ICAO 9623-1993 838 Special Committee for the Monitoring and Co-Ordination of Development and Transition Planning for the Future Air Navigation System (Fans Phase II) Fourth Meetingdi.pdf

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1、ICA0 b23 * m 44343b 0034732 T42 m Doc 9623, FANS(II)/4 Erratum (English only) 24/3/94 Special Committee for the Monitoring and Co-ordination of Development and Transition Planning for the Future Air Navigation System (FANS Phase JI) Fourth Meeting Montreal, 15 September to 1 October 1993 ERRATUM Ple

2、ase make the following corrections by hand: Agenda Item 4 1. Page 4A-1, delete the second paragraph. 2. Page 4J-3, paragraph 4.5, third line, mend “17 O00 km3” to read “17 O00 km*” and “50 O00 km3 to read “50 o00 km”; in the fourth line, mend “130 O00 km3” to read “130 O00 km”. Subparagraph 4.7 c),

3、second line, amend “130 O00 km” to read “130 O00 km”. Agenda Item 8 3. Pages 8A-67 and 8B-39, in the first column under “Aerodrome Operation (Exclusively)”, sixth line, amend the spelling of “Enchanced” to read “Enhanced”. -END- - Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS u

4、nder license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- 4841436 0058158 017 Doc 9623, FANS(i1)N Supplement No. 1 CORRIGENDUM English, Spanish and Russian only INTERNATIONAL CI VIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR THE MONITORING AND CO-ORDI

5、NATION OF DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSITION PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE AIR NAVIGATION SYSEM (FANS PHASE II) Montreal, 15 September to 1 October 1993 SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 CORRIGENDUM (English, Spanish and Russian only) Page 6, in the third column under “Action by the Council (C) or Air Navigation Commission (ANC)”

6、, third line, replace “ANC” with “C”. - END - Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ICA0 9623 XX 4843436 0034735 751 Report Reference Recommendation Page No. No. 41


8、eal, 15 September to 1 October 1993 SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 1. The Council, at the second meeting of its 141st Session on 4 February 1994, took action on Recommendations 4/1,4/2,413, 4/4, 415,5/1,5/2,6/1,6/2,6/3,614,711,712, 811, 812, 813 and 911 of the fourth meeting of the Special Committee for the Monit

9、oring and Co-ordination of Development and Transition Planning for the Future Air Navigation System (FANS Phase II), as indicated hereunder. Recommendation Title and Action Taken - Timely production of procedures, specifications and Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) The Air Navigation Comm

10、ission noted the recommendation and the relationship to Recommendation 316 of the Tenth Air Navigation Conference and requested the Secretary General to take action as appropriate on the ways and means of effectively monitoring and Co-ordinating the results of the various research and development pr

11、ogrammes being conducted throughout the world. The tasks referred to in parts b) and c) are already an integral part of the Technical Work Programme (TWP) of the Organization in the Air Navigation Field. Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot f

12、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ICAO 9623 * 48434Lb O034736 698 W -2- Doc 9623. FANSfIIV4 Sumlement No. 1 Report Reference Recommendation No. 412 43 Page No. 4-27 4-29 Action by Council (C) or Air Navigation Commission(ANC) ANC ANC Recommendation Title a

13、nd Action Taken Directing research, development, trials and demonstrations (RDT and b) requested States and international organizations to make the results of their work available to ICAO to support and contribute to the work of the panels and various study groups addressing CNS/ATM elements. Contin

14、ued research into interference aspects of future satellitebased systems Noted the recommendation observing that: a) the AMCP is already addressing interference issues related to mobile satellite communication: b) interference to satellite navigation systems is included in the work programme of the G

15、NSSP; and Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ICAO 9623 * 4841416 0034717 524 -3- Supplement No. 1 Doc 9623, FANS(I)/4 Report Reference Recommendation No. 414 415

16、 Page No. 4-30 4-3 1 Action by Council (C) or Air Navigation Commission(ANC) C C Recommendation Title and Action Taken c) request that the Secretary General urge States and international organizations to continue to review, address and resolve these interference issues and inform ICAO of the results

