GMKOREA EDS-M-2301-2011 Copper and Copper Alloy Sheets and Strips (Version 4 English Korean Do Not Use on New Program No Replacement).pdf

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GMKOREA EDS-M-2301-2011 Copper and Copper Alloy Sheets and Strips (Version 4 English Korean Do Not Use on New Program No Replacement).pdf_第5页
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1、 ENGINEERING STANDARDS Material Specification LIMITED USE EDS-M-2301 Copper and Copper Alloy Sheets and Strips Do Not Use on New Program; No Replacement. %-C %F07 38%P E:48x 957F$ . 2.1 17 E:4 / . ISO 6507 ISO 7438 JIS Z2241 KS B0802 KS B0803 KS D0202 KS D0240 2.2 GM E:4 / . GMW3059 2.3 dA E:4 / . T

2、MC003 Material Safety Data Sheet guidance documents 3 7 1F 3.1 GF 2e. . Table 3: Chemical Composition (Unit: wt%) / E 3: GF 2e. ($88 : wt%) Type / 9* Cu Pb Fe Sn Zn P Cu+Sn+P C1100 99.90 min. / 99.90 81 - - - - - - C1221 99.75 min. / 99.75 81 - - - - 0.004 ) 0.040 - C2600 68.5 ) 71.5 0.05 max. / 0.0

3、5 8F 0.05 max. / 0.05 8F - Residual / !+l: - - C2720 62.0 ) 64.0 0.07 max. / 0.07 8F 0.07 max. / 0.07 8F - Residual / !+l: - - C2801 59.0 ) 62.0 0.10 max. / 0.10 8F 0.07 max. / 0.07 8F - Residual / !+l: - - GM KOREA ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M-2301 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Re

4、served December 2011 Page 3 of 12 Version : 4 Type / 9* Cu Pb Fe Sn Zn P Cu+Sn+P C5191 - - - 5.5 ) 7.0 - 0.03 ) 0.35 99.5 min. / 99.5 81 C5212 - - - 7.0 ) 9.0 - 0.03 ) 0.35 99.5 min. / 99.5 81 C5210 - 0.05 max. / 0.05 8F 0.10 max. / 0.10 8F 7.0 ) 9.0 0.20 max. / 0.20 8F 0.03 ) 0.35 99.7 min. / 99.7

5、81 3.2 Mechanical Properties. 3.2.1 Tensile, Bend and Hardness Test. The mechanical properties of the sheets and strips shall conform to Table 4. However, the bend test shall be performed only when required by the purchaser, and the test piece shall be free from cracks on the outside of the bent por

6、tion. 3.2 d95 2e: . 3.2.1 88 , H , $ 4G . DD -C $48 d95 2e:8t E 4* 7 7(8 22P# 6|%P$ . Table 4: Mechanical Properties / E 4: d95 2e: Type / 9* Tensile Test / 88 4G Bend Test / H 4G Hardness Test / $ 4G Alloy Type / F2 Maximum / $4 C1221P, R 0 - . 0.050 C2600P, R 0 0.120 0.070 - 0.070 0.050 0.120 0.05

7、0 0.035 0.070 0.035 0.025 0.050 0.025 0.015 0.035 0.015 . 0.025 Remark: The grain size of . is the minimum to those of recrystallized. / /x : . # 7x98 89I%P . 1 888 28$* +F$ . GM KOREA ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M-2301 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 6 of

8、12 Version : 4 3.4 Electric Conductivity. 3.4 $988 . Table 7: Electric Conductivity (Unit: %) E 7: $988 ($88 : %) Type / 9* Thickness, t (mm) / % , t (mm) Electric Conductivity / $988 Alloy Type / F=4P 4 mm8 H -88* +. 6 200G8 2$) 50G :0 , 4G D8 !)Y.E * 6|9I 4A$ . GM KOREA ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M

9、-2301 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 8 of 12 Version : 4 Table 9: Dimension of Test Piece (Unit: mm) / E 9: 4G D ?3L ($88 : mm) Width / E! Length / l8 10 Approx. 200 / 6 200 Figure 1: Fitting of Test Piece and Deflection Displacement / ,* 1: 4G D8 .= -C

