ITU-T D 176-1997 Transmission in Encoded Form of Telephone Reversed Charge Billing and Accounting Information - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Drane .pdf

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ITU-T D 176-1997 Transmission in Encoded Form of Telephone Reversed Charge Billing and Accounting Information - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Drane .pdf_第1页
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ITU-T D 176-1997 Transmission in Encoded Form of Telephone Reversed Charge Billing and Accounting Information - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Drane .pdf_第4页
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ITU-T D 176-1997 Transmission in Encoded Form of Telephone Reversed Charge Billing and Accounting Information - Series D General Tariff Principles - General Tariff Principles - Drane .pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNIONITU-T D.176TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU(12/97)SERIES D: GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLESGeneral tariff principles Drawing up and exchange ofinternational telephone and telex accountsTransmission in encoded form of telephonereversed charge billing and ac

2、countinginformationITU-T Recommendation D.176(Previously CCITT Recommendation)ITU-T D-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONSGENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLESFor further details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations.TERMS AND DEFINITIONS D.0GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLESPrivate leased telecommunication facilities D.1D.9

3、Tariff principles applying to data communication services over dedicated public datanetworksD.10D.39Charging and accounting in the international public telegram service D.40D.44Charging and accounting in the international telemessage service D.45D.49Charging and accounting in the international telex

4、 service D.60D.69Charging and accounting in the international facsimile service D.70D.75Charging and accounting in the international videotex service D.76D.79Charging and accounting in the international phototelegraph service D.80D.89Charging and accounting in the mobile services D.90D.99Charging an

5、d accounting in the international telephone service D.100D.159Drawing up and exchange of international telephone and telex accounts D.160D.179International sound- and television-programme transmissions D.180D.184Charging and accounting for international satellite services D.185D.189Transmission of m

6、onthly international accounting information D.190D.191Service and privilege telecommunications D.192D.195Settlement of international telecommunication balances of accounts D.196D.209Charging and accounting principles for international telecommunication services providedover the ISDND.210D.279Chargin

7、g and accounting principles for universal personal telecommunication D.280D.284Charging and accounting principles for intelligent network supported services D.285D.299RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REGIONAL APPLICATIONRecommendations applicable in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin D.300D.399Recommendations ap

8、plicable in Latin America D.400D.499Recommendations applicable in Asia and Oceania D.500D.599Recommendations applicable to the African Region D.600D.699Recommendation D.176 (12/97) iITU-T RECOMMENDATION D.176TRANSMISSION IN ENCODED FORM OF TELEPHONE REVERSEDCHARGE BILLING AND ACCOUNTING INFORMATIONS

9、ourceITU-T Recommendation D.176 was revised by ITU-T Study Group 3 (1997-2000) and was approved under the WTSCResolution No. 1 procedure on the 11th of December 1997.ii Recommendation D.176 (12/97)FOREWORDITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the fie

10、ld of telecommuni-cations. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T isresponsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view tostandardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.

11、The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes thetopics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics.The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure

12、 laid down in WTSCResolution No. 1.In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on acollaborative basis with ISO and IEC.NOTEIn this Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommun

13、icationadministration and a recognized operating agency.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTSThe ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve theuse of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. The ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, va

14、lidity or applicabilityof claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendationdevelopment process.As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, the ITU had not received notice of intellectual property, protectedby patents, which may be re

15、quired to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that thismay not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. ITU 1998All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by

16、 any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU.Recommendation D.176 (12/97) iiiCONTENTSPage1 Introduction 12 Aim. 13 Method 13.1 Data record 13.2 Data transfer 24 Specific recommendations 25 Code maintenance. 2Annex A Telephone r

17、eversed charge billing information Fixed record formats . 3A.1 Batch header 3A.2 Detail Record 4A.3 Batch trailer. 6Recommendation D.176 (12/97) 1Recommendation D.176Recommendation D.176 (12/97)TRANSMISSION IN ENCODED FORM OF TELEPHONE REVERSEDCHARGE1BILLING AND ACCOUNTING INFORMATION(Geneva, 1976;