17、 and continue to support the use of the ICAO forum to pursue these matters. Co-operation and collaboration between States Approved the recommendation, noting the relationship of part a) to Recommendation 8/4 of the Tenth Air Navigation Conference and requested the Secretary General to bring the matt

18、er to the attention of States and international organizations, Continued monitoring on a global scale of research, development, trials and demonstrations (RDT b) compared the present and future CNS/ATM environments to assess where benefits could be identified; c) established transition guidance for

19、ATM evolution to the future system; d) described flights through the future ATM system including events with associated pilot, controller and system actions; e) established timelines for the implementation of important ATM functions extracted from planning documents which was made available to the c

20、ommittee from various parts of the world; and t) considered the necessity of ATM certification. 3.3.1 The goals of the future system include enhanced safety, accommodation of the full range of aircraft types and airborne capabilities, improvement of provision of information to users (weather, traffi

21、c situation, availability of facilities), flexible airspace management, efficient use of airspace, increased user involvement in ATM decision making (through air-ground computer dialogue), and creation, to the extent possible, of a single continuum of airspace where boundaries are transparent to the

22、 users. 3.3.2 scenario, high or low traffic density, ATM benefits are clearly identified in any type of airspace. Comparison of present and future CNS/ATM environments indicate that for any 3.3.3 The transition guidance for ATM is given in the fields of airspace organization and management, air traf

23、fic services, air traffic flow management, human factors, airborne capabilities and aerodrome operations. All guidance is given under the general assumption that system changes will be evolutionary, not revolutionary. This is due to various reasons, including human factors implications. Copyright In

24、ternational Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ICA0 9623 * 484I14Lb 0034725 bTO W 4 Executive Summary 3.3.4 A model for a flight through the future ATM system contains descriptions of i

25、nteractions between the ground and air part of the ATM system. Events, actions, reactions, transmissions and decisions through all phases of flight are described: pre-planning, take-off, departure, en-route cruise, en-route hand-over, descent, arrival and post arrival. This is regarded as a basis fo

26、r design and development of procedures. 3.3.5 The timelines illustrate how implementation of the ATM system is expected to take place in various parts of the world. They can be used to evaluate the potential benefits of, e.g. investments in airborne equipment. 3.3.6 ATM because of the increasing com

27、plexity of systems and the requirement for a seamless system. The committee recommends to promote a common approach to certification issues in 4. INSTITUTIONAI, FACTORS AND ASPECTS FROM THE TECHNICAL POINT OF VIEW 4.1 It is recalled that the terms of reference for FANS (Phase II) directed the commit

28、tee, inter alia, “to identify and make recommendations tor acceptable institutional arrangements, including funding, ownership and management issues for the global future air navigation system.” 4.2 The committee identified the following key issues: early introduction of GNSS using GPS and/or GLONAS

29、S; development of a GNSS implementation strategy, for medium and long term; claritication of the elements of GNSS ownership, control, agreements, contracts and r egul at ions ; international Co-ordination of the development and implementation of GNSS augmentation systems; endorsement of the ATN guid

30、elines and scenarios; acceptance of ARINC Specification 622 to provide a migration path to the ATN; and documentation supporting acceptable performance and efficient use of AMSS tac i I it es. 4.3 An evolution table showing GNSS options and associated implications was developed. This work formed an

31、important basis for looking to the future. It was agreed that an evolutionary “institutional path” was required to complement this table. States could then select any one of the following options subject to their own institutional requirements: a) Option 1 : GPS or GLONASS; b) Option 2: GPS and GLON

32、ASS; Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provided by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ICAO b23 ft m 484L4Lb 0034726 537 m Executive Summary 5 c) Option 3: GPSIGLONASS plus overlay; d) Option 4: GPWGLONASS pl

33、us several civil GNSS satellites; and e) Option 5: civil GNSS satellites. 4.4 It was decided that the most important institutional element is control. The interests of an individual State would be served when “an acceptable level” of control is provided. The meeting concluded that agreements, contra

