IMO I490M-2004 International Concention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001.pdf

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1、 International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 Convention internationale de 2001 sur la responsabilit civile pour les dommages dus la pollution par les hydrocarbures de soute Convenio internacional sobre responsabilidad civil nacida de daos debidos a contaminacin

2、por los hidrocarburos para combustible de los buques, 2001 INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION London, 2004 First published in 2004 by the INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 ISBN 92-801-0032-7 Copyright 0 IMO 2004 All rights reserved. No part

3、 of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the International Maritime Organization. Foreword This publicatio

4、n contains the text of the Final Act of the International Conference on Liability and Compensation for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 which was held at the Headquarters of the International Maritime Organization in London from 9 to 23 March 2001. Attachment 1 to the Final Act is the international

5、 Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 (Bunkers Convention). The purpose of the Convention is to ensure the payment of adequate, prompt and effective compensation to victims of pollution caused by the escape or discharge of bunker oil from ships. The Conference also ado

6、pted resolutions on (1) Limitation of Liability; (2) Promotion of Technical Co-operation; and (3) Protection for Persons Taking Measures to Prevent or Minimize the Effects of Oil Pollution. These resolutions are included in this publication. . 111 Avant-propos La prsente publication contient le text

7、e de lActe final de la Confrence in- ternationale de 2001 sur la responsabilit et lindemnisation pour les dom- mages dus la pollution par les hydrocarbures de soute qui sest tenue au Sige de lOrganisation maritime internationale Londres du 9 au 23 mars 2001. La Convention internationale de 2001 sur

8、la responsabilit civile pour les dom- mages dus la pollution par les hydrocarbures de soute (Convention sur les hydrocarbures de soute) constitue le Document 1 joint lActe final. Le but de cette Convention est de garantir le versement dune indemnisation convenable, prompte et efficace des victimes d

9、e la pollution rsultant dune fuite ou dun rejet dhydrocarbures de soute de navires. La Confrence a galement adopt des rsolutions sur 1) la limitation de la responsabilit, 2) la promotion de la coopration technique, 3) la protection des personnes prenant des mesures pour prvenir la pollution par les

10、hy- drocarbures ou en limiter les effets. Ces rsolutions font partie de la prsente publication. Prlogo La presente publicacin contiene el texto del Acta final de la Conferencia internacional sobre responsabilidad e indemnizacin de daos debidos a contaminacin por los hidrocarburos para combustible de

11、 los buques, 2001, que se celebr en la sede de la Organizacin Martima internacional, en Londres, del 9 al 23 de marzo de 2001. EI Documento adjunto 1 del Acta final es el Convenio internacional sobre responsabilidad civil nacida de daos debidos a contaminacin por los hidrocarburos para combustible d

12、e los buques, 2001. EI propsito de este Convenio es garantizar el pago de una adecuada, pronta y efectiva indemnizacin a las vctimas de la contaminacin debida a fugas o descargas de hidrocarburos para combustible de los buques. La Conferencia adopt tambin resoluciones sobre 1) Limitacin de la respon

13、sabilidad; 2) Fomento de la cooperacin tcnica; y 3) Proteccin de las personas que tomen medidas para prevenir o reducir al mnimo los efectos de la contaminacin por hidrocarburos. Dichas resoluciones se incluyen en esta publicacin. vii Contents Page Final Act of the International Conference on Liabil

14、ity and Compensation for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 . . 1 Attachment 1 - International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 . Attachment 2 - Conference resolutions 1 to 3. 17 59 Table des matires Page Acte final de la Conference internationale de 2001 sur la res

15、ponsabilit et lindemnisation pour les dommages Document joint 1 - Convention internationale de 2001 sur la responsabilit civile pour les dommages dus la pollution par les hydrocarbures de soute. Document joint 2 - Rsolutions 1 3 de la Confrence . dus la pollution par les hydrocarbures de soute . 5 3

16、1 63 ndice Pgina Acta final de la Conferencia internacional sobre responsabilidad e indemnizacin de daos debidos a contaminacin por los Documento adjunto 1 - Convenio internacional sobre responsabilidad civil nacida de daos debidos a contaminacin por los hidrocarburos para combustible Documento adju

17、nto 2 - Resoluciones 1 a 3 de la Conferencia. . hidrocarburos para combustible de los buques, 2001 . 11 delos buques,2001 . 45 67 IX FINAL ACT OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIABILITY AND COMPENSATION FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001 1 In accordance with Article 2(b) of the Convention on th