18、revised in 1992 and 1997)1 Introduction1.1 Under the provisions of Recommendation D.174 where the chargeable duration of a reversed charge telephonecall is determined in the outgoing country, the details of the call should be transmitted promptly to the distantAdministration to enable it to perform

19、customer billing and in certain circumstances (see 4.3/D.170) initiate internationalaccounting.1.2 A growing number of Administrations are processing telephone call data using computer-based accountingsystems. Information is drawn from traffic history tapes or from manually encoded data such as tele

20、phone tickets. It isusual, at present, to convert computer output from this processing to conventional printed accounts for dispatch to otherAdministrations. Where the receiving Administration also uses computer facilities, however, this information has to bere-encoded for further processing.1.3 Tra

21、nsmission of data in encoded form avoids the decoding/re-encoding step. It also offers a faster transfer ofinformation than by printed forms through the mail. The latter remains true even if the forwarding Administration hasprepared the data by manual/mechanical means.2 Aim2.1 The aim of this Recomm

22、endation is:2.1.1 to enable Administrations using computer-based accounting systems to transfer information to each other inencoded form, without the need for decoding into conventional printed form and subsequent encoding into machine-readable form;2.1.2 to enable other Administrations, if they so

23、desire, to benefit from the greater efficiency of speedier transfer ofinformation to them and to prepare themselves for the introduction of computer working by introducing transmission ofdata in encoded form in advance of the installation of a computer;2.1.3 to facilitate provision of printed output

24、 from computer-based systems in a format suitable formanual/mechanical processing where it is to be forwarded to Administrations not using computer facilities;2.1.4 to facilitate provision of printed output from manual/mechanical accounting systems in a format suitable fordata encoding where it is t

25、o be forwarded to Administrations employing computer processing.3 Method3.1 Data record3.1.1 The aim of this Recommendation can be met by use of a standard data record format for the various elementsof information to be transferred. The information elements and their sequence must be compatible with

26、 the provisions of_1The term “reversed charge“ is used to mean collect, credit card and third-number paying calls.2 Recommendation D.176 (12/97)Recommendation D.174, so that decoding to and encoding from printed output for exchange of information withAdministrations using manual/mechanical systems w

27、ill be as simple as possible.3.1.2 Between Administrations operating computer-based accounting systems, adherence to the standard data recordformat for data transmission purposes will ensure that only one interface programme will be needed to enable any onecomputer installation to generate suitable

28、input for, and accept output from, other computer installations.3.2 Data transfer3.2.1 Procedures already exist for transfer of data in conventional (printed) form through the mails. Data in encodedform could be transferred by mailing of magnetic or paper tapes, paper tape transmission by telex or d

29、ata transmissionover circuits utilized for this purpose.3.2.2 While mailing of tapes avoids the encoding task for the receiving Administration, there can be delays and lossin transit. In addition, there can be difficulties caused by the fragility of paper tape and incompatibility of various formsof

30、magnetic tape recording.3.2.3 Transfer of data via the telex service using paper tape transmission and reception can be advantageous forAdministrations whether they have computer-based accounting systems or manual/mechanical systems. As both pagecopy and punched paper tape can be generated at the re

31、ceiving point, users of either type of accounting system canbenefit. Page copy can be used for checking paper tape with the latter becoming input to a computer. Page copy can alsobe used as the source of information for preparation of customer billing in a manual/mechanical system.3.2.4 Where large

32、volumes of data are to be exchanged, transmission over higher speed circuits offers significantbenefits. Where suitable data links are in use for service transmission, these could be utilized. Data terminals andmodems capable of transmission speeds in the range 600 to 2400 bits per second should be

33、sufficient but higher speedscould be used. For manual/mechanical systems, data received on data terminals can be reproduced as page copy for theproduction of customer billing. For computer-based accounting systems, data transmission offers the possibility ofcomplete automation of the process by comp

34、uter-to-computer transfer.4 Specific recommendations4.1 It is recommended that:4.1.1 Where possible, data transferred in printed form should be placed in the order shown in A. For transfer of data in encoded form, the standard data record format detailed in Annex A should be followed.4.1.3 Tr

35、ansmission of data in encoded form should be by the following means:a) use of the telex system;b) use of data transmission over telephone circuits, dedicated telegraph circuits or special data links.4.1.4 Transmission speeds, operating practices and technical standards should be agreed between theAd

