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1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Material Name Specification Number Date Release No. Release/Revision 2012 04 04 N Status Replaced by WSS-M18P11-B3 B. Witkowski, NA 1993 02 17 NB00E10211510000 Released D. DiGregorio E. Rezendes WP 3948-a Page 1 of 7 SEALER, LOW TEMPERATURE EXPANDING, PERFORMANCE

2、WSB-M18P11-A2 REQUIREMENTS NOT TO BE USED FOR NEW DESIGN 1. SCOPE This specification defines the performance requirements for a die cut or extruded sealer that expands upon exposure to heat and can be used at temperatures ranging from 124 C metal temperature for 10 minutes to 177 C metal temperature

3、 for 20 minutes. This material can be supplied with or without a pressure sensitive adhesive coating or a release liner. 2. APPLICATION This specification was released originally for material used in the paint shop area for sealing openings in sheet metal surfaces. The material can be supplied with

4、or without an aggressive pressure sensitive adhesive which promotes adhesion to electrocoat primed steel substrates. The material expands during the primer or enamel bake schedules noted per para 5.3. Materials meeting this performance specification are identified on the Corporate Approved Source Li

5、st. Compliance with this performance specification does not guarantee the sealer will function for all potential applications on a vehicle. The specific design condition should be evaluated by Car Engineering NVH for acoustical properties and a plant trial or laboratory simulation prior to release o

6、f this material. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 STATISTICAL PROCESS Suppliers must conform to the requirements of Ford Quality System Standard Q-101. A mutually acceptable Control Plan as described therein is required for material/source approval. Appropriate statistical tools must be used to analyze process/p

7、roduct data so that variation in the final product is continuously reduced. 3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSIS Ford Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infrared and/or thermal analysis of material/parts supplied to this specification. The IR spectra and thermograms establis

8、hed for initial approval shall constitute the reference standard and shall be kept on file at the designated material laboratory. All samples shall produce IR spectra and thermograms that correspond to the reference standard when tested under the same conditions. 3.3 CONDITIONING AND TEST CONDITIONS

9、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M18P11-A2 WP 3948-b Page 2 of 7 All test values indicated herein are based on material conditioned in a controlled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 +/- 5 % relative humidity for not less than 24 h prior to testing and tested under the same conditions unless oth

10、erwise specified. 3.4 DIMENSIONS As specified on engineering drawing and/or the Trim & Sealer Manual 3.5 VOLUME EXPANSION, min (FLTM BV 108-02) 3.5.1 At 124 C 300 % 3.5.2 At 177 C 300 % 3.6 WATER ABSORPTION, max 5 % (FLTM BV 117-01, Method A, 8 h soak time, material cure temperatures per para 5.3) 3

11、.7 BRIDGING, max 2.5 mm (SAE J243, ADS-9, Method D, non-flow) Test Method: . Condition 2 test fixtures with 150 mm material strips for 1 h at 23 +/- 2 C. Brake 1 test fixture at each material cure schedule specified in para 5.3. . Measure the amount of material sag through the holes. 3.8 EXPANSION,

12、min 300 % Test Method: Prepare six test assemblies as shown in Figure 1. Use electrocoat primed steel panels per para 5.2. Cure three samples at each of the bake schedules indicated in para 5.3. Allow samples to cool to 23 +/- 2 C for 1 h minimum. Calculate the percent expansion as the relationship

13、between the maximum expanded thickness of the cured material (dimension “X“ - Figure 1) and the uncured thickness of the original sample (“T“). Percent Expansion = X - T x 100 _ T Disassemble test samples by cutting the cured sealer along the surface of panel A - Figure 1. The cured sealer shall be

14、resilient to the touch and exhibit a uniform cell structure. 3.9 ADHESION CHARACTERISTICS ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M18P11-A2 WP 3948-b Page 3 of 7 Test Method: Apply two 200 mm length ribbons of material to each of two electrocoat primed steel panels per para 5.2 and condition panels a

15、t 23 +/- 2 C for 1 h. Bake one panel at each material cure schedule per para 5.3. Position panels in a horizontal attitude during material bake. After bake, condition panels at 23 +/- 2 C for 4 h minimum. Evaluate adhesion by inserting the top of a sharp spatula under the end of the material strip.

16、Grasp the tab of sealer and attempt to peel at 180 deg. The material shall not be removable in a continuous coherent film. Observe for any indication that the material fails to adhere to the substrate or is brittle or friable. 3.10 COLD FLEXIBILITY No cracking Test Method: Apply 150 x 9.5 x 9.5 mm l

17、ength of uncured material to a sheet of aluminum foil or other non-stick type surface material. Bake the material in a mechanical convection oven for 10 minutes at 124 +/- 2 C metal temperature and 20 minutes at 177 +/- 2 C metal temperature. Cool the material to 23 +/- 2 C for 4 h minimum and not m

18、ore than 24 h. Condition the material for 4 h at - 30 +/- 1 C and bend 180 deg around a temperature conditioned 24 mm diameter mandrel. 3.11 CORROSION RESISTANCE, min 500 h (ASTM B 117) Test Method: Place a 39 cm2 area section of uncured production material on each of two 150 x 75 mm electrocoat pri

