ITU-T H 262 NOTE-2002 Content description data (Study Group 16)《内容描述数据研究组16》.pdf

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1、GENERAL SECRETARIAT INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMLTNICATION UNION Subject: Erratum 1 Geneva, 22 April 2002 Recommendation ITU-T H.262 Amendment 1 TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU ITU-T Recommendation H.262 Amendment 1 (1 1/2000) u Content description data Please change Amendment 1 title from

2、 “Video elementaly stream content description data“ to “Content description data It. Union internationale des tlcommunications Place des Nations 12 1 1 GENVE 20 Suisse - Switzerland - Suiza INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION ITU-T TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU H.262 Amendment 1

3、(1 1 /2000) SERIES H: AUDIOVISUAL AND MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS Infrastructure of audiovisual services - Coding of moving video Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video Amendment 1 : Video elementary stream content description data ITU-T Recommendat

4、ion H.262 - Amendment 1 (Formerly CCIlT Recommendation) ITU-T H-SERIES RECOMMENDATIONS AUDIOVISUAL AND MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS CHARACTERISTICS OF VISUAL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS INFRASTRUCTURE OF AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES General Transmission multiplexing and synchronization Systems aspects Communication procedures

5、Coding of moving video Related systems aspects SYSTEMS AND TERMINAL EQUIPMENT FOR AUDIOVISUAL SERVICES SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES FOR MULTIMEDIA H.100-H.199 H.200-H.2 19 H.220-H.229 H.230-H.239 H. 240-H. 259 H.260-H.279 H.280-H.299 H. 300-H. 399 H.450-H.499 For further details, please refer to the list

6、of ITU-T Recommendations. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISOAEC 13818-2 ITU-T RECOMMENDATION H.262 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - GENERIC CODING OF MOVING PICTURES AND ASSOCIATED AUDIO INFORMATION: VIDEO AMENDMENT 1 Video elementary stream content description data Summary This amendment provides an ability to sen

7、d supplemental “content description data“ within H.262 video elementary streams. The content description data that can be carried includes picture capture timing information, additional pan-scan parameters, an indication of the visual active region within the video picture, and a coded representatio

8、n of the picture size in bytes. Source Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation H.262 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 16 (2001-2004) and approved on 17 November 2000. An identical text is also published as ISOIEC 13818-2, Amendment 1. ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1(11/2000 E) i FOREWORD The International Tel

9、ecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on the

10、m with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of ITU-T

11、 Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-Ts purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration“ is used

12、for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency. INTELLECTUAL, PROPERTY RIGHTS ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU tak

13、es no position concerning the evidence, validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of the Recommendation development process. As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had received notice of intellectual property,

14、 protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB patent database. o ITU 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may b

15、e reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from ITU. 11 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.l (llf2000 E) CONTENTS Page 1 2 2 Subclause 6.2.3 . New subclause . New subclause . New subcla

16、use . New subclause New subclause . New subclause . New subclause Subclause 6.3.9. New subclause 6.3.21 . New subclause New subclause 6.3.2 1.2 New subclause New subclause New subclause New subclause

17、 Subclause E.l . New annex K K . 1 K.2 Video source timing information syntax . K.4 K.5 K.6 Progressive and non-progressive encoding . K.3 Content generation practices Post-encoding editing of the progressive frame flag in video bitstreams Post-processing for systems with progressive scan d

18、isplays Use of capture timecode information 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 11 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 17 17 17 . ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.l (lV2000 E) 111 - ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.l:2001 (E) picture-header() picture-start-code INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ITU-T RECOMMENDATION No. of bits Mnemonic 32 bslbf INFORMATION T

19、ECHNOLOGY - GENERIC CODING OF MOVING PICTURES AND ASSOCIATED AUDIO INFORMATION: VIDEO temporal-reference picture-codingtype AMENDMENT 1 Video elementary stream content description data 10 uimsbf 3 uimsbf 1) Subclause 6.2.3 Replace subclause 6.2.3 by: 6.2.3 Picture header full-pel-forward-vector forw

20、ard-f-code I 1 bslbf 3 bslbf if ( picture-coding-type = 3 ) full-pel-backward-vector backward-f-code I I vbv-delay I 16 I uimsbf I 1 bslbf 3 bslbf I if ( picture-coding-type = 2 1) picture-ccdingtype = 3) I while ( nextbitso = 1 ) extra-bit-picture I* with the value 1 *I 1 uimsbf - extrabit-picture