18、e International Maritime Organization, the Council of the Organization decided, at its eighty-second session in June 1999, to convene a diplomatic conference to consider the adoption of a draft international convention on liability and compensation for bunker oil pollution damage. This decision was

19、endorsed by the Assembly of the Organization at its twenty-first regular session by resolution A.877(21) of 25 November 1999 on the Work Programme and Budget for the Twenty-First Financial Period 2000-2001. 2 The Conference was held at the Headquarters of the international Maritime Organization in L

20、ondon from 19 to 23 March 2001. 3 Representatives of 70 States participated in the Conference, namely the representatives of: Algeria Angola Argentina Australia Bahamas Bangladesh Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Cte dIvoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Denmark Ecuador Egypt Estonia Fiji Finland Fr

21、ance Gabon Germany Ghana Greece Honduras Indonesia Iran (islamic Republic of) Italy Jamaica Japan Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Li beria Malaysia Malta Marshall islands Mexico Monaco Morocco Netherlands Nigeria Norway Panama Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Republic of Korea Russian Federation Saudi Arabia

22、Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden 1 Liability for Bunker Clil Pollution Damage, 2001 Switzerland United States of America Syrian Arab Republic Uruguay Trinidad and Tobago Vanuatu Tunisia Venezuela Turkey Viet Nam Ukraine United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 4 5 observers to the Con

23、ference. 6 the Conference: A delegation from Benin attended the Conference as an observer. Hong Kong, China, an Associate Member of the Organization, sent A representative of the following body of the United Nations attended United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) The following intergovernmental

24、 organizations sent observers to the European Commission (EC) Arab Federation of Shipping (AFS) The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission League of Arab States International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds) International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) 7 Conference: (HELS

25、INKI COMMISSION) 8 The following non-governmental international organizations sent observers to the Conference: International Chamber of Shipping (ICs) International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) International Maritime Committee (CMI) Inter

26、national Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) International Maritime Pilots Association (IMPA) international Salvage Union (ISU) International Group of

27、 P and I Associations (P and I Clubs) the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited (ITOPF) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Limited International Road Transport Union (IRU) International As

28、sociation of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO) World Nuclear Transport Institute (WNTI) His Excellency Mr. J.E.K. Aggrey-Orleans, Head of the delegation of (IUCN) (SiGlTO) 9 Ghana was elected President of the Conference. 2 Final Act - 10 11 12 The Vice-Presidents elected by the Conference were: Capt

29、. C. Canales Mr. N. Charalambous (Cyprus) Mr. D. Sharifi Prof. H. Tanikawa (Japan) Capt. D. Bruce (Marshall Islands) The Secretariat of the Conference consisted of the following officers: Secretary-General Mr. W.A. ONeil Executive Secretary Dr. R.P. Balkin (C hi1 e) (Iran, Islamic Republic of) Secre

30、tary-General of the Organization Director, Legal Affairs and External Relations Division Deputy Executive Mr. A. Blanco-Bazan Secretary Senior Deputy Director/Head, Legal Office Division Legal Affairs and External Relations The Conference established a Committee of the Whole with the mandate to cons

31、ider a draft international convention on liability and compensation for bunker oil pollution damage. 13 The Drafting Committee established by the Conference was composed of representatives of the following nine States: Argentina Australia China Egypt France Gabon Russian Federation Spain United King

32、dom 14 A Credentials Committee was appointed to examine the credentials of representatives attending the Conference. The Committee was composed of representatives of the following States: Jamaica Nigeria Portugal Singapore Tunisia The officers elected for the Committees were as follows: 15 Committee

33、 of the Whole: Chairman: Mr. A.H.E. Popp, Q.C. (Canada) Vice-Chairmen: Mr. L.C. Vassallo (Malta) Dr. J. Cowley (Vanuatu) 3 Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 Drafting Cornmittee: Chairman: First Vice-chairman: Second Vice-chairman: Mr. W. McF. Campbell (Australia) Mr. R. Shaw (United Ki

34、ngdom) Capt. J.R. Bergallo (Argentina) Credentials Committee: Chairman: The Conference used as the basis of its work the following document: - draft international convention on liability and compensation for bunker oil pollution damage 17 Also before the Conference were a number of documents contain

35、ing proposals and comments submitted by Governments and interested organizations on the above-mentioned draft text. 18 As a result of its deliberations the Conference adopted the following instrument: international Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001 The Conference al

