ICAO 8143-1983 Directives to Divisional-Type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for Their Conduct Third Edition《关于空中导航专业会议以及它们的举行的议事规则的指令 第3版》.pdf

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ICAO 8143-1983 Directives to Divisional-Type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for Their Conduct Third Edition《关于空中导航专业会议以及它们的举行的议事规则的指令 第3版》.pdf_第1页
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ICAO 8143-1983 Directives to Divisional-Type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for Their Conduct Third Edition《关于空中导航专业会议以及它们的举行的议事规则的指令 第3版》.pdf_第2页
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ICAO 8143-1983 Directives to Divisional-Type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for Their Conduct Third Edition《关于空中导航专业会议以及它们的举行的议事规则的指令 第3版》.pdf_第3页
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ICAO 8143-1983 Directives to Divisional-Type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for Their Conduct Third Edition《关于空中导航专业会议以及它们的举行的议事规则的指令 第3版》.pdf_第4页
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ICAO 8143-1983 Directives to Divisional-Type Air Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for Their Conduct Third Edition《关于空中导航专业会议以及它们的举行的议事规则的指令 第3版》.pdf_第5页
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1、ICA0 8143 * m 4BLiL4Lb O049394 909 m DOC 8143-AN/873/3 Divisional-type Air Navigation Meetings Direct ives to D iv is ion a 1- type A ir Navigation Meetings and Rules of Procedure for their Conduct Approved by the Council and published by its decision 1983 INTERNATIONAL CML AVIATION ORGANIZATION COP

2、YRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICAO 8143 tt 484141b 0049395 845 = hblkhed in separate English. French, Russian and and (b) Divisional meetings. 2.2 There are two types of divisional-type air navigation meetings, The decision concerning the ty

3、pe of a meeting to be convened depends on the magnitude and scope of the subjects to be dealt with. An air navigation conference is held when its task encompasses a substantial number of interrelated subjects of world-wide scope falling within several air navigation fields. If the task comprises a s

4、ubstantial number of subjects of world-wide scope which are confined to only one or a few specific air navigation fields, use is made of a divisional meeting. 3 Participation in a meeting 3.1 Divisional-type air navigation meetings are open to all Contracting States. Each Contracting State has the r

5、ight to be represented at any such meeting by a delegate and, if it so desires, an alternate and advisers. The Council may also invite non-Contracting States, selected International Organizations and other bodies to participate with observer status. 4 Convening of a meeting 4.1 The Council decides o

6、n the convening of each meeting, including its dates, site and working languages, following the planning and consultation process summarized below. COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICAO 8343 tt 484141b 0049400 T32 4.2 Each year the Council r

7、eviews the programme of ICAO meetings for the next four years. If the Council, on the advice of the Air Navigation Commission, concludes that a particular divisional-type air navigation meeting is likely to be required, such a meeting is included for planning purposes in the programme of ICAO meetin

8、gs for the particular year. If later develop- ments reaffirm the need for the meeting, the Air Navigation Commission consults States and selected International Organizations, and subsequently makes final recommendations to the Council on the subject. Divisional-type -meetings are normally convened a

9、t ICAO Head- quarters to take advantage of the available technical and administrative facilities and services. 4.3 5 Establishment of agenda for a meeting 5.1 When the Air Navigation Commission decides to consult States and selected International Organizations on the need for a meeting (see 4.2 abov

10、e) it sends them also a draft list of subjects, drawn primarily from the ANC Technical Project List, that appear to require consideration by the meeting. On the basis of the replies received, the Air Navigation Commission establishes the agenda, making sure that the individual agenda items are matur

11、e for consideration, cannot be resolved or advanced by other means such as a panel or correspondence with States and are defined precisely. In the establishment of the agenda the Air Navigation Commission employs a set of standing criteria aimed at ensuring effective use of divisional-type meetings.

