ICAO 7984-1980 Directives for Panels of the Air Navigation Commission Fourth Edition - December 1980 Fourth Edition Incorporating Amendment 1 03 12 1982 Includes Supplement 10 5 90.pdf

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ICAO 7984-1980 Directives for Panels of the Air Navigation Commission Fourth Edition - December 1980 Fourth Edition Incorporating Amendment 1 03 12 1982 Includes Supplement 10 5 90.pdf_第5页
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1、U ICA0 7984 * 4843436 O075023 T4L COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSupplement to the Directives for Panels of the Air Navigation Commission (Doc 7984) Page Aide mmoire for chairmen of panel meetings for the conduct of panel meetings 1 Guidel

2、ines on format and contents of panel reports . 6 Guidelines for the preparation of panel working papers 10 COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICA0 7984 tt 48414Lb 0075025 814 AIDE MEMOIRE FOR CHAIRMEN OF PANEL MEETINGS FOR THE CONDUCT OF PANEL

3、 MEETINGS 1. Introduction 1.1 This aide mmoire was prepared at the request of the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) to facilitate the task of panel meeting chairmen in conducting panel meetings. 2. Basic reference material 2.1 contained in Doc 7984/4 (Directives to ANC Panels). Directives and guidance

4、 for the conduct of panel work are 2.2 Guidance on the formulation of proposals for Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) is contained in Part II, paragraphs 2 and 3 of Doc 8143-AN/873/2 and Amendment No. 1 (Directives to Divisional-type Air Na

5、vigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for their Conduct). 3. General 3.1 Although nominated by States or international organizations, the panel members are appointed as individual experts to assist the ANC in the study and resolution of technical problems for the benefit of ail Member States and

6、international civil aviation. Effective accomplishment of tasks assigned to panels requires that the members act in their personal, expert capacity and not as representatives of their nominators. In accordance with ICAOs standing procedures, all Member States are given adequate opportunity to expres

7、s national points of view and policies at the time when, following the ANCs consideration of the panels recommendations, they are invited to comment on the proposals for amendment to Annexes and associated documents developed by the panels. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed

8、 by Information Handling Services ICA0 7984 * 484l14Lb 007502b 750 -2- 3.2 The above-mentioned basic concept should be borne in mind throughout the work of each panel and the chainnan should remind the panel members as well as their advisers and observers of this important functional distinction. Ac

9、cordingly, the members, advisers and observers should be addressed by name and not as delegates or representatives of their nominators. 3.3 Every effort should be made to create an atmosphere of informality during panel meetings. Experience with the work of panels indicates that informality is most

10、conducive to productive results. 4. Organization of work of panel meetings 4.1 Panel meetings are opened by the President of the ANC or, in his absence, by persons designated by him, who make an introductoq speech outlining the ANCs expectations from the meeting. 4.2 The panel elects a chairman and

11、vice-chairman from among its members attending the meeting. Following his election, the chairman conducts the business of the panel during the remainder of the panel meeting. 4.3 Following the “ceremonial” portion of the opening meeting, it is customary to take a break to allow members of the ANC an

12、d other staff not directly involved in the substance of the meeting to depart. 4.4 Working groups or drafting groups may be established, as necessary to develop proposals on draft material for consideration by the panel. Such groups should be given clear terms of reference and a deadline for present

13、ing the results of their work. A rapporteur should be appointed by the chairman for each such group, from among the panel members. Unless there are exceptional circumstances the chairman should not act as a rapporteur of a working group. Whenever possible a Secretariat technical officer is made avai

14、lable to assist working or drafting groups. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICA0 7984 * 484141b 0075027 697 -3- 5. Conduct of panel meetings 5.1 Discussion on the various agenda items should proceed generally in accordance with the timetabl

15、e approved by the panel at the opening meeting. It also is a good practice to review the next days work agenda at the end of each days work. 5.2 The chairman should ensure that discussions take place in an orderly manner, that all points are adequately covered, and that the conclusions reached are s

16、ummarized for the benefit of the participants. The chainnarn may have to curtail discussion on some issues in order to stay within the approved time schedule for completion of the meetings work. 5.3 The chairman should conduct the meeting in a non-partisan manner and remain as objective as possible.