34、cts or regulations, as appropriate, could meet this need and thus any one of the GNSS options can be made institutionally acceptable. 4.5 Significant progress on early implementation had been made since the last FANS meeting and some States have already authorized the use of GPS. The committee recog

35、nized that planning and implementation decisions will be made at regional level and different States will issue approvals in accordance with their own policies and regulations. The committee decided that to achieve incremental benefits, early implementation should be pursued and States were urged to

36、 begin implementation activities as quickly as possible. The committee re-confirmed the need for education regarding GNSS. 4.6 Work is under way to develop a variety of GNSS augmentation systems and thus it was recommended that ICAO undertake to develop SARPs rapidly to ensure compatibility on a glo

37、bal basis. 4.7 ATN guidelines and explanatory material for the early implementation of the ATN were developed as well as ATN scenarios to illustrate the institutional architecture that may be suitable to implement and operate the ATN. 4.8 There is a large investment in existing character-based data

38、link infrastructure. With this in mind, the committee recommended the use of ARINC Specification 622 as one path towards ATN without prejudice to any work under way to develop the final bit-oriented protocol. 5. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND COST-EFFECTIVENESS (BENEFITS) 5.1 Two key issues with regar

39、d to financial institutional matters concern: a) arrangements for GNSS cost-recovery mechanisms; and b) encouragement of States to carry out CNS/ATM cost/benetit analysis. 5.2 The committee developed the cost recovery implications for each of the five GNSS options and agreed that the new Air Navigat

40、ion Services Economics Panel (ANSEP) should explore these further. The committee also proposed that the ANSEP should examine the suitability of existing regional institutional mechanisms for cost recovery. 5.3 their own analysis of the implementation of the CNSIATM systems. An updated Cost/Beneft An

41、alysis (CBA) Guide has been developed to assist States in 5.4 Draft guidance material has been prepared by the ICAO Secretariat regarding cost- effectiveness and/or costhenefit analysis which complements the CNS/ATM CBA Guide. The Secretariat Copyright International Civil Aviation Organization Provi

42、ded by IHS under license with ICAONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ICAO 9623 * m 484L4Lb 0034727 473 m 6 Executive Summarv work provides a special focus on the costs associated with the transition from existing systems to CNS/ATM systems. 5.5 States

43、are urged to conduct their own CBA and inform ICAO of the results. Those States which have conducted their own CBA have found that the benefitlcost ratios supported investment in CNS/ATM systems. 6. DEVELOPMENT OF A GLOBAL CO-ORDINATED PLAN 6.1 Introduction 6.1.1 One of the principal terms of refere

44、nce for the committee was: “To develop a global co-ordinated plan, with appropriate guidelines for transition, including the necessary recommendations to ensure the progressive and orderly implementation of the ICAO global, future air navigation system in a timely and cost beneficial manner.” 6.1.2

45、Consequently, a significant portion of the activities carried out since the first meeting of the FANS Phase (II) Committee, and culminating in the work reported under this agenda item, has been directed at fulfilling that element of the committees terms of reference. 6.2 The Global Plan 6.2.1 The gl

46、obal plan is contained in the report. The need for such a plan stems from the fact that the provision of satellite communication, navigation, and surveillance services invokes many elements, including ATS facilities, terrestrial networks earth stations, spacecraft, and airborne facilities. Therefore

47、, the objective of the global plan is to provide a progressive and Co-ordinated world-wide implementation of these elements of the future air navigation system in a timely and cost-beneficial manner. To this end, the plan fulfills two principal functions: a) it provides guidelines for use by regiona

48、l planning bodies, States, service providers and users, for transitions from the current ground-based air navigation system to the future satellite-based system; and b) it functions as a benchmark for the evaluation of implementation progress. 6.2.2 The plan will achieve this objective by: a) furnis

49、hing a description of the FANS system elements and associated ATM requirements, and in general terms, their expected benefits; b) indicating achievable timelines for implementation of the system elements including details and dates for ground, airborne, and space segment elements, citing appropriate start, interim, and completion dates; and c) identifying variations in the status of implementation plans bet


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