1、 Guidelines for theTransport and Handling of Limited Amountsof Hazardous and Noxious LiquidSubstances in Bulk onOffshore Support Vessels2007 EditionBINTERNATIONALMARITIMEORGANIZATIONLondon, 2007Published in 2007by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SRPrinted in t
2、he United Kingdom by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin24681097531ISBN 978-92-801-1487-4IMO PUBLICATIONSales number: I289ECopyright # International Maritime Organization 2007Cover photo reproduced by kind permission ofGulf Offshore NS LtdAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in
3、 a retrieval system or transmitted in any formor by any means without prior permission in writing from theInternational Maritime Organization.ForewordGuidelines for the transport and handling of limited amounts of hazardousand noxious liquid substances in bulk on offshore support vessels wereadopted
4、 by Assembly resolution A.673(16) on 19 October 1989. TheseGuidelines were amended and adopted by MEPC resolutionMEPC.158(55) on 13 October 2006 and by MSC resolutionMSC.236(82) on 1 December 2006. The Guidelines have been developedin accordance with the provisions set forth in regulation 11(2) of A
5、nnex IIto MARPOL 73/78 and in recognition of the need for standards whichprovide an alternative to the International Code for the Construction andEquipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk and theInternational Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships CarryingLiquefied Gases in B
6、ulk for these types of vessels.iiiContentsPagePreamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 General1.1 Application. . 21.2 Scope . 31.3 Definitions. . 41.4 Equivalents. . 51.5 Survey and certification . 62 Stability and cargo tank location2.1 Stability 62.2 Cargo
7、tank location 73 Ship design3.1 Cargo segregation . 73.2 Accommodation, service and machinery spacesand control stations 83.3 Access to spaces in the cargo area . . 93.4 Cargo tank construction. 93.5 Materials of construction 103.6 Cargo tank vent systems. 103.7 Cargo transfer 113.8 Electrical insta
8、llations. . . 113.9 Fire-fighting requirements . . . 113.10 Acid spill protection . . . 133.11 Ventilation of spaces in the cargo area . . . 143.12 Vapour detection . 143.13 Special requirements general 143.14 Special requirements for the carriageof liquefied gases. . 153.15 Gauging and level detect
9、ion . . 153.16 Emergency remote shutdown . 15v4 Pollution requirements . 155 Personnel protection5.1 Decontamination showers and eyewashes. 165.2 Protective and safety equipment . . . 166 Operational requirements . 167 Applicability of the Guidelines to existingoffshore support vessels . 17Appendix
10、1: Table of permitted cargoes . 18Appendix 2: Model form of Certificate of Fitness . . 20Resolution A.673(16). 29Resolution MEPC.158(55). 31Resolution MSC.236(82) 33viContentsPreamble1 These Guidelines have been developed for the design, constructionand operation of offshore support vessels which tr
11、ansport limited amountsof hazardous and noxious liquid substances in bulk for the servicing andresupplying of offshore platforms, mobile offshore drilling units and otheroffshore installations, including those employed in the search for andrecovery of hydrocarbons from the sea-bed.2 These Guidelines
12、 have been developed in accordance with theprovisions set forth in regulation 11(2) of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78and in recognition of the need for standards which provide an alternativeto the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of ShipsCarrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk and the In
13、ternational Code for theConstruction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulkfor these types of vessels.3 The Guidelines are intended to permit limited quantities of thesehazardous and noxious liquid substances to be transported in bulk inoffshore support vessels with minimum risk to
14、the vessel, its crew and theenvironment.4 The basic philosophy of the Guidelines is to apply standardscontained in the International Code for the Construction and Equipmentof Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk and the InternationalCode for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liq
15、uefiedGases in Bulk to the extent that that is practicable and reasonable takinginto account the unique design features and service characteristics of thesevessels, as well as the limitation placed on amounts to be carried.5 The Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Offshore SupplyVessels 20
16、06 (resolution MSC.235(82) adopted on 1 December 2006 arealso applicable to offshore support vessels subject to these Guidelines.6 It is recognized that the technology of the offshore industry iscomplex and subject to continued evolution as is evidenced by thegrowing need for specialized vessels suc
17、h as well-stimulation vessels. Tomeet the needs of the industry the Guidelines should not remain static.The Organization will therefore periodically review the Guidelines, takinginto account both experience and technical development. Amendments tothe Guidelines involving requirements for new cargoes