17、 His role should be that of a catalyst for the discussion of the various opinions expressed. He should avoid using the chair to unduly emphasize his own views. Also, he should make it clear whenever he is speaking as a member expressing his personal expert views as opposed to those of the panel chai

18、rman. 5.4 The chairman should adhere to the scheduled working hours as agreed upon at the initial panel session, as otherwise the supporting Secretariat services will experience difficulties in serving the meeting. In this regard, the preparation of documentation for the meeting and other preparator

19、y work can be done by the panel secretary only before or after a meeting session or during the lunch break. 5.5 It is important to the success of the meeting that a close working relationship be estabiished and maintained between the chairman and the panel secretary and the other Secretariat members

20、 who are assisting the meeting. In this regard, it is recommended that the chairman hold “strategy meetings” with the panel secretary in advance of each meeting session to review the material to be covered, the approach to be foilowed and other aspects of the work to be covered during the particular

21、 session. Additionally, these “strategy COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICA0 7984 XX D 484L4Lb 0075028 523 -4- meetings” are an opportune time to review draft report material prepared by the secretary before it is presented to the panel mee

22、ting for approval. 5.6 Adequate time should be afforded to panel members for the study of documentation issued during the meeting, particularly papers which contain draft report material. The scheduling of the discussion of papers should take account of the timely availability of all working languag

23、e versions of the papers. 5.7 In panel discussions, members may need to be reminded of the importance of remaining within the terms of reference and approved work programme of the panel as weil as the time frame for the completion of the assigned tasks. Should the terms of reference and work progamm

24、e be found to be imprecise, an appropriate recommendation for change should be included in the panel meeting report. 5.8 No recommendations should be made lacking substance. 6. Decision making process 6.1 The chainnan should endeavour to obtain unanimous agreement on all recommendations to be made t

25、o the ANC, particularly on issues likely to result in recommendations for amendments to the provisions of Annexes and associated documents. If this is not possible, he should ensure that the measure of support for the decisions is clearly reflected in the report, together with the views of the minor

26、ity. 6.2 Formal voting should be avoided at panel meetings. Instead a “show of hands” should be used whenever it is necessary to ascertain the number of panel members generally in favour of a particular course of action or solution. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Info

27、rmation Handling Services ICAO 7984 * 484L4Lb 0075029 4bT D -5- 6.3 When asking for a “show of hands” or when resorting exceptionally to voting, it should be understood that only the panel members present may participate. Therefore, the number of hands raised or the number of votes cast should not e

28、xceed the number of members attending the meeting. 6.4 “show of hands” or voting. Observers at panel meetings have no right to take part in a 6.5 The chairman is entitled to express his individual expert views and to take part in a “show of hands” or voting. Important decisions leading to recommenda

29、tions for amendment to Annexes and PANS require the support of a clear majority of members. Where the panel members views are nearly evenly divided, such decisions usually are not considered by the ANC as representing acceptable justification for changes. 7. Panel reports 7.1 Should the panel conclu

30、de that its report would be of interest to States and is of such general interest that it warrants being published as a salable ICAO document, comments to that effect may be included in the report. It is not necessary, however, to formulate a specific recommendation. 8. Debriefing session with the A

31、NC 8.1 A debriefing session with the ANC is held towards the end of a panel meeting. At that time, the panel may seek such guidance as it may require from the ANC on matters of substance for its future work or discuss with the ANC significant difficulties experienced during the meeting. The chairman

32、 will act as spokesman for the panel meeting but all panel members are invited to participate in the discussion at such debriefing sessions. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling Services ICA0 7984 * 48414Lb 0075030 181 = -6- GUIDELINES ON FORMAT AND CON