21、I* with the value O *I 1 uimsbf nex t-startcode() I- content-description-data() I* with every 9 bit having the value 1 *I I I ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1(11/2000 E) 1 ISOIIEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.l:2001 (E) data-ty peupper marker-bit 2) New subclause 8 uimsbf 1 bslbf Insert new subclause

22、3: data-typelower marker-bit Content description data 8 1 bslbf content-description-data() I No. of bits I Mnemonic data-length if ( data-type = “Padding Bytes“ ) 8 uimsbf for ( i = O; i data-length; i + ) marker-bit 1 bslbf paddingbytes0 else if ( data-type = “Capture Timecode“ ) reserved

23、content-description-daa 1 capturetimecode() else if ( data-type = “Additional Pan-Scan Parameters“ ) 8 uimsbf additional-p an-scan-parameters() eise if ( data-type = “Active Region Window“ ) paddingbytes() active-region-window() else if ( data-type = “Coded Picture Length ) No. of bits Mnemonic code

24、d-picture-lengt h() el se for ( i = O; i data-length; i + ) marker-bit paddingbyte 1 1 bslbf 8 bslbf 3) New subclause Insert new subclause Padding bytes 2 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.l (lV2000 E) ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.l:2001 (E) timecode-type 4) New subclause 6.2.3

25、.7.3.2 Insert new subclause Capture timecode uimsbf 2 I capturetimecodeo I No. of bits I Mnemonic I countingtype reserved-bit I marker-bit 11 I bslbf I 3 uimsbf 1 uimsbf reservedbit reservedbi t 1 uimsbf 1 uimsbf if ( countingtype ! = O ) marker-bit 1 bslbf nfrarnes-conversi

26、on-code clock-divisor marker-bit 1 uimsbf 7 uimsbf 1 bslbf I nframesmul tipier-lower 18 I I nframes-multiplierupper marker-bit frame-or-field-capture-timestamp() if ( timecode-type = 1 1) frame-or-field-capture-timestamp() 1 8 uimsbf 1 bslbf ITU-T H.262 (2OOO)/Amd.l(1l/2OOO E) 3 ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000

27、/Amd.l:2001 (E) I 1 8 5) New subclause Insert new subclause , Mnemonic Frame or field capture timestamp - bslbf frarne-or-field-capturetimestarnp() I bslbf No. of bits I if ( countingtype ! = O ) marker-bit nframes uimsbf I I I marker-bit 1 time-discontinui

28、ty prior-count-dropped uimsbf uimsbf _ 1- time-offset-part-a 6 simsbf bslbf marker-bit timeoffse t-part-b 1 8 I marker-bit 1 bslbf time-offset-part-c I 8 _ marker-bit time-offset-part-d marker-bit 1 bslbf 8 1 bslbf 4 4 uni-of-seconds tens-of-seconds uimsbf uimsbf bslbf marker-bit units-of-minutes 1

29、4 uimsbf 4 - uimsbf tens-of-minutes marker-bit 1 bslbf uimsbf 4 units-of-hours uimsbf 4 tensof-hours 4 ITU-T H.262 (2000YAmd.l (lV2000 E) ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.l:2001 (E) marker-bit aspect-ratio-information 6) New subclause Insert new subclause 1 bslbf 4 uimsbf

30、3 Additional pan-scan parameters reserved-bit reserved-bit reserved-bit I additional-panscan-parameters() I No. ofbits I Mnemonic I 1 bslbf 1 bslbf 1 bslbf displaysize-present if (display-size-present = 1 ) 1 bslbf marker-bit reserved-bit 1 bslbf 1 bslbf reserved-bit display_horizontalsize_upper mar

31、ker-bit display-horizontalsize-lower markeybit 1 bslbf 6 uimsbf 1 bslbf 8 1 bslbf I marker-bit 11 I bslbf I reservedbit reserved-bit display-vertical-size-upper 1 bslbf 1 bslbf 6 uimsbf display-verticalsize-lower 1 for ( i = O; i number-of-frame-centre-offsets; i + ) marker-bit 8 1 bslbf frame-centr

32、e-vertical-offset-lower frame-centrehorizontal-offse t-upper marker-bi t 1 8 simsbf 1 bslbf ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.l(11/2000 E) frame-centre-horizontal-offset-lower marker-bit frame-centre-vertical-offsetupper marker-bit 5 8 1 bslbf 8 simsbf 1 bslbf ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.l:2001 (E) 7) New subclau

33、se Insert new subclause Active region window marker-bit top-left-x-upper active-region-window() 1 8 I No. ofbits marker-bit top-left-x-lower 1 8 top-leftj-lower marker-bit marker-bit 8 1 top-leftj-upper active-horizontal-size-upper marker-bit 18 8 1 marker-bit ma

