1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 & TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU/0%2!4)/.3G0G0!.$G0G015!,)49G0G0/&G0G03%26)#%4%,%-!4)#G0G03%26)#%/0%2!4)/.!,G0G002/6)3)/.3G0G02%,!4).G0G04/4(%G0G053%G0G0/&G0G034/2%G0G13G0!.$G0G13G0&/27!2$37)4#().G0G0./$%3G0G07)4().G0G04(%“52%!5&!8G0G03%26)
2、#%)45G134G0G0RecommendationG0G0& (Extract from the “LUEG0“OOK)NOTES1 ITU-T Recommendation F.171 was published in Fascicle II.5 of the Blue Book. This file is an extract from theBlue Book. While the presentation and layout of the text might be slightly different from the Blue Book version, thecontent
3、s of the file are identical to the Blue Book version and copyright conditions remain unchanged (see below).2 In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both atelecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. ITU 1988, 1993All rights
4、reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU.Fascicle II.5 - Rec. F.171 1Recommendation F.171Fascicle II.5 - Rec. F.171OPERATIONAL PROVISIONS
5、RELATING TO THE USE OF STORE-AND-FORWARDSWITCHING NODES WITHIN THE BUREAUFAX SERVICE1 General provisions1.1 In accordance with Recommendations F.160 and F.170, Administrations may operate an international publicfacsimile service between public bureaux. Additionally, in accordance with Recommendation
6、 F.190. Administrationsmay operate a service between public bureaux and private subscribers stations.1.2 In the bureaufax service, it is not uncommon for the transmitted document to be scanned and transmittedseveral times as it progresses from the office of origin to the office of destination. With
7、each rescan and retransmission,the quality of the document, as finally delivered to the addressee is progressively degraded. By the replacement ofmanual retransmission practices with switching nodes, employing store-and-forward techniques, document quality maybe preserved. Quality may even be improv
8、ed over current transmission practices through the use of error handlingtechniques between nodes and the use of data networks, rather than the telephone network, as the transmission medium,1.3 This Recommendation states the operational provisions peculiar to the bureaufax service when store-and-forw
9、ard facsimile switching nodes are employed within the international transmission of documents.2 Conditions of acceptance2.1 Documents for transmission within the bureaufax service and between subscriber stations and public bureauxshall conform to 2 of Recommendation F.170.3 Composition of a facsimil
10、e transmission3.1 Every facsimile transmission shall include a transmittal sheet and the customers document as defined in 3 ofRecommendation F.1704 Acceptance4.1 Acceptance at a public bureauThe acceptance of documents at the counter of a public bureau will conform to 4 of Recommendation F.170.4.2 A
11、cceptance from subscribers stations4.2.1 A document for delivery through the bureaufax service may be accepted directly from the subscribers stationinto store and forward node in the country of origination.4.2.2 The customer will access the store and forward node in conformance with the provisions o
12、f RecommendationF.162. At the discretion of the administration in the country of origin, the customer must be a registered user of theservice.4.2.3 The Administration in the country of origin will provide users of the service with the information necessary toroute the document through the store and
13、forward node, and any interconnected store and forward node, to theappropriate public bureau in the country of destination. The addressing of such facsimile messages should useabbreviated dialling codes rather than explicit telephone numbers for the facsimile terminals in the destination bureau.4.2.
14、4 The correct addressing of the facsimile message will be the responsibility of the originating subscriber.4.2.5 As for transmissions originating from a public bureau, messages entered into the bureaufax service by asubscriber must contain a transmittal sheet, in accordance with F.170, 3.2, as the f
15、irst page. The Administration in thecountry of origin will ensure that transmittal forms are available to its subscribers.4.2.6 Acceptance of the facsimile document by the node will constitute acceptance into the bureaufax service.2 Fascicle II.5 - Rec. F.1714.2.7 Facsimile documents to be entered i
16、nto the bureaufax service may, optionally, be accepted from text terminalsin cases where the node can provide the necessary conversion to the appropriate facsimile format. In such cases, thetransmittal sheet may be generated either by the originating terminal or by the node.5 Transmission5.1 Interna
17、tional bureaufax transmissions may involve store and forward switching nodes, typically at gatewaylocations, in three different ways: nodes in both the country of origin and country of destination, node located in the country of origin, node located in the country of destination.In any case, each no
18、de will be programmed with abbreviated codes for delivering documents to inland publicbureaux. These abbreviated codes will be made available to other administrations for the efficient routing of traffic.5.1.1 Nodes in both countries5.1.1.1 Facsimile documents will be entered into the node both by p
19、ublic bureaux and by private subscribers. Documents will be transmitted between nodes in accordance with Recommendation F.162, 4.6. Whereverpossible, the routing between nodes will employ networks designed specifically for the transmission of data to preservea maximum quality of delivered doc
20、ument. This is important since the end-to-end transmission may still involvemultiple scans and retransmissions. If the quality of the document received at the public bureau in the country of destination is not satisfactory,the receiving bureau will contact the assistance operator at the node
21、in the country of destination, who, followingconfirmation that the document held in store in the node is acceptable, will initiate a retransmission. If the quality of the document held in store by the node in the country of destination is not satisfactory, theoperator will contact the assista
22、nce operator at the node in the country of origin who, following confirmation that thedocument held in store there is acceptable, will initiate a retransmission. If the quality of the document held in store by the node in the country of origin is not satisfactory, theoperator will request ret
23、ransmission from the originating public bureau or subscriber.5.1.2 Node in the country of origin5.1.2.1 The international transmission from the node in the country of origin to the public bureau in the country ofdestination will comply with Recommendation F.170, 5, with the following exceptions:5.1.
24、2.2 If a document received at the international receiving public station is not satisfactory, the internationalreceiving public station will contact the assistance operator at the node in the originating country to requestretransmission. The assistance operator will act in accordance with ab
25、ove.5.1.3 Node in the destination country5.1.3.1 Except by bilateral agreement, the node in the destination country will accept facsimile transmissions from thecountry of origin in a manner emulating a facsimile terminal, i.e. the originating countrys operator need not beknowledgeable of any special
26、 procedures to deposit the document into the node. In this case, transmission is inconformance with 5 of Recommendation F.170 except that the node acts as the international receiving publicfacsimile station. Documents received by the node in the above manner will be routed to the destination
27、public bureau throughmanual intervention.6 Delivery6.1 Delivery of facsimile messages by the destination public facsimile bureau will generally comply with 6 ofRecommendation F.170.6.2 Delivery of bureaufax messages to subscribers stations will generally comply with 2 of RecommendationF. 190.Fascicl
28、e II.5 - Rec. F.171 36.2.1 In cases where a store and forward node exists in the country of destination, the message will be transmitted tothe subscribers stations directly from the node, without recourse to an additional stage of printing and rescanning thedocument.6.2.2 By bilateral agreement, the
29、 facsimile transmitting station in the country of origin may provide the node withsufficient information to effect automatic switching and retransmission of the message directly to subscribers stations.Otherwise, transmission to subscribers stations will be effected by manual intervention of the nod
30、e operator.6.2.3 By bilateral agreement in cases where a node exists only in the country of origin, facsimile messages may betransmitted directly from the node to subscribers stations in the country of destination.7 Other provisionsProvisions relating to: Service facsimile correspondence Archives Charging, refunds and accounting Cancellation at the request of the sender List of public bureauxwill conform to the appropriate section of Recommendation F.170.