36、so adopted the following resolutions which are 1 2 3 H.E. The Hon. D. Muirhead (Jamaica) 16 19 contained in the Attachment to this Final Act: Resolution on Limitation of Liability Resolution on Promotion of Technical Co-operation Resolution on protection for persons taking measures to prevent or min

37、imize the effects of oil pollution 20 This Final Act is established in a single original text in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages which is to be deposited with the Secretary-General of the Organization. 21 The Secretary-General shall send certified copies of this F

38、inal Act with its Attachment, and certified copies of the authentic text of the instrument referred to in paragraph 18 above to the Governments of the States invited to be represented at the Conference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned* have affixed their signatures to this Final Act. DONE IN LOND

39、ON this twenty-third day of March, two thousand and one. * Signatures omitted. 4 ACTE FINAL DE LA CONFRENCE INTERNATIONALE DE 2001 SUR LA RESPONSABILIT ET LINDEMNISATION POUR LES DOMMAGES DUS LA POLLUTION PAR LES HYDROCARBURES DE SOUTE 1 Conformment larticle 2 b) de la Convention portant cration de

40、lorganisation maritime internationale, le Conseil de lorganisation a dcid, sa quatre-vingt-deuxime session tenue en juin 1999, de convoquer une confrence diplomatique charge dexaminer ladoption dun projet de convention internationale sur la responsabilit et Iindemnisatipn pour les dommages dus la po

41、llution par les hydrocarbures de soute. A sa vingt et unime session ordinaire, lAssemble de lOrganisation a entrin cette dcision par la resolution A.877(21) du 25 novembre 1999 portant sur le programme de travail et le budget pour le vingt et unime exercice financier (2000-2001 ). 2 nationale, Londr

42、es, du 19 au 23 mars 2001. 3 Confrence : La Confrence sest tenue au Sige de lOrganisation maritime inter- Les reprsentants des 70 tats ci-aprs ont pris part aux travaux de la Afrique du Sud Algrie Allemagne Angola Arabie Saoudite Argentine Australie Bahamas Bangladesh Bolivie Brsil Canada Chili Chin

43、e Chypre Colombie Cte dIvoire Croatie Cuba Danemark Equateur Espagne Estonie tats-Unis dAmrique Fdration de Russie Fidji Finlande France Gabon Ghana Grce Honduras les Marshall Indonsie Iran (Rpublique islamique d) Italie Ja m aq u e Japon Kowet Lettonie Liban Libria Malaisie Malte Maroc Mexique Mona

44、co Nigria Norvge 5 Indemnisation : hydrocarbures de soute, 200 1 Panama Pays-Bas Prou Philippines Pologne Portugal Rpublique arabe syrienne Rpublique de Core Royaume-Uni de Grande-bretagne et dIrlande du Nord Singapour Sude Suisse Trinit-et-Tobago Tunisie Turquie Ukraine U ru guay Vanuatu Venezuela

45、Viet Nam 4 servateur. 5 des observateurs la Confrence. 6 la Confrence : Une dlgation du Benin a assist la Confrence en qualit dob- Hong-Kong, Chine, Membre associ de lOrganisation, avait envoy Un reprsentant de lorganisme ci-aprs des Nations Unies a assiste Programme des Nations Unies pour lenvironn

46、ement (PNUE) Les organisations intergouvernementales ci-aprs avaient envoy des Commission europenne (CE) Fdration arabe des transports maritimes (AFS) Commission de la protection de lenvironnement de la mer baltique Ligue des tats arabes Fonds internationaux dindemnisation pour les dommages dus Orga

47、nisation internationale de tlcommunications mobiles 7 observateurs la Confrence : (Commission dHelsinki) la pollution par les hydrocarbures (les FIPOL) par satellites (IMSO) 8 Les organisations internationales non gouvernementales ci-aprs avaient envoy des observateurs la Confrence : Chambre interna

48、tionale de la marine marchande (ICs) Union internationale dassurances transports (I UM I) Confdration internationale des syndicats libres (CISL) Comit maritime international (CMI) Association internationale des ports (IAPH) Conseil maritime international et baltique (BIMCO) Conseil europen des fdrat

49、ions de lindustrie chimique (CEFIC) Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) Association internationale des pilotes maritimes (IMPA) Union internationale de sauvetage (ISU) international Group of P and I Associations (P and I Clubs) International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited (ITOPF) Union internationale pour la conservation de la natur

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