ITU-T D 285-1996 Guiding Principles for Charging and Accounting for Intelligent Network Supported Services - Series D General Tariff Principles General Tariff Principles - Chargingtwo.pdf

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ITU-T D 285-1996 Guiding Principles for Charging and Accounting for Intelligent Network Supported Services - Series D General Tariff Principles General Tariff Principles - Chargingtwo.pdf_第1页
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ITU-T D 285-1996 Guiding Principles for Charging and Accounting for Intelligent Network Supported Services - Series D General Tariff Principles General Tariff Principles - Chargingtwo.pdf_第5页
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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU D.285 SERIES D: GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLES General tariff principles - Charging and accounting principles for intelligent network supported services (07/96) Guiding principles for charging and accounting for i

2、ntelligent network supported services ITU-T Recommendation D.285 (Previously CCITT Recommendations) STD-ITU-T RECMN D.285-ENGL L7b qBb259L Ob23L00 8Tb ITU-T - D SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLES TERMS AND DEFINITIONS SENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLES Private leased telecommunication facilitie

3、s Tariff principles applying to data communication services over dedicated public data networks Charging and accounting in the international public telegram service Charging and accounting in the international telemessage service Charging and accounting in the international telex service Charging an

4、d accounting in the international facsimile service Charging and accounting in the international videotex service Charging and accounting in the international phototelegraph service Charging and accounting in the mobile services Charging and accounting in the international telephone service Drawing

5、up and exchange of international telephone and telex accour International sound- and television-programme transmissions Charging and accounting for international satellite services Transmission of monthly international accounting information Service and privilege telecommunications Settlement of int

6、ernational telecommunication balances of accounts i Chargin and accounting principles for international telecommunication services provide 8 over the ISDN Charging and accounting principles for universal personal telecommunication RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REGIONAL APPLICATION Recommendations applicable i

7、n Europe and the Mediterranean Basin Recommendations applicable in Latin America Recommendations applicable in Asia and Oceania Recommendations applicable to the African Region D.0 D. 1-D.299 D.1-D.9 D. 10-D.39 D.40-D.44 D.45-D.49 D.60-D.69 D. 70-D. 75 D.76-D.79 D.80-D.89 D.90-D.99 D. 1 00-D. 1 59 D

8、.?60-D.179 D. 180-D. 184 D.185-D.189 D. 190-D. 191 D. 1 92-D. 1 95 D. 196-D.209 D.210-0.279 D.280-D.284 D.300-D.699 D.300-D.399 D.400-D.499 D. 500-D. 599 D.600-D.699 Far further details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations STD-ITU-T RECMN D-25-ENGL 177b m qb257L Ob23101 732 ITU-T RECOMMEND

9、ATION D.285 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR CHARGING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INTELLIGENT NETWORK SUPPORTED SERVICES Source ITU-T Recommendation D.285 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 3 (1993-1996) and was approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 1 st of July 1996 . STD-ITU-T RECMN D-285-ENGL L77

10、b = Li8b2591 Ob23102 b77 FOREWORD FU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the FU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operatin

11、g and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the EU-T Study Groups which, in their turn

12、, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1 (Helsinki, March 1-12,1993). Ln some areas of information technology which fall within lTU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are pre

13、pared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. O ITU 1996 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced o

14、r utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. 11 Recommendation D.285 (07/96) STD-ITU-T RECMN D.285-ENGL L77b qBb2591 Ob23103 505 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CONTENTS Scope Background . Charging . Billing . Inter

15、national traffic accounting International accounting for in-facilities required for the provision of in-specific service elements Guidelines for specific service elements Index to annexes Annex A - Number translation . A . 1 Applications A.2 Implementation . A.3 Resources required . A.4 Impact on in

16、ternational accounting A.4.1 Call circuit function . A.4.2 Translation function Annex B . Validation. Authentication and Authorization (VAA) . B . 1 Applications B.2 Implementation . B.3 Resources required . B.4 Impact on international accounting B.4.1 Call circuit function . B.4.2 VAA functions Ann