34、rker-bit active-verticalsize-upper 1 8 marker-bit active-verticalsize-lower active-horizontalsize-lower 1 8 6 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.l(1U2000 E) Mnemonic uimsbf I bslbf + bslbf bslbf bslbf uimsbf _i bslbf uimsbf I bslbf _I ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd. 1 :2001 (E) marker-bit picture-b yte-count-part-a 8

35、) New subclause Insert new subclause Coded picture length 1 bslbf 8 uimsbf I codedqicturelength() I No. of bits I Mnemonic marker-bit picture-bytecount-partb 1 bslbf 8 picture-bytecount-part-c marker-bit 1- marker-bit 8 1 bslbf II I bslbf picture-byte-count-part-

36、d 8 9) Subclause 6.3.9 Replace the semantics for extrabitgicture and extra-infomation-picture with the following (removing the semantics for extra-info rmationqicture): extra-bit-picture - This flag indicates the presence of the following extra information. If extra-bit-picture is set to I, content-

37、description-data() shall follow it. If it is set to O, no further content-description-data() shall follow in this picture header. 10) New subclause 6.3.21 Insert new subclause 6.3.21: 6.3.21 Content description data data-type-upper, data-type-lower - Two 8-bit unsigned integer values containing the

38、most significant and least significant bits, respectively, of the value of the 16-bit unsigned integer data-type that defines the type of content description data. The semantics of data-type are defined in Table 6-21. ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd.1(11/2000 E) 7 ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.l:2001 (E) data-len

39、gth - An 8-bit unsigned integer specifying the remaining amount of data to follow within the remainder of the content description data structure, expressed in units of 9 bits. The number of bits of data which follows within the remainder of the content description data structure shall be equal to da

40、ta-length * 9. reserved-content-description-data - Reserved 8-bit unsigned integer. A decoder that encounters reserved-content-description-data in a bitstream shall ignore it (i.e. remove from the bitstream and discard). A bitstream conforming to this Specification shall not contain this syntax elem

41、ent. In the case that a decoder encounters a data-type unsigned integer that is described as “reserved“ in Table 6-21, the decoder shall discard the subsequent pairings of marker-bit and reserved-content-description-data which follow data-length in the bitstream. The number of such pairings shall be

42、 equal to data-length. This requirement allows future definition of compatible extensions to this Specification. reserved-bit - Reserved 1-bit unsigned integer. Shall be equal to O in bitstreams conforming to this Specification. The value 1 is reserved for future backward-compatible use by ITU-T I I

43、SOAEC. A decoder conforming to this Specification shall allow either a value of 0 or 1 for reserved-bit. 11) New subclause Insert new subclause Padding bytes paddingbyte - An 8-bit string which shall be equal to O000 0000. All other values are forbidden. NOTE -The purpose

44、 of padding bytes is to allow inclusion of a number of bytes of data which are included in VBV calculations. 12) New subclause Insert new subclause Capture timecode The capture timecode describes the source capture or creation time of the fields or frames of the content.

45、It contains absolute timestamps for the associated frame or fields. Only one capture timecode for each picture shall be present in the bitstream. This timecode shall not take precedence over any timecode specified for presentation or decoding at a systems multiplex level, for example the presentatio

46、n time stamps or decoding time stamps defined in ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 I ISO/IEC 13818-1 (Systems). timecode-type - A 2-bit integer that indicates the number of timestamps associated with this picture as defined in Table 6-22. The values OO, 10, and 1 1 shall only be used when picture-structure is equa

47、l to Frame Picture. The value O0 indicates that the two fields that make up the frame have the same capture time. When timecode-type is equal to 1 1, the first timestamp pertains to the first field of the frame and the second timestamp pertains to the second field of the frame. Value O0 I I 11 Table

48、 6-22 - timecode-type values Meaning one timestamp for the frame one timestamp for the first or only field one timestamp for the second field two timestamps, one for each of two fields countingtype - A 3-bit integer that indicates the method used for compensating the nframes counting parameter of th

49、e frame or field capture timestamps to reduce drift accumulation in the remaining parameters of each timestamp. 8 ITU-T H.262 (2000)/Amd. 1 (1 l/2000 E) ISO/IEC 13818-2:2000/Amd.1:2001 (E) Value O00 Table 6-23 - countingtype values Meaning nframes parameter not used O10 o1 1 - rp- O0 1 - Tnodropping of nframes count values I dropping of individual zero values of nframes count dropping of individual m-nframes values of nframes count 1 O0 101 dropping


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