12、 5.2 6 Documentation for a meeting 6.1 6.2 The documentation is prepared by the Secretariat, the Air Naviga- tion Commission, States and International Organizations. The documentation prepared by the Secretariat under the direc- tion of the Air Navigation Commission includes a basic working paper on

13、 each agenda item, defining the problem and providing a brief historical background. Each such paper includes, as appropriate, lines of development, tentative conclusions and specific suggestions for action. When appropriate, the Secretariat also prepares a consolidation of the various proposals rec

14、eived from States and International organizations on each agenda item, or a short paper identifying the substance of the various proposals received. 6.3 To the extent practicable, the Commission arranges for the development of specific proposals for action on individual agenda items, through prepara

15、tory machinery such as ANC Panels and consultation with Contracting States and selected International Organizations. 2 COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICA0 8343 * 4BYLYLb 0049403 979 6.4 States and International Organizations are encouraged

16、 to prepare documentation on specific agenda items. To facilitate its timely reproduction and its usage by the meeting, States and International Organizations are requested to abide by rules governing the format, content and length of working papers. These rules are notified to States and Internatio

17、nal Organizations at the time they are informed of general arrangements for the meeting. 6.4.1 The working papers should be submitted either in the form of “action papers” or “information papers”. 6.4.2 “Action papers” are working papers containing specific pro- posals for action; their format is st

18、andardized, their length is limited to four pages excluding the text of the proposals and they are given first priority for reproduction. “Information papers” comprise all other working papers; while they are not restricted in format, they should be as brief as possible and should be accompanied by

19、an abstract not exceeding one page in length. 6.4.4 Working papers should be submitted as far in advance of the meeting as practicable. Although working papers will continue to be forwarded to States and International Organizations until shortly before the opening, a paper received less than three a

20、nd one-half months before the opening cannot normally be translated and reproduced in time to permit its receipt in advance of the meeting. 6.5 States and International Organizations desiring to present material not written specifically for an agenda item (such as detailed technical studies) are ask

21、ed to provide the Secretariat with sufficient copies for distribution at the meeting, such material not being reproduced as meeting working papers. 6.4.3 7 Organization plan of a meeting 7.1 To facilitate the work of a meeting, the Air Navigation Commission develops an organization plan, consulting

22、States on its acceptability. The plan controls the establishment of components of the meeting and the allocation of agenda items to individual components, and includes a time schedule for dealing with individual agenda items. 8 Action on the meeting report 8.1 8.2 The Air Navigation Commission and t

23、he Council review and decide on the action to be taken on the recommendations of a meeting. There are two categories of recommendations in a meeting report; recommendations for SARFS, PANS and associated Attachments, and 3 COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Ha

24、ndling ServicesICA0 8143 * = 4841416 0049402 805 D recommendations other than for SARPS, PANS and associated Attachments, which are treated differently, as mentioned below. The recommendations for SAWS, PANS and associated Attach- ments are reviewed initially by the Air Navigation Commission to dete

25、rmine whether any explanation or guidance should be given to States and International Organizations when the recommendations are referred to them for comment, or whether it is necessary for the Air Navigation Commission to develop supplementary or alternative proposals, Following the receipt of comm

26、ents from States and Interna- tional Organizations, the Air Navigation Commission undertakes a final review of the recommendations and establishes finai text of proposed amendments to SAWS, PANS and associated Attachments for considera- tion by the Council. After the Council adopts the proposed SAWS

27、 amendments and if subsequently the majority of Contracting States does not disapprove them, they become effective and applicable on dates specified by the Council. 8.3.3 The PANS amendments approved by the Council are not subject to disapproval. They become applicable on the same date as any associ

28、ated SARPS amendments. 8.4 The recommendations other than for SAWS, PANS and associated Attachments are reviewed by the Air Navigation Commission. The Commis- sion takes final action on those recommendations for which authority to act has been delegated to it by the Council, and recommends to the Co

29、uncil specific action on the remaining recommendations. The decisions of the Air Navigation Commission and the Council are published in supplements to the meeting report. 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 4 COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICA0 8143 * m 48434

30、16 O049403 741 m PART II DIRECTIVES TO THE MEETING MEETING DOCUMENTATION 1 Documentation submitted immediately prior to or during the meeting 1.1 While States and International Organizations are expected to make their documentation available as far in advance of the meeting as practicable and not la

31、ter than three and one-haif months prior to the opening of the meeting (ref. 6.4.4 of Part I), it may become necessary for States or Inter- national Organizations to present some of their documentation immediately prior to or during the course of the meeting. Any such documentation shall be submitte

32、d to the Secretary of the meeting in at least one of the working languages of the meeting and shail be in standard format and concise, as mentioned in 6.4 of Part I. FORMULATION OF PROPOSALS FOR INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 2 Annexes to the Convention1 2.1 Standards

