1、 CCIR VOLUME*I 90 m 4855232 05079b7 9 m Rec. 667 RECOMMENDATION 667. d NATIONAL SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT DATA (Decision 27-2) 53 (1990) The CCIR, CONSIDERING (u) that administrations are facing increasingly voluminous and complex tasks in spectrum management due to the increased use of existing telecommu
2、nications and new telecommunications technology; (6) that the efficient solution of spectrum management problems requires data storage, data retrieval, and analysis capabilities, and consequently requires effective spectrum management and application of computer methods; (c) that IWP 1/2 has been ta
3、sked to develop recommended standards for computer generated national spectrum management data for exchange between administrations, bearing in mind the advantages of compatib- ility with standards used for the exchange of data between administrations and the IFRB (Decision 27); (d) that IWP 1/2 has
4、 developed standards for computer generated national spectrum management data in the Handbook on Spectrum Management and Computer-aided Techniques, UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDS 1. the standard for specifying national spectrum management frequency assignments and notification data; that the data elements described in Table II of Annex IV of the Handbook ITU, 19861 should be used as 2. that the data elements should be periodically revised and updated. REFERENCES ITU 119861 Handbook on Spectrum Management and Computer-aided Techniques, 1983. Revised 1986, ITU, Geneva.