/ - 2 C 12
18、 h at 85 +/ - 2 C 6 h at - 35 +/ - 2 C 6 h at 85 +/ - 2 C and 90 +/ - 5 % R.H. FORD LABORATORY TEST METHOD BQ 104-07 Page 4 of 4 Copyright 2000, Ford Global Technologies, Inc. 2. Examine as defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Specification. Procedure for Doors Procedure 15 1. Subject a c
19、omplete part mounted in car position in a car or buck to the following: 24 h at 95 - 98 % R.H. and 38 +/ - 2 C 24 h at 80 +/ - 2 C in an air circulating oven 24 h at 95 - 98 % R.H. and 38 +/ - 2 C 24 h at 82 +/ - 2 C in an air circ ulating oven 24 h at 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % R.H. 2. Examine as
20、defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Specification. Procedure for Plated Plastic Parts An environmental test cabinet (oven) capable of maintaining 125 +/ - 2 C is required. Procedure 16 1. Subject a complete part or section of a part mounted either in car position or unrestrained, as defi
21、ned in the applicable Engineering Materials Specification, to three cycles to the following program: 2 h at 80 +/ - 2 C 1 h at 23 +/ - 2 C a nd 50 +/ - 5 % R.H. 2 h at - 35 +/ - 2 C 1 h at 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % R.H. 16 h CASS test per FLTM BQ 105 - 01 2. After the part/specimen has cooled to r
22、oom temperature, examine as defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Specification. Procedure 17 Follow the steps of Procedure 16 except apply an additional 48 h continuous CASS test. Procedure 18 1. Subject a complete part or section of a part mounted either in car position or unrestrained,
23、as defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Spe cification, to three cycles to the following program: 0.5 h at 125 +/ - 2 C 2 h at 80 +/ - 2 C 1 h at 23 +/ - 2 C and 50 +/ - 5 % R.H. 2 h at - 35 +/ - 2 C 16 h CASS test per FLTM BQ 105 - 01 2. After the part/specimen has cooled to room temperature, examine as defined in the applicable Engineering Materials Specification. Chemicals, materials, parts, and equipment referenced in this document must be used and handled properly. Each party is responsible for determining proper use and handling in its faciliti es.