18、 will be circulatedperiodically as new cargoes are proposed for carriage and the requirementsare developed.1Chapter 1 General1.1 Application1.1.1 The Guidelines apply to offshore support vessels, regardless of sizeor voyage, that, while not constructed or adapted primarily to carry in bulkcargoes su
19、bject to these Guidelines, carry, in limited quantities, thesubstances identified in 1.2.2. The Guidelines apply when these cargoesare carried.1.1.2 For an offshore support vessel the keel of which is laid or which isat a similar stage of construction on or after 19 April 1990, therequirements in ch
20、apters 1 to 6 apply in full. For an offshore supportvessel the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of constructionprior to 19 April 1990, the Guidelines apply as indicated in chapter A vessel irrespective of the date of construction, which isconverted for the carriage of bul
21、k liquids subject to these Guidelines on orafter the date specified in 1.1.2 should be treated as a vessel constructed onthe date on which such conversion commences. An existing offshoresupport vessel which transports a cargo subject to these Guidelines andundergoes modification for the transport of
22、 additional cargoes fallingunder these Guidelines should not be considered as a vessel which hasundergone a conversion.1.1.4 For the purpose of these Guidelines, limited quantities meansthat the aggregate quantity of bulk liquids identified in 1.2.2 that is carriedis any amount not exceeding a maxim
23、um which is the lesser of 800 m3or avolume in cubic metres equal to 40% of the vessels deadweight calculatedat a cargo density of 1.0. For ships referred to in, such as well-stimulation vessels, the Administration may permit carriage of more thanthe maximum amount specified above.1.1.5 For o
24、ther ships, the Administration may permit carriage of morethan the relevant maximum amount specified above, provided that thesurvival capability requirements of chapter 2 of the International BulkChemical Code or the International Gas Carrier Code are complied with.1.1.6 The Guidelines apply only in
25、 the case of bulk carriage involvingtransfer of the cargo to or from its containment which forms part of thevessel or remains on board.1.1.7 For provisions regulating the transport of dangerous goods andmarine pollutants in packaged form, including transport of dangerous2Transport and handling of HN
26、S on OSVsgoods in portable tanks, refer to the International Maritime DangerousGoods (IMDG) Code.1.1.8 These Guidelines apply in addition to the Guidelines for theDesign and Construction of Offshore Supply Vessels. Where the presentGuidelines set forth alternative safety standards, the standards in
27、thepresent Guidelines should be followed.1.2 Scope1.2.1 The provisions of the Guidelines have been developed so thatlimited quantities of cargoes regulated under these Guidelines may becarried in bulk with minimum risk to the offshore support vessel, its crew,and to the environment.1.2.2 Products wh
28、ich may be carried subject to the Guidelines are:.1 those hazardous and noxious liquids listed in appendix 1 andthose other products which may be assigned to appendix 1based on the following criteria:.1.1 products which for safety reasons may be assigned for carriageon a type 3 ship as defined by th
29、e International Bulk ChemicalCode and which are not required to meet the requirements fortoxic products In section 15.12 of that Code,.1.2 noxious liquid substances which would be permitted forcarrige on a type 3 ship;.2 flammable liquids.1.2.3 Additives which are considered to fall outside the scop
30、e ofproducts in 1.2.2 may be carried in limited amounts in accordance withrequirements acceptable to the Administration. The aggregate amount ofsuch additives which may be transported should not exceed 10% of thevessels maximum authorized quantity of products subject to theseGuidelines. An individua
31、l tank should contain not more than 10 m3ofthese additives. The discharge of these additives into the sea from offshoresupport vessels is prohibited.1.2.4 Carriage of products not listed in appendix 1 should beundertaken only in accordance with suitable preliminary carriageconditions prescribed by t
32、he Administration, having regard to the criteriafor hazard evaluation of bulk chemicals as approved by the Organizationand the limitation referred to in 1.2.2. The Organization should benotified of the preliminary evaluation and conditions so that the hazardousmaterial may be considered for inclusio
33、n in appendix 1.3Transport and handling of HNS on OSVs1.3 DefinitionsUnless expressly provided otherwise, the definitions contained in chapters1 and 4 of the International Bulk Chemical Code apply.1.3.1 Cargo area is that part of the offshore support vessel where cargoand cargo vapours are likely to