19、med steel panels per para 5.2. Cover the material with an identical panel and clamp in position for close contact. Bake test panels in a mechanical convection oven for 10 minutes at 124 +/- 2 C metal temperature (one panel) and 20 minutes at 177 +/- 2 C metal temperature (one panel). Remove clamps a

20、nd subject the cured assemblies to 500 h salt spray. After exposure, pull panels apart, remove the materials, clean the panels with suitable solvent and examine sealed surfaces for evidence of corrosion. 3.12 FLAMMABILITY (ISO 3795/SAE J369) Burn Rate, max 100 mm/minute 3.13 FOGGING (FLTM BO 116-03)

21、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M18P11-A2 WP 3948-b Page 4 of 7 Fog Number, min 60 The formation of droplets or coalescence into a clear film is cause for rejection. 3.14 OZONE RESISTANCE, max Rating 0 (FLTM BP 101-01, Procedure A) 3.15 ODOR No objectionable or irritating odors, both at rece

22、ived and after storage. 3.16 STORAGE STABILITY The material shall be stored at temperatures below 41 C away from all sources of heat and sunlight. Heat greatly accelerates aging. Under these storage conditions, the minimum shelf life of the material shall be 6 months. When these materials are stored

23、 at temperatures below 23 C, they shall be conditioned at room temperature prior to application. Adequate conditioning permits the material to obtain its optimum application properties. 3.17 SPONGE AND CELL STRUCTURE AFTER CURE Shall exhibit uniform cell structure with no large voids. A natural skin

24、 formation shall result from the cure cycle. The sponge shall have good resilience under finger pressure. Test Method: Cross sectional observation of the sponge shall be made by cutting through the skin and sponge mass of a cured specimen. The sponge system shall be visually examined. 3.18 MATERIAL

25、CONSISTENCY Shall be a smooth, homogeneous mixture free from foreign materials and properties detrimental to normal production operations. 3.19 UNCURED ADHESION AND RELEASE PAPER REMOVAL The sealer shall adhere when hand applied to electrocoat primed surfaces. The material shall be capable of having

26、 the release paper backing removed without distorting the shape of the sealer. 3.20 PACKAGING The material shall be supplied in sealed packages and material blocking is not permitted during container shipping or storage. 3.21 FUNCTIONAL APPROVAL Materials being evaluated for approval to this specifi

27、cation shall be subjected to a production trial. Functional trial results must ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M18P11-A2 WP 3948-b Page 5 of 7 be approved by the affected assembly operation and Design Engineering. Results shall be made available to Materials Engineering prior to material appr

28、oval and release. 3.22 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Specific requirements for material and/or manufactured parts shall be specified on the Engineering drawing, Engineering parts specification and/or performance specifications. All critical areas with respect to these properties shall be clearly designate

29、d on the engineering drawing. 3.23 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITY All materials supplied to this specification must be equivalent in all characteristics to the material upon which approval was originally granted. Prior to making any change in the properties, composition, construction, color, processing or

30、 labeling of the material originally approved under this specification, whether or not such changes affect the materials ability to meet the specification requirements, the Supplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology and the affected Materials Engineering activity of the proposed changes and obtain

31、 the written approval of the Materials Engineering activity. Test data, test samples and a new code identification are to be submitted with the request. Substance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford, apply to the materials addressed by this document. The restrictions are defined in Engi

32、neering Material Specification WSS-M99P9999-A1. 4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALS Materials defined by this specification must have prior approval by the responsible Materials Engineering activity. Suppliers desiring approval of their materials shall first obtain an expression of interest from the affected P

33、urchasing, Design and Materials Engineering activity. Upon request, the Supplier shall submit to the affected Materials Engineering activity a completed copy of their laboratory test reports, signed by a qualified and authorized representative of the test facility, demonstrating full compliance with

34、 all the requirements of this specification (test results, not nominal values), the material designation and code number, and test specimens for Ford evaluation. Fords engineering approval of a material will be based on its performance to this specification and on an assessment of suitability for in

35、tended processes and/or applications. Upon approval, the material will be added to the Engineering Material Approved Source List. 5. GENERAL INFORMATION The information below is provided for clarification and assistance in meeting the requirements of this specification. ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFIC

36、ATION WSB-M18P11-A2 WP 3948-b Page 6 of 7 5.1 MECHANICAL CONVECTION OVEN The mechanical oven(s) used to cure the material shall be capable of obtaining 205 C metal temperature on body steel (0.8 - 0.9 mm thickness) within 8 - 10 minutes. 5.2 SUBSTRATES Nominal panel dimensions are 0.8 x 100 x 300 mm

37、. Electrocoat primed steel panel: Prepared per ESB-M2P4 performance specification. Use current production paints as identified by the Body Engineering office. 5.3 MATERIAL CURE SCHEDULES 5.3.1 Minimum: 124 C metal temperature for 10 minutes. 5.3.2 Maximum: 177 C metal temperature for 20 minutes. 5.4 WEIGHT PER VOLUME, Typical 1.19 kg/L FIGURE 1 - EXPANSION TEST A. Test Assembly Before Cure (1.0 - 1.1 mm Electrocoat Primed Steel) ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATION WSB-M18P11-A2 WP 3948-b Page 7 of 7 B. Test Assembly After Cure

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