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1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 (b) that for multiple calls of this kind international dissemination (i.e., a distribution of the transmission todifferent countries) is necessary and possibly national dissemination in the incoming countries (i.e., to the variousreceiving stations belong

2、ing to the same national network);(c) that the participants in a multiple call may be both public stations and private stations (primarily pressagencies);(d) that press agencies are anxious to transmit pictures to their customers (newspaper offices) directly without retransmission;(e) that in the ca

3、se of transmission by series, the agencies also wish to add or disconnect certain customersbetween two successive transmissions;(f) that operation over the international part of the collective connection should not be help up bymodifications in an incoming country;considering further(g) that dissemi

4、nation equipment can be set up either in the offices of Administrations or on the premises ofprivate enterprises;(h) that press agencies operate private phototelegraph networks for their own requirements;(i) that private enterprises should be allowed under certain conditions to use their own equipme

5、nt andnetworks to effect an additional dissemination service to their customers;and recognizing(j) that satisfactory transmission of phototelegrams to multiple destinations can be obtained only if all thecountries concerned employ a uniform mode of operation;unanimously declares the viewthat multipl

6、e calls may be allowed in the international service to enable several phototelegraph stations indifferent countries to receive a transmission from a transmitting station simultaneously.The rules below define the procedure to be followed for multiple destination calls. The conditions for ordinaryconn

7、ections that are part of the collective link are governed by Recommendations F.82 and D.83._1)See also Recommendation D.85.2 Fascicle II.4 - Rec. F.1081 Conditions of acceptance1.1 A multiple call may be requested for primary dissemination to various destination countries (internationaldissemination

8、) and for secondary dissemination in the incoming countries (national dissemination). Simultaneously anational dissemination in the origin country can be combined with the international dissemination.1.2 Private stations of a receiving country participating in a multiple call (generally press agenci

9、es) are allowed toeffect simultaneously with reception further dissemination to other private stations (generally newspaper offices).1.3 Further dissemination may be made either over a private network or over circuits of the public network madeavailable by the Administration. In the latter case the

10、further dissemination is allowed only within the country wherethe main receiving station is situated.1.4 The primary dissemination (including, where necessary, dissemination in the origin country) and the secondarydissemination must be effected by the Administration concerned.1.5 Any further dissemi

11、nation over a private network shall in any case by the agency to which the network belongs.When circuits on the public network are used for dissemination to subordinate stations, the Administration concernedshall decide who should effect this further dissemination. For technical and operational reas

12、ons (see 3.4 below), it ispreferable that every further dissemination should be carried out by the agency using its own distribution equipment,provided that the equipment has been inspected and approved by the Administration.1.6 In any case, the installation at the main station shall be such that th

13、e operator using it can so control operationsas to ensure that the subordinate stations cannot enter into communication with the transmitting station.2 Setting up and constitution of a multiple call connection2.1 To obtain a multiple call, the transmitting station shall contact the international pho

14、totelegraph position (IPP) ofits country and indicate, separately for each country, which phototelegraph stations are to receive the simultaneoustransmission. Requests should be made as soon as possible, and in any case not later than two hours before thetransmission is to take place, to enable the

15、Administrations concerned to make arrangements to set up the call.2.2 The IPP of the origin country (see Figure 1/F.85, country A) shall inform the IPPs of the destination countries(countries B, C and D) giving the names of the called participants and the time at which the transmission is to takepla

16、ce (see 5.2 below). So as not to surcharge the outgoing IPP, the incoming IPPs shall, at the same time, be asked toset up an international connection from their own end at the scheduled time.2.3 The incoming IPPs shall arrange, where necessary, to make facilities available for national dissemination

17、 toparticipants in the multiple call (see 5.3 below). If only one participant is designated in an incoming country (C), theinternational circuit shall be switched directly to the receiving station in question.2.4 An intermediate connection with the international dissemination shall be requested in a

18、 transit country fordestination countries to which it is not possible to connect directly for the dissemination from the origin country.2.5 The outgoing IPP is the control IPP for the multiple call (i.e., as far as the main receiving stations). If anintermediate connection with the international dis

