1、Union internationale des tlcommunications Place des Nations 1211 GENVE 20 Suisse Switzerland Suiza FEUILLE DE ROUTE SECRTARIAT GNRAL DE L UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TLCOMMUNICATIONS Genve, 3 fvrier 2003 UIT SECTEUR DE LA NORMALISATION DES TLCOMMUNICATIONS Objet: Erratum 1 : Recommandation UIT-T E.138
2、(06/2002) Ergonomie des tlphones publics: facilitation de leur emploi par les personnes ges 1) Paragraphe 4 (Abrviations) Remplacer: “ES norme europenne (european standard)“ par: “ES norme ETSI (ETSI standard)“ 2) Paragraphe 7.4 (Affichage des informations et indicateurs visuels) Ne concerne que la
3、version anglaise. 3) Paragraphe 10.1.3 (Caractristiques des touches) Ne concerne que la version anglaise. 4) Paragraphe 14.1.1 (Cartes mmoire) Ne concerne que la version anglaise. 5) Paragraphe 14.1.4 (Sens dinsertion de la carte) Ne concerne que la version anglaise. 6) Paragraphe 19.1 (Renumrotatio
4、n (autorappel) Ne concerne que la version anglaise. 7) Paragraphe 23 (Bibliographie) Insrer les rfrences suivantes la liste: ETSI ETR 166 (1995), Human Factors (HF); Evaluation of telephones for people with special needs; An evaluation method. GARBE (D.), STOECKLER (F.), WALD (R.): The state of the
5、art: Telecommunication and the elderly. Gerontechnology, IOS Press, H. Bouma and J.A.M. Graafmans: Editors. Amsterdam 1992. Supprimer les rfrences suivantes de la liste: ETSI ES 201 381 (1998), Human Factors (HF); Telecommunications keypads and keyboards; Tactile identifiers. ETSI ETR 029 (1991), Hu
6、man Factors (HF); Access to telecommunications for people with special needs; Recommendations for improving and adapting telecommunications terminals and services for people with impairments. ETSI ETR 068 (1993), Human Factors (HF); European standardization situation of telecommunications facilities
7、 for people with special needs. ETSI ETR 165 (1995), Human Factors (HF); Recommendation for a tactile identifier on machine readable cards for telecommunication terminals. ETSI ETR 166 (1995), Human Factors (HF); User instructions for public telecommunications services; Design guidelines. ETSI ETR 333 (1997) et (1998), Human Factors (HF); Text Telephony; Basic user requirements and recommendations.