17、ex C . Database manipulation (DM) . C . 1 Applications C.2 Implementation. C.3 Resources required . C.4 I. Impact on international accounting C.4.1 DM functions . Recommendation D.285 (07/96) 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 . 111 STD-ITU-T RECMN D.285-ENGL L77b 98b2573 Ob23LO9 443 STD-ITU-T RECM

18、N D-285-ENGL L77b L18b257L Ob23L05 388 Recommendation D. 285 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR CHARGING AND ACCOUNTING FOR INTELLIGENT NETWORK SUPPORTED SERVICES (Geneva, 1996) 1 Scope 1.1 This Recommendation outlines general considerations and guiding principles for charging and international accounting for t

19、rafic and facilities used to support services that utilize Intelligent Networking (IN) capabilities. 1.2 These principles are intended to provide a basis for treating IN-supported service elements that may be common to a number of services (see Annexes A to C). These guidelines may provide a useful

20、basis on which bilateral and multilateral negotiations can take place, for example when developing or revising tariff and accounting provisions dealing with specific services, for more customized services andor in advance of the availability of service specific Recommendations. 1.3 It should be unde

21、rstood that, while some IN-supported service elements may be common to a number of services, each service must determine both the applicability and the handling of each of these elements on an individual basis. 2 Background 2.1 In modern network architecture, logic and database storage systems provi

22、de, in addition to normal call switching, functions that can be applied flexibly to support a wide range of new services and applications. Such systems, which provide the basis for supporting IN services, may be located in separate units that control network switching via common channel signalling f

23、or example, but no specific implementation should be implied from this Recommendation. 2.2 In providing such functions, the use of shared resources such as databases and the signalling system can vary considerably from service to service and with the applications selected by users. It can also vary

24、with the particular method by which a service provider has implemented a service. The tariff and accounting principles need to take this variability into account. 2.3 a b) c d) Application of such common elements may: improve the operational efficiency, marketability and flexibility of new services;

25、 assist smooth transition for customers and service providers; reduce the time-frames for developing relevant ITU-T Recommendations; provide a framework within which bilateral and multilateral negotiations can take place, for example for more customized services and/or in advance of the availability

26、 of service specific Recommendations. 3 Charging 3.1 While the charges in any country are a national matter, guidelines on charging structures can be helpful for service providers in offering multiple IN-supported services and/or services in different countries. 3.2 Charges normally reflect service

27、offerings and subscribers selections. Recommendation D.285 (07/96) 1 STD-ITU-T RECMN D-285-ENGL L77b M 48b257L Ob23LOb 214 3.3 such as databases and signalling networks, or service profile management. 3.4 (plus any handling charges that may be applicable). 3.5 the potential multiplicity of IN functi

28、ons performed). 3.6 the call has been diverted, as in UPT. Charges may be applicable for the use of resources associated with network intelligence, Charges normally cover any payment due to network operators and/or service providers Charging structures should be simplified where possible by grouping

29、 like functions (noting The calling party should be advised if there is a likelihood of an unexpected charge, e.g. if 4 Billing 4.1 Normally, billing of customers is a national matter, but with some IN-supported services (e.g. those providing personal and/or terminal mobility), it is necessary for a

30、 service provider to collect billing information on behalf of another service provider. 4.2 Timely transfer of billing information may be required where some form of credit limit is applied on behalf of a customer, a user andor a service provider. 4.3 The currency, structure and levels of the billin

31、g information should be agreed between the relevant service providers. 4.4 It should be noted that the service provider that bills the customer may process the billing information to take account, inter alia, of any contractual arrangements between the customer and the service provider (e.g. concern

32、ing aggregate traffic in a billing period). 4.5 In the event of billing disputes, the service provider that bills the customer should be the contact point for that customer. 5 International traffic accounting 5.1 This clause covers principles for the call or bearer component of IN-supported services

33、. 5.2 In principle, international traffic accounting should be in accordance with the characteristics of the call made, using the normal accounting rate for the network and/or service used. 5.3 In instances where the IN functions or processing cause a significant deviation in the cost of call or bea