10、H -88 Where, t: Thickness of test piece. “ : Distance from fixed point of test piece to load point. C 5210 = t4000 Test. The test shall be performed to increase the magnitude of deflection displacement stepwise by adjusting the eccentric roller, and at each measuring sequence specified in Ta

11、ble 10, the test piece receives the repeated deflection for 50 times at a rate of 200 times per minute to measure the permanent set of deflection for the load point position at every step, then the test shall be continued until the permanent set deflection exceeds 0.1mm. The maximum surface stress v

12、alue corresponding to the permanent set deflection of 0.1mm shall be obtained from Table 10, and shall be considered to be the elastic limit value of spring (Kb 0.075 or Kb 0.1). The test shall be performed on one end of the test piece, and then the piece turned over, on the other end to obtain the

13、two tested values. 7 d72P , t: 4G D8 % . : 4G D8 9I%P !72P F:E9D:8 * . C 52108t = t4000 4G . 4G 8t H -88(8x D4 )7) 8 99$4 8 )Y?* E 1072P F 8* 3F8* F? (Kb 0.075 D# Kb 0.1) F$ . 4G 8t 4G D8 F !72P F G %;62P $* !7 $4F7 F , ?U9I?* 2P F$ . “GM KOREA ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M-2301 Copyright 2011

14、 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 9 of 12 Version : 4 Table 10: Measuring Sequence, Displacement Magnitude and Maximum Surface Stress Value (Unit: N/mm2) / E 10: ?U9I 3P2P , H -88( -C E+ $4 8 )Y? ($88 : N/mm2) Measuring sequence / ?U9I 3P2P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dis

15、placement magnitude (mm) / H -88( (mm) 4.0 5.3 6.7 8.0 9.3 10.7 12.0 13.3 14.7 16.0 17.3 18.7 Maximum surface stress value / $4 8 )Y? 147 196 245 294 343 392 441 490 539 588 637 686 Remark: Maximum surface stress value Kb shall be calculated from the following formular. /x : E+ $4 8 )Y? Kb# $848p) 1

16、F$ . 25.1 EtFKb uuu Where, Kb: Maximum surface stress value (N/mm2). E: Factor of deflection, 98 KN/ mm2 of C5210. F: Deflection displacement at load point (mm). 3.9.4 Test Standards ISO 6507: Vickers Hardness Test. ISO 7438: Bend Test. JIS Z2241: Tensile Testing - Method of Test at Room Temperature

17、. KS B0802: Tensile Test Piece for Metallic Materials. y Tough pitch copper phosphorus deoxidized copper brass (in rolling direction or perpendicular to rolling direction). - Thickness of 20mm max: No. 5. - Thickness of 20mm min: No. 4. y Phosphor bronze, phosphor bronze for spring (rolling directio

18、n) : No. 5 or No. 138. KS B0803: Bend Test Piece for Metallic Materials. y Tough pitch copper phosphorus deoxidized copper brass (perpendicular to rolling direction): No. 3. y Phosphor bronze, phosphor bronze for spring (rolling direction): No. 4. KS D0202: Method of Grain Size for Extended Copper P

19、roducts: Perform on a side parallel to the surface. KS D0240: Method of Volume Resistivity and Electric Conductivity Measurement for Non-ferrous Metal Materials. 25.1 EtFKb uuu 7 d72P , Kb: E+ $4 8 )Y? (mm2). E: H 3L C52108 7 98 KN/ mm2. F: F:E9D7 862P H -88( (mm) 3.9.4 4G . ISO 6507: Vickers Hardne

20、ss Test. ISO 7438: Bend Test. JIS Z2241: Tensile Testing - Method of Test at Room Temperature. KS B0802: 8 88x 7 , F6* 72T8p) F$ . 5.3 1 -C -L)X . GM 8-LE:47 8F 9P%P .E8! 8*8 4G D8t ., 8-LE:47 9I%P 4G 8x 7 98x +94P6 F+ , 61 )= 987 :04 .2P8 388x -O6x6 F$ . &H88 , d# , 22e , 9P9 )9I ,* /D# 21: &%0 4)%