34、 be present and includes cargo tanks, cargopump-rooms, hold spaces in which independent tanks are located,cofferdams surrounding integral tanks and the following deck areas:.1 within 3 m of a cargo tank installed on deck;.2 within 3 m of a cargo tank outlet in case of independent tanksinstalled belo
35、w deck;.3 within 3 m of a cargo tank outlet in case of integral tanksinstalled below deck and separated from the weather deck bya cofferdam;.4 the deck area above an integral tank without an overlayingcofferdam plus the deck area extending transversely and long-itudinally for a distance of 3 m beyon
36、d each side of the tank;.5 within 3 m of any cargo liquid or vapour pipe, flange, cargovalve, gas or vapour outlet, or entrance or ventilation openingto a cargo pump-room.1.3.2 Deadweight means the difference in metric tons between thedisplacement of an offshore support vessel in water of a density
37、of 1.025 atthe load waterline corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard andthe lightweight of the ship.1.3.3 Lightweight means the displacement of an offshore support vesselin metric tons without cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast water, fresh waterand feed water in tanks, consumable stores,
38、 and passengers and crew andtheir effects.1.3.4 Offshore support vessels are:.1 vessels which are primarily engaged in the transport of stores,materials and equipment to and from mobile offshore drillingunits, fixed and floating platforms and other similar offshoreinstallations; or.2 vessels, includ
39、ing well-stimulation vessels, but excludingmobile offshore drilling units, derrick barges, pipelayingbarges and floating accommodation units, which are other-wise primarily engaged in supporting the work of offshoreinstallations.4Transport and handling of HNS on OSVs1.3.5 Hazardous substance is any
40、substance either listed in chapter 17 ofthe International Bulk Chemical Code or having a hazard more severethan one of the minimum hazard criteria given in criteria for hazardevaluation of bulk chemicals as approved by the Organization.1.3.6 Pollution hazard only substance means a substance having a
41、n entry onlyof P in column d in chapter 17 of the International Bulk Chemical Code.1.3.7 Safety hazard substance means a substance having an entry of S orS/P in column d in chapter 17 of the International Bulk Chemical Code.1.3.8 Flammable liquid is any liquid having a flashpoint not exceeding608C (
42、closed cup test).1.3.9 International Bulk Chemical Code means the International Code forthe Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals inBulk (resolutions MSC.4(48) and MEPC.19(22) as amended).1.3.10 International Gas Carrier Code means the International Code forthe Constructio
43、n and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases inBulk (resolution MSC.5(48) as amended).1.4 Equivalents1.4.1 When these Guidelines require that a particular fitting material,appliance, apparatus, item of equipment or type thereof should be fitted orcarried in an offshore support vessel,or that an
44、y particular provision shouldbe made, or any procedure or arrangement should be complied with, theAdministration may allow any other fitting, material, appliance, apparatus,item of equipment or type thereof to be fitted or carried, or any otherprovision procedure or arrangement to be made in that sh
45、ip, if it is satisfiedby trial thereof or otherwise that such fitting, material, appliance,apparatus, item of equipment or type thereof or that any particularprovision, procedure or arrangement is at least as effective as that requiredby the Guidelines. However, the Administration may not allowopera
46、tional methods or procedures to be made an alternative to aparticular fitting, material, appliance, apparatus, item of equipment or typethereof, which are prescribed by these Guidelines, unless such substitutionis specifically allowed by these Guidelines.1.4.2 When the Administration so allows any f
47、itting, material,appliance, apparatus, item of equipment, or type thereof, or provision,procedure, or arrangement, or novel design or application to be substitutedthereafter, it should communicate to the Organization the particularsthereof together with a report on the evidence submitted so that the
48、5Transport and handling of HNS on OSVsOrganization may circulate the same to other Contracting Governmentsto the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended, and Parties to MARPOL73/78, for the information of their officers.1.5 Survey and certification1.5.1 Following a satisfactory initial survey of an offsho
49、re supportvessel, the Administration or its duly authorized organization should issuea certificate, the model form of which is set out in appendix 2, suitablyendorsed to certify compliance with the provisions of the Guidelines. Ifthe language used is not English, French or Spanish, the text shouldinclude the translation into one of these languages. The certificate shouldindicate the cargoes regulated by these Guidelines that the vessel ispermitted to carry with any relevant carriage conditions