1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Action Changes1998 09 28 Activated P. OsmanWP 3948-a Page 1 of 3PRIMER THINNER WSS-M14J521-A1PURGE THINNER WSS-M14J521-A21. SCOPEThe materials defined by these specifications are solvent thinners.2. APPLICATIONThese specificat
2、ions were released originally to define special solventthinners required for use in high ambient temperatures in the Indiansub-continent.3. REQUIREMENTS3.1 QUALITY SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSMaterial suppliers and part producers must conform to QualitySystem Requirements, QS-9000. Material specification req
3、uirementsare to be used for initial qualification of materials. A ControlPlan for ongoing production verification is required. This planmust be reviewed and approved by the relevant Ford Materialsactivity and/or Ford Supplier Technical Assistance (STA) prior toproduction parts submission. Appropriat
4、e statistical tools must beused to analyze process/product data and assure consistentprocessing of the materials.Part producers using this material in their products, must use Fordapproved materials and must conform to a process control plan whichhas been approved by STA and/or the relevant Material
5、s Activity.3.2 INFRARED SPECTROPHOTOMETRY AND/OR THERMAL ANALYSISFord Motor Company, at its option, may conduct infraredand/or thermal analysis of material/parts supplied to thisspecification. The IR spectra and thermograms established forinitial approval shall constitute the reference standard and
6、shallbe kept on file at the designated material laboratory. All samplesshall produce IR spectra and thermograms that correspond to thereference standard when tested under the same conditions.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M14J521-A1WSS-M14J521-A2WP 3948-b Page 2 of 33.3 CONDITIONING AND TEST
7、CONDITIONSAll test values indicated herein are based on material conditionedin a controlled atmosphere of 23 +/- 2 C and 50 +/- 5 % relativehumidity for not less than 24 h prior to testing and tested underthe same conditions unless otherwise specified.3.4 COMPOSITIONWSS-M14J521-A1 WSS-M14J521-A2Xyle
8、ne 70 - 80 % Toluene 75 - 85%Butyl Cellosolve 20 - 30 % N-Butanol 8 - 12%Methyl Isobutyl 8 - 12%Ketone3.5 PROPERTIES3.5.1 Density at 20 C(ASTM D 1298)WSS-M14J521-A1 .875 - .879WSS-M14J521-A2 .852 - .8563.5.2 Flash PointThe flash point shall conform to the safety regulationsapplicable to the plant an
9、d/or country where the materialshall be used3.5.3 Refractive Index at 20 C(ASTM D 1218)WSS-M14J521-A1 1.472 - 1.476WSS-M14J521-A2 1.470 - 1.4743.5.4 Color Colorless3.6 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBILITYAll materials supplied to this specification must be equivalent inall characteristics to the material upon w
10、hich approval wasoriginally granted.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONWSS-M14J521-A1WSS-M14J521-A2WP 3948-b Page 3 of 3Prior to making any change in the properties, composition,construction, color, processing or labeling of the materialoriginally approved under this specification, whether or not suc
11、hchanges affect the materials ability to meet the specificationrequirements, the Supplier shall notify Purchasing, Toxicology andthe affected Materials Engineering activity of the proposed changesand obtain the written approval of the Materials Engineeringactivity. Test data, test samples and a new
12、code identification areto be submitted with the request.Substance restrictions imposed by law, regulations or Ford, applyto the materials addressed by this document. The restrictions aredefined in Engineering Materials Specification WSS-M99P9999-A1.4. APPROVAL OF MATERIALSMaterials defined by this s
13、pecification must have prior approval by theresponsible Materials Engineering activity. Suppliers desiring approvalof their materials shall first obtain an expression of interest from theaffected Purchasing, Design and Materials Engineering activity. Uponrequest, the Supplier shall submit to the aff
14、ected Materials Engineeringactivity a completed copy of their laboratory test reports, signed by aqualified and authorized representative of the test facility,demonstrating full compliance with all the requirements of thisspecification (test results, not nominal values), the materialdesignation and
15、code number, and test specimens for Ford evaluation. Fords engineering approval of a material will be based on itsperformance to this specification and on an assessment of suitabilityfor intended processes and/or applications. Upon approval, the materialwill be added to the Engineering Material Appr
16、oved Source List.5. GENERAL INFORMATIONThe information given below is provided for clarification and assistancein meeting the requirements of this specification.5.1 Flash Point WSS-M14J521-A1 27 C(ASTM D 56) WSS-M14J521-A2 5 - 10 C5.2 Distillation Range WSS-M14J521-A1 128 - 175(ASTM D 1078) WSS-M14J521-A2 95 - 1375.3 Storage Stability 2 yearsNo change in properties and no color change after storagetime of two years between 5 - 45 (or as recommended by thesupplier) in the enclosed original container.