36、ministrations concerned and should conform with the appropriate ITU-T Recommendations.5 Code maintenanceThe TSB is responsible for maintenance of the record of codes used for Items 1, 2, 6 and 7 of the Detail record shown inAnnex A.New codes can be allocated by the authority of the Director of the T

37、SB. Applications should be made through theDirector of the TSB, who will arrange for the notification of new codes in the Operational Bulletin.Recommendation D.176 (12/97) 3Annex ATelephone reversed charge billing informationFixed record formatsA.1 Batch headerItemnumberContents Field size Justifica

38、tion Fill Comments1 Record typeidentification number3 Always HDR2 Batch sequence number 3 Right Zero For a specific combination of twoAdministrations. Reset to 1 after 9993 Service type 2 Right Zero 01 for telephone reverse charge data02 for unbillable return records03 for uncollectable return recor

39、ds4 Administration sendingdata7 Left Space Code as agreed bilaterally between thesending and receiving Administrations. (ForIssuer identification number, see Recom-mendation E.118)5 Creation date 6 Year, month and day on which data tape wascreated YYMMDD (January = 01)6 Administrationreceiving data7

40、 Left Space As for item 47 Recommendation D.176version2 To signify which ITU-TRecommendation D.176 version:01 for revision 1 (1992)02 for revision 2 (1997), etc.8 Filler 50 Space fill to give fixed size records4 Recommendation D.176 (12/97)A.2 Detail RecordItemnumberContents Field size Justification

41、 Fill Comments1 Record sequence 5 Right Zero Number all messages in numerical sequence00001 through 999992 Reversed charge typecode2 Right Zero 1) Collect2) Operator-assisted credit card service3) Third party paying4) Collect pay phone5) International Freephone service6) Automated credit card servic

42、ea)7) Foreign rated operator assisted creditcardh)8) Foreign rated automatic credit cardh)3 Service date 6 Year, month and day where call originatedYYMMDD (January = 01)4 Calling party number 14 Left Space National (significant) number (Recommen-dation E.164)5 Called party number 14 Left Space Natio

43、nal (significant) number (Recommen-dation E.164)6 Rate level 1 1 1) Personal rate2) Station rate7 Rate level 2 1 1) Full rate2) Reduced rate Ab)3) Reduced rate Bb)8 Charged duration8.1 Charged duration(minutes)3 Right Zero Time to be paid for8.2 Charged duration(seconds)2 Right Zero Time for determi

44、ning charge and/or esta-blishing settlement accounts.Individual calls of over 999 minutes to behandled manually9 Connect time 6 Time call connected in the place of origin000000 through 23595910 Charged number/creditcard19 Left Space Where a credit card number is to be recordedin this field, then the

45、 entire credit cardnumber should be entered including anyindustry identifier (see Recommen-dation E.118)Recommendation D.176 (12/97) 5ItemnumberContents Field size Justification Fill Comments11 Called country 3 Left Space Indicate the country code of the calledcountryc)12 Charged amount 7 Right Zero

46、 2 decimal places always presetd) e) f) g)The third decimal place shall be rounded upfor 5 and above and down for 4 and below13 Card validated 1 1 = Negative validation2 = Positive validation3 = No validation14 Sub-account number 2 Right Zero15 Additional charges 1 Additional charges to be collected

47、:ADC (advice of duration of call)Space fill to indicate no additional charge16 Route 6 Left Space If primary route has been used, record nodata against this item (space fill still required)To indicate a route other than the primary,use the appropriate country code: Include the 3rd digit for country

48、code 21 Include numbering plan area (NPA)code (and NPX code, if necessary) forworld numbering zone 1a)See Recommendation D.120 on collection charges applied to automated credit cards.b)For telephony only.c)For the countries within world zone 1, no entry is necessary, as the terminating location can

49、be determined by the digitscontained within the called number.d)To allow the originating Administration to determine the charges for calls where it, rather than the receiving Administration,determines the charges.e)The currency of the charged amount will be expressed in SDRs or in gold francs. The billing Administration will also convertthe charged amount into local currency for customer billing purposes.f)Includes all amounts the originating Administration expects to receive, including but n


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