19、semination service has been set up, the transit IPP acts as the sub-control IPP for the part of the multiple call farther down the circuit.2.6 The control IPP notes the time when the multiple call begins and ends and the time and duration of anyinterruption or irregularity that may occur during tran

20、smission (for the purpose of calculating a refund). The start of thecall is the moment at which the multiple connection has been placed at the disposal of the caller. The end of the call isthe moment at which it is released by the transmitting station.2.7 On clearing the multiple call, the control I

21、PP must notify the incoming IPPs concerned of the time at which thecall began and ended (to ensure conformity with the national dissemination charges).Fascicle II.4 - Rec. F.108 3FIGURE 1/F.108Phototelegraph transmissions to multiple destinations3 Extension of a multiple call3.1 When a private disse

22、mination is added to the multiple call, the Administration shall merely make the requiredcircuits available to the user. The individual calls shall then be set up successively to the calling station and shall becharged from the moment they are made available.3.2 The routing to public network circuit

23、s of a phototelegraph transmission received on a leased circuit (see Ag 1of country D) is not allowed.3.3 Each press agency is the control station for the connections with its customers. In secondary privatedissemination (see Ag 1 in country D) the second connecting station becomes the sub-control s

24、tation for the part fartherdown the circuit.3.4 Should an Administration ensure itself (see 1.5 above) the further dissemination on the public network(country D), two separate distribution panels (I and II, country D) will be necessary to connect the incoming circuitseparately to the main station (A

25、g 4) and to its group of customers. To prevent subordinate stations from coming in onthe international part of the collective call, the interconnection between I and II must be made by a one-way channel.The private enterprise (Ag 4) must direct the operations for which it is responsible in the two s

26、ections of the furtherdissemination facilities. Since the Administration is responsible for making its dissemination facilities available at theright time, and in view of the operational difficulties, in particular resulting from any change required in this part of thefurther dissemination, this mod

27、e of operation is not recommended.4 Fascicle II.4 - Rec. F.1084 Speech circuit4.1 The speech circuit is a leased telephone circuit that provides a direct connection between the site of thetransmitting equipment and the control IPP. This type of connection expedites the procedures preparatory to the

28、calland enables rapid action to be taken to overcome any difficulties experienced during transmission. It also allows timelynotice to be given of the end of the multiple call and, further, it is a suitable means for determining exactly thechargeable duration of the call.4.2 The speech circuit may, h

29、owever, be replaced by a telephone connection set up from the transmitting stationover the general telephone network.5 General provisions5.1 The setting up of a multiple call may involve unforeseen delays in practice, particularly when intermediateconnection centres are used in the international dis

30、semination sector. For these reasons, it is impossible forAdministrations to give any guarantee that a multiple call will be made available at a specific time.5.2 It is for the control IPP to estimate the time required to make the requested call available. It must inform allIPPs (incoming and transi

31、t, if need be) of the time at which transmission is to take place.5.3 The incoming IPPs must do their utmost to respect the scheduled time for setting up the internationalconnection to the control (or sub-control) IPP. To avoid any delay in commencing the simultaneous transmissionbecause of arrangem

32、ents to be made in an incoming country, the national extension (dissemination or simpleprolongation) should in all cases be ready before the international circuit is made available.5.4 If a called station is unable to accept the call at the scheduled time, the incoming IPP shall so inform the contro

33、lIPP. It will be for the station requesting the multiple call to decide whether transmission should be help up until thestation is ready to receive, or whether the station should be brought in later or whether it should be excluded from thecall. In any case, the call charge begins from the time the

34、caller is informed of the position.5.5 When it is not possible to set up an international or national connection required for the multiple call within sixminutes after the appointed time, the control IPP shall draw the callers attention to the difficulties that have arisen.Whatever course the caller

35、 decides to take, the part of the call that has taken place will be charged for.5.6 When a request is made to extend to other relations a call (single or multiple) that has already begun, it must beregarded as a new call request. This call will be made available to the caller as soon as it is set up, and will be chargedfor separately from that time. The caller must indicate the time at which it should be combined with the original call.


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