33、and Recommended Practices (SARPS) To qualify as a Standard, the specification must be such that its uniform application by all Contracting States is necessary in the interests of safety or regularity of international air navigation. However, the applicability of the Standard may be made subject to t

34、he existence of certain specified conditions, such as characteristics of terrain, flight stages, density of traffic, climatological conditions, etc. To qualify as a Recommended Practice, a specification must be such that its uniform application by all Contracting States is considered desirable, but

35、not essential, in the interests of safety, regularity or efficiency of international air navigation. In case of lack of agreement on the details of a specification 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 1. As a description of the component parts of an Annex is available in the foreword of each Annex, this information is

36、 not repeated here. The foreword of each Annex also reproduces the full definition of a Standard and of a Recommended Practice. 5 COPYRIGHT International Civil Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICAO 8343 * = 4843436 0049404 688 W necessary for safety, the minimum agreed r

37、equirements essential for the safety of international air navigation shall be extracted from the specification and recommended separately for the status of Standards. 2.1.4 The following rules shall be observed in the drafting of SAWS: (a) A Standard shall contain a statement specifying an obligatio

38、n by means of “shall”. if the obligation applies only under specified conditions, the Standard shall contain subsidiary statements specifying precisely those conditions. For subsidiary statements verbs such as “may” and “need not” are acceptable. (b) A Recommended Practice shall contain the same ele

39、ments as a Standard but “should” shall be used instead of “shall” in the main statement specifying the recommendation. The word “Recommenda- tion” shall prefut the text .of a Recommended Practice. (c) The text of SAWS shall not depend upon or include references to material of lower status in a manne

40、r that would give a higher status to that material. (d) SAWS shall be drafted in language which is clear and simple and does not introduce ambiguity. 2.2 Definitions2 Definitions are included in Annexes to simplify the drafting of texts, to obviate the need for repetition and to assist in the interp

41、retation of terms which are used in SAWS and have a particular technical meaning. A definition constitutes an essential part of the SAWS in which it is used, since a change in the meaning of the definition would affect the specifications. It has no independent status. 2.2.3 The following rules shall

42、 be observed in the drafting of definitions in an Annex: (a) Definitions shall explain the meaning of terms in their normal usage in the Annex. They shall not comprise statements which are in the nature of specifications. (b) The number of definitions introduced into an Annex shall be kept to a mini

43、mum and they should be grouped at the beginning of the Annex under the title “Definitions”. (c) Terms which are being used in their normal dictionary meaning or whose meanings are generally known shall not be defined. (d) Terms already defined in an Annex shall always be used when applicable, and th

44、e same term shall always be used to express the same meaning. (e) When it is necessary to define a term not already defined, the 2.2.1 2.2.2 2. The ICAO Lexicon reproduces all definitions appearing in Annexes and PANS documents as of the date of the particular edition. 6 COPYRIGHT International Civi

45、l Aviation OrganizationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesICA0 8343 * 484L4Lb 0049Y05 514 implication on other Annexes in which the term might also find application shall be considered. 2.3 Appendices 2.3.1 As an Appendix forms part of SAWS, it shall always be the subject of an enabling clause

46、 within SAWS. 2.3.2 An Appendix shall be drafted to conform to the enabling specification. If the enabling specification is a Standard, then the associated Appendix shall be phrased throughout in mandatory form, although alternatives to the verbs “shall” and “shall not” may be used. If an enabling s

47、pecification is a Recommended Practice, the associated Appendix shall not include any expressions used for denoting a standard status. 2.4 Notes Notes are used in association with specifications but they do not form part thereof. A note may introduce a subject, draw attention to a particular point,

48、make a useful reference or even clarify the intent of a Standard or Recommended Practice. However, such a Standard or Recom- mended Practice shall be self-supporting and the deletion of the associated note shall not alter the obligations or exhortations specified in that Standard or Recommended Prac

49、tice. Therefore, expressions such as “shall”, “should” or “is desirable” shall not appear in the text of notes. The number of notes shall be kept to a minimum and their text should always be concise. 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 Attachments Material supplementary to the SAWS, prepared for guidance in their application, may be placed at the end of the Annex proper under the title “Attachment”. However, such material shall be included in an Annex only when it is not appropriate to include it in manuals or other documents which are issued under the authority of the Secretary General. An Attachment ha


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