21、P 6&F -8($ -P2%T 7 , 1)7 388x -O6x6 F$ . $* F84 6# F , 8-L958p) 4 4=8x F6 F$ . -$8 GE84 6# F , )=8# 38%L: 68t 9PE8 61 )= 987 +& F$- 4G 8x -L.) 3LFF 0* ,l2PGF6 F$ . 8. 77 86 :04 .2P7t )=888 F87 8F $%P : 4G 8x 44F 3L 8$ . 5.4 FF2P# 6| %P$ . 5.5 ,p:6|98.(8* / 6|98.(8* (MSDS/SDS). 49PE8 )= D# d97 )=%L#

22、9PE ! GF,p: 92e8 -%P 7 , GF ,p: .* y E47 4F 2l 9G 43B (GHS) D# 5 :7!- ,p:6|98.(8* / 6|98.(8* 7 1F8x +9F# ,p:6|98.(8* / 6|98.(8* 9PF6+ F$ . 4958p) 9PE8 ,p:6|98.(8* / 6|98.(8*# GM8 ,p:6|98.(8* / 6|98.(8*7 4F :?8 TMC0038 7 1F8x :43LF6+ F$ . GM KOREA ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M-2301 Copyright 2011 Gener

23、al Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 11 of 12 Version : 4 5.6 All materials supplied to this standard must comply with the requirements of GMW3059, Restricted and Reportable Substances for Parts. 6 Approved Sources Engineering qualifications of an approved source are required for

24、 this standard. Only sources listed in the GM Materials File under this standard number have been qualified by Engineering as meeting the requirements of this standard. For other GM locations, the responsible Engineering group should be contacted to obtain the approved source in that individual coun

25、try. 7 Notes 7.1 Glossary. Not applicable. 7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. GHS Globally Harmonized System MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet SDS Safety Data Sheet 8 Coding System This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows: 5.6 ., E:47 9P4%P +& 8:&8t GMW30

26、59 (8TF,p: 179P )8 9P* &d(6 F$ . 6 38 6= 8 E:48t 38%P 6=7 $4F d3T95 :8x 7F$ . 8 E:47 8F d3T958 :8 7x*%P GM 88 +2l7 !7(%P 6=+8 8 E:48 7 1F8x 94A$ . $* :7!7 88?F GM 8 7 , F$- 4-) 38%P 6= 9I.(* 83LFd 88F2P# F$- :04 .2P7t GE8F6 F$ . 7 768 9I8 7.1 98,l 76 . F$-1F 68 . 7.2 66 -C dGl . GHS Globally Harmoni

27、zed System MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet SDS Safety Data Sheet 8 Ed - $* ,l2P! $+ &%72P ., E:48 87%T &# $80 M8 EdF$ . OOOOOO (EDS-M-2301) Material Specification Number / 8: E:4 -Gl Type / 9* 9 Release and Revisions This standard was originated in July 1994. It was first approved by Engineering Sta

28、ndard Committee in July 1994. It was first published in July 1994. 9 9P9I -C P9I 8)Y ., E:48t 1994 “x 7 87 E:4 -Gl4 .7 %L6 , d3TE:41,h7 8F 1994“x 787 38%L6$ . ., E:48t 1994“x 787 ) 9P9I / -PF%L6$ . Issue / P9I8)Y Publication Date / 38 88 Description (Organization) / 9PP9I76 (:04.2P ) 4 DEC 2011 Chan

29、ged Engineering Standard Status from Superceded to Limited Use. (Corrosion / Metallurgical Material Lab Team) / Engineering Standard Status - (Superceded Limited Use) (28*4G D4 ) GM KOREA ENGINEERING STANDARDS EDS-M-2301 Copyright 2011 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved December 2011 Page 12 of 12 Version : 4 Cross Index (Reference) / $48 /x (=l ) EDS-M-2301 KS C1100 C1100(KS D 5201) C1221 C1221(KS D 5201) C2600 C2600(KS D 5201) C2720 C2720(KS D 5201) C2801 C2801(KS D 5201) C5191 C5191(KS D 5506) C5212 C5212(KS D 5506) C5210 C5210(KS D 5202)

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