34、rer operations, this may be taken into account in normal traffic accounting as agreed on a bilateral or multilateral basis, considering the roles of those involved in providing an IN-supported service. 6 International accounting for in-facilities required for the provision of in-specific service ele

35、ments 6.1 This clause covers principles for the IN functionality itself. 6.2 Accounting arrangements should be as simple as possible. 6.3 In instances where the IN functions form an integral part of the overall cost of service operations, these costs may be included in the normal traffic accounting

36、or separately accounted, as agreed on a bilateral or multilateral basis. 2 Recommendation D.285 (07/96) STD-ITU-T RECMN D.285-ENGL 177b W 48b2571 Ob23107 150 6.4 The intemational accounting for IN-facilities required for the provision of IN-specific service elements should ensure fair and equitable

37、remuneration of all parties concerned for the provision and use of the relevant resources. 6.5 Such remuneration should be cost orientated, taking into account only the economically significant components, utilized for particular IN-supported services, as agreed on a bilateral or multilateral basis.

38、 6.6 Accounting may be applicable for the use of signalling network and/or other facilities, such as databases and data processing, that may be external to the direct call path but are necessary for the provision of required IN-service elements. 6.7 Analysis of traffic flows and cost components may

39、show that the principle of reciprocity, applied on a bilateral or multilateral basis, negates the need for international accounting for the facilities required for the provision of IN-specific service elements. 7 7.1 operations and may influence intemational accounting. 7.2 service elements as liste

40、d below. Guidelines for specific service elements The use of IN-supported service elements may have an impact on the overall cost of service Annexes A to C provide guidance on the possible implications of the use of IN-supported Index to annexes Annex A: Number translation Annex B: Validation, Authe

41、ntication and Authorization (VU) Annex C: Database Manipulation (DM) Annex D: Announcements (To be completed) Annex A Number translation (This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation) A.l Applications Number translation can be a feature or functionality of a number of services, e.g. Inte

42、rnational Freephone, UPT, GVNS, Automated Telecommunication Charge Card, Home Country Direct, Abbreviated Dialling, and Call Diversion. It can also be used for customized applications. A.2 Implementation Number translation on a call can occur: - in the originating country only; - in the terminating

43、country only; - in a transit country; - via intenvorking among multiple countries; Recommendation D.285 (07/96) 3 - STD-ITU-T RECMN D-285-ENGL L77b m 4b257L 0b23108 077 m - - in both originating and terminating countries; and via a regional or global IN-system facility. A.3 Resources required The re

44、sources required for number translation of a particular call will depend on the network implementation, and may include: - signalling, including for example, use of Signal Transfer Points (STPs) (for exchange of information to enable the call to be correctly routed); and database search to ascertain

45、 the appropriate network number. - A.4 Impact on international accounting A.4.1 Call circuit function In instances where number translation causes significant deviation in the cost of call or bearer operations, this may be taken into account in normal traffic accounting as agreed on a bilateral or m

46、ultilateral basis, considering the roles of those involved in providing number translation. A.4.1.1 Call Set-up time The call Set-up time would not normally be affected by a single number translation feature. However, multiple database queries may result in delays in call set-up times. A.4.1.2 Ratio

47、 of successfulhnsuccessful calls The ratio of successfWunsuccessfu1 calls could improve as a result of performing number translation. A.4.2 Translation function Inclusion of the translation function in intemational accounts may be relevant where translation functions are undertaken by service provid

48、ers other than the service provider that bills the customer and may be: a) b) included as a general overhead in the standard accounting rate; or separately accounted on the basis of: i) a specified rate per number translated, taking into account variations in translation complexity, if significant;

49、ii) total time and volume for aggregated relevant number translation functions during a settlement period. Annex B Validation, Authentication and Authorization FAA) (This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation) B.1 Applications VA4 can be a feature of a number of services, e.g. UPT, GVNS, Automated Telecommunication Charge Card, and Home Country Direct. It can also be used for customized applications. 4 Recommendation D.285 (07/96) STD-ITU-T RECMN D-285-ENGL L79b LiBb259L Ob23107 T23 B.2 Implementation VAA for a particular call can occur: - - - in a


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