1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 $ TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU%.%2!,G0G04!2)b) interest on capital involved;c) fiscal charges;d) depreciation of equipment;e) cost of research and development;f) capital investment (as required).For political or social reasons the rates f
2、or certain services may be so arranged that they do not cover all thecosts involved. In addition, the rates applied should not create harmful competition among the varioustelecommunication services.2 The CCITT therefore considers that the rates for the various telecommunication services should be su
3、ch thatthey cover the items of expenditure listed above.However, in view of the difficulty of applying rates based on these criteria, in certain cases, for the political orsocial reasons mentioned above, the CCITT considers that the overall balance in the telecommunication servicesrequired should be
4、 achieved by applying an increase factor to the rates of other telecommunication services in the sametelecommunication organization which will compensate for the deficit incurred by services run at a loss.In determining this increase factor, the value of the service rendered to the user should be ta
5、ken intoconsideration.In any case the rates adopted should be such as to avoid harmful competition among the different types ofservice provided by the organization concerned.Recognizing that a telecommunication service is of the greatest importance for the economic and social life ofevery country, the CCITT recommends that the surplus income from the telecommunication services considered as awhole should not be greater than the amount required for the efficient running of these services.