33、TENTS OF PANEL REPORTS 1. introduction 1.1 It is desirable to standardk the format and contents of panel reports and to provide to panel meetings more detailed guidance on the preparation of reports of panel meetings than provided in Doc 7984/4. Accordingly, with the objective of facilitating the wo

34、rk of panel meetings, improving the usefulness of panel reports to readers and facilitating follow-up action on panel reports, the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) has developed a set of guidelines on the subject. 2. General 2.1 language. Panel reports should be written in simple and concise 2.2 repr

35、esent the avice of a group of experts to the ANC. The reports should be presented in such a manner as to 3. Format 3.1 following fomt: Normally panel reports should be prepared to accord to the a) letter of transmittal addressed to the President of the ANC; b) table of contents and list of recommend

36、ations; COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICA0 7784 * W 4843436 0075033 018 W -7- c) history of the meeting 1) place, dates and duration of the meeting; 2) list of panel members, advisers and observers attending the meeting; 3) list of office

37、rs and Secretariat advisers serving the meeting; 4) agenda; 5) workmg arrangements including languages; 6) terms of reference and current work programme; d) list of abbreviations, if the use of footnotes is found to be impractical or cumbersome; and e) report on agenda items. 4. Contents 4.1 in the

38、order of the agenda. The report of the meeting should be compiled progressively 4.2 Separate sections should be written on each agenda item. 4.3 Normaily a section on each agenda item should contain an introduction, a summary of discussion and, if appropriate, recommen- dations arising from the disc

39、ussion. 4.4 In the introduction a brief statement should be given to provide any necessary information on past actions on the subject - including meetings of working groups - and infomation on the nature and the scope of the agenda item or on the basic elements of the problem to be discussed. Recomm

40、endations developed before the meeting though working group activities shall be adequately covered. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling Services ICA0 7784 * W 4842436 0075032 T54 m -8- 4 4.5 A summary of discussion should highlight the discussions that

41、 have taken place and of the reasons which led to the panels conclusions. The summaries should be concise but sufficiently explanatory to facilitate the ANCs action on the report. While the panel should endeavour to reach unanimous agreement in its con- clusions, when this is not feasible the report

42、 should record the views of the majority as well as the views of the minority of members and the measure of support for each view. 4.6 Any proposais for action by the ANC should be stated in the form of recommendations. These should follow immediately the summary of discussion on the issue Concerned

43、. If an agenda item gives rise to more than one recommendation, each recommendation should follow a summary of discussion on each issue concerned. If a recommendation includes tabular or other material which is very lengthy, such material should be placed in an appendix at the end of the section on

44、the agenda item concerned. 4.7 To the extent practicable, panel meetings should be encouraged to adopt the practice of anonymity in recording their discussion. However, if a request is made by a panel member for the recording of a formai statement, such a statement should be placed following the rep

45、ort on the agenda item relevant to the statement, or at the end of the report, if the statement does not relate specifically to any part of the report or relates to more than one agenda item. 4.8 If the agenda does not include a specific item on future activities, the report should provide, followin

46、g the sections on agenda items, a section on the proposed programme of future activities, unless the respective meeting of the panel is its final meeting, 4.9 The section on future activities should include nroposals for any changes to the work programme that the panel deems necessary. If work follo

47、wing the panel meeting is to be pursued through working groups, the section should also provide an adequate account of the programme of work and tentative schedule and venue of those working group meetings. 4.10 with the provisions of Annex 5. The usage of units of measurement should be in accordanc

48、e COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICAO 7984 Sf W 484L4Lb 0075033 990 W -9- 4.1 1 The expression “agreed” should be used when the panel is unanimous in a decision and “decided” when the panel is not unanimous. 4.12 Recommendations concerning

49、 Standxds, Recommended Practices and Procedures for Air Navigation Services should be annotated with the abbreviation “RSPP” and a vertical line in the margin, on the left hand side of the page. 4.13 If the panel considers that the report will be of interest to States and is of such general interest that it warrants being published as a salable ICAO document, comments to that effect may be included in the report. It is not necessary, however, to formulate a specific recommendation to that effect. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLi


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